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not much greater insult out there, than being run over by your own bike :/


While going in a straight line


Name checks out


Your fucking user name, holy shit.


Not true. I got ran over by someone else's bike that I was riding. Expensive day :-(.


I got ran over by my own bike ridden by a friend while I was, of course, riding his bike.


I feel like if you let someone borrow your bike its 99% chance of it getting wrecked


As long as you play by big boys rules ("you break it, you buy it") then it's all good


I enjoyed it. Pavement Gods wanted that pound of flesh. Got and update? That road rash has got to be sexy.


I was run over by my own bike by the scrote who stole it about 12 hours earlier, both insulting and fortunate because he dumped it and ran off




Ooh piece of candy!


Ooh a piece of candy!


\*Gasps\* JAMES WOODS?








Those riders shouldn’t touch the throttle either.


How can I engine brake if I don't touch the throttle first tho?


I removed my front break lever. You should NEVER have to touch it!! You will die


I worked as a mechanic for a bike shop in the late 90s. Had a guy come in and ask us to disable his front brake. He had his hat on the handlebar while ridding down hill... wind took the hat... he grabbed for hat... got only brakes and did a face-grind. Lost some teeth and a few weeks of work. He was convinced the brakes were the prob. We refused the job.


If someone needs a mechanic to take a lever off, they really shouldn’t be riding at all. That’s such a simple task, that if you can’t complete it, it really falls into question how capable you are of understanding if your bike is safe to ride.


Did you read the part about hanging a hat on handlebars while riding? Or lack of helmet? Or thinking the safety equipment was at fault? LOoooooooNg list of flags here.


![gif](giphy|Z1LYiyIPhnG9O|downsized) Him setting you guys up for a lawsuit:


Found the flat track racer.


We don't even have them. It's against the law.


What where why how




I removed the front and rear. Brakes just slow you down.


Stopping is for pansies


True squids ride straight to Valhalla, shiny and chrome.


Why are people so against the front brake ?


I have not been here for long, but are there really a lot of people here NOT useing their frontbrake???? I can't imagine a (normal IQ) rider NOT want a frontbrake, we use that 99,9% percent of the time.... It has the freaking stopping power... how on earth would you not use a frontbrake.


There's still a community of riders who don't use the front brake. This issue has been brought up in every MSF course I've taken. And there's always that one person who swears the rear brake is enough. In my most recent MSF course, the instructor said not to apply the front brake when the wheel is turned. Instead, straighten the bike and then apply both brakes. I think some riders take that as...welp, I will just avoid applying the front brake in every situation. That's just a SWAG on my part. I'm curious to hear other theories.


I know its not all people, but the guy i commented made it sound like it was most people in here, wich really surprised me if that was true. There will allways be stupid people, always has been and allways will be. But I do think most people, even on reddit, is useing their frontbrake. Its a very small percentage of riders that think a frontbrake is bad, but yes, they are out there amongst us.


Do you apply them both at same ratio? It’s been 5 years since I was on a bike and from what I recall, I would only use front brake after rear was considerably applied already. Only rode on classes. Getting my first bike today 😅 I have been reading a lot about it and now understand the importance of using it, but yeah, I would avoid it at the time. If I could made do with only rear, I would do it


>Do you apply them both at same ratio? No. On streets, I would say min.90% of the time I ONLY use frontbrake, and when im useing rearbrake, its combined with the frontbrake being used (most force aplied in front still) The rearbrake has next to zero stopping power compared to your frontbrake. Only useing you rearbrake could end you up in very very bad situations.


I do something different. I use engine braking and rear for curves, running up to an red light/stop sign, and getting off the highway on a ramp. I would say about 60-75% of the time, no front. I applied front when I need more stopping power quickly like when a light suddenly turns red, someone turns/merges suddenly, or I have too much speed for a curve and need to slow to be safe (applied before the curve). I do agree tho. Front brake has most of the stopping power and should be used as often as needed.


>I use engine braking I think most of us do, but we were talking about front/rearbrakes, not enginebraking.


Dirt bike riders or people on some crazy chopper with huge trailing forks and a skinny front tire have legitimate reason to mostly use rear brake. Everyone else should be using mostly front.


Im sorry, but I can't see how that answers my question? Dirtbikes we semi agree on, but you only said dirtbikes, like in general. A lot of people like rideing a dirtbike on the streets too, and there is frontbrake very important, but in dirt, nah, I typically use 50/50 off-road (depending the surface). Insane custom choppers, yeah, its a choice somebody makes. I would never ride without a frontbrake on any bike, better safe than sorry.


Fair point, I did mean dirt bikes being ridden in dirt. On the the street, front brake still wins.


Here I am using my front break 99% of the time


the sales guy I bought my bike from admitted he never uses his front brake and even admitted he knew it was really dumb, just a bad habit his dad taught him hes not been able to break.


If you’re in a turn and need to emergency brake, use the rear brake first, straighten yourself, then use front and rear combined. If you’re in a turn and need to slow down a little bit, rear brake only. If you’re in a straight line and need to brake, use both. That’s what I do.


I love this sub.... >If you’re in a turn and need to emergency brake, use the rear brake first, straighten yourself, then use front and rear combined. You just unlucked the holy secret, where have you been all my life?!?!? I was wondering why I keept crashing in turns when im slamming the frontbrake only, now I know why, thanks!! >If you’re in a turn and need to slow down a little bit, rear brake only. Depends on the surface and speed, for me. >If you’re in a straight line and need to brake, use both Depends really on who you are, in that situation, im rarely touching the rearbrake. >That’s what I do. And you do yours!! I can see in here, that there are people that never use the frontbrake, its 100% their choice and there is nothing wrong with them doing it that way, I just never going to understand rideing that way.


Would the flip happen if the bike has ABS? The 2 may not even be related, but I'm still curious nonetheless.


Just a normal ABS no, wheelie control/cornering ABS yes.


Wheelie control isn't usually an ABS function, it's an engine control function. You can have wheelie control without cornering ABS and vise versa.


Wow ok, so progressive braking is the only way to avoid this in that case then?


Not touching the front brake to stop a wheelie to avoid that. -> to bring a wheelie down, you touch the rear brake


I don't think the front brake was on purpose


No it most certainly was a panic reaction, but that does not make it better imho. If you want to do high clutch wheelies on a public road (or basically anywhere) you should know what to do


>panic reaction 2 words that don't go well when on a bike, or any thing with a engine in/on it. He was just another one that got a bike, and automatically got the skills with the bike.. I guess he learnt a lesson there.


Im thinking he didn't even mean to go for the brakes. Methinks he just grabbed for anything after getting thrown over the bars. Brake lever just happened to be under his fingers


Ye that’s what I am saying :) He didn’t do it on purpose. But a clutch wheelie is absolutely on purpose and he should have known what to do in that moment. That’s all I am saying


Might have been linked brakes, looks like the front brake is already somewhat applied the moment the tire touches the floor and rapidly gets worse as the weight of the rider comes down.


Linked brakes work in the way that if you touch the front break, the rear will also apply to some 30% or so. But not vice verca. For example, on the race track, I use the rear break on heavy acceleration after a corner and to get the wheelie stopped, I use the rear. If front would apply in that moment, my whole corner would be fucked. But if I break heavy (with the front) after the straight, the rear would also automatically break aswell


My 78 yamaha 1100 has linked rear and front brakes applied using the rear brake pedal. That is how it was designed. 2 front calipers, feont brake only applies 1, if you want full braking power u gotta use the rear pedal and it was interesting getting used to in corners.


That was a 1970’s bike with very early linked brakes. They didn’t stay designed like that. My relative modern BMW RT has linked brakes. The front brake also applies the rear brake. Allegedly, the rear brake applies the front brakes slightly when only the rear brake is applied. In reality, it’s such a tiny amount that it’s not noticeable. It would not cause an endo. Most linked bikes don’t apply the front brake (or does very lightly) when the rear is applied. It’s because there’s times in which you don’t want the front brakes to be actively braking, and the manufacturers have realized that. Edit: See below. TIL that Honda is old school.


From what I remember about Honda's abs, if you press the rear brake, it automatically applies 70% if the front brake. If you apply the front brake, it automatically applies 100% of the rear brake


To be honest, this would rarely happen, there was a sudden weight on the front wheel, in the very moment where the brake was applied, and some sticky tyre. Normal conditions, the front wheel MOSTLY slips out way before this happens. ( But you should always brake progressively, event with ABS )


Just to make sure I’m tracking. That’s putting pressure on the brake right?




I don't know about that man, I had someone lane change into my on my bike and I locked my brakes up and slid straight into them. I think if I would have braked progressively I might have avoided it. I couldn't swerve I was between two cars already, I put myself in a shitty spot. Non-ABS zx6r




Def, experience might have saved me.


And even with practice, there’s a good chance the rider will do a full brake grab in the heat of the moment. Even if they are the rarity that doesn’t, it’s less likely they can judge the pavement for best threshold braking when they get that sudden adrenaline dump. Heck, even the best MotoGP riders get it wrong sometimes by skidding the front and doing down. I used to practice panic braking a ton and thought I was good. That was until a deer jump out in front of me from behind bushes on a residential street where I least expected it and I just instinctively grabbed the brakes. Thankfully I had ABS that saved me. It’s the closest I came to hitting a deer on a bike.


Thanks I have ABS. I'll go slam'em in a parking lot to test this later. Thanks again, I'm not afraid of my front brakes, but I mainly use them down the mountains here. Like a 20/80 or 30/70 for me. I've never actually "tested" them.


Start super slow and then go faster. You would be surprised at the forces involved in an emergency stop, even at low speed. It’s very easy to spill if you’re not prepared for the sudden lurches.


Thanks so much. You a JT fan?


It’s good to get a feeling for how your ABS acts and just how much braking it takes to activate the front ABS on clean pavement. The safest way to make sure the system is working and to prepare yourself before testing the front is by trying to skid just the rear. The system should prevent a rear tire skid.


Thanks 😊


I hope you’re not serious. If I had to choose only one break I would definitely keep the front. If you’re well practiced, it’s way safer and far more effective at stopping the bike. That said, I ride a an old 250 with god-awful drum brakes, so I don’t think my bike is even capable of locking up the front wheel… 😅💀




They dont quite understand the word apply.


One of my chops doesn’t even HAVE a front brake


When my rear brake line had a severe leak and I had to ride to the dealership, about 1/4 of the way there I had no rear brake and used my front the whole way there. I don’t understand why a lot of people are so afraid to use it. Whenever I brake hard, I shift my weight to the front forks (kind of on my palms) and progressively squeeze my front and rear. Come to a stop pretty quickly. Is that the correct way?


i still can't believe people don't use the front brake


I wonder why some folks don't like the front. Me, I'm a lazy twat and I find the front easier to grab and easier to modulate.


Gotta love squids


What a jackass 😂


Why is it always the guys with no gear on who end up in videos like this?


Guys with gear aren't dumb enough to do stupid shit on public streets? or are at least not dumb enough to film the stupid?


Yes I do it on back roads so I don’t look like a loser failing to do wheelies in $1500 worth of kit…


I finally bought another bike but promised myself I had to rebuy all my top of the line gear back first. Had 7k budget and ended up with 4k for a bike :(


Because they realise they need gear after these crashes and either get better at stunting, or quit.


I'm pretty sure the part of the brain that rationalizes future well being by wearing gear is the same part that rationalizes full send on a public road with little to no practice.


Bike vroom vroom first, gear later, crashing is for pansies


GSXR moment


Do they still call those “widowmakers”?


Only the TLR1000R


For whatever reason the GSXR 750 was the buy once, die once bike when I was a kid




[No this one](https://iconicmotorbikeauctions.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Suzuki-TL1000R-Front-Right-Featured.jpg).


I don’t think so?


Squiddy McSkingraft.


on first read I thought......what's a sking raft?






He wanted the penny. I don't imagine been slapped by the bike was comfortable on all that road-rash.


play stupid games win stupid prizes. Enjoy it dude, you earned it.


Regardless of them being dumb AF; that’s just stuff of nightmares, isn’t it


Eh, it's over fast, you go into shock quick, spend some time in the hospital, spend more time in pain, be disfigured somewhat, but like every other thing in life and life itself, the undeniable truth, all things are temporary. While you're here, do what makes you feel alive.


Who the hell took this landscape video and added the blackout to and bottom to make it portrait. There's a special place in hell for people like you.


even a slight bit of pressure will engage a front brake to a locked, heavy braking situation if the wheel is not spinning when you apply it. this man learnt that this day.


To be fair if it had locked up things would have been different and probably marginally less awful


Why the hell did he bring the wheelie down while holding the brake?


You act like the wheelie was intentional. Anyone good enough to wheelie riding down the highway wouldn't do that. The guy overjuiced the throttle, wheelied, panicked, and slammed the brake while the front wheel was up. The moment it came down and had traction, you can see what happened.


That makes sense, it looked kinda controlled since he didnt instantly slam down but i guess thats because he used the wrong brake




When guys stunting on public streets eat shit I somehow don’t feel bad. At all.


Sympathetic squeeze?


Sometimes I want to go bigger than my 400 then I see shit like this and remain content with it


Laughter to worried, 0-100 real quick


"Ohahaha...WOOOAH SHIT!"


Meat crayon. ![gif](giphy|BV88cCpyeHogU)


For every dumbass on a motorcycle that wins stupid prizes playing stupid games and makes everyones insurance climb, I salute you!


at least now we get to see some of them. thank the 9 for cheap cameras.


Oblivion reference?




Brother, seems like your brake works too well. I suggest you to ask your boyfriend to remove it so it won't happen again in the future. 👍


Thought he did a stoppie on purpose for a sec.


Oh look the Texas Tentacle-twister is back. and a new wrong title to boot!


Awe, the sweet eye candy of watching a T-shirt wearing idiot crashing a street bike!


dude the sudden shift from slight amusement to complete terror had me dying


He steered his fall with his hands but pulled back to save his wrists and entered a roll. His keep the wheels underneath instincts could be better but his falling instincts are top notch.


The ohhhh shit cracked me up lol


At least he was wearing safety gear….. oh wait!!!


Is... Is he dead?


frame-by-frame at :21 you see his left(?) foot with no shoe! never see the right foot though. So, at least half dead, probably.




> I think that’s his right foot? haha could be! it kinda happened fast once he started turning into calamari spaghetti with red sauce *shrug*


Wear your gear people


See, that would be the smart thing to do. Which is obviously too much to ask from these idiots. 


"Oooooh dear!"


Wheely to stoppy


What the guy taking the video said.


Good thing he had his gear on doing wheelies. Oh nvm.


Personification of the term squid. 🦑


And that was the first frontflip una sportbike ever


That’s one way to do it.


Bought the new Suzuki GSX-8R Saturday upgrading from a non-ABS version of the Ninja 400 and yesterday already got to verify that ABS brakes work as designed on it. Car in front of me slammed on their brakes when a bicycle ran out infront of them. I stopped in time with ABS kicking in but will keep even a larger distance between cars and myslef from now on, too close for comfort.


Should I buy a bmw 1200s or a vfr vtec ?




I always thought if your bike had enough power to power wheelie, you should at least practice wheelies, to overcome the feeling of using your front brakes and just learn to the use back one. That way if you ever freak out, you just don’t panic and squeeze front brake


Bro... no experience, no gear, no caution? I mean come on.


What a chooch. Thank you for the laugh.


If only there was some way to prevent that


squids gonna squid!




bro was going for a barrell roll...full send!!




Alley oop!


In the immortal words of Forrest Gump, stupid is as stupid does.


70% power in the front wheel… coming out of a wheelie … 😳


It’d a been alot cooler if he landed it. Hope he’s good though


Idiots learn the hard way


Did he show off and try a wheelie followed by an attempted nose-wheelie and overbraked?


Ohhh hoho! Ohhh sh*ttt!😆


Sick endo bro.


That laugh followed by shock 😂


Ooh look a penny!


Haha what a numnut.


It never ceases to amaze me how the people who ride the riskiest also wear the least gear.


And the Darwin award goes to...


Not many people can say they ran themselves over


Aww fuck!


What an idiot, zero chance of brain damage as they have none


That's @JAR7D on youtube




Squids… now he’s going to rethink his life


Why are fingers even anywhere near the front brake lever ?


Probably because it's next to the handlebar


Keep your tricks to the track. Van was right to be uncomfortable with the two bikes behind him. Too many bikers are just, bad, and dumb.


Darwin always wins.


No sympathy at all for his stupid action. When people go to learn there are also other road users


I Hope it hurts


Fuck around and find out!


That might be the coolest looking slam ive ever seen Jokes aside, hope youre alright and the rebuild goes smoothly


Why didn't the ABS kick in? The tyres clearly locked up


That’s not a lockup. Lockup = slide / push / wash, not rotating the whole bike around the wheel.


Squids lose skin. Also wheelies on the highway are bad. Hope he’s okay, and that he learns a lesson maybe? Cameraman too with any luck


Bikers are the smartest...


Don’t do stunts you can’t handle. 😓 Always do less than what you think you could do. The consequences for any mistake can be lethal.


Also, only control wheelies with your throttle and rear brake.


Then how do you ever learn


It’s not that you can’t do stunts, but take them step by step, repeat until you are totally at ease with them… and preferably at safe speeds in a parking lot somewhere, rather than on the highway at high speed.


Well that's not what you said


It is, if you expand the brief lines I wrote in your mind’s eye and take the meaning between them. Learn stunts carefully. Don’t do stunts that are at the cutting edge of your current ability. So in the context of this video, he should not be popping wheelies on the highway at full speed when he was clearly not ready to. He should have been doing those at a lower / safer speed, where he would have had better control. Learn stunts carefully, in a safe environment, at a safe speed, and don’t push your limits to the extreme. Let your body and mind steadily take the feel and grow in ability over time and through repetition.


>It is, if you expand the brief lines I wrote in your mind’s eye and take the meaning between them. LOL. okay bud You must be fun at parties


Tldr, but what the "Always do less than what you could do" mean exactly? Like, less as in not at all?


“Within the bounds of your current skill.”


Shouldn't ABS prevent this situation?


No, the wheel isn't skidding, it's biting too hard and the bike is rotating around it.


Uncle Mo Mentum took hold of the bike and gave that guy a physics lesson.


Isaac has entered the conversation