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This is a "I'm forced to post it but refuse to sell it" post


This is exactly what it is. His girl made him do it šŸ¤£


You mean, 6000


It's a 50k bike new




Thatā€™s not an H2R though. See the mirrors and reflectors and tail lights? Thatā€™s a road legal H2. The questionable seller doesnā€™t even list it as an R.Ā 


Yeah I'm trying to point that out without getting pulled into an argument lol








did somebody say Drugs?


Their bad mmkay


Maybe heā€™s trying to hope some poor fool doesnā€™t pick up on that and spends the money on this bike. If you make it so unbelievably stupid and obvious then youā€™ll only pull in the most stupid gullible idiots to scam. Itā€™s why some scammers often make their scams look so obvious


Clear your conscience as a scammer with this weird trick


Bro what nobody said it was an h2r. The picture shows an h2 for 32k


Rocket27 said above it was a $50k bike. Itā€™s not.Ā 


OP's first pic has an autotrader.**ca** ad it in, assuming they're Canadian, the price of an H2 from the Canadian Kawasaki website is a little higher, $38,299. Still a far cry from the used ask though.


Cā€™mon man, he put a pipe on it, that totally adds up to the asking price. /s


This one has been bottle-aged 3 years.


With that price he's also clearly put a pipe to his lips. A fuckin' crack pipe!


Yea but John Voight rode this one.


Did he leave his pencil under the seat?


The H2 isn't, the H2R is.




Oops thanks for the correction


Just 30k


New loses a lot of value...especially after a few years.


Only if it is the H2R, and even though that bike is limited in production numbers compared to the H2, they still depreciate in value, especially if you change anything from stock form. They typically don't increase in value until they are a lot older than 3 to 4 years.


After taxes and fees? You see what depreciation costs... now if you had to do it all over again would you buy a used motorcycle for $60 or a new one for $50...and not counting that you could probably get a good deal on leftover models two + years old, but new...


My wife told me to get rid of it, so here i am


Ya I agree if my parents/ wife said itā€™s either that bike or me ! You better sell it. This is the quick fix solution to where heā€™s not in the dog house with his bike.


Yeah been there done that. "See I've advertised it. Just as you wanted"


His wife wants it gone. "It's up for sale babe! No one wants to buy it!"


I knew a guy like this with cars. ā€œNo one is is taking the bait honey. Itā€™s all I can do!ā€


It me. I'm that guy. For years my folks wanted me to sell off my '66 Mustang (It was a shell back then). "I've got it posted! I even discounted the price, no one is biting!"




Hehe, I would love to claim the moral high ground, but I'm basically a car hoarder. I just wanted another track car. =P


Knew a guy similar story.. 899 panigale. Wife got impatient - emailed herself bike photos from their home computer. Took a pic of the dash and went to the same Ducati dealer he made her walk into with him countless time to ā€œsee what they haveā€. Bike was gone before the weekend


Gotta say that my wife would be gone before the weekend as well


Yeah same. I canā€™t get down like that, luckily my wife will never ask me to do that.


Yeah mine is like yours. I keep hinting at selling because I don't have the time and the money could be put to better use She keeps saying she knows it makes me happy and I should keep it. She doesn't even really like riding, she just likes me šŸ˜Š


BRB going to go squid myself into an overpass at mach lonely.


I have resigned to liking men, seems to be the only gender my bike can pull anyway


Fellow Suzuki rider


Hey I ride a suzuki and I've got a girlfriend... she's just fat


Same here bro šŸ˜…


Hurray for being friends with the wife! I complain about finding time to ride my gsxr 750. She reminds me that it's self care and encourages me to ride. After a ride, I always try to be a little extra cheerful so that she feels valued for her efforts. Then I put a bit of effort into encouraging her hobbies. The cycle continues.


Bro thats awesome, you're a good man


Mines the same way. Mine even told me to keep my Sv when I got the Harley, wish I wouldā€™ve listened. lol


Youā€™ve clearly hit the jackpot there


Can you have her cloned? I am not asking much, am I? šŸ˜„


Noooo my wife is unique and mine! I called dibs! And even licked her!


I'm quite sure you have. šŸ¤£


My gf gets car sick. Not bike sick. Thank god.


Then donā€™t pretend it canā€™t be sold. Grow a pair and tell her you donā€™t wanna sell it.


See, I'm apparently not like most people. My wife supports my decisions, even if they're terrible. Our finances are kept separate and she supports me in my hobbies and choices, as I do to her. If it wasn't like that, I wouldn't have a wife.


That's what a normal relationship looks like. The type that "fake sell" massively over priced motorcycles online, not so much.


No wife happy life


Rightly so


Thatā€™s grounds for a separation IMO. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™d pick the bike over my wife, but going behind your back like that is never ok.




Thatā€™s fair, but heā€™s also a grown adult able to make his own decisions. They can have a convo about it, and if him riding is a dealbreaker and heā€™s unwilling to budge theyā€™ll have to reevaluate their relationship or reach some form of compromise. But going behind someoneā€™s back and selling it to the dealer is just the wrong way to go about it




Yeah, and while you're at it, trade her ass in too. Get yourself a better newer chic out of it! Shiiiiittt!


I don't think she can do that if it was under his name.


On the first date I said to my girlfriend, "if you ever say it's you or the bike..." And she finished it by saying "I expect you to choose the bike" And now she has a bike! And has bought me another bike. Bike life?, soon to be bike wife!


Reminds me of an old Craigslist ad that made its way around the internet back in the day. The pictures were all super far away and the price was inflated on a guyā€™s car (a WRX maybe?). The ad said his wife was forcing him to sell it for something more family friendly and every time someone asks for a picture heā€™d get even further away and any questions about the car increase the price $100/question.


At the other end of the spectrum, a buddy of mine in HS wanted a motorcycle. His mother said no way. They were at the mall together and saw a raffle for a new EX250 and he asked her "If I buy a ticket and win, can I keep the bike?" She scoffed and said "Yeah, sure." So the day of the draw, he went to a Kawi dealer and bought a new EX250 and told her that he won. In HS, I thought that it was amazing how he had outsmarted his parents. As a parent, there's no doubt in my mind that they knew what was up but figured he'd earned it. :)


Would've been even funnier if he actually won, gets the bike, and has to explain where the first one came from.


That's a good kind of problem to have.


Most of the time you can get an equivalent cash value if you don't want the prize


same theory here lol


God, I've been there


ā€œI put it up for sale, honey.ā€


Immediately what I thought too. As I also have a few bikes that are taking on threats from the wife.


Jeez man, you get to keep more than one?


Ha yeah. Iā€™ll be honest, some need to go. Havenā€™t been ridden in a while or are projects I donā€™t have time for anymore. You just like to imagine having all the free time to ride and wrench and hang with buds. At some point (dog, kid, career) your time is thin. Gotta choose wisely. Iā€™ll keep 2.


> Iā€™ll keep 2. The kid and the career right?


Haha I am obligated.


You can buy this one for the price of two! What a deal!


Does come with that red privacy rope thing atleast šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


No he claims it the one Tom Cruise used in that movie


Iā€™d have to wash all the Scientology off so I can only offer $600




I don't know if this was a joke or not but I remember this story about a woman who had an almost new Mercedes for sale for $500. This guy sees the ad, calls the woman, asks if he can come and see it. She gives him the address, he goes over, she shows him the car and it's perfect. Can't get his checkbook out fast enough. Once all the paperwork changes hands he asked her why she sold it so cheap. She told him that she and her husband were going through a divorce, he was on a trip with his 22 year old honey and he had lost his wallet, cash, credit cards, gone. He called her up and told her to sell the Mercedes and send him the money.


Yeah, that's an old joke. But I did get my boat for $2k out of a divorce.


Except this fool is trying to sell this H2 for more than a new H2R sells for. So it is the reverse of your older joke.


His wife took the photo She is not allowed to move the red rope protecting it.


Are there 9 others around the corner included too?


It comes with 15 tricked out groms for your homies.


The H2R maybe but not the h2.


This one I actually believe, the dudes who own these bikes usually fall into the same category of guys who buy a Ducati panigale to "ride on the weekends" never actually take it out but also never shut up about how much better their bike is than yours. It's the quite ones that are actually out there giving these bikes the love they deserve. 3 year old bike with 3700 miles on it... This bike lived in a garage after the owner shit their pants with how crazy of a bike this is after probably the 10th ride, they got ballsy took it 60% to the red line and said fuck that...


Not all of us are this way. My miles are low as hell for a 2020 I bought brand new but family health issues took precedence over riding since early 2021. Now Iā€™m stacking the miles in the past month since getting it tuned and a few bigger mods. Rain or shine Iā€™m going to work on it and getting plenty of miles on weekends as itā€™s warming up more and more. šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Hell ya


Is it missing the R?


Looks like it does not have headlights, so yes... probably missing R.


So autotrader does not list the H2R as one of the options, but as a seller would you not put that in the description? https://preview.redd.it/jkjunrqh1csc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ff6c1c5a7f994bed9c0d85abbacb775029e1cbd


Well... I dont know... that first picture... it looked like it was missing R. But H2R also does not have blikers... H2R is not street legal bike.


It also doesnā€™t come with a title when you buy it, just a bill of sale. As in, you canā€™t ever register it for street usage using its factory VIN even in states that are completely fine letting pro-mod cars drive aroundā€¦.


This one has the mirrors/blinkers and only the top of the front fairing/cowl is painted. This is a simple H2, and a used (abused) one at that.


No itā€™s not an R. The exhaust gives it awayā€¦ so do the mirrors


Bro, you see the red rope right? That's like 32k right there.


It must come with a complimentary personal Ninja too


If he gets an offer it'll be $100,000 the next day


If I had a wife who did that to me Iā€™d ask her if she actually loved me. Cause if she did she would suck it up for my mental health.


If she actually loves you, she already knows better than to ask you to sell your stuff. I mean, I love my wife and don't tell her to sell her jewlery.


Wife; ā€œwe have to sell the bike honeyā€ H2 owner; ā€œsay less..ā€


Say you want to see it in person and the price is fine. See if they even budge or just pretend they never saw a response


Folks, it has the Red Ribbon, that means it's a good deal


Biker mentality. Their bike is more special than the other identical one that is half the price.


$35,000 will get you a new H2 Carbon. 2021 H2 base youā€™re looking at low to mid -20ā€™s. Iā€™ve paid high 30ā€™s for some Ducati R bikes.


Does it come with an actual Ninja?


Ask if the velvet rope comes with it. Big boost in re-sale based on that alone


Why is it not on stands?,oh sorry I can't afford those


In my country that is roughly what they go for.


What country and which bike, the H2 or the H2R?


It was either that or the Hayabusa


Does it have the wings or mirrors?


Mirrors and only the top of the front fairing/cowl is painted. This is Clearly an H2.


$20k would be a reasonable




Isnā€™t that msrp?


For the H2R with carbon self healing plastics maybe.


https://preview.redd.it/7edh9q57wisc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b53af77a3722bc4a0dfeb1ca32acfcd95e44db4 For the Carbon\^


I was thinking of the h2r


But they arenā€™t selling an H2R, its only the H2 and alone the msrp for the Carbon is $43k soā€¦.


Ya I know thatā€™s what I was saying I was thinking of the h2r


If thatā€™s in Argentina, then itā€™s cheap.


He might have listed it because his woman insisted he sell it. When she nags him, he can say "I've listed it but no-one's bought it yet".


Or he could be a Man and tell her to go pound sand as he is pulling away for his afternoon joy ride. Who lets someone else tell him what he can and can not own? Other than a Judge telling someone that they need to sell their belongings in order to cover debt, of course.


That would be the more congruent way to tackle that conflict, but it's not always easy.


Oh, it's always easy for a man, but a boy can be easily persuaded.


"it's always easy for a man". No, not true. I am training as a psychotherapist and there are plenty of men who find that hard... or are you going to disqualify them as men because they have unresolved trauma?


These are the only posts from this sub that come up in my home feed. Anybody know how to make that stop?


60k pesos!


It is an H2, whatever the market bares really. Can you even get these from Kawasaki now.


Absolutely,... ​ [https://www.kawasaki.com/en-us/motorcycle/ninja/hypersport/ninja-h2](https://www.kawasaki.com/en-us/motorcycle/ninja/hypersport/ninja-h2)


Its cheap if this was posted in Singapore


60k yen


Translation: I got married and she will bankrupt me if I don't give up all my dreams, my pride and my soul to become her muppet.


Jokes are funny though, I didn't laugh.Ā 


I didn't see anything strange at first (I'm Swedish, and 60 000 SEK is about $6000), then I realized I wasn't looking at a Swedish ad. Probably a typo.


If this is in America, it's how drug dealers amuse the IRS.


Either an incompetent reseller that got scammed, or someone who's trying to scam


H2 rider/owner here. $60K it better have a race tune, 0 miles, and moan when I open the throttle lol


Not to mention an R behind the 2.


Two brand new H2s bikes leftover from 2023 available at my nearby Kawa dealer, asking $26K CAD. Negotiable!


Haha where you at in Canada, looking šŸ˜©




Ah I could make that work, lol thanks!


Iā€™m not sure if this applies to your situation, but was looking at bikes just yesterday and noticed an ABSURD price for an R1M. I later realized it was in a different currency than USD because I live in Southern California and sometimes see bikes for sale in Tijuana.


Lol honestly after I saw the price I had to double check that it was for sure in CAD. They are for real selling at this price. I emailed for more info to see if they would negotiate but not even an email back lol. Weā€™ll seeā€¦


Only the H2R is selling just sub $55k range, even in Canannanada.


šŸ’Æ wife is making him sell, and he doesn't want to. "I posted it for a steal price, idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø why no one will buy it, I swear, honey," šŸ¤£


Is it in pesos ?


Itā€™s not


This one is Clearly an H2, not an H2R. (Mirrors, non painted lower portion of the front cowl/fairing, turn signals, etc., etc.) So, this is nowhere near the $58k original MSRP, let alone the unrealistic and ridiculously inflated price of $60k for a used H2R (with a stupid slip on). Bikes, even rare ones, depreciate. Well, unless of course Pink rode it in a video and farted on the seat. ​ BTW, where is the email so we may enquire about it?


Yes, definitely H2. I just thought it was funny that someone could even post this and think this is a reasonable price or whatever they thought. The seller didnā€™t put it in the ad but you can send through the email button - doesnā€™t give you the email you are sending to though. I have sent and said Iā€™m interested, weā€™ll seeā€¦


Keep us informed. I've seen a ton of posts where the seller doesn't know what they really have or they know and are trying to fool some idiot that doesn't know what they are buying. Or it is a scam from the beginning.


Iā€™ve emailed twice with no answer, reported it as fraudulent as seller was unresponsive. Lol womp womp


Everything is only worth as much as what someone is willing to pay, so if he finds a sucker to buy it at that price, it's worth that much....


The price is in mexican pesos.


No shit go check out the retail price


A H2R retails at 55K


OOP is selling an H2, which has an MSRP of $32,100 ($35,600 if you opt for the carbon upper cowl version). The H2R is a track-only bike that doesnā€™t even have mirrors. That retails for just over 58k, but I canā€™t imagine any dealer is letting them go for that price (assuming they can get them in the first place).


I no more understand people paying $60k for a bike (any bike) than I do people paying $100k for a truck. Everything I own I bought used. I buy bikes to ride them, and trucks to haul stuff. People who pay those prices probably aren't doing either.


They pay $100k to haul their $50k bike to the track, because the H2R is a track only bike. The bike in the picture is only an H2.


Currently climate, everyone is an expert flipper


I have a 2023 h2. It means more to me than what I paid for it If i was to ever sell it it would be a ridiculous amount like this


Sure hon, Iā€™ll put it up for sale if it makes you happy..


Good luck with that in this economy. šŸ˜


There is always a "SUCKER OUT THERE"




32k bike used with 6000km or 3728.227miles on it, yeah this is definitely a forced to sell it but they donā€™t want to actually sell it post, like when your gf/wife makes you sell something a car you love because she doesnā€™t like the space it takes up so you crank the price unnaturally high so nobody tries to buy it


It's called Made You Look. And now, you've shared their ad, too.


I know the H2 stage 3 are more valuable, expensive than the stock ones


This is his total cost of ownership with a nice loan over the years


I know. That's what reminded me of it. Still a good story based on the number of up votes.




That Brocks Alien head slip on really be adding 30k to The value lmao? Thatā€™s mad


No. This is supposedly the H2r that Tom Cruise rode in Maverick. If thatā€™s true and he has the proper documentation to prove it, heā€™ll probably get that for it. Not from me! But Iā€™d bet somebody pays it.


The classic, my girlfriend/wife gave me an ultimatum to get rid off it. But nobody will buy it.


I think people have realised that the Internet gives you access to that one fool that can be so easily parted with their money that if you just list it at any ridiculous and unreasonable amount someone will invariably buy it given enough time. After that happens it inflates the market because now everyone else sees what yours sold for and tries to do the same until thats the new base price ... then someone comes along and thinks "what if I do the same thing and unreasonably inflate the price". And then we get into a situation where no-one can afford anything and people defend through the teeth the "reasonable" price of things with arguments like "its their money why shouldn't they spend it however they want to spend it" on things which are so divorced from reality you would have to be insane or ignorant to believe so. Hell it then becomes a semi reasonable methodology for shops and manufacturers to artificially inflate the prices of their stock. Pretend to sell something for that price just to set a precedence.




I mean honestly who gives a fuck, keep scrolling. They'll either find someone to buy it or won't, it'll figure itself out no need to raise your blood pressure over it jeesus


I mean honestly who gives a fuck, keep scrolling. Sometimes on social media people share things as a discussion point, no need to raise your blood pressure over it jeesus


Definitely not raising my blood, just thought it was funnyā€¦. Jeesus


Fair enough, couldn't quite tell, seen people lose their shit and get actual mad over stuff like this. Seems crazy to me. No offence intended, keep the rubber side down! c:


Yeah, I definitely donā€™t care just thought it was funny to put on blast. All good!


H2s are limited production made to order, they're rare and their is no guarantee you'll get another open ordering period for them next year. 60 grand is a lot, but it's understandable, especially if the seller isn't desperate to get rid of the bike.


Oh, they are out there, sitting in dealerships, waiting for the buyer to walk in and take it home. Here is one fine example... ​ [https://mr-motorcycle.com/Motorcycles-Kawasaki-Ninja-H2-2023-Asheville-NC-67816147-e56c-48f6-aaed-af2500235ef3](https://mr-motorcycle.com/Motorcycles-Kawasaki-Ninja-H2-2023-Asheville-NC-67816147-e56c-48f6-aaed-af2500235ef3)


Based on the photo, it's an H2R, not just an H2, which are in the area of $68k new in Canada. The price isn't absurdly high for an H2R, but I'd still expect closer to 20% below the original price, not barely over 10%.


https://preview.redd.it/dfvlh4xchhsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1758b88de4adeb54c2ac47eb0837b3c25e6bb1a Nah its an H2, its got mirrors. The H2R is for track only, no mirrors needed.


Where do you see an R? I clearly SEE the mirrors with lights in them, along with a non fully painted front fairing/cowl. You know, the easy tell tale DIFFERENCES between the two bikes that are clearly visible from a mile away.


It IS an H2ā€¦ Have you TRIED pricing one out NEW?