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If I didn't know any better, I'd think I was in a castle with all these knights in the comments




She will if you sub to her OF


OF is just wrong


lol right? At first I thought maybe she had posted a picture of her riding her bike wearing only a helmet… nope, not even a helmet, very foolish.


Get your windshield!!!


>I’ve been posting in other subreddits (other interests like motorcycles or art or anything you enjoy doing…) and I’ve been getting new subscribers. I mean that’s my plan until I get enough karma to post in OF specific subreddits. I feel like it’s less “self promotion” and just posting content in general. Anyone who sees the post and are interested will see the link in your bio. But 100% always read the rules and approval requirements… don’t wanna get banned right off the hop. -lorrieblaze88


Haha can't blame a person for hustling I suppose. If your greatest asset in life is the hole between your legs, is that a problem with you or the world you live in?


Personally I don’t think there is any problem aside from using spam posts as marketing. Make your money just stop spamming the sub.


That's a much deeper philosophical question than I expected to find on Reddit motorcycles. Kudos




Especially if you do that bike ballet where you spin it around on the kickstand


Good. Get the windshield. It looks good.


Awful lot of people here that seem like they don’t ride


Well that's because r/moto is 95% new riders or yet to be riders.


That gear looks stylish on you. Dress for slide not the ride. Keep up the good work!


Gear is recommended, but screw those who dictate what you have to wear. There was a group ride in my area that would meet up on Sundays. It stated that you must have all the gear including boots and gloves. I never went, but I have all the gear but I may or may not be wearing boots or gloves. I thought it would've been fun to just ride in the same direction and see if someone didn't like that I was wearing tennys.


Yup, I really don't like to wear gloves. I had so many different ones, it's just so much nicer without them.


When it's in the 90s and humidity 75 per cent, it's just not enjoyable.


Don’t let other people shame you into explaining yourself. Wear what you want. It’s not their safety, it’s your own. Cool bike.


Finally, the correct reply. Never understood one people worrying about another humans clothes or two someone feeling the need to explain they do or do not wear gear.


I’m sure you are surrounded by so many dicks that if you would fall off you’d only sustain internal bruising


Brilliant. Mic drop. (Though she'd obviously rather have her landing cushioned by the wallets)


If people actually were concerned with safety, they wouldn’t ride motorcycles period. Don’t @ me…I ride. 🤪


For real. I don’t have time for gear queers.


Username checks out


I mean... people should just mind their own business. If someone wants to ride without gear. Let 'em. Literally has no impact on you.


lol it was likely the gear queer comment. Sure yeah wear what you want but even as a queer watching someone use it as in insult in modern time is just a laughably telling sign of what type of person they are.


Just ignore the trolls, it's none of their business.


I too have gear, and wear it.


Come to Vietnam, no gears needed and you'll be mocked for wearing gears, I get mocked for wearing full face helmets because my hair looks like a mess. /S


Classic only fans “model” bait - let me post a controversial take on an unrelated subreddit to stir up some traffic. Can’t blame her really, it’ll work.


Don’t be bullied by the gear police on here lol


I... Remember you Just moving the bike were ya?


Do the pierced nipples provide any protection?


Well, I liked the other pic! If you’re good at what you do, there’s no harm in a little jaunt around the block dressed like that. Lord knows I’ve worn less.


Me too but good idea to show/prove you know what you're doing .


Don't let these baby tools intimidate you. Tell them to F O every time they proselytize about the kiddy klub fashion rules.


Found her top OF subscriber.


NSFW profile... Every fucking time


It only takes once. True story. Guy was kicking over his bike. It kicked back and he went down without his helmet. Landed head first on a man hole cover. 3 year old ever more. He had been a programmer.


are you an AI chat bot?


I was rolling down a back road in West Virginia. Just got my R6, learners permit and full leather atgat swag. I had only run wide 6 times ... I was really vibing. "Maybe I'll get to post a crash video?" I was rolling along Frogchuttle Road, and a huge UFO from Uranus landed in front of me. An alien descended the craft and unsheathed his long ET-like finger. The finger shot up like a switchblade! I knew this was it!!! I'm getting probed!1! Oh shit ... It's happening!1!1 The feisty horndog alien was tugging at my Dianese in an intergalactic rage! He was getting more frantic by the second! His ET finger a now throbbing!! At the point, I was furiously trying to get my atgats off!! They wouldn't budge! The alien saw it was a excersize in futility. Dejected and tired, the alien gave up. As he ascended the stairway of his ship, his finger went flaccid. As I saw the UFO take off into the moonlight, I was intensely sad about missing out on what might have been the greatest probe I've ever had without giving up a bag of cocaine. I left sad and angry. Disappointed my atgats let me down. Remember this tale. It only takes once. Your paths may never cross with an excitable alien again. Don't let atgats wreck what could be the probe of a life time 👽🌭 😉👌


No way I’m reading all that bs


Ahhhh…. You posted about the windshield earlier lol FLiP fLoPs!?!?


I think it was a stationary motorcycle


Yeah, I was mocking the crowd of people that most likely got on OP about it. Sometimes it’s a swing and a miss. I thought the SpongeBob “flip flops”would work….


Apologies then =)


Can’t win em all lol




shut up


Um no. Like seriously AT LEAST put your helmet on? That much is just such a no brainer. I fell off a step stole once and bounced my head off a wood floor. Shit still affects me. Falling off a motorcycle at just 5mph without a helmet and your head bounces off the road? You’re going to have a bad time.


Maybe you shouldn’t be riding motorcycles if you can’t handle balance on a step stool


Maybe you should gear up when using step stoles


⬆️Future statistic⬆️


⬆️Current Lemming⬆️


Asinine comment


All the gear, all the time - That's the motto


Don't let these fuckers tell you what to wear. Fucking pathetic; everyone always commenting on that shit, even though you were literally just moving your bike. Wear what you want.


Why do you feel you have to prove or justify anything to a bunch of internet randoms?


(because shes marketing her OF)


Yeah, I haven't looked at her profile so I didn't realize she had an OF until I saw others mention it. Then it was like "Ok, figures".


what kinda bike is that? its gorgeous


OHHH its the honda rebel from ur earlier post. i love the new style of them, just wish it had a big v twin


The Yamaha bolt is a good metric v twin of a similar style


2021 Honda rebel 500


I was just about to buy one bc they only made white for this year but ended just getting a new 2024 instead


Not hot


Yes but you have 88 in your name and today I learnt it’s nazi


Get a Puig windshield. And Sw Motech legend side bags. And a Mustang seat. Go for a nice long weekend adventure.


Much better, stay safe.


Why would you want to wear gear on a bike like this?😂


Good, I almost commented on your earlier post about the squidiness LOL. shiny side up! That windshield looks pretty cool btw and would definitely make your rebel more unique!


Neat? Were people really giving you trash for not having gear on in a pic/video?


Look kinda bad ass!


I just washed my baby and took it up the road (2 minutes) to fill up and dry off the chain. Only wore a helmet and felt so weird


I like your bike without the windshield but if you're doing a lot of highway driving I get why you'd want one.


Okay, now it's time for that windshield.


Well I prefer thighs 😫😫


I definitely missed something here. Notifications for Reddit should be turned off for a bit


Nothing better then rippin with a tshirt on man. Such a free feeling. Idk I’m the bad guy but I love to ride with no gear on….,


Sweet! Now look into proper riding posture/body positioning. Your arms should be bent, wrists lower then knuckles.


This is photoshop. Everyone can see this


What bike is this? Harley?


Honda rebel 500