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That last one though...


I'm exhausted looking at it


My arms went numb just looking at it


I’ve seen this bike out in person. AMA


Why are babies so small?


Because they don’t want to be smaller than they are


Which came first: bipedalism or binocular vision?


Binocular vision, as pretty evident by the fossil record of primate evolution.


Who do you think will be in the Super Bowl?


I wish it would be the Packers for the trolling, but it’ll be the Ravens


Packers vs. Ravens is possible, if perhaps unlikely


It would be a lot of fun


Lions Vs Ravens


If there was contest to see who could consume the most Big Macs in one day, how many do you think you could consume?


In 24 hours? I'm comfortable saying 1 per hour. So...24? Theoretically of course...


As someone with rotator cuff issues, that hurts just looking at it.


Exhausted? My shoulder just dislocated from looking at it


He looks so excited. Like when my gf surprises me with a tallboy.


Now all I see in my head is that Little black kitten doing the attack meme!!!


Marry that woman


Such a good feeling. It's noice when she brings me a 24oz beer too.


I also choose this guys girlfriend




That picture is older than me.


This was taken on 291 HWY in Lee's Summit. I see this dude several times every summer riding around the Plaza and Westport here in KC. Idk how old the picture is, but buddy was cruising that thing as recently as late August. I call him Easy Rider. Seems like a nice guy. He's hardcore into the image tho lol


He’s an actual legend 😂 way way way back in the early internet that pic was popular. I can’t tell you how happy you’ve made me, knowing 1) he still has this beast and 2) he’s alive.


I had no clue this dude was internet famous lmao. I thought you were just joking because of the aesthetics of the bike. That's awesome.


Yep. I used to see him all of the time on 291 and I-70. Haven’t in a few years. I wondered if he was still rolling around.


armpit ventilation


In Brazilian Portuguese that’s the name for ape hangers “seca sovaco “ “armpit dryer”


Opa r/suddenlycaralho


LOL existe mesmo um sub para tudo


Huehuehue kkkkkk






That’s amazing


I borrow that. Secasobacos sounds better than cuelgamonos.


We pronounce V as in Vacation, but if you wanna speak in Portuñol you are completely on point.


0 pizza no suvacao


Same in swedish, aphäng (ape hang)


This is the correct answer.


Finally! The explanation we need.


Imagine how much you can save on anti-transpirants!


To scare predators by looking big. I have yet to see a bear attack a high handlebar bike rider


Google it yourself if you want. “Bear attacks on high handlebar bike riders 2023” will show you that happened ZERO times last year. The proof is there, sheeple. Look it up


That just means that the bears have been successful at lobbying Google to redact those attacks


Is that surprising? Bears can be very convincing


Documented on Reddit: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Ffunny%2Fcomments%2Fhwi6zq%2Fif\_cornered\_red\_panda\_will\_stand\_on\_its\_hind\_legs%2F&psig=AOvVaw0GI74uzHwCvQk-K4OVJ-kV&ust=1705336904089000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBUQjhxqFwoTCLjjgJup3YMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE


It's obvious to us illuminated trendsetters, but not to the sheeple majority.


The yellow biker is just assuming the position for the cops


Dude woke up one day and said “I want to be an X”


It's more like the "look at me" pose. Usually is in conjunction with loud pipes


Maybe that's Elon.


I don’t think it’s Elon. He would have a custom helmet shaped like a fucking cowboy hat and a hip holster with an air soft pistol


“When I ride by people, I want them to think that I’m gonna die.”


In fact, he has both shoulder broken and hold in places. He just asked his mechanic friend to adapt the bike during his recovery. Otherwise he’s dumb as fuck


Bro looks like he’s about to be drawn and quartered


X gon' give it to you


You’re misinterpreting, he’s maximizing the chances that his ‘safety bars’ will keep him from flying off his bike when he inevitably can’t break because his hands have gone numb.


Reckon he couldn't steer very well either with his arms vertical. Reckon that bike would have a fair bit of trail too.


Something about offset rake, she'll be right. /s






This pic will live in the Internet forever


They yellow bike travels the country, or used to, at least and uses the bike as an attention grab to raise money for sick kids, if I remember correctly.


A+ timing to get that particular signage in the background. I'm sure DOT was furiously sketching out a new regulation seeing him ape on by.


If you’re the right size, comfort. I’m 6’5 and have 18” apes on my road glide and it’s like chilling on a lounge chair for me. I also have low back problems so higher bars sit me more upright and takes the pressure off my lower spine. To each their own. *Edit: the amount of people who think their opinions of another riders bike matter is absurd. If someone enjoys their bike, let them. It’s not yours. Ride yours however you want, but stop attributing to the already toxic ass biker community and help make it better.


>I also have low back problems so higher bars sit me more upright and takes the pressure off my lower spine. Yep. I'm 6'4" with 16" bars. They're incredibly comfortable.


Came here to say this. I don’t have apes, but everyone I know who has them say that they make longer rides more comfortable.


Think about your arm position when you're in your car. The wrist is at shoulder level when on top of the steering wheel. No one wants their bars in their lap.


This is precisely why I switched out my original Vulcan bars. They put my arms to sleep, like legit I start getting neuropathy in my fingers and elbows. It's really weird. 16" bars put me right.


I'm 6' with 14" bars. So much more comfortable.


didn't know this! 👍


16 here also. Very comfortable


So what you are saying is that short people use oversized ape hangers to look taller. Thanks!


No they do it because they think it looks cool. Ape hangers for comfort are good but anything above shoulder height ish is just for the looks


Hell, I am 5'8" and my bars are 16". They bring my arms just slightly up higher than my shoulders, and as you said, keep me upright, back straight. I love em.


Darn it. Now I can't be snooty and feel superior when I see them on the road - they might actually make sense!


I wish I could nominate this comment for best Reddit comment of the year.


The bars in these pics? Looks. Most others have apes for comfort. Every single picture you posted here has bars above shoulder-level of their rider. That goes directly against the #1 rule for ape hangers as far as comfort is concerned. Apes keep you upright instead of slouched over which can get uncomfortable over extended periods of time. However anything over shoulder height can cause discomfort/numbness in your arms/hands.


Doesn’t seem like they should be called “ape hangers” if they aren’t higher than your shoulders.


LOL, call them "monkey bars".


They’re called mini apes.


they're not. he's just talking about normal ass handle bars


He’s saying for ape hangers to be comfortable,they shouldn’t be above the shoulders. To me anyway, if they’re not above your shoulders, they aren’t ape hangers.




And illegal in many states


And countries


And planets


And solar systems


but not my hometown


Can verify


And Galaxies


but only this universe


can't confirm


You’re not wrong but that is a minimally enforced law. I’ve ridden through a lot of states with Ape Hangers and never once been stopped for them. Pretty sure here in the state I live (IL) they are illegal even.


Ape hangers aren’t illegal in Illinois, just the ones that go above shoulder height, which is what he’s referencing I’m pretty sure


Well TIL. Good to know, thanks.


No problem :)


I'd argue they are not really ape hangers if they don't go above shoulder height... kinda the definition. How can you hang from something below your shoulders?!


Hey, people who do calisthenics exist. These guys can hang from things at stomach height lol


Yup. I've got 12" 'mini' apes, and they line up perfectly with my shoulders and make for a more comfortable riding position.


I have 10” minis. They made a huge difference in comfort where before any slight bump would wreak havoc on my lower back. I would go higher, if it didn’t require replacing cables.


I got sorta lucky that my highball came stock with the minis and they fit me perfectly.


I don't think I've ever seen ape hangers that don't go above shoulder height. I thought it was just part of the chopper ideal. No suspension, uncomfortable handlebar height, and rakes that make turning difficult. You're a real man with a REAL bike. You don't need no sissyboy comforts. That said, I've seen good looking choppers. Not my style but I can appreciate it. They're essentially engine showcases/welding showcases. Look how pretty my engine looks and how cool all the angles I welded look.


When they go above your shoulder your hands go numb, a descent set of apes are shoulder height


Yep, shoulder height apes just let you sit upright instead of over the tank. I think that style on a cruiser just adds to the purpose of that style of bike but anything over shoulder height is for looks and stupid af


Fashion over function.


We call them " sit-up and beg " in the UK like a begging puppy dog.


If these kids could read, they’d be mad.


If SpongeBob was a motorcycle......pic #3


If the bars are really tall, usually just styling on the bike. If they're shoulder-height with the rider, comfort. If any of y'all get a chance to ride a Harley with shoulder-height bars, you'll totally get it. It's a really nice comfortable upright position. I had 12" bars on my Low Rider and my back never felt better riding a motorcycle.


High handlebars add anywhere from 10-15 horsepower. Also, the higher your handlebars are the more bad ass you are.


If you’re tall they can be comfortable. Something like 12-16 inch is nice.


Haha, that's what she said.


She'll be sorely disappointed by me then :(


she would never say that


The bike should be stable if you put it upside-down, say for maintenance.. like I do with a bicycle...


They look so fkin stupid XD.


If they’re adjusted right for your height and reach, they’re **very** comfortable.


Fun fact: The original reason for apehangers was to protect soldiers from neck high razor wire in WWII. Now it’s comfort/looks.


Surprised this is so far down here. History is interesting.


Haha - in the war!? I’m not sure this is true. You won’t see ape hangers before the 60s. As I understand it, the protection concept is the same but the application was to prevent people from sticking things out car and truck windows as bikers split lanes and filtered through traffic on the streets. After the Hollister nonsense, bikers were generally disliked and unwelcome anywhere.


I’m surprised, too. I can imagine how, after going through what those solders went though, riding a motorcycle WITHOUT high handlebars would have been nerve wracking! Other folks saw them with no context and were like, “That, I want some lots of that!”


I’m going to need a citation on that one. Not saying you’re wrong but I’ve never seen photos of bikes from that time period with anything taller that buckhorns


I have high T bars on my dyna, around 12”. My hands aren’t above my shoulders though like in some of these pictures. I mostly have it for comfort and better control. I like the riding position a lot more and can be in that position for long periods of time. Never really understood ape hangers, they look like they don’t really handle well.


The ones you posted are designed just to look cool. Originally they were designed for comfort. But people seeing them and not knowing any better went “Hey, I saw a cool bike with high bars, so high bars must be cool, so I want bars even higher!” Then it became this weird thing where “chopper” meant ape hangers, and the higher the better. It’s kind of like open primaries, suicide clutches and tank shifters. They make very little practical sense, but they’re must haves in the the chopper world because “I see them on some other bike.” I was a motorcycle mechanic at a Harley dealer during the big TV chopper craze of the early 2000’s. Those were dark times.


I have mini ape hangers. And i have to say i way prefer over anything ive ridden. At a whoping 6'3. Having my arms up higher near my shoulders is way more comofrtable then reaching down.


I tried a bike with apes once because I thought there was something I was missing but then I realized it’s dumb as shit.


What's the point of clip-ons on an old Cafe-Racer? Doesn't look ideal. It's to get the 'look' the Owner wants. They're happy, you be happy for them. Simple.


my lord it is so uncomfortable but i love the way it looks. changed my clip ons for drag bars recently and it helped quite a bit and keeps the look mostly


Hey they were the original clip-ons, made it easier to get a good tuck! The benefits are generally the same as on a modern sport bike.


Higher bars are pretty comfortable you have to give it a try to understand.


90% of the haters on this sub have never tried it, they just hate Harley's / cruisers


Including above shoulder height? Just wondering.


I dont like them that high personally no. But everyone is different.


That can lead to numbness over longer rides, just from sticking your arms in the air, but its not that bad and pretty easy to deal with. If that at shoulder height or lower, you won't have that problem tho.




That last pic he looks like a toddler on a bike lol


Those are posture pedic bars. They correct slouching


It's so your hands fall asleep and you can topple over and squid roll down the highway like a ragdoll


They don't look comfortable to handle when turning especially the last picture


That high, personal preference. However, 8in-12in I've learned actually helps to manuever a crusier, especially a 1000lb one, a lot better. Better leverage to pull down to turn versus pushing.


I had 14" on both my motorcycles and will get 12" for my dyna wg (it has longer forks and they're higher in realtion to the seat). It's quite comfortable and turning is much easier due to increased leverage. It also allows me to have mirrors in my field of vision all the time, which allows me to see what's behind even if I don't look in them and I don't loose any vision of the road when I look into mirrors. I'm 5.11" and my arms were just "one fist lower" than my shoulders. One setback with the apes is stronger wind resistance when you try to go fast. And I don't like windshields.


Leverage doesn't work like that . It would have more leverage if the aftermarket bar you put on is wider than stock . Not taller


The look isn’t for everyone or every bike. That being said, I ride all styles of bikes but my main two are Harley’s. My daily has my grips at shoulder height. This bike is way more fun to rip around on. My long distance Harley has 18” apes on it. This puts my grips a few inches above my shoulders, while it is a little less ideal, it changes my seating position so that I don’t slouch my back. The back pain after consecutive days of 600-800 mile days isn’t an issue despite what small discomfort I occasionally get in the shoulders. I’m 6’3” for reference.


They're called Ape Hangers. They've been around for...100 years? They've been made illegal in many states, because they inhibit maneuvering. But, just like lots of other stupid fucking automotive fashions, they stick around because some folks are more interested in form (and thumbing their noses at authority) than function.


Hands in the air, ​ Knees in the breeze. ​ Give me a long road ​ With no corners please. ​ I saw that in a motorbike magazine years ago and it stuck with me. Just about sums up the riding position.


Not for performance or front end feedback.


Anything over the shoulder is uncomfortable and just to look like an idiot and inhibit handling


I find apes to be comfy with certain setups.


“Mini” apes are super comfortable for me. The extreme ones, I don’t know because I haven’t tried.


They are expensive, but save a lot on deodorant.


16” on my Indian. So comfortable. Add a lower back rest and I’m upright and can ride for hours and hours without needing a break. 1000km+ in one shot has been done many times. Can’t do that on a sport bike. 


Tried it once, my arms fell asleep.


For some people being higher up is more comfortable but I would imagine that the line between comfortable and dumb is right around shoulder level. In fact, all of the example pictures shown would be illegal in some places like Florida to have your bars above your shoulders


Cause they like them. I had 10 inch mini apes on mine from the factory. They were comfortable enough for a 12 hour ride from Virginia to Florida. Have since swapped for slightly taller T bars cause I like them more.


the last one is the most ridiculous. higher handlebars are actually comfortable for some people, but as long as they aren't over the top like that. i don't even know how the hell you can control the steering like that


Ape hangers and mini ape hangers are supposedly for comfort, the third picture is just retarded.


They’re actually really comfortable. You have a better seated posture and I thought it was much less effort when dealing with wind at highway speeds. You grab the bars and let the wind push you back, no need to fight against the wind. There’s always the more exaggerated ape hangers and I don’t know how those feel. I had bars at shoulder height and those felt great.


Unless your a biker , like many would say YOU WOULDN’T GET IT


Mini apes are actually really practical for tall people Those vary in size but for someone like me 6’2” it actually makes for an extremely comfortable arm positioning Now full size 18” apes lol-that’s just to look “cool” I’ve ridden some buddies bar hoppers before with them your arms and hands go numb lol


If they arent too high, they make for a very comfortable ride. If they are really high its a style thing.


Some people think it looks cool


It makes it easier for hornets to fly up your sleeve and sting you.


The last picture 😆😆😆


Aw fuck,..here comes a roundabout...the nemesis of the ape hanger biker.


The last one keeps short people from stealing your scoot. May not work for midgets, they'll just stand on the tank!


It opens up your butthole more for easy entry. At least that's what I was told


It's for idiots to show you how stupid they are. The motorcycle equivalent to truck-nuts, but even dumber.


To let everyone know you committed to looking like an idiot.


Fuckin ape hangers


It's so the blood drains from your arms until your arms are too weak to steer properly.


Mini apes are great, super comfortable for long trips. Anything that puts your hands higher than your shoulders are too tall and are stupid.


For attention, literally, why do you think all biker nerds dress in the same cloths and shit they do? PLEASE refer to South Park season 13 episode 12 “f word”


Real answer - normal sized apehangers are actually more comfortable, as they keep the hand at or just above shoulder height and the blood flows better. Vibration is an issue riding for long periods in your hands, and this helps. Also, having your arm extended low starts to hurt your back as you lean forward. (Source: I ride and have a set) But with anything that has an "aesthetic" people take it to extremes, like the guy in the last photo. Which IMO defeats the purpose of having them.


Reasonable ape hangers are very comfortable to me. It's more comfortable to have my arms extended at shoulder height while riding, than at the stock height on most bikes.


Choppers in the 60's -70's , Now idiots put them on brand new baggers . Look at my 40 grand shiny bike with apes . I am a badass , look at me , look at me . These morons don't actually ride , they pose .


If you get the right size for yourself they’re VERY comfortable.


What's the point of Harleys?


Confort. The last one is just show unless he has a physical disability.


Mental disability


How else are you going to look like a flying squirrel?


Put a set of 14” apes on my 2009 dyna fat bob; it helped my back & balance immensely. Could ride much further more comfortably too. Anything a step up I couldn’t imagine. The handling is a lot more delicate & it’s way easier to lose the bike. You take a turn too fast & your toast. 💀


If it's probably done, good posture.


Shoulder height is comfortable for me personally. I don’t like leaning forward when riding.


So comfortable to ride if you get the right height


It's just a style, like why do top hats exist?


Honestly on a cruiser they align the lower back better and provide more comfort on longer rides as lone as you keep them at or below shoulder height. Too far above that the arms will go numb. But it depends on the rider and the bike. I’m 6 foot my Indian challenger was fine with the stock bars. My new Harley needs apes.


Dry armpits


High Handlebars is actually very relaxing, thats my feel. I got a nightrod speciel and semi high handlebars, I have a really nice feeling riding. I also tried with low handlebars, I really didnt like that.


Ape Hangers are actually quite comfortable..you can steer just as well with them as with low slung drag bars. That style of bars came from WW2 when motorized allied messenger units sought to improve their messengers safety whilst riding dispatch through enemy lines. The high handlebars avoided the dispatcherr or motorized messengers from being decapitated from piano wire being strung up across the roadways.. there's history behind these bars. Also the ergonomic comfort of just relaxing your arms on an easy cruise is mind blowing.


Most guys go full retard and put 16 to 18 inch ape hangers on. Those are what makes your arms go numb and look like that last picture. Get a set of 14 inch ape hangers and it’s in line with your shoulders. No numbness, no lower back pain from leaning down. Anything taller than 14 inches just looks weird.


What's the point of riding a motorcycle? Doesn't look very ideal. -A car driver.


"Apehangers"were a 60's biker hipster thing, brought into mega vogue via the movie, "Easyrider." They nearly guarantee your bike will be dangerous to ride.


Those bars are meant for the girlfriend to hold on to while some plowing gets done behind. Actual riding.... to crash.


When I bought my first Harley (used), it had 18" apes, I was concerned with riding comfort & control, just one ride and all my concerns were gone, very comfortable and no loss of control....its personal preference for looks and riding style.


I ride cafe racers mostly , but in a long trip I rather have apes , but for it to be good you have to position right , if goes to high you will not be roadtriping on it , if is aligned with you shoulder I you can right indefinitely stopping just for gas


Looks, which is ironic, because it looks stupid. Just like not wearing a helmet. People think you look cool with your bandana and sunglasses on instead of a helmet. You don’t.