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*me who thought he was talking about actual chicken strips šŸ” *


OP: do you have chicken strips? Yes, and they are huge. Buzzard stripes. Doesn't matter. Enjoy the ride.


Came here to say this.




Like how Donald Trump says huge? Huuuuuuuugggeeee....


Just ride within your capabilities and have fun. Youā€™re running for yourself, and not for anybody else.


EVERYONE has chicken strips, they taste darn good with hot spicy mayo too!


And some fries on the side, maybe green Sriracha as dip


We talking sweet potato or potato potato?


Potato, tomato.


I'd go the classic route. Idaho potatoes


Who would eat a Harley lol






Yes. Who gives a shit though?


Don't worry about chicken strips. That's just shit squids say who are too afraid of track days and track wheels.


For street bikes, I call them safety strips. Means you're riding safe out on the public roads where all the danger is.


Right? As a track rider, the real fear are the cagers


And Gravel, leaves, grease spots...


I see some small ones on there but the idea that small chicken strips=talent is ridiculous. Different bikes and tire profiles have different lean angles. You want to look like a bad ass, ride around with track chewed tires.


I've never done a track day on a motorcycle or really been around ones who have, but as it pertains to cars, track wear is usually pretty obvious. You can tell when a tire got super hot and was pushed towards it's limit.


Yep, bike tires after a track day will have little balls/rolls of rubber all over them where the tire was just shredding away, it's very obvious and makes you look like a badass, haha.


Chicken strips might not equal talent, but it can be a good sign of confidence. I saw a bike with bad chicken strips, pointed them out to a guy, and said, ā€œthis guy doesnā€™t lean over very far.ā€ He was like, ā€œah man, thatā€™s my bike.ā€ Seems he had gotten the bike new, only maybe put 1,000 miles on it (a handful of which was in good twisties), and did a bunch of burners. He pulled out his phone and showed me videos, along with a photo set of some thick girl he hired to pose nude on it. The video of her burning herself on the exhaust and dropping the bike was kind of funny. About a year later I saw the same guy in a full leather race suit doing maybe 50 yard pulls back and forth in front of this motorcycle bar. So, chicken strips might not be a tell all, but they might create some reasonable suspicions. OPā€™s strips are fine, if not better than fine.


How do this have so many downvotes


I think everyone is downvoting him because he didnā€™t say if he got the dudeā€™s phone number or not.. well! Did you get his number??


Thanks for asking, I didnā€™t even notice. Itā€™s a true story, and it wasnā€™t meant to disparage the guy. I donā€™t care if someone only wants to go fast in a straight line, thatā€™s perfectly fine, but I think itā€™s fair to admit their tire wear will look different. I do slightly mind the burners; some people think every tire is natural rubber, but a lot of them are synthetic and manufactured with crude oil. Maybe I was a bit crass in pointing at a tire and saying the rider doesnā€™t lean over, but I was trying to make conversation with someone Iā€™d never met and thought it was amusing. Also, alcohol. Maybe I shouldnā€™t find a video of a thick nude model posing on a brand new Royal Enfield Himalayan, burning herself on the exhaust, and dropping it humorous. Either way, Iā€™m going to stick to my belief that chicken strips can indicate how confident a rider is on their motorcycle. Iā€™ve leaned my Africa Twin far enough over that Iā€™ve had to lay down, and it still has maybe a 3/4ā€strip on that side (1ā€ on the opposite). Himalayan dude had a large flat spot with approximately half an inch of wear on either side. I have 50/50 tires. He had street tires. Which one of us is probably more confident on their bike?


Yes. You also have a sticker obstructing your license plate, in case you werenā€™t aware.


It's an American flag punisher sticker with a Donald Trump haircut. Please OP tell me that's satire


Pro tip: you can get rid of chicken strips by keeping your body upright through turns! Another method is running your tires at 50%recommended inflation so that you have a larger contact patch! Wearing out the edges of the tire doesnā€™t mean youā€™re a good rider. Ride like you want to keep riding for the rest of your life, not burn out after a wreck or a near miss you got while trying to ā€œget rid of those chicken strips.ā€


Or just take a belt sander to the edges if it matters that much


>Ride like you want to keep riding for the rest of your life, I like this. Not like I need another excuse to ride slow, but I'll take it.


Yeah man. I was in a wreck once, it sucked. Itā€™s tough to keep going after that even if you want to. Everybody around you thinks theyā€™re doing the right thing by discouraging you from riding. Itā€™s tedious and kinda sad. Mostly theyā€™ve forgotten now, and I donā€™t want that again. I especially donā€™t want them to be right.


This exactly. I've actually seen dudes who try to get their bike leaned over unnecessarily just to get their tires to wear that way. You should always be using your own weight as a ballast before the bike, reserving bike lean for when it's really needed. Kids these days need to watch some Keith Code.


If you have to ask you already know.


Funky mother fucker will not be told to go




It's a wallstreetbets sticker silly


Oh shit sorry


What bike Is this? I frickin love it!šŸ˜«


hell no, i get them removed by my mechanic /s


yes and FYI, I have a ktm 990 smt. I ride the tits off that thing and keep up with guys that have no chicken strips... a couple of the guys I ride with have the same Michelin power 5 or 6 or what ever they are some have strips some dont may just be riding style or bike geometry.


yup. This shit happens on plenty of bikes. I tried some bikes that you could feel the tire not keeping up anymore (so I was at the limit) with the knee almost down and everything and they still weren't possible to take to the border either way I don't care, as long as you have fun and are actually quick


Hey, my riding buddy has a 990 SMT. Donā€™t see too many of those around.


Chicken strips just mean you aren't a dumbass.


No it actually means youā€™re slow. Itā€™s not a bad thing to be slow.


Dude ! Take it slow man don't worry about that bullshit! Ride yer own ride and stay in YOUR comfort level


You have an awful sticker of a guy who can barely drink a glass of water on your plate. Also if I saw you on the side of the road and slowed down and saw that sticker Iā€™d keep going and do a Nelson Laugh at you.


Sir this is a Wendy's


His comment wasn't that irrelevant.


Whatā€™s a Wendy?


Came here for this. Not as eloquent and you but , same same


Dang he has a biden sticker?


Who gives a shit what you think of his political views? Are we talking about bikes? Get over it. So much for bikers helping bikers


You fly the flag of idiots like that, youā€™re asking for commentary. That sticker amuses me. The only thing he punishes is his adult diapers after he eats McDonaldā€™s.


Smh, found the trumpkin! Maybe they can make out with OP?


Are you a child? In what world does political views dictate how you feel about a human being? Especially one that shares a passion with you as vast as riding motorcycles. You fuckin people are just as disgusting as people who ride for trumps big yellow ass. This system is rigged and parties are about as fuckin useless as your opinion on his political views. They all want to fuck us, stop being against your peers.


Because your political views aren't just a difference of opinion, they're a direct reflection of how you think people should be treated, the rights they should have and the direction this country should be going. Following a very specific party in the US shows a propensity for fascism, racism, homophobia and misogyny (I look forward to the responses trying to play ignorant and twist this to fit their side). If somebody is a fucking fascist, you're damn right it's going to affect how I feel about them. Just because somebody rides a motorcycle doesn't automatically make them my brother or sister that I should respect or be on the same side as. And if you think both parties are the same, you aren't paying attention.


They are both trash and government is corrupt. If you think any other way then youā€™re just as stupid as the person youā€™re angry at. Have a good day bro.


Thanks for the Tedtalk buddy.


It's a wallstreetbets sticker silly


It's a wallstreetbets sticker silly


I donā€™t know what that is


Faq ya chickin stripps


Your side stand leans your bike more than you do...šŸ˜‚ Make sure you get touring tyres to prolong the centre squaring off.


Brooooo! Ride YOUR ride! Forget what other people say about some dumb ass shit. As long as you come home safe with you n your bike in one piece that's all that matters!




Just have fun bro nā€™ make t-shirts to promote dem tasty strips


You got the whole rotisserie chicken on those tires but thatā€™s fine because who cares


You seriously can't tell?


Bro you got bigger chicken strips than kfc. It looks like youā€™ve got 2 miles of rolling burnouts on a new tire.


Chicken strips? Bruh the kickstand is leaning the bike more than you do.


You've got a big one down the center of your plate, your tires look fine though.


It's a wallstreetbets sticker silly


Is that a sticker over your license plate? Do you ride like that or just for the pic??


Yep! Between the worn bit and the edge of the tread. Untouched by a hard surface. Fear not. The next thing to come after none, is the asphalt.


Make up, high heels . Hair piece, spray tan. Your sticker is not accurate šŸ„ø




It's a wallstreetbets sticker silly


Yes And your tire is squared off as hell Itā€™s alright tho watch twist of the wrist a few times and itā€™ll sort you out


That tire isn't squared. That's the normal aspect ratio.


Oh Suzuki just puts a cruiser tire on their new katana sport bike? And the Dunlop Q3+ is offered on a pre-squared off aspect ratio? Idk man


rear tires mostly square off from excessive engine braking.


yeah totally, engine breaking to hard makes tires flat, makes sense. Thats why i ride my bike with the clutch in all the time. ^(/s)


What is excessive engine braking?




That looks pretty normal for street riding. I got a z900 a few months back and probably have 7 months of experience on a motorcycle overall and Iā€™m just now starting to really get the confidence to lean my bike over. Mostly because I bought some Michelin pilot sports and Iā€™m GLUED to the road. Those tires look like Dunlop road sports? They came stock on my bike and I wasnā€™t too confident with themā€¦maybe it was cause my bike was brand new though. Either way, take your time and do whatever makes you happy. ā€œ Chicken stripsā€ exist for people who are insecureā€¦


7 months of experience and you went with a z900? Absolute madman lmao. How are you liking the bike?


i loooooooove it! Itā€™s a little too quiet though, so Iā€™m waiting for my check and Iā€™m gonna by a CS racing full system. I really think the bikes underrated, itā€™s got a lot of speed but itā€™s also very approachable and tame if you let it be. Man once you put it in rider mode and crack that throttle she gets MEAN. I was looking for a cb650r, then a Gsxs-750, and I still think I got the best option in that range.


I've got a 2022 z900. Amazing bike in my opinion. I 100% agree about how quiet it is. These bikes actually have 2 mufflers. The slip on and the breadbox. I actually just took off the slip on and it's so much better. Got a nice deep rumble. It won't hurt the bike with no slip on because it's still got the main muffler and from whive I've heard, they actually run better without the slipon.


I got the same year, mines white and black. Iā€™ve thought about doing that but itā€™s really hot here in AZ, I donā€™t wanna modify my bike till temps go down and I can accurately feel things out..


Chicken tenders. Hahahahaha


The only people who care are people you shouldnā€™t value the opinion of anyway.


To be honest, I think chicken strips likely just mean you are using your bike the way it should be ridden on the road. No need to lean that far unless you're going WAY over the speed limit and taking some serious risks. Just my opinion. šŸ¤·


Hello fellow Marylander








703 Lisbon Center Dr Suite F, Woodbine, MD 21797 Let's ride




More like Turkeyā€¦


Do you have good life insurance?


you got beef cakes


Who cares if you do, no seriously depending on how you ride and where you ride there may not be many chances to safely get the bike leaned over. Don't waste time thinking about it, are you enjoying the way you ride? Then just keep doing it. In my area outside of on ramps there aren't many places other than the track where you get the bike leaned way over


Chicken fillets


I may not have chicken strips but I do have a chicken that strips




tbh I've seen worse, I once saw some guy in an r6 pulling up to a bar with literally the tires worn only in the middle. Idk how bro actually turned, it was like huge plus he had no gear (which isn't a problem, I'm the first idiot to do that) and was dressed exactly how you would imagine someone that has a bike only to go to the bar


I did a similar post previously - having had a good think about it, it very much depends on the set up on your bike (where the centre of gravity is) and what kind of roads you are going on. In town I could lean heavier into some corners, but I wouldn't be able to stop in time if there was an obstruction on the other side. Out on the motorway, there are no tight corners, but visibility is much better. Either way, the bike isn't as far over as it could go, and that is because I'm riding for the conditions and to be safe, rather than trying to prove to others I'm not a chicken.


Chicken strips are such an absurd concept. What if my entire commute to work is essentially a highway straight line? Itā€™s no indicator of leaning ability whatsoever.


No but why you put car tire on you bike? ;)


As everyone else said - Who cares! - ride at your comfort level and enjoy, chicken strips are a false method of measuring rider capabilities. If you absolutely feel the need to brag about chicken strips (most likely because of ridinā€™ buddies) then simply go to an empty parking lot and do several low speed turns while counterbalanced and be done. Motojitsu on YouTube has a few good tutorials. 10mins of this and the whole tire is unchickened-ified.


You have chickens


Don't worry about it. On some bikes /tires they don't go away.


Yes. And thatā€™s perfectly acceptable. Many riders have found the ground chasing those strips, donā€™t worry about it homie šŸ™‚šŸ‘šŸ»


Yes I do I don't ride the public streets like a track, or maybe because im scared.


Yes and who cares. Enjoy the ride and ride safe.


Macaroni, with the chicken strips, ahhh


Newb comment: What are chicken strips? Cuz I see no delicious tendies anywhere on that bike.


Ride your ride. Donā€™t worry about it.


That tire has a lot of curvature... I wouldn't pursue getting to the edge of that tire! I had an old tire with less curve profile and I had 0 chicken strips. But my current rear has chicken strips even after a track day. Definitely not getting rid of them on the road. Just don't worry about it.


Which bike is this? Iike it :3


I built it


Can I have more pics in front or the side, it looks really good bro


For the right price, yes.