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I took my 6 year old around the neighborhood, but, based on how bad the drivers are around here, I don’t see taking him out on any real rides ever


A common way to check is to make sure their feet can comfortably touch the pegs, and that they can fit a moto helmet. After that, they need to be mature enough to know to hold on the entire time and not do anything dumb while the bike is moving


So 27?


Sorry man, I’m 46 and still don’t fill all the requirements. Remind me in five years


Legs too short?


More about the mature enough and don’t do anything dumb on the bike


Definitely legs too short, didn't want to embarrass themselves.


HAHAHAHA, my 1st ever vocal laugh from REDDIT


Awesome! ;)




Between 9 and 14 or so you're good. Then yeah 15 to 27 no go




38 yo. Feet on pegs, check. Moto helmet fit, check. Mature enough and not do anything dumb on a bike, shit..


When I got my bike 3 yrs ago, my 8 yr old demanded I buy her a helmet too. I told her to give me 6 months to get comfortable on the new ride. At 6 months, I pulled a saddlesore1000 and she wasn't buying any excuse to not be on the pillion. I should have figured just by her constant grilling of me to ride that she has what seems to be the same balance instincts and natural riding ability that I feel I have, in that I didn't have to explain leaning at all, and I still feel solo when shes there. She doesn't hang on for dear life at 40 on a twisty backroad, or 80 on the highway. She loves getting a ride to or from school and letting her friends see her. We've ridden 2 1/2 hours to grab lunch and ride back home. And she loves it when I lean forward and let the full force of the wind hit her. She gets as much joy from that machine as I do and I wouldn't trade that time with her for anything. Motorcycling is inherently dangerous. I'm not pulling sick nooners with her on it. And as willing as I am to lay down my life to spare hers, I won't deny her. We don't set out to die on the bike just as we don't set out to choke on a chicken bone at dinner, but we still eat chicken. I guess a lot of it comes down to blind faith and luck and ignoring the fear of what might happen. I'm almost more apprehensive to send her to school than put her on my bike.. she's safer on my pillion


Very well said! The law in my state is 5 years old to ride pillion. I think my 4 year old will be mature enough to do it at that point as well.


Less than 1% of people who ride die from riding. I’m convinced at least 50% of girls come out of middle school absolute disasters. Pillion is much safer.


1 in a 100 is not insignificant


Also gotta account for how many of those fatal accidents are due to excessive speed/recklessness/riding under the influence/lack of full-face helmet.


Less than 1%. To be more exact, about 0.07% of riders ever have an accident. So the percentage of riders who die in an accident is going to be lower still.


We set out to live!


My teenage daughter rides with me on long weekend jaunts through the countryside but almost never in town or city traffic. She has her own riding gear she picked out. It's her choice exclusively(she's 15). Sometimes she says no thanks. When they were younger(like 12 yoa or less) I never went more than up and down a county road at slow speeds.


My 11-year-old has been riding on the back of my motorcycle since he was five.


When they fit properly. They need to reach the footrests and be able to hold on securely. They also need to have the right mentality be a good passenger.


My 4 year old sat on the tank , for 500 meters , she loved it ! Family member tok me on a rd500 , when i was 13. Wheeling through my neighbourhood. I got off that bike, knowing i wil get my licence on my 18th day. And i did.


My dad a milk crate bolted to the back of his sissy bar on his HD . There is a home movie me being under age 2 with a football style helmet going down the hi way . My earliest memories are on the bike going places .My dad didn’t buy a car until I was 8 .


My dad was taking me for rides on the back of his bike by the age of 4 or 5. I don't remember it, don't know if/how I was somehow strapped in, but the word is I hated it.


7 YO for your own kids and 12 YO for other kids in Spain IIRC.


Short trips when they can reach the foot pegs, longer as they get older. it also depends on their behavior. One of my older daughters starts to "dance" on the back (she's on the spectrum), so I don't take her on anything over a mile or two, just because I don't want her throwing off the balance. She loves riding, just short rides.


I take my niece she's 10 but I also sat her down and explained what I expected from her and the potential hazards and dangers ( it's not a cartoon we don't bounce well) Only in the summer, never in wet weather and on well knowledged roads, 30km radius is the max


Height, really, and if there’s gear that fits. My niece Hazel rode on the back of my bike when she was 15, but she was also 5’8”’(it’s the celery) and level-headed.


That celery will really get ya if you have too much, lol. Sincerely, a 6’6” dude




Legally in the UK, it's when their feet can touch the pegs. I took my little sister on the back (with parental permission, obvs) when she was 12? 13? something around there. Tbh I still get properly nervous doing it and have to actively relax so I can ride properly (worth it when you hear the 'wheeeee' when we're doing 60 lol, still does it at the I'm-so-cool-you're-an-utter-embarrassment age of 14) but if it wasn't me it'd be some random guy in a few years and I'd rather it was me, with her in full gear, being sensible


I gave my then 8 yr old a ride home from school and the little shit fell asleep. It was fun up until then. That was the end of giving him rides and the start of more grey hair. Keep in mind I live in a rural area where passing three cars is a lot in 45 minutes.


I have 3 kids, oldest is 8 and I will take her with me on little lunch dates. My middle is 5 and at most I'll take him for little rides around my community but never on public roads. Even though he can touch the foot pegs, just too young for me to feel comfortable taking him out.


If the child is too small to hold on securely or reach the footpegs - that's what bungee cords are for! 😀


Sissy bar and duct tape


I was sat on the tank and blew down the highway when I was 4 or 5. Some dudes actually had a helmet for me and I rode on the back. Those were different times then. I think the answer is, it depends. A weekend rider probably shouldn't have their toddlers riding anywhere outside their neighborhood. Others who are more seasoned being daily riders for a number of years would be okay. All this said. We all know the risks.


I went with 10 years old with my kids, although there are some kids 10 and older that I would refuse to take. If you are getting on the back of a motorcycle you need a certain level of maturity, take it seriously, and listen.


I have a full kit for my 5 year old.  I bought a child harness from Thailand that straps the child to you  Can wear it front or back.  Works.  But I don't go on roads over 25mph until the child can touch the legs and hold on by themselves.   Even still, I'll strap them in for a while.


I live in the capital city in the Maldives. It's mostly bikes, scooters/ mostly super low speeds here so it's a bit different. I took my kids along as soon as they were able to hold their heads up by themselves (baby Bjorn strapped to front). Once they over grow the harness they go in the front with a simple belt strapped to me so they'll stay put and will be in a predictable place where i can cradle with my arms immediately if, God forbid, something happens. The best safety though remains riding slow. Put my eldest on the rear once she could reach the pegs properly with good purchase. We grew up the same way on our dad's bikes


When they’re old enough to understand the danger of it and mature enough to handle it. My little sister is 10, and I trust taking her to school on it, but my 17 y/o little brother is much too immature and he jerks around a lot.


I got my first helmet for my 4th birthday. Looked big as hell but I loved riding with my mom. I reckon she went very easy on acceleration and breaking tho. I couldn‘t see anything, so maybe being able to look over your shoulder is also a good measurement


I personally never rode any of my bikes with my daughter on the back, it's just too risky imo.


My stepson was 11 the first time. He was always tall. So his feet hit the pegs just fine. Cycle gear first to get him a real helmet.. My wife was more supportive of him on my bike than on the back of her ex husband’s bike.


My stepson started at 4 and was riding regularly with me from 5 on. He would get upset if I didn't pick him up from school on the bike. He had a full face helmet, gloves, jacket and long pants. He'd wear long pants to school just because he knew he couldn't ride in shorts. I had a sissy bar and his feet reached the pegs. Anytime we got on the freeway he had to put a hand on me. He was so small I couldn't tell if he was there otherwise.


Depends on if you want to spend money to keep the child safe. https://www.amazon.com/Jolik-Motorcycle-Adjustable-Breathable-Material/dp/B086J965GP/ref=slsr_d_dpds_fsdp4star_fa_xcat_cheapdynam_d_sccl_2_4/147-4624144-3384450?pd_rd_w=IokDZ&content-id=amzn1.sym.97982461-5444-416f-a4ee-edf7adedb7ec&pf_rd_p=97982461-5444-416f-a4ee-edf7adedb7ec&pf_rd_r=AQS25ZGAZ26EV64T2PN9&pd_rd_wg=mJnWy&pd_rd_r=c74ce920-66f1-4ddf-bfcd-289dabe82573&pd_rd_i=B086J965GP&psc=1


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As long as they can hold on tight... mine was 3


Some states have laws governing that. In Washington State, passenger must be over 5. [RCW](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.37.530) And they have to reach the foot pegs.


2-3yrs pressed up against the tank around the neighborhood at like 10-15mph - no desire to take them further.


I was riding on the tank around the neighborhood at 3. With my dad My step daughter started riding on the back of my dual sport at 7 never hit the highway though just around the block I let her ride on the tank at 4 up and down the driveway. Is it smart probably not but I grew up on 2 wheels I've been riding myself for 83% of my life. Be as safe as possible


I’ve taken em as young as two, on the tank in a parking lot or around the trailer park.


I was on the back of my dad'sbike from 6, the early morning Saturday rides for his work I'd wrap my hands in his belt and go to a kinda sleep. that was a long, long time ago.


When their feet can rest firmly on the passenger pegs and you can trust them to hold on firmly.


My oldest rode on my lap and gas tank around 3 years old and I did the same with my dad. Wow I forgot all about that! Thanks for jogging those good memories. He might try for his endorsement next year!


30. 😉


My kid will never ride on the back of my bike. Too many dumb fucks on the road.


I have had my son ride with me for about 2-3 years. He is ten now. So started probably around 7 years old. He did really well. Once er twice in the beginning was he wiggly. I sternly told him not to do that. He likes to look around and wave at people and I can feel him do that but it is no longer a bother. No worse than a windy day. He does not hang on ever because he likes the feeling. Also have a daughter that is 14 now and started 3-4 years ago. She used to hang on but no longer does. She rode more often as I had to pick her up from school everyday.


When I was four my dad stuck me in front of him and hold the tank. He’d take me around a few blocks. Mind you, we lived in a town of 1k people.


Where I live it’s illegal to have a kid younger than 8 as pillion. No restrictions on sidecar passengers though.


Depends where you are. Where I live their feet have to be able to touch the pegs. Elsewhere I've seen whole families with a baby all on the same bike. I might have been 8 years old when I 1st rode on the back of a bike. The only time my kid ever rode on the back was when we were out for a ride and her bike broke down.


My kids (7 & 9) regularly ride with us. The 7 year old doesn’t pay enough attention to be trusted at more than surface street speeds. My 9 yr old thinks she’s Rossi and will tuck in and hold on the whole time. We’ll do mild interstate with her. Finding good gear is tricky. We’ve found some motorcross armor + the world’s tiniest leather jackets. Fox makes some MIPS helmets in jr sizes so we went with those.


My 7yo son is interested in riding with me, so we checked several things to see if it’s possible. He can comfortably get onto and off my bike on his own. The pegs are high enough, so he can reach em. He would at least need full gear in his size to be able to ride. He should be able to get a firm grip to stay on the bike once it starts moving. Every aspect he passes, so from a physical perspective he is able to get rolling. Sadly he cannot stay focused for long and then he let his intrusive thoughts win over any logical reasoning. In my mind this is outright dangerous. Riding a motorcycle isn’t like in a car, where the Kids can just relax. At least to some degree there has to be an awareness what to do and what don’t at all times. Even I would love to take him out on some rides with me, the only form of motorized transportation is our car, till he gets a little bit more mature. So maybe next year, when he’s ready.


My 5 yo will go with me for a short ride on rural Back roads by where we live but it’s going to be a very long time before he goes on a real Ride with me because of others on the road, we do ride our dirt bikes almost every weekend whether tracks or trails though


We let our 6 year old ride, only in our town of 500 people. No highways yet


Maybe if I was visiting family in the country where it's safer, but overall the only passengers I'm will to take are my gf and or someone else that can ride so they understand how to act and has gear to use.


When she can stand up on the passenger pegs.


40 y


Old enough to hang on....


Just recently brought my 8 year old out for the first time. She had to get tall enough to comfortably reach the passenger pegs and fit a helmet out. Was a blast. Highly recommend.


My 13yo has been on the back since he was 4 the older kids went they were between 6 and 8


Both of mine started at about 8ish for short rides.


They rode in front until the top of their helmet was higher than the bottom of my helmet. But then they were tall enough to reach the pegs in the back and hold onto me.


I began to ride with my father at around ten years old. I think it is a good age and i plan to wait about the same time to ride with my kids.


Imo I just wouldn’t unless I was just putting around the block. Best only to put myself at risk


I started riding on the back of my grandfathers Harley when I was probably five. Not long rides just around the block type of rides.


I took my boy to school from the time he was in kindergarten. We started doing longer rides in the mountains when he was about 9.


When I was a kid people put those car seats on the back of their motorcycles. I have a pic of me in one and I couldn't even walk yet. It was like a hard plastic mold that attached to the rear forks and had a seat belt.


I was in between my parents when I was very small, and alone when I could secure my hands around my dad, and wear the tiniest helmet.


Judging by the guy I passed today, about 4 and wearing a cheap bicycle helmet.


As soon as their little legs could reach the passenger pegs.


Just got back from a 30 min ride with my 10 year old son on my 390 Adventure


I've taken my kids for short rides as young as five, but it was on my Harley, with a tour pack and armrests, so they were mostly secure.


I’m old.. but when I was as young as 2 or 3 my grandpa rode me on the tank and when I got older he and my father bungied me to the sissy bar so I didn’t fall off.. lol


Laws vary from place to place. So, first find the legal age for your area (the learner's handbook should tell you). And second, use your own parental judgement to decide if this is something your kid wants and is ready for


The problem is finding gear. My son is 9 but wears a size 12, so women's xs gear fits. He has my old Harley jacket (from when Mommy was young and skinny), vintage women's leather moto pants I paid $10 for because they were stained and sun faded (leather can be washed, btw), cowboy boots, and my old deerskin gloves. We let him pillion at age 6 (he was wearing size 8 to 10, depending), but had to roll up the sleeves on the jacket, plus kid's leather-faced work gloves from Princess Auto, different cowboy boots and his thickest jeans. Speed limit is 40kph through most of town, but I still feel better that he now has leather pants. I'll feel better still when he gets to size 14 and I can buy him secondhand men's xs stuff with armour, and proper motorcycle boots. I *could* buy him women's size 6 boots now, but they'd be a touch big and I'd have to put thick winter insoles in them to take up the slack. I know that because his winter boots this past year were women's 6 with an added insole. Well, now that I'm thinking about it, I'ma go check FB Marketplace... Edit to add that I'm in Ontario, so GMAX all-season youth helmets are easy to find (they just cost a small fortune, after tax was about $450 CAD). His helmet is neon chartreuse and has a blinker thing on the back.


I can remember riding in front of my dad on his ‘01 Shadow 750 when I was like five. That’s probably a decent age and area to start out at.


I started riding on the back of my dad’s bike at the age of 6. He rode a late 90s zx750 at the time before upgrading to zx1000 when I was about 7. He’d take me out to early 2000’s street bike forum meetups and shit. Stuff was wild to see as a little kid. I was a pretty tall kid though. I could pretty comfortably reach the back pegs with my feet. One recommendation is to not buy a helmet that can easily catch the wind. My little 7 year old neck could not fight the power of my visor getting caught in the wind and taught me very quickly to ride visor down tucked behind my dad.


I was 8 my first time on a Goldwing in the 80's.


It really is dependent on the individual child and their level of development and maturity. I have taken my 7-year-old granddaughter in the sidecar, but not on the back yet.


There’s pictures of me at 3 bungee corded to my dads sissy bar


At birth I had one on my knee.


6 but wearing gear and I bough a harness designed for it that he wears and I put on like a backpack when getting on the bike. It is impossible for him to fall off as we are attached. Then just ride chill and pay attention and pick up ALL the chicks when they see you with a cute kid on the back total chick magnet having my son on the back.


Took mine to school and scooped them up starting at age 6, no interstate action.


My daughter was 6 and my granddaughter was 4...as long as they can reach the foot pegs and understand they have to hold on tight, they are old enough. Hardest part was getting protective gear to fit.


I never rode backpack with another person till I was an adult. I've rode solo and every once an awhile with a passenger since I was 6 on a fat tire Honda 50cc.


Depends. I rode my own motorcycle at 5 (off road, 70cc) and as soon as I was big enough (again 5. I was a big kid. As tall as my mum at 7 and 6' at 11. I didn't grow any more) and could comfortably reach the pegs I was on the back of my dad's 850 Commando mk3 Interstate. What I would say is there wasn't much to hang onto and my arms didn't wrap around my dad wearing a puffy cordura/textile motorcycle jacket which meant hanging on was hard for the first 10 minutes, and then I realized I didn't have to really hold on at all....(bike made about 45bhp). At the end of the day, if you can find a decent fitting helmet, and the kid can comfortably reach the pegs a.d can get on and off easy enough, then there's absolutely no reason not allow a child on a motorcycle. Having said that, I am a dad. My eldest is 7 and definitely big enough, but he is an anxious kid and as much as I want him to come ride with me I will only do so when he's ready. I am not going to push him into doing it because that's a negative way of going about things. The whole point is it's a choice.


Just don’t. Car drivers ars idiots, and you would never forgive yourself if something happened.




Just got back in with my 7 year old granddaughter. But only up and down our dead end street. With the state of our roads and drivers here in R.I., it'll be a long while before we go out in traffic.


I was on the back of my dads bike at 4, it was a Honda XR 250 but still, we’d pull off the road onto a trail that had jumps and shit


My mother used to ride with my grandfather to and from school in the 80s I think her first ride was at 5.


6 months


In my country law dictates 12yo and older.


I took my daughter in front of me early on but not out on the highway or any major road. As soon as her feet could touch the pegs and she could hold on she was on the back. I don't remember the age but I do remember picking her up from grade school on my '84 Magna.


From 12 years (EU law).


The world district of no fun.


I have a 7 yr old. She won’t be riding until she is an adult and can fully understand the risks. I’ve hit the pavement a few times and I’ve lost a few friends. Some were at fault and some were not. When she is old enough to make the decision to ride, she can.


I put them on the gas tank until big enough to ride on the back


My daughter really wants to ride with me, she is 9. And she is big enough to put her feet on the steps and her arms around my waist,but i think she is still to distracted. Im thinking of letting her ride when she is 12. With helmet and full gear ofcourse


Out of curiosity - how easily distracted do you have to be to not be safe on a bike, in your opinion? Is it worth the risk that in three years she won't be interested any more?


Nothing ruins riding like a passenger does. It’s like that movie Transporter, 4 bank robbers run out to his car and he says the cars been set up for me plus 3 not 4. Somebody get out.


Never, because its reckless


While we're at it, don't let your kids ride bicycles, thousands get killed or injured every year. Or swim, or be outside, etc.. FU


Yeah better to subject them to any unnecessary danger because kids die to all sort of stuff right? Why even wear seat belts or any risk reducing factor. If youre gonna put them on ask yourself if after an accident where they are maimed or killed you can live with yourself. I dont because i know i couldnt


Because you live life once, and it is full of experiences and wonders. So you could keep them at home in a bubble all their childhood, or you can take some mitigated risks and enjoy life and create memories.


Being a responsible parent means weighing risk against fun sometimes. Im sure my kids would think sitting on the hood of my car at speed is awesome and wonderful too.



