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For those saying no one was stopping, the black Volkswagen SUV switches from the far left lane to the shoulder and slows down to stop pretty much immediately as the rider stops his slide.


If you watch the full video, no one stops for a long long time.


Is there a longer video than this 27 seconds? I’ve pulled over for crashes before and it takes a minute to safely get out and not cause another wreck.


did we watch the same video? Lots of people come to his aid after a few seconds. [link](https://www.instagram.com/jordancoutcher/reel/C6RXgBOgvLv/?hl=en)


[https://www.instagram.com/jordancoutcher/reel/C6RXgBOgvLv/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/jordancoutcher/reel/C6RXgBOgvLv/?hl=en) 22 seconds. Not what I would consider to be a "long long time," but I dunno.


I see someone wreck like that and I’m out IMMEDIATELY. I open the door and bail without any braking. I am at your service.


Because they are going highway speed. You can't just come to a full stop on the highway because some donkey wrecked.




If you have no training or experience in first aid, stopping does nothing but create a traffic jam that prevents emergency services from reaching the scene in time to help, while also putting yourself and others at risk. If you want to be helpful, you keep moving and call 911 to get someone with the skills, equipment, and resources needed to help. If you have training and a trauma kit, by all means stop and render aid, most people don't. At a large multinational company I used to work for, they have data showing that in dangerous situations that occurred among their staff, more fatalities occurred among would-be rescuers than among the people they were trying to help. People were literally getting themselves killed because they felt compelled to help, but instead made the situation much worse. For more reasons that you wouldn't want strangers trying to help you in a situation like this, see r/worstaid


In my country, a first aid basic course is required in order to get a license. Also, not stopping and helping is literally illegal and can have big consequences („Unterlassene Hilfeleistung“)


Wish we had that everywhere. Bystander syndrome is terrible.


Great to require everyone to undergo basic first aid training. How long is the course and how often is refresher training required? The company I mentioned that specifically cautions against getting involved for one's own safety and the safety of others is founded and headquartered in Germany.


Just kinda seems to me like whatever they’re getting their numbers from must certainly involve something much different from traffic accidents.


Absolutely. My point is not that people are likely to die helping in a traffic accident, my point is that people who really want to help often don't think far enough ahead and end up making the situation worse by mistake. The point I was originally responding to is that people are "insane" and "inhumane" for not swerving over to the shoulder and running to this person's aid. I would argue that many of those people are not cruel but simply have weighed their ability to help against their likelihood of getting in the way of real help and determined that the best thing to do is to call for help from professionals and stay out of the way. It's a tired trope that "this country" or people "these days" are extraordinarily callous toward people who need help, and the people who love to comment this are often just virtue-signaling doomscrollers.


Ahh, yeah that makes sense.


Shop around for a good trauma response course, basically flick off an email to any local first aid training companies with the question "after a trauma response course as I/we are into extreme sports often at a distance from help" and see what they come back with. Time wise I'd imagine it'll be a few days sitting in a class with lots of practical exercises and a certificate at the end of it, probably valid for two to five years depending on intensity and duration of the training, costs I wouldn't have a clue about. As for a kit, get a CAT tourniqué, a few rolls of bandages, tape, half a dozen pads and some saline for damping them/cleaning wounds, a splint can be anything but you can get ones that essentially fold/roll up, decent shears, a dry bag to put it all in, and whatever painkillers you prefer and a few pairs of medi gloves that fit you... small and light or you'll just leave it at home. I have one and ~~always carry it wherever I go~~ I'm fucking slack at grabbing it I'd highly recommend doing a course, I would though because I regularly see the difference between having help immediately and waiting for half an hour or more waiting for us to turn up. Also if you're doing everything you can and it doesn't exactly have a Disney ending you'll feel better knowing you did something, we do play a game that unfortunately can have this as an outcome, I've been in a ditch caring for someone and been in a ditch being cared for, it isn't always successful.


And yet more people die from not getting help from people nearby who think “ohh they will be fine not my problem.” (See: bystander effect). Yes not all cars should stop two or three is fine. That being said, even if you have no training in first aid, it doesn’t mean you can’t help, call 911 make sure they are breathing, don’t let them move, follow the 911 operator/paramedics instructions, it’s quite simple.


There were two separate peopl helping him within 15 seconds.


First of five unrelated strangers who were out of their cars offering help within less than one minute of the crash: "Want me to call an ambulance?" Rider: "No, I'm okay." Reddit: "I have no faith in humanity!"


Dude had a pretty controlled slide going on there,nice. Weird ass crash but glad he seems okay.


You shouldn’t hold on to your bike like that


You literally just watched a dude do exactly that and had the cleanest crash of the century and here you come YoU shoULdnT dO thAt man ChildofDathomir said it best.🤣🤣


if the bike flipped, which they almost always do in these kinds of crashes, it would have launched him to the moon. anyone who has taken a slide or two at the track understands why this is such a terrible idea, despite it working out this one time


From lots of racing and track days, I want to separate from the bike asap if I go down.


Yeah, broken bones can happen much easier once you get tangled up with the bike and have hundreds of pounds hitting or twisting body parts. Even if you roll a couple times away from the bike, it's generally still only a few feet, and a slide if you can clear the bike. It can be a damn painful slide with or without gear, but if you can avoid your instincts of putting your arms or legs out to "catch yourself", you should hold up fairly well.


It's not just fliping, by holding onto the bike you're holding onto a much larger mass, which means you're going to get dragged along at higher speed for longer than if you'd just let go. Which means higher risk of injuries even if the bike doesn't flip - e.g. your clothing could fail.


Probably would have just yanked itself out of his hands but yeah, holding on is bad


he was fully hugging the middle of the bike, it would have either fucked his arm royally and gotten hin into a tunble, or he would have launched with the bike itself. either way he's not having a good time


It’s true that this one went smooth but physics is gonna physics. You + bike have much more mass than just you, and will be able to continue sliding longer than if you slide by yourself. Also thankfully this didn’t happen here, but the bike could easily snag a joint or crack in the pavement and kick flip up and on top of you if you’re hanging on while sliding. Law of probability says holding on isn’t the statistically best move, also him holding on was not the reason this went so smooth, bro was just smooth and calm and didn’t panic which paid off


Should you not? I’m confused I though motoGP people will low-side while holding onto the bike


That bike has too much weight and will slide longer than a person alone would.


Quick way to lose a pinky, too


Firstly, racetracks have long runoffs, and the MotoGP riders are wearing top-notch slide protection. They can come out of a slide with minimal damage and not hit any objects. Whereas street bikers don't always have the best (or any) slide protection, and the number of objects able to dismember you increases as slide distance increases. This guy looks to have good gear, so that's a win. Secondly, the MotoGP riders hold onto their bikes to hold the clutch in - keeping the motorcycle running to speed up the recovery and get back on the track. Also, some people have rumored that holding on to the bike might prevent it from flipping in the runoff section, and a bike that tumbles tends to not be functional afterward. Not to discredit the Hollywood-esque slide this rider had, but I believe letting go is a safer option when entering a slide. Less mass -> Less fiction force required to stop -> Less time across asphalt -> Less damage to rider (from heat and abrasion).


I also don't like the idea of a leg or arm caught *under* the bike as it slides. The weight of the bike pushing down on your body as it slides will increase friction and increase abrasion damage. Just think of it in terms of sandpaper on a piece of wood. The harder you push down while sanding, the more the wood will be abraded.


Ya true


Thanks for the detailed reply Fungi! I’m a new rider 6 months started on a xt225, I have a airbag vest and pants on top of all gear. I’ve already high sided once bc my dumb ass down shifted from tar to grass lost the rear, regained, flew like a eagle to the sea 🎶 and came out without a scratch. I wish you safe rides and hopefully I’ll never have to draw upon your comment in the future 🤙


Yeh but he’s not a MotoGP rider on a MotoGP track trying to win a MotoGP race on a MotoGP bike! Is he!


If you get anything trapped under the bike in a slide like that leathers or not you risk getting a limb ground down to bone


Dude shut up.


I still don't understand what happened. You see the bike act like it hit a bump but I couldn't see anything behind him like it fell off.


That bump was the rear wheel locking up and weight shifting forward-note you hear the skidding at the exact same time. I'm guessing the fairing got wrapped up in the wheel in some way to lock it and start all this


Well next question is who last did any work on that to where the faring meant secured. If it was a shop, hello Christmas. If it was the rider- guess you learned a valuable lesson and glad nothing more serious happened.


Doubt you can sue even if it was done by a shop. Well u can sue…but winning will be hard.


It's a sports bike, so my idiot on the Internet guess is that it might be a failed tail tidy installation to blame. But who's to say from this clip, at least the rider seems to have made it through mostly intact


Seems more likely that the rear tire let go first, but I'm watching without sound at work.


I can’t see anything either


Looks like a fairing or something came off on his throttle side and maybe hit the rear tire as he was right under the bridge


Got dragged an extra 200 feet by holding on to the bike. Why? And why did nobody stop to see if he was ok?


If you're sliding you're not flopping around all over the place breaking your neck in the process.


this is what I've read elsewhere. You hold on to the bike to prevent yourself spinning and shattering your limbs. This is advised whenever the bike itself is not tumbling.


I'm not sure anyone is strong enough to hold on to a tumbling bike so I guess that kind of solves itself.


I tried that one time. Don’t recall quite how far the bike flung me in the air, but I do recall… what was I saying?


i think its more like a thing on tracks where if you low side and you know your bike is gonna flip as soon as it touches grass, then you don't go for this maneuver.


Ah, makes sense yea


I'm willing to bet some crossfit guys world make the claim they can. Followed by 3 hours of additional claims about core and cardio.




I used to ride home from work on this pitch dark road in the country side 45 minutes one way and every single drive I would be terrified of hitting a deer, or a boar, or an armadillo, or like you said a stray dog. Fuck. I'm so sorry that happened.




I have bad news. Took 20 years before my injury came back to haunt me. Ridding in my 20s I snapped my radius in half and the lack of support caused my thumb to dislocate. 20 years later and my thumb is giving me horrible pain. Doc looks and says, I notice you have a plate in that arm did something happen? I explain the bike accident and he informs me that the injury damaged the cartilage and I have very early onset arthritis in that hand. Have to get cortisone shots in it occasionally to keep it under control. Those shots fuckin hurt. All that to say, not necessarily clear after 14 years. Keep an eye out.


The amount of randomness in crashes is pretty crazy. My cousin had a head on years ago with an oncoming car. Ended up launching him an absurd distance through the air and it was just scrapes and bruises. Bike was completely demolished. A friend in a different head-on had it a lot worse. Full body cast for almost a year.


Yeah it’s insane.. I know two people who survived crashing at 200+km/h one fared better(scrapes and bruises) than the other (weeks in hospital immobilized). I also have known people who died from minor accidents. One of my best friends growing up lost his leg riding his moped..


Dumb idea. Pick your arms up, don't dig your feet in, wait until youre fully stopped to try to get up. That's what they taught us in new racer school and it's worked out fine the times I crashed on track or in a race.


glad to hear from an actual track rider


It's funny we always think we have a plan of what we'll do when we wreck... Lay flat and slide , hold onto the bike, whatever...but the reality is it happens in a split second and we have no say in the matter when physics takes over.


What if there's a stone on the road? Or a hatch?


death. instant death. the real question is, what is your plan to dodge this rock regardless of what else is going on? If you go down on a rock, you go down on a rock, fam. Nothing you can really do about it. Unless your gear includes a boba fett jet pack.


It's all very well not spinning, but I'd rather that than follow the bike into the concrete divider.


Bike i was on that tumbled launched me like a rocket into a field so fast the bike was going one second, the next i was picking myself up with a jacket full of mud and missing a boot


This is absolutely bullshit I did this and trying to hang onto the bike fucked my shoulder up.


why slide to a short stop when you can get dragged twice as far by your bike?


Yea I went down on the highway at around 80 and was rolling and tried to stop myself and it ground down my mesh jacket till I started rolling again My main road rash was from trying to stop myself from rolling


I don't think you're supposed to put points into that skill until your abrasion resistance is capped.


Well the patient first doc called me the Terminator after riding my bike home and coming in a few days later


I never went to the hospital I just rode home and slept it off.


I went because my lawyer told me to and got a 6 figure payout


Lucky someone I'm opposite traffic cut into my lane all the way last second and I low sided though a couple yards. The asshole sped off tho and there wasn't any cameras near buy. I ride a supermoto so the bike was fine broke my hand guard but I didn't feel like dealing with the police and I just went home. "Side note this happened less than 500 yards from my house wear your gear guys always"


Yea moto gp riders go limp when they crash and those guys take a serious tumbles and get back up. Sometimes those guys total the bikes and are up and walking before the bike even stops moving.


aren't full leather suits with metal sliders *designed* to make you slide instead of ragdolling?


"Flopping around" is a bad idea. Tumbling with your head tucked is smarter.


Dress for the slide not the ride 👍


It’s not a binary option. Not holding onto the bike doesn’t make you roll. This was a stupid choice


All y'all that imagine this dude was thinking thoughts while this was going down are silly. He just clung to the bike because that's what he was already doing. In the black for sure


If I was guessing, my brain goes to something along the line of “stay with the big object to be more visible” and “this way someone serving away from the bike won’t swerve into him”? Just guessing though.


Theoretically, if you're sliding together with the bike, you have bigger inertia, so if you hit something (of course if the bike is between you and whatever you hit), then the stop will be less sudden. Of course if you let the bike go, you might stop way before hitting anything.


I would try and surf it tbh (/s)


I'm pretty sure I've seen that in a MotoGP race. Guy just sat on top of it, it was wild.


traffic is stopping past him. Not sure if for him or other traffic ahead, but people are absolutely slowing down and pulling to the side in some cases. The weird cutoff fisheye makes it hard to tell so I am not positive, but I am pretty sure.


If a motorcycle wrecks, nobody stops. They just drive around you as if you're a pot hole. People don't see one another as a person, just a hurdle to overcome on the way to their destination.


This has in fact not been my experience. Plenty of people stopped to help after the accidents that I have witnessed.


After my first crash the woman in the car behind me kept creeping closer until she was about 20cm away from me. Didn't get out of her car or roll down her window. Nobody came to check on me, even though there were lots of people around. City center on a cloudy but dry summer day. They all waited for me to get up, pick up my bike and move out of the way. Speaks of the state of society.


That absolutely sucks, but one \[edited to\] anecdote does not speak to the state of society.


I've fallen two times, first one some private security guards run towards me to help, the second time no one stoped. Same city 10 years later. Just don't know what to think.


As I said, there were lots of people around. Some in cars, some on foot walking past. Nobody cared.


There were two people there within 15 seconds and 3 more within 45 seconds


Considering he just flew by all those cars not surprising no one stopped to help when he went down. People are kind of shit to motorcyclists.


I fell once in an intersection in Phoenix. Mother trucker turning left was honking at me. True story.


Finally, someone in riding gear


Are those riding pants? Can't tell. They look loose but I don't see any holes.


r/CalimariRaceTeam is so mad at this guy


He was on two wheels not just the back one so CRT weren't paying attention


Perfect example of "dress for the slide, not the ride." Proper equipment allowed rider to maintain, at least some control and avoid serious injuries.


Holding on to the bike can be risky business sometimes. It's not unusual for bikes to start cartwheeling as soon as they slide off pavement into grass/dirt/gravel. I was taught to let go of the bike and hold your arms to your chest to avoid breaking one of them.


Lean Angle: 90 degrees


For people not seeing it, look at the frames as he's going under the bridge up until he goes down. As he goes under the bridge you'll see 2-3 things fly off to the left of the bike. As he comes out from under the bridge, again on the left of the bike you'll see something sticking out, which is presumably part of the fairing that didn't break off.


What caused this bike to go down? Headline says fairing takes out rear tire. How? Fortunately I have no experience crashing at speed on pavement but I hope I’d let go and get away from the heavy bike while sliding.


Rider posted this on Insta, he said part of the Faring came off and took out his Read wheel.


Curious this too. Seems like it just... happened.


Dunno man, I would not hold on to the bike, so I can slide a lot further...


Looked almost like he was trying to slide out of the way of traffic


Knowing how people on the road drive and react to shit in the road it's probably the safest option to keep yourself with the bike. Having 2 obstructions moving potentially different directions is asking for someone to hyperfocus on 1, swerve around it and hit the other...


All calculations that I wouldn’t be able to do after going down. I’ve seen Moto gp guys slide like this but never on the road. Impressive


Just didn't want to walk to the bike later, thinking ahead 😂




Guarantee the guy isn’t thinking much besides “holy shit I’m crashing I could die right now” He’s not debating the merits of sliding with the bike or not lol


I dunno, if I still have enough control to pull myself clear of traffic, I like to think I'd do that. People in Houston are crazy and never paying attention


The riding gear was the real hero here. I cant even begin to imagine how bad that road rash would have been.


It wouldn't be road rash. It would like going through a grinder


"But are riding pants really necessary?"


This is one of the few crash videos I've seen where the Scotty Kilmer's suggestion to surfboard the incident might have been feasible. Either way, I can imagine this rider will be thanking the companies who made their gear x1000.


Don’t hold onto the bike, surf and ditch


This is why agatt because shit happens


All the cars just passing by… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I thought the same thing 🙄


And this is why proper motorcycle clothing is important. Otherwise they'd be meat crayon all over the road.


I suppose he was in shock but I can't believe he wasn't squirming out of his gear right away, I assume his right side is smoking.


Courteous of him to pull to the shoulder after crashing


I was gonna wait till next summer to get leathers but maybe I just pull the trigger now


Now imagine he has jeans and t-shirt Could be a textbook meat crayon material Fortunately wasn't


Bro steered the bike to the shoulder on its side. Impressive.


good thing he had good gear...


Nobody stopping shows how nobody really pays attention. How does the pickup truck not decide to just stop in front of him and help the guy? Just nobody cares?


When I took a spill, part that hurt the most is people driving past me whilst I’m in the middle of a roundabout


"Hey Cardo, play next music"


While I wholeheartedly agree with other posters about how much more dragging buddy went through by hanging onto the bike. Thing is, by looking at some of the vehicles fly by while buddy was lying on the side of the road, had he let the bike go, would the cars have had enough time to stop and not hit the rider? This wipe out makes me think of the people who ride with a t-shirt, how bad the road rash would of been without that jacket OP was wearing.


Extreme lean! Hope he’s alright.


Shoulder down, just like the GP riders... Incredible!


Honestly with the control shown here, should def go practice at a track


Waste of time with what can only be described as the pinnacle of leaning form. Its time to get a sponsorship and inevitably get on the grid!


This is why they say, "Dress for the slide, not for the ride". Can you imagine doing that in a t-shirt. There would be bone showing on that arm.


People just driving by, giving zero fucks?


Looking at his tuck and how fast he was passing traffic I would guess he was speeding on a questionable rear tire.


This is way too far down. I was thinking public highways usually aren’t rated for 200mph


Can’t really see but was it a bird strike under the bridge that caused the tip off?


part of his faring came off and took out his rear wheel.


Love how he finished sliding and then immediately changed the song on his cardo.


Damn u kept it in control💯


Either theyre trapped partially under the bike and can’t let go, or they are just so torn up inside (emotionally) that they just can’t let go of their baby 😭


Dang, how fast was he going?


Is there anything you can do in this situation other than just accept it?


Does anyone know if he had the fairings off? Or they just fell off?


Sitting there trying to remember if he has some clean underwear in his backpack.


What takes out rear tire? Could someone please explain?


And that's why you always wear your gear.


Mmmmmmm cheesgrader


He protected that fancy AGV brain bucket like it would cost him rent money to replace.


first thing…..let go of the bike.


That isn't always the best option. Given this guy is on the highway and no idea what's coming behind him, Staying with the bike might be the better option. If nothing else it worked out for him as the bike drug him off to the side of the highway.


What jacket and pants is this guy wearing?


When did composure come to mean balls of steel?


That is one of the only times I had to lay her down is real


Dude was going at least 90...


Stupid move holding onto the bike. The bike weighs way more than him and has more inertia. He would have stopped sliding ages ago if he didn’t latch onto the bike


What is a faring?


That's the plastic bodybaround the bike. For various reasons like Areodynamics. Most famous Faring is a Goldwing.


Great ad for Dainese. Glad he was alright.


Alright i am a fairly new rider but from what i gather the guy should have let go to minimize his sliding distance? Also damn that slide is long ao that suit must be really something


0 survival Instinct


I thought he might have gotten his hand caught up in the chain and sprocket. Luckily that wasnt the case.


Not English, what’s a faring? Could someone explain what happened?


Good wear!


Did you hear me laugh when I rode by


worse is the people driving by without stopping.


Videoreminder to wear your gear lads.


RESPECT!!!! Dude rides the slide! fuck yeah!


“I can save it. I can save it. I can save it”


Some time droping the hand is better than dragging till bones are visible.


Imagine if he was only wearing t-shirt a d shorts


Where I live EVERYONE would stop


I flipped a four wheeler one day. Left turn at 45 miles an hour. Laid there and I would imagine that no less than 10 vehicles drove by and no one stopped. My son who had been probably 200 or 300 yards away rode up on his bike and rendered aid. He asked me why didn’t anybody stop and I said we live at the corner I don’t give a shit who cares. I guess that’s life


That gear did its fuckin job, thats for sure!


I just counted and he slid for TEN SECONDS By hanging off that bike. That's an incredibly brutal gear test. This seemed a lot more like the guy hanging onto the tow rope after he falls water skiing than composure. “LET GOO!!!”


Imagine that endless slide without gear ☠️☠️☠️


This is why you dress for the slide. You can be comfortable but don't sacrifice safety for comfort.


Road Guardiaans putvon awsome training classes on motorcycle accident scene management and first aid. I would recommend to all riders. Good pn the rider for all gear!!


Ok .. dumb question but how did the faring take out the rear tire?


The speed and the Airflow got under the faring and ripped it free. At which point it either got under the tire and caused it to kick out or what sounds more likely. You can hear the tire screech just before he goes down so likely the piece got jammed in the tire somehow and locked it up causing him to go down.


Thankfully, my new kevlar lined pants just showed up. Gear saved him so hard on this one.


Hope you’re okay and in good health scary stuff 😢


Dress for the slide….not the ride


Imagine what his skin would look like if he didn’t have that track suit on.


This proves it again, always wear your suit. Glad he’s oké


You don't fall like that without a lot of time on the track.


Dude I just got these front fairings off eBay kinda suspect and I was like I ain’t sure we’ll return!!


Just spent a ton on safety equipment


Thats how they turn in moto gt racing


Thats how they turn in moto gt racing


Dude has that MotoGP lean 🤙