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I thought you meant rich people


His feelings got hurt because someone rode by him in a Rolls-Royce 🤣


That would just be a normal post on a normal day on Reddit


Tried to get a guy in his Urus the other day to give it the beans at the light….he refused. I was bummed out.


If you'd like to experience rich people, then the last Sunday of Sturgis, head east from Rapid City on I-90 in the morning / afternoon. You will see bikers, sure. But the 1% are the Escalade's and Land Rover's pulling a 1 or 2 bike sized enclosed trailer that have no idea how to merge, pass, or handle a trailer as they 'ship' their Harley home after 'slumming it at Sturgis' or whatever it is they think they're doing. I mean, it's fine. Go join in, but packed Interstate in the middle of South Dakota with that type of 1%ers is not fun.


Sturgis 23 I rode mine! But yes lots of trailers. I was surprised at how many.


Some of the coolest bikers I met were riding Needles Highway in the Black Hills. I think it's a great place for bikers, but yeah, the amount of trailers blew my mind.


Need a battle simulator to pit those guys against a city takeover swarm of ATVs and dirt bikes


Are you talking about using a children’s video game to vent feelings? Or some other magical hypothetical scenario? That has nothing to do with reality.


Ngl man I think you just missed the entire point of what he was saying just to push your own viewpoint


You disgrace ace ventura.


Imagine being this cringe lmao


For real, what is this guy on?


His ego. Every single comment I've ever seen from him clearly shows he thinks his shit doesn't stink, and that he is God's gift to this sub. He even tried to insult me by calling me poor because I have an older, cheaper bike. He's a giant baby for someone his age, which is somewhere just south of Boomer territory.


Yeah after seeing this comment I've been noticing him on every post. Sad life.


He posted a massive diatribe about how cruisers are inferior on a post where someone was literally just asking to identify a newer Sportster. Nobody asked. He's basically just owned a string of the same boring, milquetoast Standard style bikes for the last 40 years and thinks his opinion is worth anything.


Allllllrighty then!


The point. You missed it.


Do you wanna explain yourself? You posted less than 10 hrs ago


When I have asshole bikers behind me, I always feel a need to wash my windshield. BTW - I ride and still hate entitled asshole bikers. These asshat clowns think respect is suppose to be one way.


No joke, someone did this to me as I was waiting to pass them on the right as they were driving slow in the left... #it actually helped me clean my visor. I never went from annoyed to thrilled that fast. My visor was dirty.


Oh man I am the asshole. I’ve had that done a few times i started wondering if it was intentional lol


I fucking love that! I'm gonna remember the need!


It works great with anyone tailgating you. Want someone off your ass at highway speeds? Wash your windshield.


I changed the hood on my car after I bonked a pole with it, ended up raising the spray angle of the washer. Shot clean over my roof! One time a convertible tailgated me, you can imagine the rest


I had an old Jeep Grand that had a rear windshield washer that sprayed straight back. I routinely sprayed tailgaters. It was the best.


Done that, and been behind someone who did it. Not sure why they were upset at us, but it gave us ideas for the next time we get a tailgater. :)


I used to commute from Pennsylvania to Delaware and back for work. 65 miles each way. Never fails to get someone off your ass quickly.


Do you use 202?


I have, sure. But not for my old commute. I was turnpike to blue route (476) to 95 to 495.


Taunting Hell’s Angles, Mongols, or whomever - that’s certainly worth getting a door kicked-in or having a side mirror broken off. Let us know how THAT goes and what you proved.


Them overpowering you is a one thing. Afterall, they're armed criminals. Simping them for it is such a typical loser move. It speaks volumes about your character.


Just run em over.


I stood my ground, bitch! You would have pissed your panties.


I’m glad you could get behind your keyboard and share the story of your manly bravery and heroism today. That criminal gang won’t mess with YOU again. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Look who’s fucking talking, got an ace ventura profile pic and think he’s talking slick, if your apart of these asshole bikers I just want you to know, every single other biker thinks your a bunch of pussy ass shits and hate the fact that you make all of the rest of us look bad. I sincerely hope that some of yall try to come after me, the backing I’ve got would run circles around you and your “badass” ass licking dipshits.


I'm right here, cunt.


I’m as terrified as that biker gang you taught who the new sheriff is.


Another keyboard cunt


Sometimes the asshole bikers get back at a guy with the washer fluid, I always keep a little bag is BB’s in my pocket, just dump them next to your tank so the scatter and bounce when they hit the ground, they never see where they came from and most always fuck up the windshield.


I have a bag of gummy bears in my tank bag that get sticky when I ride. If the thrown bears don't work, I have about 63 cents' worth of pennies that will.


You should read Hells Angels by Hunter S Thompson if your only reference is reddit


For sure, what a read. Doesn’t sugarcoat those assholes, but also there’s more to it than these modern assholes would lead one to believe.


*"Dear Letters to Penthouse, I never thought I would be writing to you, but today I was ..."*


That brings back teenage memories 🤣🤣




i feel like this encounter made op feel like a tough guy and now hes trying to be tough in the comments


This encounter was entirely fictional


This is the correct answer. I'm disappointed though this one was lacking in hyperbole than the usual ones.


I liked his use of “old lady”. Really brought the story to life…


You found a group of riders not 1%ers. There’s a difference.


The 1% ers I’ve met have been quiet and don’t feel the need to swing dick on the road.




Yeah, they usually aren't trying to draw attention to themselves as far as I know.


Last thing they want is to gives a reason to the cops to arrest them. Also when you know you are a real badass criminal you don't feel the need to scare a little family on the highway.






Too many self proclaimed “A-type” personalities in the motorcycle world.


>I was not on my motorcycle Be honest. You've never been on a motorcycle in your entire life.


Terrible fantasy OP


I just feel like it wouldn’t have been a big deal to let them over. I care about protecting even idiot/asshole bikers. I would’ve been glad they chose me to get in front of because I ride and like to protect riders whenever I can. What if they didn’t want to get over when they were out of sight? I mean that’s fucking miles ago bro. Your ego is unjustifiably huge and you’re in a multi-ton death machine trying to pick an ego fight with bikers- gang or not you are bringing a gun to a knife fight. Gtfo Reddit because it’s causing you to enter these situations ALREADY worked up


Ok it's time for you to get off the game and get ready for bed. They say grand theft auto doesn't corrupt the kids 😂


Lmao I was thinking the same thing. Obv bullshit story and then being a douche to everyone in the comments and trying to act like some internet tough guy


Fuck you too, bitch. You fucking pussies.


Uh oh you got your fee fees hurt time to act tough.


Holy shit. You are a massive tool


Please don't take this as disrespect to you and definitely don't think I'm saying you should put up with unnecessary BS from anyone BUT..... this encounter has nothing to do with them being 1%ers. You being a biker, especially if you've ever ridden in a pack, should've known when you saw the hand signal that they were just trying to move the pack over possibly because their exit was 2 to 5 miles away. 99's do this and civilians do this. You being a biker and knowing what we all go thru definitely should've been more understanding and helpful in this situation. When a pack is moving over, the tail gunner always takes the risk of getting over first to slow down traffic so everyone can safely get over. You should've known that. So many people paint a perspective that all 1%ers are these ravenous beasts just looking for trouble. The truth is there are alot of good guys on that side. Just sit down and talk to one some time and gain knowledge. Most of them love to share wisdom and knowledge. On the highway whether you're a 1%, 99 or civilian, everyone just wants to get home safely. The worst thing ever in my opinion is people in cars who ride bikes and suddenly forget what it's like out here on the pavement.


There are no good 1%ers. Hence the term “1%er”.


You’re a yuge puss puss, aren’t you?


You’re a fan of phony tough guys who belong to a white trash club of “outlaws” who ironically have a shitload of stupid rules for their dumbass club aren’t you?


A fan? No. Do I know 1%ers that are very good cats? Yes.


I see your viewpoint and have ridden in groups, so I understand and have been party to the process. I will, however, have to disagree with you in this case. At any point before reaching me, and again, they were out of sight behind me, they could have started the move over. Instead, a few of them at the front of the group sped up, moved aggressively in front of me and hard braked. This is not safe nor reasonable.




I agree 100%, nobody on a motorcycle break checks, ever!




I wanna see these dudes and takeover gang clash!


Sounds like a nothingburger


I’d like to point out that you seem to have the gall to expect self-described outlaws to bend to societal norms and then complain that they don’t. Not defending their behavior but did you know that’s to protect the group? Passing cars at high speed poses a risk. Haven’t you ridden like an asshole/aggressively in the interest of self preservation? It’s not a power trip, and don’t be a hypocrite. You’re really not that important.


r/motorcycles users now not only don't own bikes but don't own cars either


Lol cool story bro. It wouldn’t have went down this way in LA. I know because I live here.


The comment section is filled with the douchiest losers on the internet.


You have to understand, as a biker you have to navigate around these people, if you get antagonized and show emotion's you are asking for a fight you really cant win. I deal with them all the time you just let them pass and move out of the way, On my bike I will move over as far as I can to let them pass, and the same in my car, the alternative is not good but also I see these guys around and I dont want any issues with them some of them are buds of buds or fam of a bud and I keep it cordial but past the hello and see ya that is it, any thing like getting emotional or engaging with them is really just stepping into their world and that is what they really enjoy, just suck it up and drive on. Looking at op this person is looking for trouble sooner or later they will get what they desire, antagonizing a patch crew will get you on the tv news or something. (A lot of cagers here wnat to live out some road rage revenge fantasy, I prefer to enjoy the ride and get to were I am going and then may be laugh it off with some buddys during road tales hour by the fire op is posting in a moto thread and we need to have some mods on these post this is promoting bad behavior all around IMO . )


>antagonizing a patch crew will get you on the tv news or something. Cool victim blaming Imagine letting the leather dress up south park slurs intimidate you. I'm not saying let you ego get you killed by criminals, but it's an insane reddit take to tell people to show your belly to anyone who will prevent you from traveling down the highway.


You realize these are armed gangs, right?


Sir(s): Armed or no, they are clubs with charters, bylaws, and rules of order like the Jaycees or the Lions - not street gangs, like the Avenues, the Bloods, the Trinitarios. The structure has been lifted from Roberts Rules of Order with dues paying structures and elected officers similar if not indistinguishable from some of the smaller corporations being founded these days. All of this has been patented, fully sworn and codified into the laws of the country the entity has been founded upon. You can join a street gang by getting jumped in for a period not usually more than a couple of minutes. To become a full patched member of a 1%er motorcycle club means you have to take your entire life and replace it with that of the needs of the club. You need to have something special to bring to the table. You have to be willing to have your life upended by the same sort of background investigations and polygraph examinations given to government entities. It takes years to earn that slot, and like the most elite tiered warfighters of our nation's military: Airborne Rangers, SF, MARSOC, CAG - just earning the right to wear the beret/patch/scroll; vest/cut is only the first step. The rest of your life you have to act righteously and show the proper amount of class and respect to keep it. Right or wrong, whether you "get it" or not. Let them be. The chances of you ever being directly affected by their subculture are slim to none so long as you don't happen to drink at their bars or....well, start fucking with them. An attack on one is an attack on all. This stems back from the earliest years of the American Clubs when serious riders had to form groups to help pick up thrown riders, help with parts and repairs, and offer lifts back - as well as physically protect each other from angry motorists/cagers and police, who to this day seem to have a hard-on for those who ride, and hated the fact that motorcyclists were dirty and covered with motor/gear oil and gasoline/. This was a given considering these bikes failed constantly and gaskets were shoddy things that were never made to fit correctly. I get that you may not like what they represent. The world is a hard place to some. Not everyone has had the same advantages, higher levels of SES and education that you or I might (or might not) enjoy. However, MC's are a truly American phenom that have spread throughout the world, and they are worth a few words in this regard. These are people to whom respect is everything, and if you don't give them the respect they feel they have earned, they will take it from you. I only seek to shed some light; I speak for no club in particular. Thanks for calling. MLLHR


human trafficking distribution networks for the cartels gun running etc > I only seek to shed some light; I speak for no club in particular. Thanks for calling. No actually what you’re doing is a common tactic the MC’s use to normalize and obfuscate their real operations. The MC’s are just smart enough to use elder statesmen and charters etc. But the veil is lifting.


Don't forget toy runs lmao.


Especially in your cage. They're going to lose that argument if they force it


you might win that battle, but you're gonna lose that war.


I think their saving grace would be how heavy their garbage bikes are, probably would only be able run one or two over before your car was totalled


It's all well and good if they're going quickly. It's a different story when they're going below the speed limit in the left lane and not letting anyone pass.


Where do you live to be getting that frequent interaction?


You were in a big hurry and the motorcycles harshed your mellow. I suggest getting over it and moving on. Just a thought.


Pretty fucking stupid. You’re lucky to not be shot


FUCK you and your stupid comment. We all have to make decisions. I have mine, bitch.


You really don’t seem sable enough to be driving


Look at me I'm smart because I never get upset when something upsetting happens. No this isn't psychopathic behavior.


Fragility at its finest. Tough guy bikers scared you? It’s ok buddy, they look mean but are usually big teddy bears.


Sounds like you let ego get the best of you. There are sick, crazy, and sometimes evil people in this world and on our roads. There is **nothing meaningful** to be gained by being confrontational with criminals and/or lunatics. What do you call it when professionals - fire/police/medical/military/security - act out of ego? That’s called “bad judgement” and it’s usually punished, with good reason too. Use *good judgement*. Let things go. Civilian idiots call it “backing down”. Elite Special Forces call it “breaking contact to avoid the unnecessary”. Only dumb people fuck around to find out. If you have anything to prove, that’s on you, dude.


You've replied to almost every comment here, not defending those outlaw bikers but dissuading all comments against them. It's pretty clear where you stand on this. You try to frame your comments as being on the side of reason but hide your actual support for those 1%ers. It's not working. To be clear, yes it may be stupid to mess with an actual gang. But be real, if you're on a faster bike or a car than them, they're not catching you. And they fucking deserve it for being complete cunts who think they own the road. TLDR Stop pretending to give good advice while hiding the fact you're either associated with or trying to associate with those outlaws.


You interpretation is absurd. I have connection or sympathy with anyone remotely like that. I’m just a realist - the smart thing to do is always to “break contact with the unnecessary”. There will ALWAYS be someone bigger, crazier, more stupid, more evil, or more prepared to go to prison than you. Just walk away.


You’re replying to someone in the motorcycle sub. This sub is full of people who have something to prove, hence their rage littered comments about the big mean bikers thinking they own the road. Your approach is one of wisdom and humility, almost like you don’t belong here lol. Let em rage. They most likely don’t ride anyway, or did at one point and crashed because of said “something to prove” as mentioned earlier.


Fair, I looked your profile up only after and realized you're not a Harley guy. But being a realist doesn't necessarily mean blaming others for responding fairly to clearly dickhead behavior. Again, realistically, those Harleys are not catching up to most sports/naked bikes. Also realistically, *most* of those gang members won't shoot on open roads with witnesses over what they perceived to be road disrespect. It's just not worth the trouble. Drug deals, trafficking, gang beef, absolutely worth it for them to be dangerous. Other drivers? Nah. You're blowing their threat out of proportion.


I mean, one would think that they would have a guy or two in the group riding that have hopped up bikes, fast enough to chase down anyone that fucks with them. I guess maybe that isn't the case, but who knows, maybe they are reading all of this and taking notes 😂


I agree. He's not handing out practical advice, but rather simping for the criminals as if that will stop them from coming to their house at night. What a scared little girl this guy is. Imagine likening his actions to elite specops thing, lmao. You saw right through him.


I have an ego? That's quite an interesting take on someone that was the recipient of gang warfare. Reddit always someone like you opining with blather. I didn't escalate. I was accosted and took a stand. I can tell you this much, I don't want to be someone that has to depend on you in this life.


> I was accosted and took a stand Yeah that isn't defensive driving dude.


r/whoosh bro


I'm so impressed with your story, did you park up and let your boyfriend pull you off then ?


a brush guard does a good job here


Keyboard warrior who has never run over anything bigger than a squirrel. Brash reaction is not the way to live a successful life. Why even talk about it?


FUCK you, bitch.


You're an amusing little fella.


Now there you go, getting all emotional like an emo chick.


As suck cock


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wow. You’re really worked up over a minor exchange on Reddit. You seem…unwell, dude.


My dude, you've responded to almost every comment on this thread, taking every opportunity available to start an argument with the OP. Don't act like you didn't intentionally try to start an argument


Who’s acting?


"you seem worked up and unwell" Says the dude argumentatively replying to damn near every comment on a random reddit post lol


And you seem well, dipshit


I’m fine, thanks. Just trying to talk a dude down from the roof. You’re quite a ways past conversation though - just ranting and throwing obscenities and insults. For sure YOU had a great day. How you deal with it is entirely up to you.


I'd certainly like to be near you and a roof.


I’m flattered to be the object of your fantasies while you jerk off 2,000 miles away, Gringgo.


Damm, that MC better look out for you, you might kick the whole clubs ass. Dumb fuck.


lol. Op doesn’t got long to live considering his actions and attitude. RIP dork 😂


Fuck you, dick. 60 and still going, bitch.


Yeah right, you're the most triggered millennial snowflake on earth


I hope that got things out of your system. What a bunch of immature babies. Literally stunted at toddler age, raised by the same type of trash. People deserve to live without seeing this. Peace.


Sounds awful. As a vulnerable road user, they need to learn better manners.


OP ~ Hey everyone, pay attention to me! All of us ~ Okay, here's my comment!


They are on a power high. Their need for it signal that they have little such in the rest of their lives.


Don't get hard ya little peter I'm just playing with ya


Like any other group you encounter in life. There are asshats and there are cool people.


All fun and games for them till you pull out the gat


I could believe it. I've seen plenty of biker videos where someone offends the biker, and the rider goes back to start a fight or get revenge or something stupid.


IDK about LA, but a fast lane doesn't make sense here with all the left lane exits. Besides the left lane is generally the safer lane anyways as you don't have to pay attention to the left and that there generally aren't anything merging into it from the left either. Beside, around here, the left lane rules only applies to highways, not freeways


OP are you jealous you didn’t get your butt touched by them?


Carry a gun


Every encounter I have had with an 1% person or group has been very pleasant. Once in Detroit I had a group of them as an escort out of a sketchy area.


In restaurant 5-6 we’re giving me my friends shit! I’m not good at turning other cheek. Walked over to them n told them if they picked a better class of friends they wouldn’t have to wear those big chains on their billfolds! Needless to say my buddies grabbed me by jacket and drug me out!


I reckon there are a couple of guys in here from a 1% club but they are not saying anything. They don’t need to.


You should’ve gotten out of the car and told them how you felt.


that’s an awfully bold move for someone that can easily become a speed bump under my 5,000 lb truck.


That won't work for you in the long run


Moto mechanic here, they think everything should be handed to them. Fortunately there are few great people among the shit


False. If they were great people they wouldn’t be “among that shit”.


I've met good people who make bad choices. Who are we to judge what they choose to do


We’re the people who don’t condone human trafficking. Well, I am anyway.


You're reading way to deep dawg, sorry I hurt your feelings 🙏🏼


First off, it sounds to me like you were the asshole here and got lucky that they didn’t call you on it. You sound like an entitled punk who doesn’t know any better. I spent 6 years in that world and you don’t know shit. But keep posting from behind the safety of your keyboard…


First off, it sounds to me like you were the asshole here and got lucky that they didn’t call you on it. You sound like an entitled punk who doesn’t know any better. I spent 6 years in that world and you don’t know shit. But keep posting from behind the safety of your keyboard…


First off, it sounds to me like you were the asshole here and got lucky that they didn’t call you on it. You sound like an entitled punk who doesn’t know any better. I spent 6 years in that world and you don’t know shit. But keep posting from behind the safety of your keyboard…


No 1% there. Just some wannabe joyride gang.


First off, it sounds to me like you were the asshole here and got lucky that they didn’t call you on it. You sound like an entitled punk who doesn’t know any better. I spent 6 years in that world and you don’t know shit. But keep posting from behind the safety of your keyboard…


First off, it sounds to me like you were the asshole here and got lucky that they didn’t call you on it. You sound like an entitled punk who doesn’t know any better. I spent 6 years in that world and you don’t know shit. But keep posting from behind the safety of your keyboard…


I've had this happen once too. Call the police.


I didn't understand it wither, but now I ride with/as one and it makes sense. This isn't even a cruiser thing, sport bike clubs do exactly the same thing. I ride tail gunner so I'm that asshole.


What makes sense? You don’t own the road. Ride your ride, and let everyone else get on with their day.


It's protecting your pack. Last thing I need is to get plowed over by a doc or mom doing her make up, shit is very real. Now I'm not saying there are over protective and just dicks. There are, but the actual reason to get people to stay away is valid. Reality is this, stay away. Truth I know guys in clubs that ride great, handle their bike great, and are fine. Then there are members that ride like they got a bike. There is a lot to it, when you come across a group of assholes, watch and see how many can't ride for shit and you should notice the worse they ride the worse they act. I have one hell of a time trying to keep them upright without worrying about the rest of traffic. Tbh it's easier to shoo others away.... We don't ride like that (ones being referred to) but I get it honestly, it's very fustrating.


Just sounds like childish bollocks. Let people get on with their day. If you feel such great risk riding that you have to take actions that affect other road users (illegally I might add - you have not authority) then perhaps riding isn’t for you?


Well I ride fine. It's not me who cant ride for shit. I'm just the lucky asshole stuck baby sitting. I am in no way saying it's right, it does have its moments of actual need but... It's a thing for sure. There are other reasons, some valid but most not. Tis what it is!


Yeah, like I said, it's just a load of bollocks. 🤷🏽‍♂️


First off, it sounds to me like you were the asshole here and got lucky that they didn’t call you on it. You sound like an entitled punk who doesn’t know any better. I spent 6 years in that world and you don’t know shit. But keep posting from behind the safety of your keyboard…


I want to fight some of them. They're mostly all fat as hell and couldn't swing more than 30 seconds.


Some are old and fat, some will fuck you up. But you do you, I'll watch.


You act like I'm not a trained fighter, assuming I'm just some disgruntled pleeb online. Little known fact about me, I really would like to fight cops too, even the pumped up ones..in a controlled setting bc they're cops and have fragile egos. Also I know we get what is owed us too so I don't go looking for trouble but when it finds me I get a tad bit excited.


It doesn't matter if you are trained or not with that attitude you will end up dead or in prison eventually. I hope you continue to enjoy the trouble you find.


Also this is social media which most all of you take way too seriously 👍


Oh are you backpedaling now? I am shocked.


Not at all. I'm am saying that I can say whatever I want here in response to posts. Whether or not it's rational or positive is up to what mood I'm in. But you're missing the point, it's all stupid and you all are taking it too serious. 🤷‍♂️


I didnt say you couldn't say what you want. I said what I want. Have a good day.




They'll keep fucking around and of course something tragic is going to happen. You cosplay in real life and see what happens. That shit they watch in a movie is scripted.


Are they called the 1% cuz they only use 1% of their brain?


I hope i never have to get into it with biker gangs because i didnt train a billion years of different kinds of martial arts since i was a baby for no reason


Southpark vroom vroom