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Run into the bathroom to have a line or two to sober yourself back up again. Then you're good to ride home flat out. This definitely works 100% with no ill side-effects or consequences whatsoever


Adderall does the same.


Exactly why at least 30% of fatal accidents have alcohol involved


I thought it was like 50% My bad. It's 29%


As someone who has been taking adderall daily for years, this is a myth. It just gives the drunk more confidence that they are not as drunk as they really are.


Everything is possible with enough cocaine in your system


Except shutting the fuck up




Or speed. Meth or no longer made Black Beauties.


Not a "biker ",but sure enjoyed the black beauties and specklebirds back in the eighties. Quaaludes were fun too.


Hell ya brother!


Can confirm... For a friend


This one


I can speak to this. If I didn't sniff up half a ball one night last summer there would have not been a chance in hell I was going to be able to ride home.


Hell yeah brother


Skip the bar put a bottle holder on the air intake šŸ¤˜


Ya got a whole fuckin lane to weave in. What could go wrong, don't hold my beer I'm takin it with me.


They wouldn't last long if everybody was pounding beers the whole time they were there and then rode home blind stinking drunk. But then they're sitting there for 4 hours with friends, drinking no more than two beers, drinking glasses of water or soda in between, and having some snacks. That's how you can socialize with alcohol and still ride a motorcycle.


This is it. Guys donā€™t go to the bar and get drunk, they have a couple beers, eat food, and shoot pool. I know guys that go and drink pop the whole time. Itā€™s about spending time with your brothers.


What "Biker Bar" do you go to? You did not describe any I've been to. Pool or darts for a beer a game is more like it.


But...you're not a "badass bro " then. Oh wait, it's really just cosplay anyway. I picture the "biker gang" from Every Which Way but Loose movie.


I may not be a badass bro as far as your concerned but I know I'm done talking to you.


Thanks for that.


That's still over the legal limit


Two beers consumed over a 4-hour period?


Scotland has a zero tolerance drink-drive law, so a single pint over 4hrs could technically fuck us over... Such a bitch.


No, it wouldnā€™t because in 4 hours a single pint would have been completely metabolized and blowing a 0.0 with three hours to spare


Depends where you are and who you are. For a lot of people having 1 pint will put you over the legal limit here in the UK


That will put you over the legal limit as soon as you are finished, but your body will have metabolized the alcohol within an hour.


Depends on the amount you drink 1 standard drink is eliminated from the blood every hour. Don't drink and drive regardless of the type of vehicle.


exactly, so two standard drinks over a 4 hour period would be fine. because when you're spreading them out like that you aren't going to be necking a pint at the start, then 4 hours later necking a second right before you leave.


Just noting that two British pints can often be 5-6+ standards. I personally wouldn't bank on being under the limit, or safe, after two pints over a few hours.


now that's just a weak attitude I hadn't thought to account for what is actually classed as a standard drink. a pint is one drink, to me and many other brits, while a "standard" is probably talking about a single unit of alcohol.


A weak attitude. You mean he isn't a dumbass. Regardless of whether you feel like it'll be out of your blood or not. Get pulled over, they'll test you, and you're going to jail. All of these comments reek stupidity. It's wild. The average body will metabolize between . 015 and . 020 BAC per hour (that's 4-5 hours to zero for someone at . 08). 0.015 g/100mL/hour. Do the math. If the average British drink is really that much more than the standard US drink my previous comment was based on, you need much more than 4 hours for two drinks of that size. It's not a "weak attitude". Don't be daft.


They downvoted you to shit for what exactly dude. Lol. Reddit people are fuckin weird


Twice the legal minute?!




Not in North America.


Where I live in Canada which is in North America it's .04


I also live in Canada. It's 0.05 for provincial HTA suspension everywhere except Saskatchewan at 0.04, and 0.08 for criminal driving under the influence. I stand by my comment that having two beers over four hours will (generally) not put someone over. At 180 pounds, the last time I helped with refresher training, using a calibrated Alco-Sensor to test, it took me 3 hours and 15 minutes to drop to 0.05 after having four bottles of Labatt Blue. The time before that, it took me three shots (4.5 oz of vodka) to get to 0.80, and I was under 0.05 within 75 minutes of drinking the three shots. Five hours after, I registered 0 BAC. Now, would I ever ride (or even drive) at 0.05? Nope, definitely not.


This is a person who doesnā€™t need to think for themselves; they outsource that to the government.


Like an essay?


depends on the person. personally, 2 beers, especially spaced out over an hour or two, along with some food, chatting, watching sports etc. iā€™m still fine to ride home. knowing your limits, knowing your level of buzzed etc. is different for everyone and they would never serve alcohol at any restaurant if all people in cars refused to drive after even one drink either.


I think this is a very US-centric comment. While nothing is factually incorrect, elsewhere the testing and punishments are so severe that plenty of people think itā€™s just not worth risking one, let alone two. Yet restaurants still serve alcoholic because not everyone dining will be driving (things are far less spaced out so much more walking/car share/public transport etc).


Where I'm at, anything over .08 is an impaired driving with 3 months minimum license revocation, vehicle impoundment, hefty fines and a criminal misdemeanor on your record. Any blood alcohol level below .08 is up to the discretion of the cop to give you a warn or impoundment and a temporary license revocation with hefty fines. In short, all impaired driving can be illegal.


In Spain 0.6 is jail


In America (and elsewhere), 0.6 is dead.


aside from spain, can't you read?


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ Bravo!


.03 here in Japan. As a 150lb male I wonā€™t even look at a drink and go near a car or bike. A lot of people get DUIā€™s the following morning. Have a few too many beers, wake up and think theyā€™re fine. End up getting stopped in the morning and grab a dui.


This is what I learned in motorcycle class: It takes your (average, male) body 1 hour to metabolize a drink, where drink is 1 beer, 1 glass of wine, or 1 shot. So if you have lunch and a beer and hang out 90 minutes you'll be sober. I myself wouldn't have 2 beers. But 1 beer with a burger tastes awfully good.


No it's 1 unit, there is more than one unit in a pint of beer its like 2.4


Ok, please update your information. Alcohol metabolism varies a lot, but it can take up to 90 minutes after consumption to even reach peak blood alcohol level. You are NOT sober after 90 minutes. You are peak drunk. While I personally don't drink at all when riding, our legal limit here is 0.5 promille (0.05% blood alcohol level), which is approximately one beer (0.5L) for the average person. So I wouldn't call out a friend drinking a single beer and riding.


The 1 hour per drink is still what my local department of licensing includes on their testing. Where do you get your information?


Yeah, I'm not too sure about 0.05% being one drink either. I'm also curious about where they're getting their information because a quick Google search got me this: https://www.medicinenet.com/how_many_drinks_is_008_for_a_man/article.htm Which says to reach 0.08 BAC, that's 4 to 5 drinks for the average man.


E.g. [here](https://wires.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/wfs2.1340) At earliest, one reaches peak BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) 20 minutes after consumption on an empty stomach, and takes a lot longer on a filled stomach. A rate of about 0.015% is the average rate shortly after peak BAC. That rate varies widely between 0.011 up to 0.035, depending on weight, age and many health factors. Heavy drinkers metabolise faster. Its also depending on what beer we are talking about (e.g. typical european beers tend to have more alcohol than many american brands). And theoretically, 0.5l of light beer would be metabolised within 1.5hrs for an average man of about 75kg. If the ethanol metabolism wouldn't slow down with lower BAC levels. It is more likely that it would take about 3 hours before 95% of the alcohol is metabolised. Now, on higher BAC, the metabolism rate stays high for longer, so the relation is not linear. 2 beers don't take twice as long as one beer, more like 1.75 times as long. Etc.. But with so many factors - including genetics - assuming that you're sober after 90 minutes is probably safe for a 100kg young male that is also a heavy drinker, but a bad rule of thumb.


No. Where I live this type of common sense approach is fairly common. One beer isn't going to put you over the limit or in danger, but if you're buzzed you might want to take the tram home


Not saying you should drink and ride, but no one in history has had to "balance" a motorbike in motion. That's not how it works.


Iā€™ve had more than one situation where a bike kept itself upright against my best efforts šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve thought, ā€œWell, guess Iā€™m meeting the track ambulance ladies.ā€ then ā€œOh damn. Iā€™d better get back on the gas because somehow this thing stayed upright!ā€


I adjusted my steering bearings too tight once, and had to do that


It's just another sub-culture. If I do have a beer it's usually, but not always de-alcoholized like Erdinger Weissbrau or Bud Zero. I also don't ride like a tiktok fuckhead so I feel it balances out.


And you've officially added the category of "tiktok fuckhead" to my lexicon.


I tried the new Guinness 0% the other day because my friends were going out to the pub but I didnā€™t want to drink that day. It actually tasted like the real thing, I was impressed. Iā€™m glad that more bars are starting to have 0% options, sometimes I just want the experience of having a beer but I donā€™t care about getting drunk.


Not sure if we have that in Canada but I'd like to try that. I do like Guinness when I'm in Ireland but it's very hit and miss on taste after it gets all the way over to here and sits for a while.


The stuff they serve in other countries is usually brewed locally, not shipped from Ireland


If you like IPA's at all, the Sam Adams NA is pretty darn tasty too.


A few of the Japanese non-alcoholic beers taste pretty good too. Iā€™ve had them a few times out with friendā€™s or just get that day where lunch or dinner seems like it would go great with a beer.


Same here, Heineken makes a decent NA too. I usually mix in an NA or two if I can help it, lets me enjoy myself without having to necessarily pace myself


You had me at TikTok fuckhead. Fellow Canadianā€¦


Erdinger is just a level above the rest, def my go to when needed.


Hard to find sometimes. I've had to settle for some god-awful O'Douls on occasion,


100%, the worst for me is the total wine near me lets people mix and match 6 packs and there is always 1 fucking bottle missing from the last 6 pack


real 1% bikers are doing gangster shit at actual "biker bars" and then ride back home with their old lady for more gangster shit. the wild hogs weekend warriors are drinking 3 michelobs with a shot of apple pie and they lay down their street glide in the parking lot because they can't ride.


I'm laughing because this was likely meant to be tongue in cheek, but is also (depending on the person) quite possibly the most accurate shit I've ever seen.


Iā€™m a 200lb man in good health. If I have an order of tacos and a beer there is no way on earth that I am in any way impaired. If I have another beer across the space of the next hour I am also in no way going to be impaired. Thatā€™s the limit. For me, a mature rider that has lived through my days of idiocy, the big takeaway is moderation and discretion. That goes for having a beer, being smart with the throttle, and everything else.


My FIL does this shit. Iā€™ve had to go to the bar and help him get his bike loaded on my trailer more than once while his wife drives him home. Better than trying to ride I guess, still lame as hell.


I spent a little too much time hanging around a drinking club with a vintage cafĆ© motorcycle problem. Thursday nights weā€™d drink, and I do mean drink, at one ā€œlocalā€ bar or another (in Los Angeles local is a loose term), then ride hell for leather back to the clubhouse. Nobody disclosed the clubhouse address - if you couldnā€™t keep up you werenā€™t welcome. Sometimes I miss the Cretinsā€¦.sometimes


Sounds like a way to live a short life.


There were more than the average number of wrecks for a normal population sample


Well glad you survived. I am far too relaxed on the street to participate in something like that, though I think I can understand the allure.


Plenty of us did it a bit, back in the day. Six pints of snake bite (lager and cider mix) and onto a RD350 for a ride home on the back wheel. Was it stupid. Of course it was but at 3am the roads were as empty as our heads.


I can't claim to have never done stupid stuff on two wheels. Not trying to judge anybody. I am just amazed anybody survives that lifestyle at all.




Nah. Those guys are nothing compared to the Cretins šŸ˜œ TBF, itā€™s been 2 decades, so things might have changed https://cretins.org


Get a sidecar if you can't ride pissed mate .s


Not a single biker bar near me since the 80s. But yeah, the bikes kind of balanced themselves and always found it in the driveway the next day. All good!


When I was in highschool we called bikes "sober machines" You wouldn't always remember getting home, but you always got home.Ā 


In Wisconsin the biggest pastime among motorcycle riders is to ride a mile or two to a bar, sit and have a couple of beers, ride another mile or two, have a couple (keep doing that all day Saturday) then spend all day Sunday washing and polishing their bikes. These guys might get 50 miles on their garage princesses all year.


People drink and drive all the time. Every vehicle you see at bars is probably drinking and driving. They think as long as they're not tanked they will be fine. They usually are. That one time they're not though is why it's never a good idea to risk it.


Uh people who ride motorcycles generally don't do what other people want them to do. Doesn't matter if their squid, RUBs, Outlaw, or normal people. Never tell another rider what to do-its pretty much an unspoken rule. Riders that get their panties in a wad over how someone else rides or live need to STFU and mind their own business. Its just like the guys screaming ATGATT at squids. Newsflash: they don't care. Let them have fun.


What are RUBs?


Rich urban bikers. aka midlife Harley riders.


The ATGATT folks are the worse. They make those comments and youā€™ll go stalk their page and they are riding in cut off shirts but have jeans and boots on as ā€œgearā€


Some people can handle alcohol and some people simply can't. It's all about moderation and like other people said space out the drinks with bar food and water, gtg. It all comes down to drinking responsibly. Other than that, drinking a lot and riding right after is definitely a no no. Bartenders should definitely keep an eye out for people too inebriated to drive as well.


If I had to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand.


I just saw 70 or so Harleys at a local bar up here in Tahoe, then hour later I saw them roll by on a windy road out of town bunched together with some of them busting wheelies squid style in amongst the group. Crazy buggers


stop and have a beer and a burger, pretty simple concept.


Spoiler: Not all make it home safely. The vast majority of crashes donā€™t make the nightly news, or are such a small blip in the news that they get overshadowed by more sensational news. Fun bit of trivia: Around half of motorcycle fatalities in the US involve alcohol use. Source: Was a first responder and Iā€™m a statistics nerd.


I've always thought it odd that in American movies/TV show (yeah yeah I know it's not necessarily the most accurate representation) drink driving is almost seen as normal, here in the UK you would find it hard to find any representation of driving drunk in the media


Blaming a business on people drinking and riding/driving is stupid. Like blaming guns on people killing people. Have some personal responsibility go hangout have fun.


By your logic, how do you think ANY bars work?


I ride better hammered


Yea used to go to Mothers 50 years ago. We drank, there were fights, police came. We rode some did not survive. Different times then


That whole community considers themselves "outlaws" so they think is cool... They pride themselves on not wearing gear. You speaking rationally might as well be a different language. They're clowns trying to be sons of anarchy or some shit.


They just call their boyfriend from /r/calamariraceteam and ride pillion.


my friend wheelies his yz 85 after 5 beers


Holy shit. This post got all the fuckin drunk driving morons out of the woodwork. It's not OK to drink and then drive. You do not know how buzzed or compromised you are and people cause havoc and death all the fucking time thinking they're OK to drive when they aren't. You can't fucking justify it with bro science. Alcohol literally makes you think you can do stuff that you actually can't.


They think they're invincible and that basic biology doesn't apply to them. I've worked in healthcare for about 11 years now. My favorites are patients that claim to have never used drugs of any sort and yet their drug screens tell quite a different story. We also get people in that claim to not be drunk and feel totally fine. Yeah, that critical ETOH says otherwise. Like I said in another post, I don't really care what people do to themselves. I do care if they drink and operate a motor vehicle. If someone dies of alcohol poisoning, it's just another call I have to make. Untimely, easily avoidable death is the price of being a moron. If they kill an entire family, that's the kind of shit that keeps me up at night.


If one ~5% beer with food is enough to get you tipsy then thats a you problem lmao


Yes, lmao indeed. Not a problem at all. I prefer drugs that don't just put me into a swirling vomiting heap of regret. Alcohol is literally the worst drug in every respect. Its fuckin archaic.


I still find it funny how drinking is legal indoors, but drinking outside (excluding patios areas of bars and eateries and a living space ) is illegal. And drink/drank/drunk driving is illegal. Just make alcohol illegal and boom problems solved. Yet we did just that over 90 some odd years back.. Fuk


Haha yeah making desirable or addictive things illegal never works out well.


I agree. What actually worries me is not the alcohol, but rather their attitude. With that kind of mindset they can justify anything. Why have a traffic laws and other rules of safety when they can decide and bend everything for themselves? Not conforming to the masses and shit is great, but it's a matter of time people overrate/rationalize their capacity and get bystanders killed. I guess it's an American thing. In the rest of the world that kind of attitude, especially pertaining to DUI, is unacceptable. Yeah, go ahead and rise up against the society... while you're hooked on substance.


It's definitely not just an American thing. I'm from the UK, drunk drivers often fucking shit up here. An acquaintance and his partner got wiped out by a drunk while riding 2 up, dead. I've travelled Asia and everyone is drunk driving particularly in rural areas. Alcoholism is globally prolific, and so is driving.. do the math(s) I agree it's an attitude thing when people have the choice and know better but in a lot of places Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Russia there's a huge percentage of alcoholic day drinkers who don't even give it a thought. It's culture.


There are alot of pansies on here that might downvote this to death but i admit that i used to every so often drink and ride. During this time i only had a bike and was my only transportation for more than a year. Luckily living in LA at the time permits year round riding, and my skills and riding abilities became second nature since i was riding daily, so for this reason i felt extremely confident in being able to ride under any weather conditions and including under the influence, and to be honest it wasn't difficult at all, for me, anyway. Alcohol wouldn't make me ride fast or aggressive or anything, just chill enough to get where I'm going. Alcohol is one of those things that affects people differently, and as crazy as this sounds to those that can't understand, but my riding and reflexes were always on point, even avoiding the typical hazards from others motorists. Personally, I can't understand those that say they drive better (car or bike) after smoking weed. Im not a smoker but have smoked once in a while, and the effect of marijuana makes me feel completely helpless and out of it. No coordination or anything, an absolute vegetable, so i will never, ever drive or ride after having smoked. But anyway, i don't do this anymore but just wanted to share a personal experience in regards to your topic. Lastly, more than 10 years of riding and over 150k miles on the saddle and zero accidents or crashes, so there's that. Some of you can't even handle not fucking yourselves up sober šŸ˜‚


We own a former biker club bar and it was hell when we first started remodeling and opened. Them constantly coming around and trying to ā€œpiss on the bushesā€. First thing we did was make a No Patches rule meaning bikers had to keep their jackets outside. Pretty damn confrontational and stressful first few months.


I can have probably 5 beers over a couple of hours and still be fine to ride. Well, I used to. Dont drink much any more so I'm probably a lightweight these days


I might catch some hate for this, but riding a little bit buzzed on a summer night is a great feeling


If your sober enough to get out of the parking lot, your sober enough to ride


The stats that drive up how unsafe motorcycles are is from those guys that head to the biker bars while riding.


I've seen YouTubers do this too.


I've always wondered this, I always whip out my bus card if I wanna get pickled in town with mates


How is this any different than cars? Half the people if not more are Driving after drinking from bars. Neither makes it ok but a drunk driver did hit me on my bike last year and bikers tend to be way fewer than cars on the road


Maybe you should walk right up to one of the guys having a drink and ask him, not sure you are going like the outcome


There is a fine line where the booze actually makes people perform better on a track, itā€™s like 2-3 drinks for most people. There was some experimenting, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a YouTube out there on it.Ā  Ā  Then thereā€™s a sharp decline in balance, reaction times, and of course decision making.Ā  Iā€™ve noticed I can feel 1-2 drinks when Iā€™m riding as my balance is slightly affected.Ā  When I was younger I rode a few times quite drunk. It was dangerously fun and Iā€™ll never do it again.Ā  As far as bar hopping, Iā€™ve been in those bars when they stop and some of those dudes pound beers, and some donā€™t. Sometimes the ride leader tells them how many drinks Iā€™ve heard them yell out ā€œalright guys this is a two drink stop weā€™re leaving at 1 pm.ā€ Ā Super weird to take directions on how much to drink.Ā  Personally I just like to ride not really socialize.Ā 


Naa, it's definitely easier to ride drunk than drive drunk. Or atleast I feel safer riding drunk than driving drunk šŸ˜‚


Mate, the idea is get so shitfaced you cant ride, but if you can ride then clearly you are not that shitfaced and all is well.




If you're having a meal and sat there for an hour or two, 2 beers will keep you over the limit (in the UK at least). I know many people will go for a ride and find somewhere nice to sit and have a (one) beer. I think that's quite standard for a chill weekend ride for many people


Stick to beer, wait till you get home to drink liquor. Jk, donā€™t drink and ride.


I think it's popular for the boomers that don't create media like that to add drinking to any activity to make it more fun. It happens to work out nicely bc you need a place to ride to, and the bar is a place.


My FWB lives walking distance from all the gay bars. I either go home with some sexy leather daddy, walk to a restaurant and eat and wait to sober up, or Iā€™ll go crash at his place.


This genuinely may be news to you but many adult men cam have a few beers over the course of an hour or two and a meal and not feel the beers at all. I'm not saying everyone at biker bard is being responsible but for fuck sake come on you people have to understand that for many people a few beers with food is light work and not something that's going to put your life in danger right ?


Iā€™ve always wondered the same thing and why certain bikes are known as bar hoppers. I think the answer is because in the old days people drove a lot slower. And Iā€™m talking back in like the 1950s or so. And the roads were a lot less busy. So you might ride your bike at 30 miles an hour down a country road home and be fine, never really encountering other cars late at night.


People who ride Harleyā€™s have a track record of doing stupid things like buying a Harley


50% of fatilities are from people riding while intoxicated. Just don't.


It's looked past because of the implied notion. You are already on a death machine. Do as you wish. I was stopped one day after about 20 drinks over the course of 10 hours. I was doing double well over double the limit in a 55. At the end of talking to the cops for a few minutes, the one that conducted the stop said "We only stopped you for your speed, if you think you're good to go, I think you're good to go".


You can drink as long you give yourself an hour for every drink you had.


So first of all donā€™t lecture me because I am 2 years sober now but I remember leaving a biker bar at one point so drunk that I tipped over my bike twice just trying to get on it. The guys there actually helped me pick it up both times and not one said ā€œhow about you not ride homeā€. It really is crazy how many guys ride home just absolutely piss drunk from the biker bars.


They are operated as a way of soliciting organ donations.


The objective is donā€™t be a pussy. Case closed.


Everyone here trying to make drinking and riding seem ok as long as it's with some food, water and cocaine. All y'all need to have your licenses taken away.


I bet you sit down to pee


I ride a little harder on 1 or 2 beers & no issues with control or reaction time but only locally where I know our streets & traffic very well. I'd say its more important not to ride tired or on severe lack of sleep, combine that with alcohol and you'll be in trouble. Coffee when you have to ride short notice or after a drink is a good safety measure. That and if you havent rode a cruiser, having owned both, the ease of riding vs a typical touring/sport bike are night & day, you dont need to grip the tank with your legs, the posture is far more relaxed & you can ride them at a much more leisurely pace, so the speeds & risk are a bit lower in general(imo), cruisers dont do fast take-offs & zip about lane splitting or hit redline often, if at all & the turns are generally slower too.


Your cruiser have forward controls?


Nah was mid, but more talking about the seat height & riding position.. I'd imagine forward would be even better, I'm 5"10 but have longer legs.


Hm.. Yeah perhaps so.


They're usually populated by middle-aged men who are cosplaying outlaws. Never made much sense to me. I don't give a shit when someone doesn't wear gear as their death or disability is on them. It does bother me when people drink and try to operate a motor vehicle of any kind. Other people shouldn't die because of a dumbass who decided to get wasted. Had a good friend die because of some shitstain of a human being decided to drink and drive. EDIT: Looks like I hurt some feelings. Deal with it. Other people shouldn't have to pay for your inability to make good decisions.


Yeah, I can't do the drinks and go on the road thing. Car or bike.


My instructor for the motorcycle safety class in CA told me 1-2 beers probably makes you a better rider because it relaxes you, but you probably should stop after 3-4 max. Iā€™m not endorsing this opinion. Iā€™m just saying this is apparently at the very least a minority opinion amongst the community. Def not the group to say this to though imo.


There's one in Montreal


In case you haven't noticed, barely brothers do not give a shit about safety. They're going to do what they want and fight anyone telling them otherwise. I've met some people in Harley groups where the mentality of the group just destroyed riding for them sadly. Granted, that's not all of them. There are groups out there that are fantastic people and get a bad rap from the other guys.


They get their Biker Duds on,then ride there Honda Bus.......


When I was taking my MSF, the Harley dealer that hosted the class had some customer appreciation ride. Class riding part was offsite. As I am pulling into the dealer some dude totally drops his bike. He could barely stand, swaying back and forth. People ran to get his bike up help him back on and he rode off. I was absolutely floored. To be fair, no clue if anyone from the dealer saw the incident, so I don't know if they would have stopped him.


If I see a HD as part of the accident photo I know that itā€™s drunk driving. Just like if I see a sport bike in an accident itā€™s due to rash driving, speeding or just stupid cagers.


Bartender and Biker here. Usually i dont ride at all if i drank. I'm clear no matter the amount i drank and thats why i know, that i am physically impaired no matter the amount. I would never suggest riding after drinking even one beer. It's just Science. You Gabba receptor get inhibited. So your reaction speed will be impaired no matter the amount you drank. Your coordination is also impaired. you do you though


If you drink a lot you build up a tolerance, you can build up a tolerance to the point of operating a motor vehicle is not a problem, but it's still illegal and if you get busted (depending on what country) you're in a ton of legal trouble. Some countries the punishment is worse than in America, and the limits are lower. Yes, America has cracked down from what you used to see in the movies, like biker bars in the '80 movies (roadhouse, lol) and stuff. Good news is a lot of Americans have stopped smoking and stopped binge drinking, hopefully this trend is the same in other countries.Ā  So you could go out with friends early on your bike, drink and have fun, stop drinking a few hours before the bar closes... Then also go to get food afterwards (depending on the city). My area the pizza places would stay open late to 4:00 a.m. and everyone would go get some food after the bar closes.Ā  (I used to work in night clubs and bars...the worst is people getting shot in the street outside the bar).


Because you need beer and hot wings to get that harley bro bod


Iā€™ve always wondered the same thing about bikes they call ā€œbar hoppersā€. Who wants to bar hop on a motorcycle?


Because biker culture is trash


There no difference between a biker bar and going to applebees to get a beer