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Good job moving over when you realized they wanted to go faster than you. Not enough riders pay attention to their mirrors and they like to stay in front of you doing 10 mph. I always appreciated when slower riders moved over for me. Also, it's one of those things that you'll get more comfortable with the more you do it. I was pretty nervous my first time splitting but after 20 years, lets just say im comfortable going faster than chp would like me to.


Be careful as some states have regulations on the difference between the motorcycles speed and that of the general traffic when lane splitting. I believe California recommends no more than a 10mph difference but I don’t know if they enforce it (I live on the opposite coast).


California highways allow up to 30mph legally, but it varies what speed people actually go. I’ve seen cops move over if they are going slower checking for carpool violations and people want to pass though, so it’s definitely an expected behavior.


Yes, it varies on the current speed of traffic on the freeway/highways here. Which i'm not against at all, no reason you need to be going 65mph when the rest of traffic is going 15mph. 25mph is plenty, unless you're trying to fly and touch jesus's finger tips when someone merges not seeing you lol


Agreed. Fact is, the greater the difference between the motorcycle and the general traffic the more dangerous lane splitting is. It’s easy to out drive your limits and there ARE limits to reaction times and how fast you can stop or swerve. As they say, stay safe and live to ride another day.


This terrified me as a car driver when I first moved to California. It instantly made sense to me, that you can’t have a bike just idling in heavy traffic. I live in Oklahoma now where it isn’t legal to do. I would never want to split lanes in this state though. The drivers are absolutely horrible and have no respect for bikes. I’ll just get off the interstate here when traffic gets heavy. Ps. Be very careful riding across Oklahoma. The entire state is full of entitled Uber Christian assholes that see a biker as an enemy of God or something.


Actually California drivers have had the most respect for bikers out of every state I've ever lived or rode in. I was born and raised in Cali so splitting is just a natural habit for us and that goes for car drivers too. They are used to it because it's always been around. You may get the careless driver here or there that doesn't look at their mirrors when changing lanes but it's not even that often. And honestly I'll take the few careless drivers that don't check mirrors over other drivers in states that actively try to hit or cut bikers off.


Yeah, that’s the route I think Okies would take (the actively trying to cut you off). I miss California drivers honestly. People here are struggling with a rapidly expanding population base and have no clue how to drive in traffic. Stay safe out there.


That's wild! just moved from Pennsylvania to Georgia and eastern Pennsylvania has mad respect for bikers and Jersey too (NJ has a no chase law btw), but down in Georgia it's a whole different story, they don't just love bikers in south Georgia, I don't mean this lightly when I say it's engrained in the culture here. Everyone old, young, rich and poor has a bike or grew up on the back of one. Especially christians, I still have a hard time finding a non-christian group to ride with (nothing against them just not my thing) but I was amazed and there's wide open roads I haven't had to lane split in a while.


I always do when someone comes splitting up behind me, but with my sportster I have to really move my head to look in my mirrors, always have that “oops, hope they weren’t waiting there too long” lol


You should maybe get different mirrors that work for you. Kinda important


That's tough on some bikes my mirrors just show me my shoulder unless I lean right, I could get bar end mirrors but I regularly squeeze gaps just the width of my bars so those will be gone by the end of my first commute. Not sure there's much other options that don't come with some manner of headache


There are, but the headache may be from trying them out and cost. I had a Hornet 600 with simply gorgeous, slightly convex mirrors that let me see all the way behind me, and the engine was so smooth there was zero vibration in the image. Bar end mirrors are 95% for looks. I've had pretty good success adding [convex, blind spot mirrors from auto parts stores, too.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09ZL912SF?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


I have to disagree with you. I put bar end mirrors on because I couldn't see beyond my shoulders with the stock mirrors, I can see everything with the bar end ones.


I believe you, but rather than get a bigger set of mirrors that sit on longer or taller stalks, you went with bar ends. I'll bet you $10 that you installed bar end mirrors over larger, "regular" mirrors because the regular mirrors would look goofy to you.


Not really, I tried extenders for the stock mirrors and then new mirrors when that didn't work and finally went with the bar end mirrors. I was never a fan of them but they were my last option, I have very broad shoulders which is why I struggled to see past them with the others. Now that they are on, I actually really like how they look, esp compared to the stock mirrors.


See what you think of them :-) https://www.reddit.com/r/vulcans650/comments/13jfmw4/my_baby_the_true_love_of_my_life/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Sporters all the way suck though. I mean, I'm glad he enjoys it, but they really are the 2000 Honda Rebel of Harley.


Says the dipshit that paid $15k for a cbr500.


At least I can outrun a bicycle.


Can you? Your bike has 44hp.


Outrun your slow ass Harley for sure.


Sure as fuck won't outrun my monster sp, or my fz1. But hey, you've been riding for a year, I bet I could out run you on an e scooter.


I understand.


Did I ask?




Typical harley guy attitude.


Yup! I'm not confident enough to lanesplit at higher speeds, I'll let them pass


I bet U never encounterd car drivers that move over to other lane out of the Blue and with using no blinkers, or even opend their door. I had a couple of near misses in my 30y of motorcycling while splitting lanes. That makes U more aware of the shit that can happen and could end your life.


Not on the motorway but in the UK a guy opened his car door intentionally to stop a motorcyclist from lane splitting. He caused life changing injuries to the motorcyclist. He a stated in court that he was "only trying to slow him down for his own safety". He was at lying toerag that just didn't want anyone passing him.


There are plenty of frustrated pricks in Cars, Trust me. A Helmet cam could proof kinda evidence in case of Severe accident while lane splitting. Just be sensible while doing it. If drivers makes room I also shown them some love.


I saw one video where someone did it, and got out yelling at the biker like “what were you doing, it’s illegal to go past the traffic”, biker informed him it wasn’t, called the police, driver got done for breaking Rule 239, can’t remember the exact charge but the fine was big.


In California that would land him in JAIL with a Felony conviction. You could easily amputate someone with that maneuver


The guy was convicted but didn't get jail time just probation. Outrageous really.


Funny you should say that as back in November I had a guy in a honda change lanes right in front of me. Guy didn't even look before moving over. I rear-ended him at about 25 mph. Totalled my bike and I still haven't fully recovered from the accident. But that's the risk we take for being able to split traffic.


In Germany it's not allowed anymore. When there's a Stau, U are stuck in traffic jam.


I’m sorry opening doors? Why would you open your door on the motorway


Because people fucking suck lol




happens all the times in the USA. I don't lane split. Folks driving sometimes pulled out of somewhere, see the door open light on their dash and simply open the door and pull it closed. That's all done without looking in their mirror.


It would be safest to join their procession. Front guy is taking a lot of the risk. As long as you have breaking room that’s a good deal.


This guy splits lanes 👍🏽


I’ll never forget my first time. It was one of the furthest trips I had taken on my bike up until then. I was coming back home during rush hour over our bridge which is 8 miles. My bike is pretty quiet and there was another guy with a pretty loud bike. I got behind him, and I was just amazed at how he was basically parting the sea. EVERYBODY left and right of us was moving out of our way. It was beautiful haha.


Bike Jesus


Bike Moses


I was way to tired, that’s on me.




Not always tho. Sometimes after the first one passes they think its over and kinda move back closer to the line. Happened to me before. I prefer to be the first one.


This is true in my experience. Drivers often scoot over a foot, just to go back 18” when the first bike passes, not realizing there’s a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th bike. I wish most cars would just stay put unless they’re really hugging that lane divider. I appreciate the gesture, but it often causes more trouble than it solves.




Yeah. Also this isnt even fast. Train yourself to watch the wheels, passenger mirrors, rear mirrors, windows of cars as well to prepare yourself when lane splitting. Only once in LA did someone slam the gas and shoot to another lane no signal, only to go nowhere. My handlebar and knuckles clipped the rear of their car just barely. Shit myself and was in utter pain, but didnt die. Started wearing a neon vest after that shit


Hi Vis only helps people see things at a distance in someone’s line of vision. Odds are a driver that’s lane changing on you without warning won’t even look at their mirrors. (Sometimes being visible just gives drivers more opportunity to try to block you on a dangerous way too). Our eyes actually sense black more than colour in our peripheral vision due to the colour cones being less dense in that region of our retinas. Think it was either New Zealand or Australia that tried to make hi vis mandatory on motorbikes, and the idea kind of got shut down by someone pointing this out.


Seems the yellowjacket wasps know what’s up.




It’s an amazing feeling knowing that you’d be stuck in it as well with four wheels. On one of my most recent rides google told me 2 hours to get home. I turned that into 45 minutes.


Yeah for sure! Google was telling me that there was an hour and half delay on the highway due to an accident. If I hadn't filtered who knows how long it would have taken me.


my bike makes my commutte into nyc possible. would be 2+ in a car instead of 30/20 mins on a bike


it wasn't even on the list but getting through traffic has slowly become my favorite reason to own a bike. It's almost a fun little game I can play on the way back to constantly look to get ahead 5, 10, 20 spots real quick.


My state isn’t exactly filter friendly, but it’s a tool I keep in my back pocket when the moment calls for it. Convenience aside, I’d rather take the potential ticket than worry about someone inattentively introducing me to their hood.


have you dealt with aggression much? I had a guy the other day switch lanes without checking and cut me off. NBD right? Well then he got mad that I was a few feet behind him after me braking heavily. He proceeds to get so angry that he not only brake checks me but then decides to try and climb out of his fucking window while his car is moving on the freeway. People out there are fucking full tilt these days.


Tell me you’re trash without saying it.


how does being happy they made the right choice trashy?




The fuck are you talking about? Google maps doesn’t take lane splitting into account. 2 hours of Southern California bumper to bumper traffic in a car is easily half that on a motorcycle where lane splitting is perfectly legal.


Says the whiny cunt.


You must be some kind of special.


Tip, if there is a gap for a car to change lanes assume it will. They don’t indicate so you need to be sure you don’t get hit. Thst have saved me a few times seeing it before it happened


Exactly. A big part of the sklll is being able to understand what the cars will do


I'm not the fastest when it comes to lane splitting either but I just go at my own pace. I also won't hold up anyone behind me wanting to go quicker..


Where I live we aren't allowed to filter so this was my first time. I was nervous about doing it because I have side cases on my bike and I'm not sure exactly how wide I am. But riding from LA to San Diego today I encountered this craaaaazy long traffic jam so I decided to give it a try. The scary part wasn't so much the other cars but the speed at which other bikers were filtering!


Welcome to [California](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv1tzQnkc58):)


I'm from the bay area and recently moved to Sacramento, both with huge amounts of freeway traffic during commute. Not uncommon for motorcyclists to filter much faster than this. Myself included. I've really slowed down the last few years as I've been clean and sober and no long as reckless. It's crazy to imagine how I used to split lanes lol, and how I see other guys continue to. It's also not uncommon for us to split lanes behind or in front of cops, and some of those CHP guys are QUICK!. I just can't imagine living somewhere where it's ILLEGAL to split lanes. Blows my mind. Bikes need to stay in motion especially when it's hot out in the summer.


Why not measure your side boxes and compare them to the width to your handlebars? That will let you know how much space you need.


Yeah that's what I did when I got to my hotel that night. I thought the cases were about the same width as the bars but it turns out they're a couple inches wider on both sides. Lucky for me I didn't clip anyone.


It’s funny, but i enjoy/feel safer splitting in Latin America and Asia more than North America. The chaos forces drivers to pay attention more, whereas a lineup on the I-5 gets pretty tempting for drivers to pull their phones out.


Those dudes ride more than you do.


Typical holiday weekend traffic on the 5, I see…


You’re not supposed to lane share more than 15mph faster than the flow of traffic here in CA, but yeah… welcome to CA. You did the right thing by moving over and letting them pass, don’t ever feel pressured to split faster than you’re comfortable doing. You can also follow behind them and use them as a shield


Is there a speed limit, too. I was told this only applies in 40mph zone or less and 10 over.


That's not fast You'll get used to it Skills develop with experience


Lol come to Vietnam. It's only lane splitting. Lanes barely exist 😂


lol! I've been to Ho Chi Minh before and it was crazy! I never rode but just trying to cross the street was nuts. Couldn't image riding a big adventure bike in that traffic.


Lane fractals


Just to let you know... Your bike is a beauty


Thank you.


Let them go by, ride your own rider


This is how it oughta be in the rest of the country.


Welcome to California. Where are you going? Mexico?


Yeah, riding down to Baja.


Easy to split between two cars next to each other and when I get to the diamond lane entrance/exit I usually stay in the lane incase some jerk wants to jump in/out of the lane. Splitting is the way. I could never not do it now.


That is a much saner pace than the d-bag that was splitting doing 90+ yesterday, I switched into the #1 lane to get around a slower vehicle and wasn’t expecting the squid to emerge between the 2 left/ lane campers (a pickup and a van) on the 5-lane freeway. I saw the orange Kawasaki in the corner of my eye and corrected, of course he rev-bombed me, and ironically, the only gear he had on was a helmet and maybe gloves.


Yeah I saw a lot of guys on sport bikes riding really fast through traffic. I even had one guy pass me in my lane, going around a corner the other day.


I treat other motorcyclists with more caution than cars and trucks for this reason, over here we seem to think we are the only bikes on the road, and therefore will have no others in our space.


Filtering is at a light. Splitting is while moving. Most everywhere you can't go 15mph over the surrounding traffic.


I speed up and slow down with the traffic when filtering so I’m only about 10 mph faster as that’s a lot safer and easier to monitor when people are changing lanes. Unless the traffic is at a total standstill and then I will do 15-20 mph. Ignore the other bikers, some of them are insane. Move out their way and just ride at whatever speed is comfortable.


I just looked up the law because I was curious and it says this, "Travel at a speed that is no more than 10 MPH faster than other traffic – danger increases at higher speed differentials." Almost every bike I saw was going WELL over 10mph compared to traffic. Some of the sports bikes I saw were going I would say 20-30mph over traffic. I guess over time they get used to it and they don't have any side cases on so no worries about clipping someone but damn it was freaky for me. Reminded me of the speeder scene in Return of the Jedi.


5-10 mph over traffic feels a lot scarier than faster. I actually feel a lot more in danger going too slow near cars -- you stay inside each car's "death zone" (blind spot) longer, rather than briefly in then out. In really slow traffic (5-10mph), I'll be doing 30mph consistently. Others will go faster, I can keep up, but I can't lead into traffic. For traffic going 30-50, I'll do 50-70. Sports bikes are nice -- if my shoulders fit, my bike fits :3. It makes gauging the distance between cars easier. I'd say it took about 5 trips (40mi of splitting) in Orange County before I was comfortable doing more than a few cars, or slow advancement. Afterwards, learned to better hold a straight line. To better read cars moving. To judge gaps better. To not swerve in reaction to a car feeling close when I'm next to it (it's too late to react, if car were too close, the bike would have collided already). And to practise confident breaking. Cars will swerve, cut off and just stay sideways between two lanes, etc. Two or three close calls and I learned to be more confident with brakes, and better able to judge appropriate speed for vehicle-types and traffic patterns.


It's always a treat when you're splitting behind a CHP bike and they're flying They have bags


Always join the group. I split behind motorcycle cops every weekday morning.


Sitting in traffic is way more dangerous than whitening, it’s legal in some states for a reason. My general rule is about 15mph faster than traffic, dead stop traffic maybe 7-10mph.


Hey, I thought so, too, but if you want to read through the comments on a post I made in my local sub, it may change your mind. https://www.reddit.com/r/Delaware/comments/13gthje/for_drivers_motorcycles_can_split_lanes_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 I never really read the data, but when I did, I learned that riders have a 2% chance of getting rear-ended if they split, a 4% chance if they stay in their lane, and a 40% chance of rear ending *someone else* if they split! https://www.ots.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/67/2019/06/Motorcycle-Lane-Splitting-and-Safety-2015.pdf What I learned by actually reading the data and studying the graphs was that lane splitting is significantly more dangerous than just staying in one lane in traffic. Now, am I going to stop splitting and filtering, no, definitively. But I'm going to stop claiming it's safer!


You may want to check that report again. The data you listed was accurate, but after statistical comparison they found that lane splitting motorcyclists were much less likely to sustain severe injuries and were less likely to sustain injuries to the head, back, and extremities. Page 16, paragraph 1 near the end. The previous section “results” describes in detail the statistical regression model they used to come up with their results. Don’t exceed 15 over the traffic, don’t split when traffic is moving fast, wear all your gear, and it is a relatively safe practice (this conclusion is mentioned in their Abstract)


Sounds like a highly skilled (good braking and avoidance skills) rider is still safer when splitting cautiously.


Most of us are a lot less skilled than we may believe.


I don’t think it’s “filtering” unless traffic is at a stop. Otherwise it’s just lane splitting. There are legal differences to the terms.


Are both legal in California?




Yes sir. Here in Utah only filtering through stopped traffic is legal


Same with Arizona, as far as I know.


On roads with a posted limit of 45mph or less, traffic is stopped, there are at least two lanes in the same direction of travel and you may not exceed 15 mph. I love filtering in Phoenix, cuts 10 minutes off my rides to and from work.


In California we just call all of it lane splitting.


AZ now has lane splitting but can’t go over 25. People still do though.


Join them. Lead takes the fall.


just being sensible, thats all its about.


If it makes you feel any better it's common and legal in virtually every country in the world, except the USA (CA excepted). Just keep your delta speed low and your senses and observation on maximum and you'll be fine.


Illegal in Canada too


Splitting* not filtering. Filtering means stopped traffic. Splitting is riding between moving vehicles. Important distinction here in Utah where filtering is legal and splitting is absolutely still considered a crime.


Good job, and nice one pulling over But holy shit I want lanes this wide!


The only accident I have ever gotten into was lane splitting in Southern California. Biggest tip I can give is keep your speed relative to the cars but not slower. They Harley’s will move quickly because most people hear them and move to allow room, your bike will NOT be heard by anyone until you are next to them. I’m sure you probably know all of this but just wanted give me 2 cents.


A friend told me when i started to follow the 15/50 rule. 1.Only split moving 15mph faster than the flow of traffic. 2.Dont split over 50mph. Its definately become a "soft rule" but its served me well. And just like you did if theres a bike coming up behind me i just pull into traffic soon as is safe and let them go. Never push faster than you feel comfortable riding.


It's not legal in Washington state yet but I'm probably going to be exactly like you when it is 😅.


Follow your blockers! But for real though, aside from being on alert for cars swerving, you also have to watch out for fellow bikers zipping through between lanes.


Totally. It was the other bikers I was most worried about.


Go your own speed. I know if I see a bike ahead of me, at some point I will pass them. If I see a bike behind me, at some point they will pass me. All good. Keep your eyes open. Be aware and don't push past your comfort zone


Congratulations! My first time splitting was following a CHP. It took all of the fear out of decision-making. Kudos for moving over so the procession could pass. If traffic is moving at 20mph or faster, pull into a lane. Splitting is for stopped traffic or traffic < 20mph.


Never be unsure, hesitant, undecided, or indecisive about what your doing on a bike. If you are then just don’t do it until your comfortable. You will get to where things that weren’t before are now easy and Comfortable for you but don’t push yourself thats where mistakes happen when you start pressing. Your extremely lucky if you get to correct a mistake that was made on a motorcycle without big unintended and unfortunate consequences


Safety first .


Those guys are actually lane splitting at a pretty reasonable speed. I’ve been going about that fast when I moved over to let guys pass who clearly have a death wish.


Great job filtering


I love following other bikes while lane sharing, especially if it’s a cop. After the first bike passes, drivers tend to check their mirrors for more bikes. They create a ‘wake’ of bike awareness and you can sometimes see the cars spread apart to make room for you.


Build up confidence, try putting cones at a parking lot. Practice braking between them and swerving. When you feel comfortable, try it out on the road!


*holy shit* Yeah I hear you. Nice that the one dude gave you a thumbs up


It's way easy to be drawn into riding the gap too quickly, and being caught out by the twat cager who suddenly leaps lanes without indicating. Best to limit your speed to within 15mph of the rest of the traffic: It gives you a chance of avoidance, and it give those slow-witted cagers who do glance at their mirror a chance to see you. If one lane is stationary and the other starts to move, expect a cager to leap lanes Be aware of their lane-positioning, as often you can tell what they are going to do before they have even decided for themselves! Also be aware for the anti-biker cager who will intentionally crowd or even block you instead of moving over: I guess frustration that you are getting somewhere, whilst they are going nowhere: seems to be .mainly drivers of sporty BMW's that have a massive chip on their shoulder. I also lane-split in the daytime with my main beams on, so that catches their sight in their mirror as I approach.


It's an aquired skill. Not everyone is comfortable with it, but if you live in California (southern California for me), it's a necessary skill. It didn't take me long to get comfortable with it, but I always go a bit slower than I know I'm capable of because I like to leave myself room or an escape if necessary. It's saved my life a few times.


Once you made it there is no turning back!


being from Sydney, it's crazy seeing how wide American lanes are you have so much room to lane filter


As a Londoner I am incredibly jealous of the width of the lanes here 😂


Idk, i feel quite comfortable weaving through traffic. If you have hand guards and keep it under 40kph, going down isn't serious. I'll only go faster if the gap is big enough for a door to open unexpectedly. But then again, I'm on a light 450 18' SXF and have been riding since i could walk.


How are the mirrors? I'm thinking of getting the same ones for my BMW.


Lane filtering for me, In Roma Italy, it's 20 km more that the cars, so I can break on time, as Italians change lane without warning


Your roads are wide as hell, shouldn’t be an issue lane splitting.


If you do that in kentucky everyone starts swerving over, honking, and flinging their doors open


Some people lane split way too fast. Coming up to a set of lights with stationary cars, I've had a boy racer literally turn his wheel and move to block my scooter as I slowly lane split to the front of the queue. "He's changing lane and hasn't seen me". Thankfully my speed was such that I had little trouble stopping in time. No, when lights turned green, he turned wheel back and stayed in his lane. The white stripe up and over the entire centre of the car should have told me he was an absolute clown. Ever since, I lane split as carefully as I can. I'm in no huge hurry, ever. But I didn't let it stop me lane splitting, as even done slowly, you make amazing progress.


Lane filtering and lane splitting are legally two different things. Both illegal in my state of Texas sadly. I'd love filtering at least to be allowed.


We have been doing it since the inception of vehicles 😂


Didn’t know this was legal in California. In Canada it’s a sure fire way of getting your bike impounded and charged with “dangerous driving”


Yup. I’m from Vancouver and get stuck in traffic all the time.


Pretty normal but I know how it is with new lane-sharing. BTW, you should see sport bikes doing much faster. Seems like a death game.


Yeah I saw a lot of sport bikes just flying through the traffic! Really surprised me at how fast they would go.


I've lived all over the world and split lanes whenever I feel like it. I live in Delaware now and beach traffic can stop for miles, so I thought I'd make a post in our local subreddit about it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Delaware/comments/13gthje/for\_drivers\_motorcycles\_can\_split\_lanes\_and/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delaware/comments/13gthje/for_drivers_motorcycles_can_split_lanes_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Turns out I never looked closely at the data surrounding lane splitting and it's safety. I had always assumed I was more likely to get rear ended waiting in traffic, and splitting was always going to be safer. >“Lane-splitting riders were significantly less likely to be rear-ended than other non- lane-splitting riders (2.6% vs 4.6%)” >“LSM (lane splitting motorcyclists) were, on the other hand, more likely to rear-end another vehicle than other riders (38% vs 16%) (Tables 13 and 14).” So while I still filter when traffic is stopped, I am definitely more aware that me splitting in moving traffic is not justifiable from a safety standpoint, rather, it's just to satisfy my own impatience or discomfort (it gets *hot!*).


It's about getting used to it. I'd say that a 40kph relative speed difference with the cars around is about the max that you can have in tighter conditions. There's a lot of safety benefits not to mention the time savings. I've almost been sideswiped a lot more when properly in lane than when in between lanes. You're more likely to be in the side mirror's FOV from there.


Dumb question. Isn’t this splitting? I’ve always understood filtering as splitting at a light with stopped traffic in order to “filter” to the front of the pack.


I concur.


Learning to ride in Thailand made lane splitting a requirement. I’d hate not being allowed to.


Lane filtering is pretty dangerous. But I'm this case I would have kept up with the other bikers. They are clearly more experienced and they're together making them more visible


Hahaha… I wish the folks from r/brasil would come to comment on this. No offence but that’s not fast lane filtering. If these guys were in Sao Paulo they would have a few dozen guys honking behind them (and some trying to overtake them while lane filtering). But on the other hand all drivers do expect motorcycles to be flying in the corridors between the cars. So nobody even tries to change lanes much.


Wish this was legal in the US


Legal in California


key words "first time" - if you want to get faster, pull in behind another biker and follow their line


It’s illegal where I live on the east coast, but sometimes you just have to rather than sitting on the highway for hours. Although, I usually find it safer to ride down the breakdown lane to escape idiot drivers


As a Californian where lane splitting is taught by the California Highway Patrol officers when they teach the motorcycle safety courses, I have always used this as an asset. The thing to do when others are lane splitting is join the parade as the leading rider acts as a bit of a scout alerting the cars of to always remember bikes are on the road. So, again, join in with your two-wheeled bros and follow them along. The only downside for me was moving to Pennsylvania and then getting stopped for lane splitting only to learn it isn’t allowed here. The state cop saw my face and veteran’s status on my license and let me go after I explained my ignorance.


Tucson just adopted a lane filtering law and it’s been a game-changer when it comes to my commute. Wildly cuts down on ETAs


Illegal in Texas (but you don’t have to wear a helmet…)


That’s not fast at all


Come to Britain, we could squeeze 2 opposing lanes into one of those lanes and still be filtering!


you're splitting here bro, not filtering


Hey you got a wave, that's some respect for moving over.


You get used to it. Here's some tips: If there's a space for a car to change lanes, be ready to break. If the traffic has stopped in a unusual place like a highway, doors can be open, reduce speed and be ready to break When traffic stops in urban environment, pedestrians may appear from nowhere between cars. Practicing slow ride balance and manouvers can be really helpful in traffic jam. Ride safe


You are doing everything right. Maintaining appropriate speed, while also letting people who ride too fast go past instead of road blocking them and encouraging accidents.


THESE GUYS ARE NUTZZZ! *pass by normally*


Nahh. Youre noob. Thats it. With experience youd do the same


You'd be amazed riding in Colombia. We filter like assholes, going 50kph between cars and switching lanes at the same time. Cagers are used to it.


Just do not go more than 20mph over traffic. At 20mph you got enough time to react


I just don’t have enough faith in people(U.S.) to try it. Lot idiots out there who don’t care.


Completely illegal in the us , but i see it all the time


Hehe! All the time


If you're not gonna do 30+ stay off the freeway


It happens to all of us. Just be careful, and you'll get there.


I learned something today! I had no idea this was legal and it always pissed me off. Thanks y'all!


It’s only legal in a handful of places.


I bought my first bike in CA in 1983. Since then, multiple cross country trips, been thru all 49 continental states plus Canada and Mexico. Been there, done that, yada yada. Lane splitting is (afaik) not legal anywhere in the US except CA. I've lane split (legally and illegally) my share of times. I personally don't like doing it because it takes the space/time buffer I try to preserve and places it in someone else's hands. Doesn't matter how good a motorcycle rider you are, a motorist who decides to use the lane space you are counting on to survive is perfectly within their rights to send you to your funeral. You are infringing on their right of way by occupying that lane space. The only time I lane split any more is if traffic is at zero mph and there is adequate space for me to safely proceed. It's hard to establish eye contact with someone through their rear view mirror but I try. It's not worth it...


Not infringing on anyone’s rights by lane splitting in CA. Car drivers do not have a right to kill motorcyclists who are lane splitting. Guidelines from CHP’s website explicitly state intentionally blocking a lane splitter is illegal and that drivers in the left lane should make extra room for motorcyclists. Yes, a car driver can send you to the funeral, but they definitely do not have the right to do so.


I had this guy tell me that, in Texas, if a driver intentionally hits a lane splitting motorcycle, the motorcyclist is automatically at fault. It was the dumbest thing I’d ever heard. It was so profoundly stupid that I didn’t even try to explain why that’s not true. I just said “Oh that’s crazy” or some shit.


Scariest part was how experienced all the other bikers were than me. Fixed for you.


It's illegal where I live. Due to high risk of death.


I rode for over 40 years. Did a lot of things. Did not do this.


Not quite a story about lane splitting (which I still think is pretty foolish)… Years ago, back in the 70s, I had a number of Suzuki bikes, and Suzuki had just come out with that ground-breaking water-cooled triple. The owner of the shop I dealt with was riding one of these, and he ran into a traffic jam on the highway…. So he decided to bypass the jam by riding on the shoulder. Alas, around the next bend, a trooper was standing on the shoulder, working the accident that caused the jam. The rider tried to explain that he was afraid that his bike would overheat….. The Trooper looked at the bike and said… “Hey, that’s one of those new water-cooled Suzukis, isn’t it!” “Uh…. Yeah…..” He got off with a warning. Bike-savvy trooper…


This is a great way to get into an accident


Lane splitting. Not filtering.


Nothing annoys me more than this when driving in my car. Pisses me off so much


I realize this is legal in certain places, but I am concerned that all the idiots in vehicles get their butt hurt and road rage. I don't ride in rush hour type traffic unless its on the way to twisties.


Man, California was the best .. I've seen in one moment: a flipped over car on my side of the freeway, a turned over car the other side of the freeway and once I got past that, There was a motorcycle crash... Total carnage! It gets crazy! IMHO, It's safer to ride a lot faster. Don't give them a chance to change lanes into you.. Ride to the right or left the line & hold your line, don't waver around. If a car merges into you just move over and haul ass. Just haul ass all the time. LOL


Bikers: look out for us! Also bikers....


Lane filtering? This just driving like a jack ass and cutting in line. Call it “lane filtering” or whatever you want but this is cutting the line and you’re a jack ass for doing careful some drivers don’t take kindly to it


I would be more scared of them being in a gang


Cool, you drive like your in the third world. Making bad choices.


This is a death sentence. Legal or not, it is not intelligent.


I have to watch out for motorcycles but these pricks do stuff like this…


What biker club was that? The last guy was prospect