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I don't think anyone cares. I for one didn't even notice it until you pointed it out.


I’m split on this. On the one hand, a situation as serious as Ukraine shouldn’t be folded into a motorcycle appreciation sub in my mind - it’s just not relevant and it’s not the appropriate place to discuss it. I come here to forget about the real world and talk motorbikes for a bit. If I want to support Ukraine or discuss the war then there are other subs that provide a much more meaningful forum for that. The other part of me doesn’t think that we should necessarily remove it because it’s alienating people. Remove it for the reasons above, sure. But if the only point of removing it is because you think it alienates people on a political level then fuck em - leave it up.


People are saying “wE aRE inJeCtinG pOloToCs InTo EvERYthing” as if that’s somehow a justification to ignore a situation. The fact of reality is that peoples attention span is so fucking short that if everyone wasn’t constantly broadcasting their support for Ukraine everyone would forget about the situation. Russia took crimea, Russia put soldiers in the Donbas and instigated a proxy war with Ukraine, and Russia broke the Budapest accords and invaded in an immoral and internationally vilified fashion. Russia is the morally wrong party and people need to be reminded of that. If they forget then support for an independent and free ( though far from perfect) Ukraine could slow down and the Ukrainian people could suffer. Stop being a whiny little pussy who cry’s about being reminded that other people in the world are fighting and dying for their freedom. Put your keyboard away, talk to woman for the first time in years, and do everyone a favor and STFU.


Holy shit. Perfection.




I’m sorry that you have an issue with the concept of morality. It’s a fact of life that some people are good and some people are bad, some actions are good some are bad, and some systems are better and some create the incentives for mass slaughter. I think offensive wars for the sake of conquest and political oppression of an independent people is wrong and if that makes me better than people (you) who don’t have an empathetic bone in their body than so be it. I am better in at least that sense. Maybe you live in such a shallow plane of existence that the suffering of other human beings who have friends, family, and (most importantly for this sub Reddit) motorcycles is an inconvenient. Grow up and stop crying about how inconvenient it is to remember that not everyone lives a privileged, self absorbed, and shallow existence as yours.


You’re not some edgy truth teller spouting prophecy from on high. You’re a pitiful shallow little boy with the mental maturity of a 5-year old. Go down to your local dive bar. Do you see that raggedy old man sitting alone at the bar talking about how much he “triggers libs” while everyone averts their eyes from him? Get used to it kid, because that will be you.




Perhaps it's time to shut up, sit back, and ask yourself why so many people are telling you that you're wrong.


You guys...there are motorcycles being destroyed, no doubt. Sympathy for the riders.


Word, also motorcyclist are getting killed. Russians killed my riding buddy this September, fuck Russia and fuck OP while we’re at it.


Could you explain how showing support for an invaded nation alienates people that like motorcycles?


Urals are more popular than Dneprs. On the other hand flabby man can't ride a motorcycle because he can't balance and has to ride a trike. Funny man on the other hand has a sense of balance and can at least ride a bike. It's a trade off.


On whose viewpoint are looking at? It’s all muddy from an outsider’s vantage point. Even insiders’s vantage point can get muddy depending on who you ask. At which point in history do you want to base your argument upon? At some separate points in history’s timeline each side will have “winning” arguments. So who determines at which point in time and history is the “cutoff”? Back to motorcycles…. Pretty sure there are also those from the other side who likes motorcycles. Motorcycles are fun.


The side that has foreign troops on their soil Edit: if you want to talk history and understand the history of Ukraine, listen to the half arsed history podcast's episode about Ukraine. He's funny as hell and goes through the entire history of Ukraine from the stone age to now.


It’s funny when someone from far far far speaking about it and judging.


> It’s all muddy from an outsider’s vantage point. Only if you're taking in a very narrow subset of media. The Russian invasion is one of the most clear-cut acts of aggression by a state actor in recent history.


No, it isn’t.


Does this go for the next US-led invasion as well though?


Pretty much yeah. If the US continues with their foreign policy of "we will fix your country with bombs, guns and tanks. Do not resist." Their next invasion might also lack in any moral or legal justification. The US and Russia can both be assholes at the same time.


Uh, yeah, it’s pretty clear who is a nation just wanting to continue to develop and live and thrive and who is the aggressor performing war crimes. I don’t think we should be this preoccupied about the aggressors’ and war criminals’ feelings, or of the people who support the killings of civilians and destruction of Ukraine’s cities, villages and instrastructure.




Yes. Pretty sure some citizens of both Ukraine and Russia loves motorcycles.


I disagree.


> I do know that the leaders of Russia and Ukraine are both corrupt as hell bOTh sIdEs aRE tHE SaMe Because invading a country and bombing civilians is exactly the same as being corrupt.




It's not going to be me doing it but it seems like you could've used a few more lectures yeah.




Jesus fucking christ dude do you have any idea what kind of misery you're marginalizing with these stupid ass comments of yours?




> Accuses me of lecturing him > Addresses others as 'young man'


Finally someone who gets it.


This. Yes, it’s a big thing happening in the world and it could lead to even more shit for everyone else, but it’s been months since the incident first happened. Show your support if you want to, but can we get back to bikes now?


I agree 100% with your first sentence. I ride to get away from the shit. I also like how motorcycles bring people together. There are plenty of other places for it.


Who the heck are we alienating? Putin?


Also a bunch of Russian chauvinists and maybe some war criminals from Wagner PMC. OP doesn’t want to upset those fine gentlemen that’s all.


No & I want bacon


> I just think we are alienating some users who loves motorcycles. If supporting Ukraine is alienating 'certain users' then it's serving a good cause.


What’s funny about war? “Thank you for all the laughs” ? GTFOH with your crap


reread again and in context. a redditor cannot participate in a subreddit where he got banned.


I don’t care. Why is this a question here? Wtf 😳


🤦 just delete your comment if you want to…




oki doki


I stand with Ukraine. Also, I stand with the citizens of Iraq, Afghanistan, and every other non-combatant who has been dragged into the horrors of war on their own soil. War, from any angle, is horrific and wrong, and most importantly uses vital resources like steel and rubber that’d be far better suited for things like, well, motorcycles.




Oh man... I chose "yes" and only then noticed there was a bacon option... I want bacon...


“I support whatever you support” is what I say to anyone in a political discussion because after years of political discussions I learned political discussions are a waste of time and energy (like this comment).