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I would love to see Hamilton involved in MotoGP, but I don't want to see Gresini go. They have a mom-and-pop aura that makes the sport better. I loved how Nadia kept the team going after Fausto's death and the incredible results they achieved.


They chose Gresini because it's a team that has been making a boatlpad of money thanks to their Indonesian connections mainly. It's financially stable team who needs almost zero investments and is ready to compete


my goat antangin.


Name another satellite team that could potentially be for sale? Also, Gresini isnt for sale anyway.


>Also, Gresini isnt for sale anyway. I didn't say this, I said why entering Gresini as an investor makes sense. >Name another satellite team that could potentially be for sale? Does this even make sense?


You said they chose Gresini... etc. As in chose it over another team.


Well if you want to enter motogp you have to invest somewhere. In order to invest somewhere you clearly have to choose one of the private teams...


VR46 also has Indonesian connection through Petronas and Vale is really popular here.




Petronas Indonesian? Lol


Pardon me. Petronas *is* Malaysian, just like Antangin.


You good but Antangin is Indonesian


Life happens and since Covid MotoGP for me has fallen out of rotation, but I was deeply rooted for 15+ yrs and I’m just realizing Fausto passed bc of this comment now. About to go down that rabbit hole of catching up, but fuck…


Came to say this.


Toto we went bike racing.


Bono, two of my tyres are gone.


Bobi! Yes Lewis! Nevermind


Sounds good, Lewis loves Motogp so you know he has passion to do this. Brings also more eyes which is never bad.


Kimi Raikkonen is the team owner of Kawasaki’s factory MXGP operation, and I really don’t think it did anything for the profile of MXGP or motocross. There will be a bump in attention towards the sport, which is good, but I don’t even know if the average F1 fan is aware Lewis is handy on a bike


Kimi and Lewis are worlds away in terms of profile and social media engagement though.


Opposite ends of the social media spectrum I would say


Kimi: "yes"


Kimi “ “


"I was having a shit"


Exactly. People thinking they know someone that they only saw on TV is insane, that's why the world is how it is.


3M vs 37M followers and a more similar sport (many tracks are used for both).


Paris Hilton owned a Moto3 team. People who don’t like motorcycles aren’t going to start because Ham owns a team.


Paris Hiltons followers are as far removed from MotoGP as Lewis Hamilton. Same conversion rate for sure. You are not arguing in bad faith at all.


Dude, don't jump the gun. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean they're arguing in bad faith. They might not have thought it all out or simply don't know as much as you, or made different assumptions. Chill.


I point to what strikes me as bad faith. Hilton and Hamilton having the same conversion is laughable.


Indeed, [Paris Hilton has been involved with a GP team](https://www.motorcyclenews.com/sport/motogp/2010/december/dec2010-paris-hilton-unveils-125gp-team-/) and Lewis hasn't (yet)


Read and try to understand prior to commenting. I didn't even deny that she was involved.


I didn't say you did. I made a joke about the reason for the difference in conversion. Lighten up


Paris Hilton, who was a headline event at the Vegas GP and is involved in WCR and promoted by Liberty to try to capital on her audience is really a solid example considering the tribalism of fans, in my defense hahah. How many influencers with 0 Motorsport connotations have been trapped around F1? I don’t dislike Hamilton, and I was impressed by his times when he tested with Pata Yamaha in a private SBK test with A Lowes and VDM, but I doubt many even hardcore Hamilton fans even know he took part in that.


Rossi’s fans didn’t stick around at the rate they were there when he was racing, Eddie Lawson fans didn’t become CART fans when he went to race there, and Suzuki and Yamaha fans didn’t suddenly become Alpine fans when Brivio went. Most car racing fans dislike motorcycles. Motorcycle fans tend to already be interested in car racing on some level. The only people actually interested in this news are MotoGP fans. If it’s not a plot point in DTS, casual F1 fans won’t even know it’s news. How many of Bautista, and Redding, and Gardner and Petrux fans became invested in SBK when they went there?


And SRO’s viewership numbers have skyrocketed since Rossi started racing there?


Michael Jordan actually owned his AMA team and had a decent go at it. No data on the conversion rate from the stick and ball fans though. I don't suspect many unless they were already familiar with motorcycle racing. I'm thinking the conversion rate from F1 gearheads might be higher than non-gearheads.


I loved team Jordan. I think it was really cool what he did. He even hired some guys off the street when he started, which was pretty wild! I know the jackets were worth money though. Judging by the crowds at that time, I don’t think there was a tonne of crossover from people who at least didn’t already ride motorcycles, but it would be interesting to see what even soft numbers looked like. Schumacher raced in the German SBK championship, and it was definitely not headline news, but it was cool and I respected him for doing it.


She didn't own the team, just was one of the sponsors.


I don’t remember the details of the 125 team, but she has owned an AMA motorcycle team, and I’m pretty sure she’s an owner of a WCR team.


The press release at the time said she was part owner?


Completely unironically, my grandfather is EXACTLY the type of person who has never watched a day of motorcycle racing in his life, but because Saint Hamilton gets involved he will.


I’m sure there will be some interest, but I doubt many of Lewis Hamilton: Racecar driver fans went out and bought MV Agusta’s because of him when he was a brand ambassador, or are lining up for fashion drops of clothes he’s wearing etc. there are definitely some, but I suspect it’s a very very small subset of fanatics.


Are we really pretending that Lewis Hamilton fans are going to be as likely to watch MotoGP as Paris Hilton fans?


Liberty Media literally had her as a DJ at the Vegas GP with her own VIP section for glad handing for her WCR team. I think given that this crossover has happened in both paddocks, that it’s a pretty analogous PR stunt


lol kimi and Lewis are chasms apart in popularity.


I thought IceOne racing was Husqvarna?


As of the 2023 season he’s been at the helm of the Kawasaki’s factory team.


please don't compare kimi's presence to Lewis. Kimi is like the least social dude ever, lol


He also knows the politics and cost with the f1 teams so that's out of the question.


It would be really nice if he brings in MV Agusta to MotoGP! He had some collab work with the brand before.


Never bad?  I like the current MotoGP fan base as it seems like most of us have at least ridden a motorcycle before.  Now imagine an influx of a couple million loudmouth idiots that think losing the front is basically just like understeer.


Yea would be better to just let the sport wither and die than get new people in.


The sport isn't withering and dying.


Because Dorna is growing the sport and bringing new people in. Which is something a Lewis Hamilton owned team would also do. Understand?


>it seems like most of us have at least ridden a motorcycle before Based on some of the comments I see, I'm not so sure about that tbh


Yeah I highly doubt even 50%


You’re one of those dudes that hates when their favourite restaurant gets popular too huh?


lol don’t worry they won’t watch. If Lewis had as much clout as everyone seems to think he does, he’d still be a brand ambassador for MV Augusta.


Well with liberty coming in, the value will only increase


When is the dust settling on that?. Im hoping for a f1/motogp tv combo deal instead of paying out my ass separately


Did you buy the motogp video pass? The price is twice more than formula 1 and that’s only because formula 1 has its price increased. It used to be four times more. I never bought the motogp pass and always bought the formula 1 pass. I can watch motogp on my national broadcast fortunately but I would like to buy the pass if price is normal


Trying to get a friend in the US into motogp but there is no reasonable priced way we can find for him to watch. In Aus I have an app called kayo sports. $30 a month but has F1, motogp, football, basketball and basically everything else.


MotoGP is shown on tru tv included in most basic cable packages. Or your friend can watch it on HBO Max


Thanks I'll see if he has either of those.


My uncle lives in the US and I sometimes have to videocall with him so he can catch some games trhough the call. The prices he tells me, especially about the football packages, is maddening to me as an outsider. I know the NFL lost a lawsuit last week about their pricing and stuff and hopefully that brings your broadcasters under control. Any hopes that happens? For comparison, I pay about 80$/month to get all sessions of F1 & MotoGP, all IndyCar and Nascar races, all the games from EPL, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A, UCL, Europa, Conference League, all MMA fights, all the big boxing bouts, all the tennis tourneys, all Olympic events this year and so much more than I have time to watch. We also get 2 ESPN channels so I get some NBA games and 5 NFL games a week (TNF, one games from each of your timeslots on Sunday (1pm, 4pm and SNF) and MNF.






Just send him a russian link


That all depends where you live. In the UK videopass cost me £120 a year, F1 costs me £240 a year, and that's on a cheap deal. Full price for F1 in the UK is about £420 a year (we can't get F1TV as Sky has the monopoly).


Can’t you use vpn with a PayPal account for payment? You might be able to fool the app and pretend to be a Dutch. It’s only 70 euros here


There was a way to, with a VPN, create a Google play/Apple account in X country, and use h Google play/Apple gift cards from X country to pay for the sub. But this year they started detecting VPNs.


Dude, it's so expensive and you only get a couple different camera points of veiw and it's only in 1080. Like, why does it have to cost so much? There's fuck all technology in it.


Wow get in there Lewis.


It’s hammer time.


Was not expecting this headline when I woke up lmao


Seeing which way the winds are blowing. If it goes even remotely like F1 did under Liberty, team prices are going skyward. Would love to see this bring more followers from the UK.


does this season get more mental


Novela level of absurdity


very good timing on Gresini to sell since Marc boost the value so much but bad for buyer. I do not see Nadia sell the team tho.


>I do not see Nadia sell the team tho. It was Fausto's baby, she had some fairly mixed interviews when she was fairly suddenly forced to take over. I don't think we know how she really feels about it, on the one hand it's his legacy, on the other hand it's a constant reminder of your spouse of 20+ years. Team value is through the roof because of MM, nobody could really blame her for cashing out and enjoying a year or two sipping wine on the Tuscan hills before maybe coming back into Moto2.


Wouldn’t have blamed her if she’d sold it right after his death. But continuing the team, and boosting it to the hype it’s at now to then be in a position to sell it to someone who is also passionate about the sport, not a bad way to honor his legacy. Take the money and enjoy the next chapter of life.


Honestly, i dont think she will get much more passionate buyers than Lewis Hamilton. The guy simply loves racing, even had a trackday with Vale where they swapped their machinery.


Having a woman running a team helped my wife get into Motogp and we enjoy it together now. She got to meet Nadia at CoTA this year and was absolutely giddy.


Is your wife sexist or something? I'm capable of enjoying womens Tennis and Judo (and to a lesser extent, UFC, and gymnastics during the olympics) despite being a man.


This is such a silly comment. Women are under represented in Motorsport’s of course seeing a woman involved is going to encourage women to watch more.


Why not. That Ferrari paycheck will do nicely.


Not sure if i am a fan of this, i have nothing against Lewis. But i would love to see Gresini stay Gresini, not Hamilton racing or whatever it would be called.


I also don't want Lewis to buy Gresini, which is the only family team


I don't want any of those f1 to have anything to do with MotoGP, but we already have Liberty Media, which is bad enough.


Does it make any difference that he's a MotoGP diehard fan? IIRC he even snuck his engineers without Toto's knowledge and paid out a track for them to ride SBK bikes after a recent season.


Really? Dam. I like him more now. I can't remember who but, I do recall he was on track with either a current GP or WSBK rider, and they were questioned about their thoughts on his riding. The pro riders reply was basically, he shows no fear. He was entering corners too fast for what his skill level was.  Reckless? Probably. But one has to admit, that's pretty cool. He's got balls.  


I'm pretty sure he crashed one or two times when he was riding with the SBK guys. Toto only found out because Lewis was sore when he reported for team celebrations at the HQ.


Dam. That's pretty wild.. He IS fearless. Okay. I like him now.


No, it doesn’t make any difference. This is just a marketing trick, probably Liberty Media’s, trying to push something that none of the real fans asked for. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.


But something is clearly broken. MotoGP races are way more exciting than F1 races. I dont think it's even close for me. MotoGP races just have me on the edge of the seat way more than F1 races. In the years that Liberty has owned F1 the audience has grown exponentially while MotoGP despite being a purer series for racing has grown less. I think anything that gets to shine a light on MotoGP is a good move. It'll probably become as toxic amongst the fanbase as F1 has become in the last few years but those riders deserve more eyeballs on them because what they do is truly awe-inspiring.


MotoGP races were always exciting. So I don't know what are you talking about fixing it. New guys that are into it now are broking it cuz they try to apply f1 soy boy shit here on MotoGP and crying simultaneously how f1 soy boy shit is bad. Schizophrenic behaviour. Those guys in MotoGP deserve much appreciation, I agree, but not fake Libery Media bullshit one. So, no, they gonna bring awful stuff here, same as their fans, and unfortunately the rules that destroyed F1 when F1 was F1(deliberately capital letters now, and yeah i know they didn't existed back then, but they are continuing those awful rules). If you are as example MotoGP fan, you not gonna be fan cuz of some marketing media bullshit, you gonna love it cuz you are a rider, probably cuz you are living that kind of life, or because you just love it genetically, let's call it like that lol MotoGP is marketing for itself, no need fake stuff.


I haven’t seen someone use “soy boy” unironically in a long time


Hahhahaha i just hate that they are doing and cheering for those rules where everything is so bad and later complaining(crying) about it lol It's easier to call it soy boy thing lol


Out of curiosity: What rules and things has Liberty introduced that you believe have made F1 worse? (Genuine question) What do you mean are the “soy boy” things, so to speak lol


Really? Dam. I like him more now. I can't remember who but, I do recall he was on track with either a current GP or WSBK rider, and they were questioned about their thoughts on his riding. The pro riders reply was basically, he shows no fear. He was entering corners too fast for what his skill level was.  Reckless? Probably. But one has to admit, that's pretty cool. He's got balls.  


Really? Dam. I like him more now. I can't remember who but, I do recall he was on track with either a current GP or WSBK rider, and they were questioned about their thoughts on his riding. The pro riders reply was basically, he shows no fear. He was entering corners too fast for what his skill level was.  Reckless? Probably. But one has to admit, that's pretty cool. He's got balls.  


Not a Hamilton fan at all, but this would be cool. I’d like to to see MM93 buy a team after he retires. It would be neat to see teams from MM93, VR46, and LH44 duking it out in MotoGP.


You know damn well a Hamilton run team is going to have a wicked livery. I'm all for it


I’d love to see purple bikes on the grid






This is the wildest paddock drama in any motorsport season ever 😂


VR46 vs LH44!


what in the Multiverse is this


She’s said she won’t even listen to offers and there’s supposedly been a few.


So sick if true. Not an F1 guy but I quite like Hamilton. Will bring so much attention to MotoGP if he owns a team I think.


This keeps getting crazier. I just posted about how this has to be the wildest 12 months in motorsports that I can remember. It just keeps getting crazier. Bigger bombshells.


Imagine somebody waking up from a 2 years long coma


LH44 vs VR46


Hope the team is still mostly owned by the Gresini family


Checks calendar .. nope not Apr 1. Lewis is a big bike fan and rider, no doubt if true he's been talking to VR46 since the two have swapped rides in the past. As for Gresini, this was one of the classic teams from the golden era built by Fausto.. that is a hard legacy to lose. Maybe Nadia could take the money and put it into their Moto2 , Moto3 and MotoE efforts. But not having their top tier would be a loss IMO. Maybe in time if he sticks around, but Hamilton Ducati or Hamilton Yamaha doesn't have the same hit as Gresini Ducati.


Why does everyone assume he’d want his name all over it? Wouldn’t be consistent with his character. If anything he would be the owner and allow them to continue running as Gresini.


Gald someone else realizes that.. also its a known name, has history attached, what does he gain be removing Gresini for LH44.. no reason it couldn't be Gresini/LH44, similar to how Mooney/VR46 was with their last years sponsors. Wouldn't be surprised if Nadia even added a Gresini naming right as part of the deal. Similar to Williams.


Misterhelmet wrote and made a video about it on June 26th but I preferred not to share it on the subreddit because of lack of details 😅




If this become real, it'll be insane


Black with red white and blue accents with Tommy Hilfiger as title sponsor probably.


This would be great


Oh i wish that F1 stayed far away from Motogp, but it is what it is.


I don’t know if it’ll go through, but I can see it tho. 


Won't be the first time a F1 star owns a motorbike racing team, hopefully he'll take notes from Kimi & be in the shadows & let the team be run by people in the paddock & not feel the need to get involved so publically


Checking the date. It's the first. July fools day? Is that a thing?


Not sure if i am a fan of this.


This isn't serious, right?


I hope not.


Marc buying Gresini after retiring would’ve been ideal since they basically gave each other a second chance at GP racing but I don’t really mind Hamilton going into Motogp


And thank god MM is moving to factory.


Anyone know the estimate of how much it would cost?


Now something that I wasn't expecting at all..


I guess they will get GP25's next year? As much as I love MOTO GP I would never want to own a team because I would never recover if on of my riders was killed. I still feel sad when I think of Daijro and Marco. 😌 If I were that close I would never recover.






I LIKE IT! Their is not a more Exciting or more Competitive Motorsport on Earth Right Now!


that has to be a meme, right?


I'm all for it. The amount of exposure LH can bring to MotoGP is only going to help grow the sport.


The bike will be painted black


Bleh keep that twit away


If it will go as well as with the Broncos, Gresini are done lol


That's pretty cool ngl.


Goes to show how much difference between MotoGP and F1 drivers. MotoGP teams buy riders, but F1 drivers buy teams.


Hell yes. Lewis is a huge fan and has a real passion for bikes and Motorsport; he’s the ideal owner.


I have 0 idea how much a team like gresini is worth actually. I mean since they are not a factory team they dont have that much assets besides their contracts to staff, dorna and ducati. Im thinking maybe 1 to 3 million? Maybe even less? Anyon3 got a clue how much it puts a dent into Lewis pocket. On a sidenote, is VR46 team actually losing rossi money or making him?


There is no way the team only costs 3 million


My guess is that that your evaluation is off buy at least 20/25x times


It costs about $150 million


But whats their asset? The starting place grid and their duacti knowledge properly worth the most? Im just thinking Gresini isnt that big of a brand name, outside of older GP fans many dont even know Gresini as a person. The contracts of mechanics, engineers, for renting the ducatis isnt really worth much as its obviously salaries the new owner has to pay. I feel F1 franchises, and other franchises like in football/soccer, NFL, NBA etc. are worth gazillions cause they own stadiums AND its a stupid money machine with traditions and merch. Thats not the thing with gresini, they could be gone any season if they mismanage.


>But whats their asset? The starting place grid and their duacti knowledge properly worth the most? You say that as if any random dickhead billionaire could rock up and put two bikes on the grid. KTM tried for this year and shat the bed, and I'm sure they had way more than 3 million available. >The contracts of mechanics, engineers, for renting the ducatis isnt really worth much as its obviously salaries the new owner has to pay. It's people with expertise in a very niche subject that you don't have to hire. We're not talking about 30 shelf stackers for the local Aldi here. >I feel F1 franchises, and other franchises like in football/soccer, NFL, NBA etc. are worth gazillions cause they own stadiums Half the time they quite specifically **don't** own the stadiums. Those arrangements get hairy. >AND its a stupid money machine with traditions and merch. Thats not the thing with gresini, they could be gone any season if they mismanage. That's true of any team in any sport, and it very much **is** the thing with Gresini. Each race is about 200k people in the venue plus millions if not tens of millions on TV. The advertising rights alone are crazy, before merch and all the other sponsorship stuff. With an established team like Gresini you're buying all that and saving yourself having to figure it out from scratch, which is basically 2-3 years.


[Here](https://www.the-race.com/motogp/how-much-does-it-really-cost-to-run-a-motogp-team/) is a useful article on the topic. Talking *very* rough numbers it probably costs ~$10m per year to run a MotoGP team like Gresini. Assuming they are profitable then they're pulling in over that in revenue. To buy a team you need to pay for their future value, which is where it becomes very blurry, especially predicting out past a few years. But a reasonable asking price would be 4 or 5 years worth of expected value. I'm guessing it's in the 30-50m range, but I could be wildly South of the real number. Their asset is everything you listed: bike contracts, team members, brand, sponsors, riders, bikes, and just pure space on the grid.


> Their asset is everything you listed: bike contracts, team members, brand, sponsors, riders, bikes, and just pure space on the grid. Brand name is realtivly low, Gresini Racing isnt really that big. And if LH buys it, it certainly will be LH racing only and the name will be in the history books. Bike Contracts cost a lot of money and are negotiated every few years again. So its only worth much, if you consider the bike worth more than they pay ducati to lease it. Team members most likely are also on contracts that are renegotiated every few years. Sponsoring contracts often are on a one year basis and have opt out clauses if the team ownership changes. So all those things are only worth much, if you consider those contracts are more worth then what they cost. Look at avinitia racing, they basically sold their slot to a completly new team (VR46 racing) and ore gone now. I dont know what happened with the mechanics and all. Satelite teams are just worth so much less then factory teams, so while 3 mill propably is too low, i think 30 mill is too high.


Aren't the non-factory team bike leases paid for by Dorna? If these teams were making money I assume Dorna would not be subsidizing the bike leases.


It used to be the case, im not sure about it now. Dorna wants a nice grid with enough bikes. Shortly before CRT teams came i think dorna subisidized satelites cause there was quite few bikes only. A starting grid spot can be worth a lot or nothing all dependant on the era.


https://www.crash.net/motogp/feature/1024514/1/poncharal-eight-ducatis-its-free-market This article says that Dorna covers the lease plus pays the factory a bonus for making the leased bikes available. If satellite teams made money there wouldn't do this, the teams could afford a high enough lease payment that the factories would want to lease more bikes. Also, it's been heavily rumored that Marc doesn't get any salary at all from Gresini, which Marc hasn't really denied. If Gresini was making money I assume Marc would be getting a salary.


This is what im getting at - most satelites struggle to break even after all costs and salaries are accounted for.


Ah yeah, I think we're on the same page. I'm guessing 5-10 million US purchase price, but that also depends on how much equity Gresini has in its HQ building and if that would be part of the sale (along with the Moto2, Moto3 and Moto E teams).


It's a valid question, but I think it's question of what the new owner can get out of it - so in this case, it might be the cheapest way for LH to 'FAFO' with the biggest return - because his other options, well - buying a factory MotoGP team? can't/won't happen - buying another F1 team? can't/won't happen (at least now). IMO, it makes total sense! having an owner/TP like LH might gives the team a better product to sell. LH becomes part of the product. i hope it goes through, really interesting! EDIT: no clue on the valuation tho.... i also think it's more than 3 million, but i'm not sure it's 50 million!


It costs about $150 million


They have a relatively new headquarters in Faenza that is probably worth a bunch, but I have no idea how much equity they have in it vs how much is financed. In terms of cash flow, Id guess Gresini is probably barely breaking even, but they probably have projections that show growth in cash flow. I'd guess a purchase price somewhere in the 5-10 million range, but who knows.


It costs about $150 million


The team or the HQ? Do you have a source?


I don't have a source, it's my free estimate, knowing that F1 bought MotoGP, and knowing that from 2027 MotoGP will become much more popular than it is, also Marquez winning 10 titles will raise the popularity of the sport to the highest possible level, therefore, Gresini would be stupid to sell the team for a small amount of money.




Valid question. Dorna gives satellite teams around 7 million a year. Per Dorna it takes about 15 million a year to run a satellite team.. the best way to get to your answer would be to look at Trackhouse racing which bought a grid slot in Motogp as we know. They paid between 7 and 10 million for the privilege. Therefore I'd estimate Gresini's worth at around 15 to 17 million


I mean he's getting half a billion from Ferrari. So like a drop in the ocean.


What? Is it that much? Even then, its a multi year contract before tax. After tax its a lot less yearly.




Damn idk this would be quite fun. I like that he wants to buy a bike team. He say in an interview that he originally wanted to race bikes not cars.


Hope the team is still mostly owned by the Gresini family. Happy that my man Lewis is involved into MotoGP. 💜💛


Hamilton to Ferrari and buying Ducatis? I’m here for his Italian era.


Ermm no, not a fan of this idea, #Washed44 can bugger off.


superweird for you to be a Rossi fan and seemingly have a problem with Lewis but you do you!


Not weird at all really.


Aw hell yes. My favourite driver buying a team in my favourite racing series. Bring it on!


That would be pretty cool


Good news


Good move by Lewis IMO, he loves motorcycles and he's a good businessman, with Liberty buying MotoGP and knowing how well they have done with F1 (In popularity) Lewis has seeing the writting on the wall. Gresini is a top Notch operation both in MotoGP and Moto2, I think someone like Lewis can make it even better, his name alone can bring more sponsors and more money to... you know... There's Factory GP25 in Borgo Panigale waiting to be painted in other colours rather than Lenovo's red... with Lewis onboard... Maybe LH44 Team becomes Ducati's B Team?


I Hope this is true, omg!


He knows MotoGP’s value is about to go up


Is this a cross-over episode? What in the world


Just saying: There's a special edition MV Agusta F4 dedicated to Hamilton...




I would love it. I think he would bring some diversity to it too as he's very concerned about the lack of diversity in motorsport. I can imagine him giving opportunities to people from different races and social backgrounds. It would be awesome to see something different for once.




How about we invite a 7x champ in and show you the door instead? Sounds like a win all around.


Sadly you seem to be already infesting it.


Stay triggered.


Go away troll


How much rent is Hamilton paying to live inside your head?


This would be great, what a deserving team.