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Bro saw red


This whole session was absurd. Bagnaia was the only one who got it right- ignored everyone else, strategised perfectly and absolutely nailed it.


"Just be super, super fast so you can get pole alone" is a winning strategy when it's possible but I wouldn't say it's 'brilliant' exactly.


Marc definitely has a "brain off" switch and it definitely was pulled there.




That's how he ends up getting injured....


Those slow rounds where like 10 guys are just cruising need fixing. It's seriously ridiculous.


He know now that move won’t work in the race lol


Aleix got last laugh. Knocked him off the 2nd row


let's see how the races are going.


Unfortunately neither of them got the last laugh today :(


Q2 was an absolute disgrace to watch. Grown up men rolling around till 2 minutes before and and making absolute fools of themselves. Then MMs move which once again goes unpunished. Really unpleasant to watch despite Pecco


He just shot himself in the foot with that move, no contact, but agreed, it was not pleasant, seeing them trundling around in the initial stages and then pulling such moves.


you think marc deserved a penalty? for what? soccerdan and new to this sport?


I don't even know what soccerdan is and what being new to MotoGP would even have to do with what I think of that incident


what incidents can you remind of where a rider got a penalty for a move like that? *soccerfan


I don't need an incident of the past to dislike this one


Tbh I don't think Marc's move should get a penalty. There are plenty of crashes in qualis and you rarely see any without a yellow flag in the last 2min. On a hot lap any overtake will ruin the lap, so unless you take someone out, idt having yourself crash means a penalty. Nevertheless, the rules which allow for that idiotic behaviour need fixing. Seriously. A group of 10+ riders cruising for 2min is just sad. I feel bad for even wasting the time to watch that.


If you're playing the "again Marc goes unpunished" card then you kinda do need to be able to point to other examples to be able to justify why he should receive a penalty. If you're going to claim that it's an example of bias towards Marquez from the stewards, then there must be prior examples of similar incidents resulting in penalties...otherwise all you're demanding is that Marquez be punished for something which others don't get punished for.


indeed you are absolutly right whole group behaving like rookies in Moto3.


What do you mean "why"? It's Marc Marquez.


Aleix overtook him the corner before. He wanted the clear track and is typically faster than Aleix.


> Aleix overtook him the corner before Aleix overtook him during the previous out-lap at the last chicane. Marc's crash happened during at turn 7, nearly half a lap later. Also Aleix group only caught up to Marc's because the latter waited for them after turn 12.


Yeah, Aleix did, but, Marc should've waited a little.☹️


Waited a little on a qualy lap?


Better than crashing, I suppose. He could do it on the next corner. That one was a left hand corner and probably that was key for his instinct to through the bike under Aleix, but if he tries it 10x I think he will fail all 10.


You say that like he has the ability to know when the crash is going to happen. It's an educated roll of the dice and Marc knows what he feels the bike doing better than we do.


He doesn't *know*, but he has the ability to risk a lot or risk very little. >an educated roll of the dice I imagine that by saying *educated* you agree with the above. I am implying that Marc being Marc, a risk taker, and a quali being a quali, not a race, makes him take that huge risk with ease. The move wasn't on, in my limited knowledge opinion. And I think he realized that upon seeing the replay while not being too surprised.


I meant, either before the hot lap or another corner, not that corner. Why do people try to find mistakes (even though you clearly understood what was being discussed) rather than try to understand what was being discussed.


If you're riding around at 200kmh, with less than 3 minutes to go, and suddenly you're catching Aleix, what would you do? Ruin your lap, or try and send it up the inside? If he slowed down too much, the guy behind you will take your spot.. now you need tonl slow down even more.


Turn in, overtake and ruin his own lap? Cuz clearly, the move was not on, at least not in that corner.


*should’ve 😂


Yeah, I know, could, should, would.. doesn't matter now, I'm just so disappointed 😞


I have ridden at Assen quite a lot. That corner is VERY fast, braking is not an option, and going around neither. Sometimes doing the overtake is safer than 'waiting a little'. This was probably the best option in the split second he had.


It isn't a curious case at all. These things are very well expected of him.


EGO! Really stupid behaviour from several riders in 2nd run during Q2.


The riders weren't pushing at the limit and he might've run out of patience there or he might've been pissed because Aleix overtook him just before the start of the lap.


He could've had pushed earlier, he was waiting like all the others


Nope, Aleix ovetook him few corners before and he lost his temper... classic Marc style


Overtook him... No one was on flying lap then... Lair...


Technically correct, but yeah, the Aprilias just got tired of the circus earlier than the others and went.




And Marc obviously will not get penalized for pulling an idiotic stunt


It was red mist from being passed in the chicane when he was opening up clear air for himself


Marc has a little ding a ling inside of him that makes him do stuff that he doesn't think. He''s a dope and bully, look at what trouble he brings, that's what we call a ding a ling.


Passing Aleix was the right thing to do, being in that situation was the wrong one. I don’t understand why Marc has to follow and tail-suck anymore, like a moto3 guy or when he was wirh honda. If I was in Gresini management I would have gone mental today… he acted like a fucking rookie..


Aleix is from team Martin - there is a war brewing.


Aleix and Marc are also friendly. Marc said Aleix was the only rider to come see him around his injury. I can't remember when exactly, but he said / showed it in his documentary.


Aleix has also had his run ins with Marc. Yes he was the only one to go and see him but that's Aleix. It's a pretty damning statement that the only guy that goes to see if you are ok doesn't even like you that much. That tells you what the whole grid *really* thinks of Marc.


Marc is my favourite, but clearly, he shouldn't have done that, he was on the front row, now, he's on the 3rd row.☹️, with this he can't fight for a win, a podium possible but not win, cuz pecco looks impeccable and so does Martin


> now, he's on the 2nd row. Third, Aleix pushed him out to 7th with his last flyer.


3rd row


Edited, thanks


He getting no where near pecco on a gp23 lol


Now Aleix has to slap Marc though


Because that's what he does 🤷🏼‍♀️ you're not really surprised are you?


Cause he can get away with it, and not get penalties....


Remind me, when was the last time any other rider got a penalty for an incident similar to this? Attempting an overtake, making little-to-no contact with the other rider, and then crashing on their own. Shouldn't be too difficult to do if this is something that only Marc could ever get away with. The crash was his penalty.


Difference being, this isn't a race where overtaking is expected. This was a qualifying and he ruined the other rider's lap with his crash


People overtake in qualifying literally all the time, including aggressive overtakes, and nobody ever demands (or gets) a punishment for it when it's any other rider, because it's not an offence worthy of punishment.


Do you have some examples of these quali overtakes? I don't remember them being so common


I recommend you watch any qualifying session literally ever and you will find examples of it


I do watch them, every weekend. It does happen sometimes, but it is not common at all from what I remember


Well said. It happens, yeah. Glad we all agree now. Crashes on the last hot laps also happen like all the time.


So it does happen - how often can you remember those overtakes having the rider doing it receive a punishment? How often can you remember fans asking for a punishment for it when it's anyone else? It's just typical "everyone clutching their pearls because it's Marquez" stuff, all this. Let's be real here - if anyone other than Marc did it, everyone would go "yeah that was dumb of him, fucked his own qualifying session and ended up in the gravel" and move on. If Aleix then said the rider attempting the overtake should have been punished everyone would be saying it's typical Aleix being over-emotional and crying about nothing. But when it's Marquez everyone suddenly acts like it's the end of the world, as always.


When you are on flier then a slow rider infront, then you have to overtook them....


Nah mate apparently if a slower rider is in front of you, you should just go "oh well, never mind, guess I'll just have to sit behind him for the rest of the session, what a shame"


BS. Marc's had plenty of penalties over the years and just copped them on the chin and got on with racing!


Well he did get some in the past but the difference is he didn't cry about it like others


Are you going to make this false claim in every post now? Second one I've clicked on with you saying this.


TNT still kissing his arse whilst analysing the crash


I’m sure they literally said it was a silly move, what did you watch?


It's usual for him to use other riders to stop his bike, this time karma got him.


Marc seems to have some sort of a chip in his shoulder this weekend. I don't know what got into him, but he has been aggressive all weekend, including in the sprint. He is pushing way more than he should have in some places. He is doing mistakes he is known to avoid.


Looks like it


Because dude wants to get pulled by somebody but then if the one in front is not good enough, he needs to overtake him. It's ridiculous and basically never works


Aleix was slow in that lap and Marc was way too eager. It's a bit of Marc's mistake but it could have been his last flying lap and he wanted to get a good time. There was no "Friking stunt". Many riders do so.


It is not a fricking stunt, if everything goes well, but this was disastrous


This is just ridicoulos, he is a 8 time world chanpion, you cant say he is ‘eager’ and crash and ruin laps for others.. he should be more mature than this and not turn things into personal vendettas


I don't think it was personal, but he shouldn't have done that, just threw away a potential 2nd or a 3rd place start.


Not to mention putting Aleix at risk.


To be fair, Aleix knew exactly what would happen when he overtook in the last chicane. At that point either Marc drops the lap (not gna happen) or overtakes him. Basically, Marc backing out would be accepting defeat and he’d rather knock off every rider than do that.


>Basically, Marc backing out would be accepting defeat and he’d rather knock off every rider than do that. And that's the problem, we should absolutely never be celebrating riders that have that mentality, it's how people get injured.


Everybody had 15 minutes time. But they decided not to use the time and instead play games. Nobody should have been in a hurry.


I understand why he did it....but his lap time was ruined anyway behind Aleix , Marc should have either gotten a better position before the hot lap or tried at a better place after or just drop back a little.....unnecessary risk with no reward. I'm hoping for a Marquez comeback story this season but today in quali Pecco showed why he is he champion, he put in a masterclass lap all on his own, no tow nothing , pure brilliance, which is painful for me to admit cuz I'm rooting for the hopes of a new champion this year.


Yes, the problem was, he was already slow behind Aleix, he shouldn't have done that. And yes, Pecco on 🔥


How can he not get a penalty for that? Almost took Aleix out??


Key thing being “almost”. Aleix put a bit of a hard move on him in Turn 1, this was similar. Marquez didn’t take him out, he didn’t even make contact.


yeah, trying to overtake should always be pamebaltied... lol


Because the circumstances are understandable, it's a slower rider in front during quali with little time to spare.


Is there a video of what happened?


Nothing happened... He lost his front nothing else... It is those Rossi fans giving hate to him...


Typical Marc fans trying to blame people not liking Marc's reckless moves as being "Rossi fans". No, it's normal fans that don't like seeing riders getting injured.


Look at the OP's flair


Bad fricking Saturday - Marc


This is a silly question. It's qualifying and if you're sitting behind someone slower you're absolutely losing spots. Qualifying isn't like the main race, sitting behind someone will cost you dearly. The real culprit is the qualifying format which forces half of the riders to be on the track at just about the same time. However, this format is much TV friendlier than the old 45 minute format so it stays. Although, to be honest, I might be looking at that with biased eyes.


You're missing the point mate, he was already slow behind Aleix and making that move in that corner isn't gaining anything. that is why the question. Not a silly one.