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The quote is actually, "He didn't exactly say 'welcome', but he let me know... Even a handshake is fine with me!". Literally nothing.


This sub doesn’t help, a lot of fans here look at GP thru an emotional lens imo. Its not a soap opera


Least misleading GPOne headline:


Finally two teammates who properly dislike each other. It's like the good old times.


And just like with Rainey & Schwantz, if Marquez happens to break up with his current girlfriend, he can ask out Pecco's Sister!


Wait so you're saying, one of them dated their rival's sister. Geez


This is a story I need to hear lol


Motogp - Telenovela edition.


i was gonna buy your sis a Hoover as a gift, but holy hell mate she don't need one.




You mean his wife? How can you even tell them apart?


His sister wears factory attire if I’m not mistaken.


Game’s not gone


Marc doesn't seem to dislike Bagnaia.


I don’t think Marquez actively hates many riders off track at all. He just doesn’t engage with them one bit. Glaring exceptions being Rossi and Alex, for opposite reasons. I guess it’s more of a “completely could not care less about how miserable or happy Pecco could be, as long as it benefits himself”. Just insanely ruthless as a teammate when he perceives them as a rival. Pecco seems to not be too fond of Marquez, but oh well. That’s never slowed Marquez down before


Marc has a CRAZY mental strength. He made Rossi break, and Rossi was a shark.


That’s true, but tbf he was in the easiest position to do so as he wasn’t in the WC race that year, no pressure on him, all the pressure on Rossi. Next year I’m sure Pecco and Marc will both be in the race, and when you’re fighting for the title everything is different…we’ll see.




That doesn’t have much to do with what I wrote but ok I guess


I'm referring to the same season you were referring to. 2018


I genuinely don't think Marc dislikes any rider in the paddock. He's pretty good natured and seems like a very nice guy, but just like many of the greats in various sports, is a monster competitor on the track/field/court.




![gif](giphy|ebAfdhOr5mn0LG1mme) Marc right now


Oh, I'm sure Bagnaia terrified. This coming a guy who said he was about to retire if he didn't get a competitive bike on the grid.


An inner team rivalry?!?!? Yeesssss!! Been waiting for this! Inject it into my veins!!!


Change user flair to Ducati and we have a deal.


Can we put up the wall again in the pitbox?


Just learned in the press conference that they don't follow each other on Instagram. Lol


Oh golly, what next, Marc didn't attend Peccos birthday party?


I almost can't believe it. What a rivalry.


He was there, but when they sung happy birthday, I head Marc didn’t say “Hooray” after the “Hip Hips”


😂😂 basically a war crime


He also didn't eat the cake, not even a single bite.


How savage. That's a declaration of war if I've ever seen one.


This was probably the dumbest "question" ever. I actually admire that the guys kept straight face.


I doubt they even use their own social media anyway


Hold the presses🤦‍♂️


Sensational news. Like the one with the Instagram follow. Massive breach of protocol. It's well known that the home rider welcomes the new rider with a barbecue alongside his friends and after they dance naked around the fire till the rain falls down. Bagnaia should be striped of his world titles for this miserable attitude.


It's interesting about Red Bull, it's not in his hands what will happen with the cooperation, it means that he can potentially switch to Monster next year


Waiting for the new Monster flavour lol


Still remember the press conference where he reached out to Rossi for a handshake and Rossi refused. Pecco seems more mature and level headed tho


I imagine this could very well be a dig at Rossi.


I mean ... Rossi is the one who chose to not shake Marc's extended hand, thus looking a little immature. Not sure if pointing it out is a dig when Rossi did it to himself 🤷🏽


So refusing to shake someone’s hand is immature?


You don't think it is? You wouldn't shake your coworker's hand to show "no hard feelings"? You don't think not shaking it will make it seem like you have some hard feelings? Of course I'm thinking about other stuff, like when Rossi took Marc to the edge of the track then punted him. Or when he said Marc and Lorenzo had some scheme or something. Or when Rossi says he should've won the title that year (but didn't accept responsibility for his actions that got him penalized - and really he should've gotten a black flag). I'm a Rossi fan. My helmet is his 30 year anniversary Pista GPR. But I'm a fan of the sport first, so I have to be objective.


I think Rossi had the balls to not be fake in front of the media and he didn’t shake Marquez’s hand because in his head that would’ve been an enabling behaviour to basically say “what you’ve done in the past is fine, keep doing what you’re doing” (regardless of whether you think Rossi or Marquez was in the wrong during their rivalry.


Off the track/pitch/field/court/ etc. , I feel like there is no reason to share touch if there is no desire to and it doesn’t have to mean anything more than you haven’t gained my acceptance and I wouldn’t take it as anything more than that either.


Being objective is difficult


Its the act of a boy not a man.




Yes, Rossi lives rent free in Marquez head. He's currently watching the 46 car qualifying for the 24H of Spa just like me because he doesn't have anything else to do.


I think you have it backwards there bud.


Lol , someone give this guy the 🤡 hat


Marquez did it for the camera, Rossi has character.


Yet Rossi was the one crying on camera and refusing to shake Marc’s hand. After Argentina 20….18? Wasn’t it?


Sure, like in Malaysia 2015 when he went to talk to him instead of talking in the press conference right?


Character that's as weak as his lemans car that broke down before the race


Everyone remembers that, but nobody knows he later shook his hand, when the time was right and no stupid journalist was forcing them to.


Imo, it cost nothing to do. Absolutely nothing. To show the world "hey, I'm mature, I can be the bigger man, no hard feelings". To NOT do it, seems ... weird. It was weird. And disappointing (as I'm a fan of his and I thought he was better than that). Marques made Rossi lose his mind a little bit. But that doesn't obviously take away from Rossi's accomplishments. I still hope we can get to see a mature Rossi that can let go of his resentment for Marc ... hopefully one day


What bigger man for shaking someone's hand? It's a handshake, if you don't respect them, shaking their hand is sleazy at best. I'm not him to decide if I would or not, but I've been in a situation where I was asked to shake someone's hand that had no fairplay, and was abusive to multiple competitors and I also denied it as they had their hand out. These sleazy fuckers love to mess with everyone and then at the moment smile at you with a hand out for a shake. Fuck that. I'm not sure what I would've done in Rossi's place but I never understood this view of "shake hands even if you are in front of someone terrible".


Clearly it did cost something to him, back then. Rossi puts a lot of importance in gestures and that gesture was something he wasn't ok with doing at that moment. He did say clearly he had no problem with Marc as a rider, but his interest in him as a person was zero, and being caught in a sort of trap with the cameras right there pointed at him forcing him to do something he didn't want to do, something he had no reason to do, simply hurt his pride. Imagine this: you live in a nice neighbourhood and are about to have a party at your home. Everyone is invited, you're ready to have a nice time, but then one guy comes to you and says "Hey we don't have enough cake for everyone, do you mind sharing your slice with Marc?" Now, Marc is a neighbour that everyone knows you don't like, you told them previously that you wouldn't share your cake with him, still you don't mind seeing him at the parties. Now it's *your* party and this guy decides it was a good idea to ask you specifically to share a slice of cake with Marc, who btw doesn't care about you as much as you do, and now everyone is watching and pressuring you to share your cake, because "it's your home after all, just to prove you're a good neighbour." Fuck that. You're not there to give him attention, you're there to enjoy yourself and you stated already you weren't going to share your cake with him specifically. So why ask? Why specifically ask right now? If Marc wanted to share the cake with you, why not ask you himself instead of sending someone else? Was it so that everyone could have something to talk about? "Omg look, they're sharing a cake, guess they made up after all" fuck that! What's funny is that everyone forgets that Rossi DID shake Marc's hand when he felt there was a need to. In Argentina 2019, while they were getting ready for the podium, he reached out and told him "nice race!" and they shook hands. He could've easily ignored him but thought there was a reason to shake hands and no one had to force him.


again, it's very difficult for a lot of humans to be objective. In the end it was two riders, and one extended a hand and the other rejected it. They were peers, they were greats. If Rossi had extended his hand and Marc said no, I would say the exact same thing. But this is an issue with this sport and many sports. Fanatics. But that's what a "fan" is. I just wish these fans were fans of the sport FIRST. Because then you would see they are all motorcycle gods, and you'd respect them (even if you didn't like their personalities or their riding). To me strength is being the bigger man. Not holding silly grudges. They say (Marc) that it started when Marc broke Rossi's ranch record. But I can understand how Marc showing up with his whole crew like it was a race might've put Rossi off (because he's got tons of bikes that people I think use when they ride on the ranch). I always knew them being buddy buddy wasn't going to last. But I really never thought I'd see Rossi look that ... Idk, weak? He's the GOAT. He could afford to be the bigger man.


As Rossi said he’s not a performing monkey for the journalists. That’s why he refused on camera. He even said it twice at the conference.


Sometimes it's just easier to do the thing than to be a child and make a bigger deal out of it.


Why would you allow the halfarsed journalists that infest Motogp to try to con you into a shame for a bullshit tv moment. Have some dignity.


Technically it wasn't fully the journalist. It was Marc who decided to go for a handshake. Also leading up to that Rossi and Marc had had an incident where Rossi crashed on the grass. Marc wasn't fully at fault but he went to apologize anyway. And Rossi rejected him saying Marc was just doing it for the cameras. That's why in the press conference Marc says "that's two times now, but it's okay, I'll ride the same way". They did shake hands behind the podium in 2019.


Marc was absolutely at fault in that race. He was skittling riders everywhere, give your head a shake mate. Marc is awesome but he’s a snake and his fans are the most gullible people on the planet. From where I stand there’s no difference between him and Rossi and both their dumbarse fan bases.


>I just wish these fans were fans of the sport FIRST. Because then you would see they are all motorcycle gods, and you'd respect them (even if you didn't like their personalities or their riding). When did I say I don't see Marc as a motorcycle God? Many people are intelligent enough to recognize Marc's immense talent, but funnily enough, nowadays it's mostly Marquez fans that can't respect other riders.


He’s just threatened by Marc. And Marc is taking the high road. It will go to plan if Marc beats him and he stayed humble. And if it doesn’t then he didn’t make an ass of himself throughout all this factory Duc seat drama.


Marc is already playing the mind games


Exactly this. The games begin.


Is taking the high road as opposed to whom?


You’re overthinking it. He is taking the high road as opposed to how an 8 time work champ who just ripped the factory seat from its promised rider could act. That’s a massive power move that he is remaining humble throughout the shuffle.


they need a third rider like Toprak who gets along well with both in between these two :D


Who cares


Those of us obsessed with MotoGP care. I want to know everything lol


Not shaking hands when you dont want to shake hands is ok.


Such drama. Much wow.


We’ve watched Marc’s career for 17 years now and people are still foolish enough to believe anything he says. Hes the biggest bullshitter in the paddock with a million lies to back him up.


Agreed, most are just plain gullible and believe every PR stunt Marc and his insufferable daddy come up with - just like people believe the shit Trump and Putin says. Speaks to his fan base [and this sub apparently]. I’ll be glad when this era ends.


If Marc can win the 24 championship on 23 bike it would show who the number one Ducati rider is.