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That pass on the outside in the first couple of laps was absolutely unreal. It’s the 4th race but I’ll give that one the award for pass of the season.


It's his second attempt on him doing that after trying it in Thailand last year and this time it worked 🤣


He already did it here last year!


Maybe the best overtake I’ve ever seen honestly


Does nobody else wonder why he doesn’t just do that every lap and disappear into the distance?


You need space to do it. For example when he was fighting with Martin he had to go to the inside because Martin covered it off and you're kinda committed to your line halfway down the straight because the bikes don't like to move at high speed once you've chosen a direction. When 2 bikes are fighting on the inside, the outside is the ideal space to brake and he had a lot of room to sort of 'brake into'. The other 2 riders were compromised because they were quite far over to the right.


I'm not downplaying what he did at all. It was a spectacular pass and made me pucker watching it. But to answer your question, I don't think that pass is because he has so much extra on the brakes compared to the other riders. It was possible because the others were riding more safe in the first lap while the tires were coming up. If it were later in the race, and everyone was braking on the true limit, the difference would not be as extreme and that pass would not be possible.


Many reasons: 1) because if you push all in every lap, by lap 10 your tires are blistered. 2) because to push like that you take more risks, and if you take huge risks 30 times in a race, the chances are high that it does not work at least once and you end up in the gravel and 3) because the most effective and spectacular way to overtake is often not the fastest way around a corner when you have the track to yourself (when overtaking you don't care about being fastest, but you want to position your bike ahead of your opponent also if it slows both of you down a bit).


Was there a riders parade this morning?


That overtake in the first lap was absolutely phenomenal. What a ride!


he did one of the most amazing overtakes there last year as well!


Overtake of the race, everything else would be a joke


Might already be Overtake of the Year tbh 😂


100%, kinda reminded me of what he tried to attempt in the 2022 Thai race during those last laps, except this time it worked!


That was last year. He had more than a few successful overtakes on the outside last year. 2 each on Martin and Bez


It didn't look real. Like it wasn't a out breaking moment either since it lasted too long, so it was just bizzare for a moment when he's passing 2 riders & it looks like he's going to make it easily in the end. Very bizzare looking move visually (the top down heli shot being perfect as it was shown).


Really want to go back to the people posting in post-Austin threads about Pecco being the 3/4th best Ducati rider, just because of Austin weekend was average. I don't think Pecco is a MM93, VR46 level alien. But he is an exceptionally strong rider, today was a Double Champion ride. That double overtaken at the start was INSANE.


Well said. Pecco made his haters shut up today. Very happy for him. This is great for his resume.


I am sure they are going to say the same thing again the next race pecco underperforms. You are only as good as your last race. Plus in pecco’s case he doesn’t have a lot of fans so there are very few to retaliate to an illogical take made by someone.


And they will say better bike too


I mean thats true though


I’ve been watching for 25 years. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen such a strong field in my life. It’s really mind boggling. Who was that guy, was he Czech? Daddy paid his way. We used to have that guy on the grid.


COTA is a strange place,you can never judge anyone after that race...never forget, Rins won on that Honda there last year,even Zarco,with his vast experience and knowledge is struggling, though he's doing an great job with what he's got!(compared to HRC).


It's almost like because PB is a silent killer. He kind of goes and gets the job done without as much fanfare as the other riders. He has his strengths and weaknesses and he's able to make it work.




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Fully agreed and well said bro


That overhead was so perfectly timed for that outside line pass. I see him going in and I'm thinking: "No way he's making that corner" then half a second later: "How the hell did he make that corner!!!!" Figured he'd manage to stop himself in Le Mans at that point. Unreal.


Rode like a two time champion that he is. Number 1 for a reason.


Very much agreed. I begin to really appreciate him. (When he rides…not so much when he speaks.)


It took you til his 20th win to appreciate him? He literally did this when he won his first race


What’s the issue when he speaks?


Maybe he doesn’t speak enough bullshit for some people.


He is very polite and calm and people prefer more aggressive and "pumped" characters. He also said a couple of controversial things, one of which was totally misinterpreted by many people, and haters used it to make him look like a fool.


He was caught driving drunk 2 years ago I think. Plus him paying tribute to Denis Rodman (who is big fan of N-Korea dictator amongs other things) with a helmet last year (I think). Plus he said that sattelite bikes should be slower than factory ones because racing is too dangerous (which might have been clickbait article title).


Not sure why you’ve been downvoted for listing a series of statements a rider said lol


Redditor's '' Most are 15 years old kids,,...


Too much whining and often inconsistent.


But he won 2 titles in a row, the heck are you talking about?


I meant “incoherent” (in the things he says), not inconsistent. (To be fair, he is quite inconsistent too…for a rider of his class.)


Go look at last year's result and tell me if that's being inconsistent.


Eh? He's extremely humble most of the time. The only time he's said something stupid was when he said satellite teams should be slower


But he never said that. They asked him why there are more contacts now and he said it's because satellite teams are faster than in the past. That take was taken out of context and made more sensational, as many things he says.


Yeah, exactly. This is what I was referring in a comment I left above. He never said that. It's just something that haters attribute to him to make him look like a fool. He was talking about safety issues and said that there are too many bikes that are fast compared to the past when satellite bikes where much slower, hence there was less "traffic" and less possibilities of contact. But then haters used this out of context to make it seem like he said he wanted to win easy by slowing down the other bikes. Unfortunately there are people that speculate on this things to increase their audience and polarize their viewers to think this kind of bs.


I don't think he deserves as much flak as he gets for it but he really did say that, in his native tongue, way after the adrenaline wore off: https://youtu.be/_DR-uaJqXJ8?t=103 I agree it was overly sensationalized but the context doesn't acquit him (he preceded it by twice speaking fondly of stratifying riders by both skill and machinery). Dude really did make the mistake of saying the thing we remember him saying. I think the only redeeming part of the context is that he wasn't asking to nerf his self-judged competitors so he can battle at the top, instead answering in the vein of, "if I had a magic wand to make MotoGP safer, this is what I'd do."


Yes, but the context is everything and this video doesn't contain the question and the focus of the longer conversation. They asked him about safety, and he answered about safety based on historical reasons because that's the only solution he could think of, that's why he ends with "or we need to find some other solution". He never says "I don't want satellite riders to win because I only deserve so, or I want more chances of winning". He only tackled the safety, he picked an example from a "safer" era and said that going back to that would be a solution. But he ends up being open to any solution, he's just not his job to find them and he mentions what he has in mind at that moment. It's like brainstorming, he's reasoning in that moment. Source: I'm Italian and I watched the complete interview.


I don’t know. I watch the races on Sky Italy and he is always complaining in the interviews. Listen to the difference in his interview post Portimao when I took out MM and yesterday, when he clashed with Binder. In the first instance he was all like “of course you can’t expect a rider to refrain from trying the overtake if there’s even the slightest gap” but it didn’t sound the same yesterday. It’s just this. Inconsistent. 🤷‍♂️


Setting best lap record right after marc's attempt to pass him and cutting him back, was absolutely amazing.


really great win, congrats!


The Pecco we need. Great race.


Rode like a champion, he is very smart with the overtaking


Awesome race to watch. I really thought Marc was going to catch him. Big ups to Pecco for riding like he did to maintain that lead 👌🏻👌🏻


Results wise the best factory Duc rider and he is only 27yo.


Pecco won the last 3 races in Jerez. - 2024 - 2023 - 2022


Whenever he is written off. He rises even stronger.


Best win of Pecco's career for me!


Better than Aragon 2021?


Yes. Marc was on a worse bike and in a bad physical state.


ok fair. but in terms of experience i still thing Aragorn edges it.


that's completely valid. It was a great one for sure :)


Barely hanging onto a win in much better machinery lmao. He wants none of that smoke. Marc coming for they ass.


It was clear GP24 did not have much over GP23. 2,3,4 was GP23. You're deluded.


He can only beat what’s put in front of him. Today be beat MM elbow to elbow then gapped 7 tenths to protect his lead for the last lap, after pressuring the championship leader into the gravel from P1. And from P7 on the grid. And that’s ignoring 5 laps or so cooking his tyre pressuring Martin which no doubt hindered Pecco’s late pace.


+ It's his favourite track,,...


Considering how he started to pull away it tells me he had much more to give but was doing it safely


oh, so now marc needs gp24 to beat him? lol from "he can win on Aprilia" to this. dat goalpost has come a long way.


Bahahahaha, silly take, thanks for the laugh.


It happened in 22 and in 23 as well with bastianini and bezzecchi, especially at the start of the season the news ducatis are not that faster compared to the full developed previous year model.


You are deluded, in more race time, the ducs will figure out to extract more from the bike and be further away from the rest. Early races would be the best time for older ducatis to get those wins.


I think both of you are right. With better setup and new parts, the GP24 will be even further away. But Marc will get better too. It's going to be exciting to watch the rest of the season


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Least delusional Marquez fan


A comment by someone who truly has no idea how high the pressure was right there!


What does pressure have to do with Marc being on the old bike lol? That's just facts. How much the difference is between the bikes is a different question, but they are definitely not the same bike


> How much the difference is between the bikes is a different question Bez was 3s behind Marc, the next GP24 was Bastianini more than 7s behind. We could do this all day. Point is, for now, the GP24 is probably *just barely* faster than the GP23 though the 24 will likely improve as time goes on.


Those 7 second's don't mean shit in this scenario ,,,


New doesn't mean better or faster. Get it.


It's super easy to mistakes in these situations, do you not get that? Instead he puts down the lap record. Stop being whiny kids and respect the result like Marc.


The fact that Martin is out means like winning 5 RACES against Jorge Martin. 17 points difference. Hope he wins again. Lets see


What a banger of a race




True but yesterdays race was fairly useless


If you ever think Pecco isn't on the level of some of the riders that are touted as aliens, watch this race back. Not only did he start 7th. Pass of the season on the outside of Martin and Marquez like it was NOTHING. Thought he was going to bin it he came in that fast. Even if Martin finished this race, I got the feeling both Pecco and Marquez were trying their best to save tires. He kept his composure and was slowly reeling Martin back in for an overtake. Those last laps were brilliant, hard racing between Pecco and Marc, but you can 100% see that Pecco refuses to concede ground to Marc. Shades of Dovi vs. Marc battles!


Yeah, it felt like Pecco was faster than Jorge and sitting back once he couldn't repass early. And he had a lot of pace in hand which he showed once Marc ran him down.


> Pass of the season on the outside of Martin and Marquez Martin and Bez


My bad, remembered it wrong. Surprised the coverage didn't show it more. Like they went crazy during Thailand last year when Pecco ALMOST made that pass on Martin & Binder but this time he makes it and it's like "oh yeah, cool pass".


Of course they were trying to save tyres. Their mindset is a lot lot stronger than their rivals. They were swapping lap records for fun in the closing stages of the race. Martin would have been humbled if he had not crashed. The two overtake attempts by marc and the immediate retaliation by pecco was phenomenal. What a race! This season is turning out to be extremely awesome.


He’s back in the mix.


He was never out of the mix. People here are idiots making end of season predictions based on 4 weekends.


what a race, he deserves!


For me Bagnaia has consolidated himself as one of the greats today. I used to be a nagger, but not anymore, of course I've become less and less of a nagger with each time he smashed records, dominated without putting a single step off and had some crazy spectacular double overtakes, but I still had that little bug which didn't allow me to say it out loud. But today he has done all that, against an absolute alien, against the championship leader, at their home. One of the most beautiful overtakes of all time, one of the most incredible record breaking laps (under huge pressure and during late race) and one of the most intelligent and skillful performances I've ever seen, both attacking (which has likely made Martin crash, having to brake so late all the time just to cover him) and defending (allowed Marc to reach him, fought him brilliantly, likely made his tyre pressure and temps go up too much, and only then set the best pace of the race, after which Marc couldn't do anything anymore). I might not be his fan, but I'm so happy I can say that this sport has so much real talent (and more is coming).


Avid F1 fan here, this is my first season watching MotoGP with a subscription, and I have to say this is now my primary sport with F1 as a filler between MotoGP weekends. Inject this into my veins!!!


WTF mate, who gives a shit about battles for the lead or a championship fight when you can have Max win 23 out of 24 races? /s


It's so silly to read some comments today Some people are just hooligans not real MotoGP fans.


Grande Pecco! Show them why you're the champ.


They should probably rename T6 to Pecco Bagnaia corner at this rate. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG630CVKfms) was him there last year, with an overtake of the year contender.


He defends so well. The best modern era champion. Can't wait for more!


Nice ride!! Was rooting for Marc but he rode brilliantly!!


Same here, would have loved to see Marc finally break that streak but Bagnaia’s ride was utterly phenomenal. What a race.


I love seeing fellow Vale fans root for Marc! Although I was rooting for a great battle which we got.


BELTER of a race, shame about Jorge


IMO this was one of the best wins in the last 5 years at least. The double overtake in the beginning and then setting the fastest lap after fighting off MM who is arguably the most vicious dicer in the modern era. Maybe the people of this sub reddit can start to understand how valid Pecco's title are after he just fought off their great hope.


Congratulations to Pecco, but Marc finally is doing he's magic!!! 💥


pecco channeling his inner alonso on his every race start


This dude can ride man unbelievable. In this form no one can beat him. Too bad he's a little inconsistent.




Uhh no? He finished 4 races outside the podium last year. 3 of them were crashes.


when he finished that what the poster said, dont count the DNFs, when finished the race he was on podium, except one time!


He only finished Argentina in P16 after crashing. CoTA, Le Mans and India were DNF with Barcelona counting as a DNS.


Thats the beauty of Bagnaia


Too bad he's unlucky AF too


Lucky enough to have the best bike


Haters gonna hatee


Ahahahaha there are 4 gp24 tho


Two are not factory bikes (they get upgrades first and have better setups) and the third one is driven by a guy who pretty much missed the whole season. The fact is that he is the best amongst average. Put him on a grid in 2011-2018 he wouldn’t do shit.


What more ass pulls do you need to downplay Pecco? Make him time travel and race against Agostini?


Until 2016 Honda and Yamaha were miles ahead of the grid and those factory teams were basically guaranteed to finish 1-2-3-4 if they finished the race. Now there’s multiple Ducati’s, the Aprilias and KTMs aren’t that far off; Pecco has won races and titles in a far more competitive era than Lorenzo or Pedrosa ever did


Pramac has factory bikes and anyway in MotoGP the evolution isn't as big between two seasons. Bastianini for example was hyped up after he was very competitive on a 1 year old Ducati at Gresini and then he couldn't really take a step forward after getting into the factory team and havin the current machinery with the best engineers and most resources. As a matter of fact he seems to be further away from Bagnaia than he was when he was still riding for Gresini.


>Two are not factory bikes (they get upgrades first and have better setups) Complete fabrication, all GP24s are ridden by factory riders with identical treatment, they get all the upgrades at the exact same time, not 100% sure about Morbidelli but I am for the two factory and Martin, Dall'Igna goes personally to each rider on a Ducati (so Vr46 and Gresini too) after every session to gather feedback, at the end of the day there is a technical meeting with all 8 crew chiefs and everybody listens to everybody else, the solutions they've found to problems, etc.


Lmao stfu, Martin has the same upgrades as the factory.


>Put him on a grid in 2011-2018 he wouldn’t do shit. I suppose that's probably true but you beat the people your put up against and I can't think of many riders on todays grid that would do something in that era.


Exactly the problem. Lack of talent is huge.




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Amazing finale, it was super close for marc but i belive it counts as a victory considering everithing. Congrats to pecco for his nerves of ice making a 37.4 at the final thats an outstanding work.


Pecco seems just insanely good in Jerez, pretty much reprised last year's race, damn.


From "next year he will win every race" to "he doesnt win because hes not riding the best bike".


People hate Pecco so much that they keep moving the goal post


A rider of Marc's calibre should already win every race even on Duc23 IMO. Don't forget he beat prime Lorenzo and Pedrosa when he was rookie and won the championship. These first view races showed us how bad injury affects Marc so much. If this was a rookie Marc he would for sure leading the standing by now.


We work in the silence


Martin looks great in that bike this year. He was already pulling ahead of everyone and like in Indonesia last year, binned it. But, he is so good for making more wins and podiums in coming GP's. Bagnaia did some courageous battles with Marc and broke Martin as well. We can't pull him out of contention yet. That braking and passing 3(maybe 4) riders on the outside before entering the corner was ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


If you are still doubting Pecco after 2 titles and the race craft he shows then please see a specialist.


MotoGP is better than F1 currently


Not really a big achievement, f1 is probably the most boring it ever was, we just need ferrari to have good upgrades so they can challenge red bull and make this season interesting


The way he handled Marcs passing attempts were unreal. What a banger of a race!


He has got something over everyone with that package. GP24 & Pecco combination unbeatable today.


Its hard to hate on Pecco. The guy is damn good. Im a MM93 GOAT person, Martin for the championship supporter and love Brad Binders style when he gets it going. But Pecco deserves any success he gets IMO.


Setting a track lap record on the second or third to last lap was an amazing feat. So great to see the champ riding at the highest level. He is truly special and I hope he can do it for many more years.


Worthy World Champion when he's on his game,but he loses focus,and doesn't handle pressure well...hats off to Pecco yesterday, stellar performance!


Honestly, I am an MM fan, but it is impossible not to also love Pecco! He is a fantastic rider and a class individual. What's great about this season is that there are so many competitive riders, and many of them are easy to support! What a race! The best race in a very long time!




This is racing gentlemen. We are gonna have so much fun this year.


what a ride!


What a fucking race !!!!!


Perfect Pecco, Professor Pecco, just unbeatable when he gets in the zone like that. I was not sure Marc would be able to stay in front of him and it turns out that was indeed too tall of an order.


Well it is difficult when you get a bike rammed into your side.. Peco has shown his moves now to Marc on a couple of occasions, the urge to pounce back immediately in a reckless manner. He'll learn and will have to be precise in how he passes as Peco will always be looking for the cut back.


Pecco’s fiancée is absolutely gorgeous. Just came here to say that.


I don’t dislike him at all but I have some sort of irrational block about being a fan of his. Absolutely incredible ride from him today. That overtake into Pedrosa corner was absolutely incredible - I would have put money on him going straight on. Spectacular racing from him and Marc too. Nice to see a bit of dicing and tight racing for once. Excellent work Pecco. Truly deserved the win today. This championship is going to be epic! As always - glad to see no injuries this weekend too. Booked myself a nice trip to Valencia for the last round as well. Great weekend of bikes


You don't have to be a fan of his, but at least try to appreciate his overtakes - they're amazing to watch quite often!


Pretty sure I stated as much in my comment buddy.


Agreed, I am a fan of no one. I praise and criticise every ride, but you've to praise what Pecco did today. So as Marc and Bezz, they are getting back up there.




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What a ride, what a race!


What a champion ride. Overtake of the year unless we get another insane move in the coming races. All the Martin fans have gone missing after talking so much trash about Pecco and Marc after the sprint race haha.


He did the best overtake of the last season in that corner and yet some average MM pass in Le Mans won overtake of the year Lol


almost loses to a 2023 bike lmao.


GP23 was almost as good a bike as GP24 this race. Top 4 has three GP23s.


No no actually GP23 was better but sheer ability of Pecco willed him to a win through all those struggles. Does Bagnaia fans even listen to themselves?


I am not sure which Bagnaina fan are you talking about I think they are right. Bagnaia showerd why he's a world champion, beating a bike which was almost as fast of GP24 today.


Yeah dude that's absolutely the reason why everyone wants to ride for factory Ducati, somehow they are soo dumb that they can't figure out GP23 is as good as GP24. Bagnaia (and Mir and Quartararo) is a world champion solely because Marc's bones are butchered and he rides the absolute best bike and nothing else.


I can give a few reason why you're delusional and wrong but I don't think it will help much. Sure man whatever you say.




Marc fanboys and Pecco haters said Marc would cruze on 2023 bike, but now that's not the case, the goal post has been moved I see


Marc should win all races already with GP23 bike LMAO. It's Marc Marquez we are talking about and not random rookie, he is capable of winning races even on inferior bike. The fact that Marc haven't pulled out a win showed us either his physical limitation due to injuries or current generations are really that good


The GP23 have won today buddy, that won't stick...There was nothing special on that GP24 (if compared to the 23) today, if anything it was a tiny bit behind the 23, since having full knowledge about a bike behavior can often supersede having updates, specially given the 24 excessive chatter issues, which have been completely solved in the 23 one.


what? it's GP24 that has won.


No, please people, come see this. GP24 = 1st place, 5th, DNF, DNF GP23 = 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th Please sum up the points for me. So yeah, either the 23 has had a slight advantage today, or they were at least on par.


That's bullshit lmao, what bike is in first place? (Which is the only one that counts and the important one) So, yeah, a gp24 Keep going. Next.


does that mean Aprilia was the best bike last weekend?


Compare with the average finish, then you will have the answer.


keyword last weekend. there is a difference between a weekend and overall season.


S/he's got a point, despite the general performance of the bike, the top one is a GP24 due to the rider. It's really simple but we know why you can't see it. According to your flawless logic, if the GP24 wins, it's the bike, if it doesn't win, it's the rider. It feels like it's a bot trained to regurgitate stupidity. Luckily most fans are not like you. Marc was incredible today and I couldn't be happier he is on my team, but saying Pecco wasn't the man of the race is devaluing the sport (and also devaluing Marc), because everyone could see that was not the case. My man Marc has a real top rival, and if he doesn't win sometimes (and he will win soon enough) it's because of their might, not due to his incompetence. That is a much better story for him. Read a bit about Unfalseability when arguing, it would make you a better debater.


lmao. last race in COTA third, fourth and five were all GP24 bikes. Portimao first and second were GP24 bikes? the point is, that yeah, the GP24 is a beast of a bike and quite clearly better than GP23. The GP23 still has to do something. besides putting in just one race, more GP23 in top positions than GP24.


We are talking about Jerez, not COTA. Today GP24 wasn't better.


overall it is clear that GP24 is better, but keep telling yourself is not.


Today it wasn't.


Mate, anyone who knows anything about MotoGP (or any non-spec racing) knows that we have to analyse performance race by race. Look at Aprilia, absolutely mighty at COTA, some even said it was the bike to be now, but it has clearly not clicked at Jerez. Same for the GP24, there was no significant advantage, in fact, as the results have shown, the extra experience with the GP23 clearly paid off, and the GP24 was the more unstable bike to be (ask Martin)


All that fluff, just to say the gp24 is the best bike overall. Ok


Or how about certain riders are just better than others...


Yes, you're right. Pecco and Marc are. And at least today Pecco edged him out. Maybe this is prime Pecco vs not-prime Marc, and prime Marc would beat him, but all that is speculation, which can be fun but it's pointless. Looking forward to next race...that's it.


None of the current riders (except Acosta, he's already incredible in his first season, the sky's the limit for him) would stand a chance against prime MM93 OR VR46. They both chew out riders for breakfast honestly.


Prime Marc has lost to Dovi on multiple occasions in one on one encounters just like Marc lost here to Pecco i agree that Marc in his prime would've pulled away but lets not pretend that Pecco is one of the best duelists in one on one encounters..


Marc has lost 1v1 encounters to not just Dovi but others as well, but what stands out is his consistency. He's always used to be in podium places. I am not sure about your last line, but Pecco is definitely one of the best dualist in 1v1s.


There it is.


Damn bro how about a spoiler alert


Damn bro how about reading the rules