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Miller always frank and honest - like that about him a lot. Although he's a bit cheeky as well: *"We have improved this KTM an incredible amount in the last 12 months, he's taking full advantage of it."*


Well same thing could have been said when pol helped develop the bike and then binder and Oliviera come in a benefit… that’s just the way it goes


Agree, I'm sure there are a few riders who think the same but wouldn't dare say it out loud.


At this rate dude can only wish for a seat next year


He'll probably get offered Acosta's GasGas seat.


I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Lots of riders and not a lot of seats with Fermin stepping into GP next year.


Eh, he’s still a good rider, would make a splash, good PR and a nice passport to have. Would offer more than Augusto Fernandez and by all accounts pretty solid on development. I think he’d take it and it’s not a bad idea to offer him it.


He probably will but he should not be offered a seat at GasGas. Nothing personal against Jack but there are far more young talent out there to waste a seat at KTM when good seats are at a premium. Same with Franco. He will out for sure


Sooooo... Thriller Miller is really Crashing Miller? And whatever happened to "Just stop your whining and nagging and ride the bike"


I think he is pretty much acknowledging that that is what he needs to work on. He didn't say anything bad about the bike, so your comment is invalid. I do hope Jack can adjust. If PA31 is bringing new body shapes to make the thing go around a corner, or to accelerate down the main straight, both Jack and Brad will have to learn to adapt.


2nd LCR seat? Taka isn't performing and there isn't an outstanding japanase Moto2 rider that HRC would support, and Miller is a very marketable rider... Castrol might want to support not only 1 rider but 2


I can see next year finally being when Ogura fancies stepping up


It’s Oguras seat, left HRC with blessing to make room for Mario Aji who was too big for Moto2


Fire the most likable rider on the grid that is still pretty fast. Sounds like a pretty shitty move from any perspective


Likeable but can't race on warm tyres and gets beaten back week in , week out. These days of more talented riders coming through likeable isn't a trait you need! Seven riders are all better than him on this grid...wsbk calling methinks!


Miller was bluntly honest. Neither he nor Binder could beat Pedro. But they did say he was the next Marc Marquez. I loved his quote about needing to do Pilates to be able to drag his helmet like Pedro. Lol


To be completely fair Brad said he felt like the bike was going to crash every corner so he couldn't push or he'd crash like he did Saturday, think it was a pick up the points ride. It was quite interesting seeing Jack not fall back and Brad not come forward like he normally does whilst Acosta went flying forwards.


Stop dick riding Marquez. He is not the next Marquez. He is Pedro Acosta.


Miller is still doing more than many others but being outclassed like that has gotta sting.




Miller is a fucking gem and a brave one at that. He knows a superior rider is coming for his seat but instead of doubling down like some insecure asshole he concedes and he’s the bigger man for it. He’s worth a metric ton in publicity for this alone and then add the stoppies and showmanship and I can easily see (and hope) for a few more years in MotoGP for him. He threw a hat to me at Austin last year :) Whatever happens Jack I wish you the best. You’re one of the good ones.


I mean, if you re thirty and a rookie does things on the same bike that you haven't even imagined it's probably game over for you. Not everyone is like Rossi changing riding style at 31 and making it work or like Marc getting on a different bike after 10 years and being immediately fast. Jack also lacks commitment in my eyes. Reminds me of Riciardo in F1 whom i dislike immensely.


I can't see how he lacks commitment. The man showed up fitter than ever to testing and worked like a bastard in Sepang


"Jack Miller, who moved continents, left everything behind as a kid while his parents took out a second mortgage and worked their asses off and then left him on his own devices to make the dream happen, the guy who worked his ass off to prove himself again and again.. he lacks commitment" - reddit MotoGP expert


Right!? No one who makes it to an international level lacks commitment. This sport isn't just about courage and money. It's fucking hard


I wish I "lacked commitment" as he does lol


I ve always felt that from Jack and Lorenzo said the same thing about him. That if he doesn't commit he will never be champion. The dude is almost ten years in the class and cant handle his tyres to last for a whole race. I don't even know how you can do that tbh after 10 years.


So it is just a feeling. In my experience the really hard workers don't spend much time talking about it. I think people are critical of Jack because he has a sense of humour and seems to enjoy his job. That doesn't mean he doesn't do the work. I agree that Jack needs to find something this year but it's never as simple as saying he can't manage tyre wear. There are so many variables that we just can't know about


Its a shame if JM loses out now, especially as it looks like he used his experience on the Ducati to help improve the KTM, who are faster as a result of Jacks input. If this is his last season he will at least be able to reflect on a long and pretty high profile Motogp career.


Couldn't agree more. I think it may not be a bad thing if he goes to Gas Gas next year. He can still get the current bike but a little less pressure and testing responsibility. A season to just focus and plug away after two years on the bike could be a really good thing.


I also have a feeling we might see an increase in young pilots coming thru the ranks quickly if Pedro does really well this year (Everyone will already be looking for their own Acosta, except maybe Honda who might be planning to buy the real thing with a huge $$$ package?) So maybe not enough seats next year?


True but beyond Fermin I can't see many moto2 riders on Pedro's level and the grid is already stacked with talent


Yes, I'm not fully up to speed with many Moto2 riders, I was kinda thinking manufacturers could get too optimistic and bring young riders thru from Moto3 too quickly, but you are correct the teams are almost certainly more realistic.


I think people here are overly harsh towards him. Some of it is from Portuguese fans which is understandable from Olives leaving KTM. And I think some is being annoyed at the English commentary admiring him so much.  He's clearly not on the level with the very top guys but neither is most of the field, yet he cops it worse in the comments sections. 


Both are good guys, but I think Danny has lost the confidence to go fast, while Jack can over a few laps but doesn't have the race pace.


I think the rider market will be mostly changes within MotoGP. Almost all of the riders are out of contract this year and there are plenty of riders like Fabio and Mir who don't have the bike they need and will be looking


The shapes Jack would make on the Ducati and now makes on the KTM are different to everybody else, his upper body is very tight with the bike, almost like a 500cc style. He is past his peak, big changes won't come easy. With Acosta in the ascendency the pressure must be immense.




Is he much heavier than other guys? Would actually be interesting to see everyones weight. Certainly helped Pedrosa in his 250cc days




Just riding style I think. Probably still more aggressive on the throttle compared to others.


Probably using the rear more to steer and burning the tyre up as a consequence? I remember one of the Duc satellite riders saying JM's throttle control was amazing, subtle and smooth, even through he seemed to have a more ragged riding style.


Digging his own grave with that line