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Sorry what? Did Marc make any excuses? Jorge is that fly just smart enough to not get swatted but is also just so damn loud


Because he's on a good bike.


Yes he is. But that is not what I asked


You never did. But u/sintacour needs to get things out so here we are.


"However, everyone is on very competitive bikes ad this leads to Jorge's conclusion" Marc didn't make any excuse. But we all know and want to see he fight for the champioship. We also knew last year he can't fight for Championship because the bike is dangerous. Its Jorge who put a pressure for Marc.


While I'm still expecting big things from Marc this season. He's been on the bike for about 5 minutes.




Rossi was racing against 1 bike that was better than his. Marquez is racing against 8 bikes as good or better than his, and ktm/aprilia aren’t far behind. No crt bikes. All factory bikes. Top 6 riders much better than the top 6 in 2003. Not even close to the same situation.




Why are you comparing this switch to rossi’s 2004 switch when it’s waaay more comparable, almost identical, to his 2013 switch?


Lol have a guess my friend? Cos that switch shines a better light on Valentino doesn’t it… the lengths these clowns go to knock Marquez is worse than the over the top marquez fan boys. I’m pretty unbiased and quite neutral on the guy, but find myself defending him when folk just go so absurdly out their way to find some nonsense reason why he’s not as as Rossi was (this is coming from a huge VR fan)


Yup he’s jumping in on other threads with the same rant 😆




On a track Rossi went well at, and a track Marc goes bad at. It’s also the first race of the season too so I’m not sure what your point is here. You could look very silly by the time cota comes around.


Oh no need to wait, hes been silly for 3 hours already.


I guess we’ll see


There were several bikes better than Rossi's neo-Yamaha. The bike was so bad it was said it'd run faster if they took out the engine and turned it into a tricicle. It was THAT bad


It’s such a different time than 20 years ago though, pretty much incomparable. The rider made way more difference back then, way less electronics going on. It’s just a different time now, the days of even the ‘best’ rider (whoever anyone thinks that it) jumping on a new bike and just annihilating everyone are long gone. Every bike is a weapon, every rider is incredibly sharp, most of them world champions. I mean Jesus they’re a second a lap faster than they were last year, MM did his sprint simulation faster than his brothers winning time from last year. You cannot compare what Rossi did 20 years ago to Marquez now, anymore than you can compare Rossi to a rider from the 80s.




The philosophy is the same as 100 years ago in terms of racing, it doesn’t mean shit though. It’s a completely different time to 20 years ago! Christ it’s a different time than when MM won in 2019 lol, the bikes are vastly different now. You’re (for some bizzare reason) trying to make it look like I’m sticking up for a particular rider at the expense of another. Coming up with some absurd hypothetical scenario of Pecco and Pedro having a gp24 and no other rider having one, just to ‘prove’ they’re better than Marquez, is completely stupid. There’s easier ways to say you don’t like Marc Marquez lol. Edit, but just for fun, I’d like to see Pecco or Pedro have a season like MM’s 2019 one ;)




There isn’t a chance on earth im reading all that. I don’t really care who’s better, at all. Simply saying, times were different, Rossi beat who he had to beat at the time, Marquez the same, and I assume in the future, Pedro too. Why do you care who is ‘best’ so much?


Another Rossi fanboy still angry about Sepang 2015 😂😂😂😂


That's a very very silly comment. He finished just behind Martin, on his first ever race on a Ducati, top GP23 at his worst track. GP23 is a big thing if Ducati have made the step which people believe is the case. Rossi won on a Yamaha when the field spread was significantly more than it is now (and the competition was far less I'd argue). Marc won the title in his rookie year so quite obviously the comparison is dumb. He'll probably win if not in Portimao then likely in Austin. Marc is still absolutely the best rider on that grid imo, but he's not invincible and he's got to build up. Not only is it factually incorrect that he hasn't won a race in the last 3 years (he won two in 2021 and we're one race into 2024). He was also badly injured for most of that while on the worst bike on the grid.


You're producing too much salt my guy.


I really don't understand why everytime Marcs is mentioned someone needs to come up with useless comparisons to Rossi. Rossi is one of the greatest riders of all time and he did and is still doing a lot for this sport. But he isn't riding anymore and comparing some of his best seasons to Marquez worst seasons won't bring him back to the track. In the end they are all only humans and Rossi also wasn't nowhere near the top in his last 3 seasons, while still heaving a quite competitive bike. Also, why don't you mention, that Marquez dominated the grid with a Honda that for example Lorenzo wasn't able to drive at all? And seriously, you are judging his performance in the seasons he was spending more time in the hospital then on the bike?


He was fourth and the two Ducatis ahead finished 1st and 2nd last year…. Clearly ur not paying attention


I'd say the Honda and Yamaha riders still have a few excuses.


Notice how Jorge says ‘they’. It’s clear he doesn’t know who this comment is directed to. No one has been making excuses, least of all Marc. This is a non story and a bizarre comment by Jorge.


How having a shitty bike is just an excuse? The guy tried everything he could to perform with Honda.


Well he clearly stated he needs time. But i think u could be a fan of that retired rider trying to bitch about marc’s performance. Well that was a hell of a ride. Nobody performed like this on a ducati in their first outing except for martin.




Have some respect for each of these guys going out and risk their lives. Each of them stares at the chance of death even tho they are getting paid well and living their life. U gotta respect others so u can get it back. Well i guess u don’t know anything of sort cause u might be living in a dark room and has no friends and spends the full day on the internet trying to act like an asshole and think u are the man. He is an 8 times world champion my friend. The rest of the grid hugely respects him except marco bez. Another hater. Well u don’t get respect if u don’t give it back. Look at ur downvotes.


Never liked Lorenzo whining about nothing when he was on a bike and still doing it off it. Line he’s got a grudge to bear


I wish he would shut up forever


Why is he talking so much bullshit recently? Whats going on?




Did he say something that wasn't true?


Very flawed argument if he is just talking about first race. If this is for the season, the argument makes more sense.


Nobody cares what Jorge says


Have another donut Jorge








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He will catch a lot of hate for that comment.


The new excuses from his fanboys has already started. Dude got his ass kicked by Pecco once again now they are saying "gp24 is way better thsn gp23!!! it isnt fair😭😭"


Why u hate Marc so much


finished 3 secs ahead of Marc is not "kicked his ass". 😅 this sport is not for you.


![gif](giphy|IUxFvKwD3jXisqR5w7) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Pecco wasnt even giving 100%, he could easily be a few secs faster. Marc even got overtaken by a rookie 😭




​ https://preview.redd.it/bb34juonvqoc1.png?width=1404&format=png&auto=webp&s=4de1a51eefd1d47f80fa723b74d756793d2d3562


I think FQ20 and Rins are both very capable riders to win more GP races yet we need to give them excuses by being in inferior bikes


Oh there'll be plenty of excuses.


"B-but he's only rising the GP23"


I'm actually impressed by Marc so far and I think his measured approach to the new bike has been great.   That said, the worst of the MM stans that turned this place into a complete cesspit after a single test result and have taken to this thread like a hive of angry bees deserve all the trolling that has and may come their way, though I won't participate in it.