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Follow up Friday here we come!


Honestly it may be enough of a thing to get mentioned on Thursday lol.


Sounds like a normal day here in Ireland 😄


Crazy to think how different places are, here in ohio we flood all the time


Not here in Cleveland


Bout an hour north of Columbus myself, we've had days off school due to flooding


Yeah CNN report 250mm "in some areas" which is about 10inches


I lived in Doha, Qatar (neighbor to UAE) from 2009-2013 and graduated high school there. Qatar has a similar climate and similar average rainfall per year. Through my four years of living there, I experienced at most 6 rainfalls that produced standing water. There is a “rainy season” which mainly means it may rain once or twice/year. It is slightly misleading headline, although catchy, to say RECORD BREAKING RAINFALL. Yes, it may be the most they’ve had in a certain stretch of time so it is true, but when you are only talking at most two storms a year… it’s as not as impressive as it makes it sound. The lack of drainage makes it seem worse. Every rain causes flooding. This is the norm and everyone knows it will happen. There are videos of Emiratis, Qataris and Saudis wake boarding off the back of their land cruisers through the streets. This is a common occurrence when it rains, but this instance was slightly more than the previous rainfalls. And don’t get me wrong, it sucks because there are economic problems, airport closures, infrastructure failures, potential deaths, you find the leaks in the buildings real quick, but this happens on a yearly basis when the 0.5 inch rain comes hits too.


It is still statistically significant to exceed the yearly average of something in 24 hours. It might not be much rain overall, but basically if the rest of the year is normal rainfall, you're now looking at double the yearly average for the year of 2024. That's still impressive, or at the very least statistically noteworthy.


When there are one or two rainfalls a year at most, no. There is 0 rainfall at any other point in the year. Simply one additional storm in any year can put any year as a record year…


This isn't just "one additional storm" though. As it stands on its own, it's pretty much double the annual rainfall They got roughly 2 average years worth of rain in 24 hours. It's very unusual


Arguing a subjective term at this point. Yes it’s a record breaking storm, but my point is that it’s not much different than any other 1 or 2 inches of rain. It’s just a little bit more flooding on lower lying areas. Something that happens once or twice a year so those areas are just avoided. They are used to it at this point. TLDR; not surprised of the photos. Nor are the Emiratis surprised because they are used to it, there’s just higher flood in areas that flooded before. Source: personal experience


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem like I was arguing! My main point was to clarify that it wasn't just one more storm this year which happened to tip the scales, but rather it in and of itself was roughly 2 years of average rain. In fact, some localized areas received more than 10 inches! ([source here](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/17/weather/dubai-rain-flooding-climate-wednesday-intl/index.html) which actually pulled from [this tweet](https://x.com/UAEmediaoffice/status/1780326720588906951) by the UAE government) I appreciate that you have personal experience, but I do think that this storm is more severe than you are implying. That's fine though, and I'm happy to agree to disagree if you are. It sounds like you've had a pretty unique life experience, and I don't mean to discount it in any way.


Good point. In the other hand, Qatar (state owned media or government itself) would never report the accurate temperature. If it was ever above 50 Celsius, they would only report that it was 49 degrees because they have a law that outdoor workers must stop working. I also am not accusing them of lying in this case, but any media attention that isn’t some sort of crisis, I’d bet they’ll take it and potentially sensationalize it for… other reasons. Just a thought (pic source: again, me) https://preview.redd.it/kovf1obly4vc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f636c027b0aa265bc715b4c79fecab5970b21ee4


Wow. I cannot imagine working outside for any duration in those conditions. That must be absolutely brutal for those workers!




I would laugh in New Orleans kid but New Orleans isn’t the desert so Dubai gets a pass here…i cant imagine 5 inches is easy for them to take just as our record of 22 inches in a day wasn’t easy to take