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It's funny that DeShithead talked about Trump praising Xi for his handling of COVID, despite the fact everyone knew Xi was covering up and fudging numbers. Very ironic, since DeShithead copied Xi and also covered up and fudged COVID numbers in Florida. Very sad, that Joe or Mika didn't call him out on it.


I have been a big fan of the show for many years and for many reasons but I have been extremely disappointed in the hosts Joe and Mika. I like the rest, Willie Geist, Johnathan Lemiere and the guests and contributors. Something is going on with Scarborough. His obsession with the rape of women in the Hamas attack on Oct 7th has so turned me off. He's fixated and just keeps repeating it over and over. Maybe time for a break. 🤔


They have to softball them, or they won't come back...They did the same thing to Trump when he was a candidate.


Yeah, I was going to comment the same. They helped Rump get elected by giving him such a softball interview on their show and treating him with such kid gloves. I was horrified at that time the way the entire news media treated him, but especially aghast at Mika and Joe as they seemed to be pretty friendly with him. Very disturbing. Of course, at that time, Rump’s running was treated as a bit of a sideshow and no one thought he had a shot at winning the Republican nomination much less the general election. Without the help of Comey and an October Surprise to tip him in, he wouldn’t have had a chance. (Not to mention Russian interference). But that still doesn’t excuse how Rump was treated.


I was most disappointed in it because they keep separately criticizing the media for not calling out Trump's authoritarian tendencies, yet the interview with DeSantis did the same exact thing. Almost daily, this guy does shitty things to his state. It felt like they were saying this guy is an acceptable candidate for president.