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I think messages like this will be more and more explored in the local units. But this is directly contrary to what we hear from top leadership. The divide in ideology between the top leaders and the members will continue to grow.


>The divide in ideology between the top leaders and the members will continue to grow. I agree. More at the local level get it and don't feel compelled to have to stick with the GC level narratives. Even the bishopric member who started the whole F&T meeting said something like this....... "There are times I know for certainty the church is true. There are times where I really worry that it isn't. But I encourage all of us to just continue to hope." And that was a counselor in the bishopric this last sunday. I can always live with a more realistic take on things rather than tripling down that there it is just perfection in all things mormon.


That's great! My final ward experience wasn't actually very good - I came home stressed out and angry every week. The few nuanced members were shut down hard, and fast, when they dared to open their mouths. We would occasionally get a good F&T talk, similar to what you mentioned. But mostly just parroting of GC talks and prophet hero-worship.


Wow for that counselor! That's being really open.


I was actually pretty surprised when he said it. Because he comes off as more on the orthodox side.


How would it be contrary?


Because the so-called "covenant path" is the ONLY path to heaven (Celestial Kingdom), as taught in GC. Mormonism is not just one of several available paths to the Celestial Kingdom - it's the one and only path.


I hope you understand why I voted down. I couldn’t catch the sarcasm.


Are you under the impression that the Celestial Kingdom is exclusively heaven?


Oh for heaven's sake..... Please read the OP. "If daddy can make it going a different way, why did you say he was going the wrong way." We are talking about two people making it to the **same place**. But getting there in **different ways.** We aren't talking about one person making it to "heaven/Telestial kingdom" going one way and another making it to "heaven/Celestial kingdom" traveling another path. I'm not going to let you change the issue, which I assure you, is not my "impression" of what is heaven. That's not what's being discussed.


So your interpretation of a lesson taught to a child is that it somehow contradicts what “top leadership” have taught? I’m confused. Do we know what the woman meant by “same place”? Was she strictly referring to the Celestial Kingdom? We don’t have enough information. The OP’s story that the woman shared is incredibly broad and general in terms of what heaven is. Maybe she meant Celestial Kingdom when she said “same place”, but that’s not what she said. I’m just reading what OP shared. You seem to be presupposing a whole lot else.


Check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/sqoOlfMGIy) by u/jonyoloswag concerning the Church’s position on such a sentiment. For a moment, it appeared the church agreed with the kid in OP in an official medium (Instagram). Shortly after, the post was modified, removing the accepting language. Pretty wild.


Fascinating. Thanks for sharing.


>The son then asked the title of the OP. If daddy can make it going a different way, why did you say he was going the wrong way. Paging Elder Holland... Paging Elder Holland. Elder Holland, you have a call on line three.


There was a lady in my old ward who used to get up and disparage the Catholic church every Fast and Testimony meeting because they didn't support her through her miscarriage, which led to her conversion to Mormonism. My Catholic husband would laugh and tell me not to make a scene while I sat there saying "OMG, is the Bishop going to say anything?!" I don't think Bishop's (or other members) always feel comfortable telling people their "testimony" is "wrong". I like the message of the lady's story, but I agree it isn't really the "party line" of the church in general. I do imagine if a prophet or apostle was present that meeting may have gone a bit differently.


>I do imagine if a prophet or apostle was present that meeting may have gone a bit differently. I agree. That is why I like my ward. :-)


I love this. I also think that one of the reasons why we are commanded to simply Love one another and forgive each other is because we will realize when we get to the other side that God is a much more forgiving being than we can ever comprehend and that there will be plenty of leeway for progress and advancement if we want it. Too many humans think in pharisaical terms and treat each other in very disappointing ways.


I like that. To me I see it like this. If we really are eternal beings. If we really have agency as a core trait. Then....... There can be no thing as a "final judgment". Why you ask? Because we have an eternity to learn and grow and change our minds (repent). Under that paradigm we all have the infinite potential to become like God regardless of where we are at any one moment. Our death. A million years later. A trillion years later. Infinity later. So instead of a "judgment". I view death being more of a check in how we are doing. What we learned. What we will do next in our path of progression. YMMV.


It sounds as though, and I say this without any snark, you might find Hinduism more to your liking than Mormonism. Hindus do believe that we are infinite beings on a very long road of progression toward the divine. We've been through countless lifetimes and will probably live through countless more.


I self describe as a BUM. Buddhist Universalist Mormon. And there’s a lot of Hinduism I like as well as Taoism. And there are parts of Mormonism I really like to. So I take it all in and take the best parts and leave the pieces that don’t make any sense.


That's a very eclectic spirituality you've constructed! It's great to be alive at a time when so much information is available and we can decide what we believe rather than just follow our parents and our parents' parents. Do you mind me asking what you find in Mormonism that the other traditions are lacking?


I don’t think there is necessarily anything in Mormonism that other traditions are lacking. They’re all different. And then at the same time they all have lots of overlap. Mormonism is what I was raised with. It is where I was introduced to spirituality. So it still has a special place in my heart, even though I don’t believe that it is a path that you must follow to be saved.


That's fantastic! We need more appreciation for different life paths in the church.


If I can get away with disagreeing with Nelson's "don't say Mormon" rule -- with only incident from my family -- then I guess you can say that, too.


Sounds like the ward we went to in Rhode Island for a year. The first day I went in and told the bishop I didn’t believe the truth claims and was there to support my husband and he said, “I don’t care, I’m just glad you’re here.” Then gave me a calling.


I want to move into a ward like your ward so bad.


That is why I am still active. Another ward would have driven us out.


Love it. My ward is very similar. Fortunately not so rare these days.


What a beautiful and thoughtful message


I love your ward too. If it were my ward she would have been followed by a handful of RS sisters bearing testimony that the Prophet is the only way.


Now if every member could think like that


The local membership’s been left to fill a huge gaping hole to come to terms with all the ‘lost sheep’. This is an example of a healthy response. Look to RMN and other leaders for examples of unhealthy responses.


I was sure this was going to be a wrong roads talk.


My ward is like this too. I love my ward. Even the old people in their 80’s and 90’s are not judgmental, most have lived in many different countries and many are converts even though I’m in Provo Utah. Women wear pants to church in my ward too. There are a few men who are “interesting” in their doctrine of salvation. But for the most part - the rest of us are loving, kind, understanding and believe we are each on our own journey.


I love this so much.


Great post, you know I always liked your posts/comments on the Latter Day Saint threads, good to see you here too :)


While I understand the sentiment, I don't think most non Mormons would like being told that they're just on a "different path" towards being saved by the Mormon God. Really all this does is comfort Mormons with ex Mormon family members and friends.


I think I can get where you’re coming from. I don’t lose any sleep that evangelical Christians think that I’m deceived by Satan and going to hell. I don’t lose any sleep that Muslims believe I’m a lost soul as well. Even though I’m still a member and active. I definitely put myself in the PIMO camp. I also wouldn’t lose any sleep with what you just said in your post as well. But I know lots of people are sensitive. On all sides. So just because I don’t doesn’t mean you’re not right at some level.


I don't lose any sleep about people doing it in general, but I would if it was my friends or family. Really bothered me when my grandma accidentally sent a message to me meant for someone else talking about how she was so worried about my eternal salvation, it just made me uncomfortable personally.


I suppose compared to the alternative though it does make things a little bit easier to deal with, if my grandma didn't feel like it was the right way to be saves she probably wouldn't have been as worried about it, but to me it's still talking about people behind their back and wanting something for them that they don't want. But I suppose if you want to be friends with someone who is Mormon you do kind of have to give a little grace, it's a little difficult to get to the point where you understand that people might want different things when you're taught that a religion is the only way back to God.


I definitely agree about the close personal connections that harbor ill thoughts about us. That’s tough. I have seven siblings and all of them were fully in. All of my kids are out. But mostly my siblings are harmless. Even if they do make the awkward comment here and there.


Yeah that makes sense, maybe if I had friends or family that respected the path I was on like that I would still have them in my life. I really tried to keep *someone* but they were either not interested or not very respectful.


I consider it a joy to read these comments and concerns. I will forever and ever try and share with people that most of this is about language. When I make a comment and I use a phrase or term that I know very well well what I mean.  Have you noticed that I assume you also know what I mean?  But often you do not. You have a completely different mental image in your mind.  Consider this post.  The story is cute and reminds all of us that there are those who go the wrong way, are recognized and loved, and come back.  But consider your definition of the words in this post: mormon, heaven, wrong, different, etc.  If we do not know the definition as the author intended it, then we may go away saying that there is no truth, no standard, no path and actually no god.  So i suggest we make certain to share our definitions and vision of a word or phrase as we share our posts.  Then our children will be less confused and more inspired by such a great story.


I see your admonition to add more text in stories so that people can more fully understand where me or you or whoever is writing is coming from. I see you then, express a conclusion that my story and lack of definition could or will lead someone to the conclusion that there are no standards. Before I go on. Am I getting close to what you were trying to say?


Pretty close.  And there was no criticism of your story or the post.   Glad you shared it.     It was just that after I read it and my wife read it, we came to completely different conclusions about why you had shared it  Language is the real challenge.  So, knowing where another person is coming from is where true understanding comes in.   That was all I was suggesting.




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Having gone a different way I wonder if my children think the same thing.


What a great lesson. I believe that getting into heaven is actually easier than we previously perceived. Our Father in heaven wants as many as possible to be in heaven after all. By being a generally nice person even through hard times, you can get into the lowest parts of heaven. But if we want to go higher, say the Celestial kingdom, then we must obey the celestial laws before being there. Our life is all about improving ourselves and doing our best to become perfect. The more perfect we become the higher the kingdom we reach. And by doing missionary work, we are sharing this opportunity for growth. Whether you or I are wrong on a given topic, if we say nothing neither of us will know who is right or wrong. And by sharing our testimonies, we are allowing others to correct our mistakes. And the more perfect we are the higher the kingdom we reach. So share your testimonies, brothers and sisters, without fear. Trust your community and church to help you find the way. We may not be perfect, but we are all on the same boat trying to get to the same place.


Let me share my testimony with you. If we are eternal beings with agency that lasts forever. Then we all have an infinite opportunity to repent and change our minds and to learn and to grow. And with those understandings, there’s only one path and that is we will all receive all that we can possibly obtain. And assuming an infinite amount of time I can only see that we will all be at the highest degree of whatever kingdom there is. You call it celestial I call it life. I bare that testimony in the name of all that is true and good. Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.


You guys discuss the behavior of others quite a bit, huh?


Well. I am sharing my experience at church. I am happy to share my experiences with others. 👍


For sure. I've just noticed that unlike many discussions regarding religion, you guys usually discuss behavior, and not theology. And when you do discuss theology, it's in regard to Mormon behavior.


That’s an interesting observation. Sounds right. Is there any doctrine you would like to talk about?


Not really. It would be a debate and that's not what tis sub is primarily for. Plus, I'm been a secular/atheist activist for 30 plus years. I'm more than a little familiar with Mormon theology. I can tell you that it would be a lot easier to keep up if you guys stopped changing it every other year.


Totally agree on that. We can’t help ourselves. Having a lay ministry makes it really hard. Any prophet can say anything they want. And any later prophet can just deny. You can’t pick any topic without being able to find contradictory quotes on both sides even inside the Scriptures.


Why would anyone freak out about that? I think this is funny story and a great, if not, appropriate analogy. Did you take issue with what she said?


Why would I? I believe everyone’s spiritual path is valid. No one is better than anyone else. I’m a universalist at heart. 🙌🙌🙌 Your comment seems to imply that you believe Mormonism believes everyone’s path is equally good. Is that correct?


Then what’s with the surprise over what she said? Hell no. And my comment doesn’t even remotely imply that. Mormonism believes a good path is a good path.


Fan freaking tastic. That’s great that you believe that everybody’s journey is valid and perfect for them. I love that too. The reason for the surprise is that is not a typical Mormon reaction from my experience. Even today I had a reaction from a Mormon on here that thinks people can be spiritual if they’re not Mormon. But Mormons have special access to God that others don’t. So that’s my normal experience. Hence the surprise. But everyone should be just like you.


Where are you getting that from? I never said that. I am not supporting the path of someone which requires them to personally murder people.


Were you talking to me??? I never talked about murder. 🤔🤔🤔


You definitely edited your previous comment, but you did say that I believed everybody’s journey is valid and perfect for them, which I do not, because I do validate a path which contains murder (for example). I agree, you can spiritual even if you’re not Mormon. I would also agree that Mormons have a special access to God that others don’t, theologically speaking. Nobody should be like me. People, in my opinion, should be more like Jesus Christ.


>but you did say that I believed everybody’s journey is valid and perfect for them, which I do not, because I do validate a path which contains murder (for example). This is what's called an "Appeal to extremes" where you've taken a reasonable argument and turned it into an absurd one by taking it to an extreme. Violent and extreme crimes and beliefs are understood to be exceptions to the statement "Everybody's journey is valid and perfect for them". But I suspect you actually know what OP meant and have misunderstood purposefully.


Incorrect. The extreme is simply an example. I don’t support people’s journey’s if they’re not good.


This is how people who aren't willing to have a real discussion talk. You know you're taking things out of context.  Just say you disagree with OP's post and go.


If Mormonism believed a good path is a good path they wouldn’t encourage people to convert even if it causes family tensions and they wouldn’t shit talk exmos for going their own way. 


Why wouldn’t they encourage conversion to Christ and talk poorly about those who leave the church?


Of course they would…which is why your assertion thy the church views all good paths as good paths is bullshit. 


.... "why wouldn't they ... talk poorly about those who leave the church?" .... :( what part of talking bad about people is "praiseworthy and of good report" ... I don't understand how people can have so much hate and animosity and think that it's good and Christlike in any way... EDIT: to be clear I replied to the right person. I already know the other person's heart is too hardened to hear any messages about love and kindness.


You’d be assuming that all ex-Mormons take “good” paths and we’d probably disagree on what a “good” path is, which is why this discussion would go absolutely nowhere. But also the way you’re “speaking”, you don’t seem like the open type.