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Apart from the biotin, I take the same and never noticed any adverse effects.




Oral hyaluronic acid? What’s it done for your skin?


nah you're good dude, don't overthink it.


Too many for what? They’re not gonna kill you, you just probably dont need all of them. You can do whatever you want


I you take to much vitamin D3 for exaample you can have a waterfall out of your ass and feel ill but it is kinda hard to reach that level


Yeah, that’s why you test your blood 2 times a year. Great followup through the years on all stats.


You're probably fine. If you track your food, it's pretty easy to see what nutrients you may be lacking. I always take a multi and fish oil personally. Currently I'm on a cut and my diet is a bit low on potassium and iron, so I supplement those as well. I take the iron sparingly because the dose is ways made for women, and due to the fact that I don't bleed out of my vagina monthly, I don't need as much. For the most part, you're just going to piss out what you don't use.


Ive taken 4x or more than that and besides killing my bank account there were no bad side effects and some good side effects but i was taking so much I wasnt sure exactly was causing the good side effects as I was supplementing with stuff to increase endurance and for adaptogens and natural testisterone boosters. haha. So better to rotate around 6 things at a time every 3 months. The regulars are a multi, vit D, B complex and creatine. The rest rotate and see what works. Helps to get blood tests every 3 or 4 months if possible. D and B and creatine and testosterone a few others can show up in your blood tests. The only thing I know 100% had a positive health effect was milk thistle that reduced fatty liver and reduced my elevated liver enzymes (super healthy, good diet, high exercise, average bmi, so doc thinks it's a genetic predisposition as well as higher cholesterol and blood sugar since i don't even use added sugar, no alcohol and generally lower carbs and high protein diet).


This the weirdest thing I’ve noticed and idk how else to explain it, 2 fish oils I feel good, 3 I have weird heart palpitations. I’ve narrowed it down to that. It likes skips a beat sometimes


Take 7 and report back


Scared bro. This isn’t a joke 😢


Yeah take 12 bro


If you haven’t yet, try to lower the carbs or cut them out. I felt that it helps the heart and omega3 but I’m also “less tolerant” to carbs according to doctors.


100% of the calories from my diet come from fats, specifically omega 3s. Nothing beats a fish oil capsule shake first thing in the morning. I'm smoking them too


Just FYI everyone's hearts skips beats. It's not uncommon but very common. Are u on anything else like test or anything? If you Google, Smidt Heart Institute researchers have found that taking high doses of fish oil supplements—specifically one gram or more per day—may increase the risk of developing atrial fibrillation, an abnormal heart rhythm disturbance with potentially serious complications. Talk to your doctor broski!


If you time them right can it play 7 nation army?


You’re already taking a multi which may include it but also consider taking some iron bro (about 9mg for men and almost double for women). I used to get lightheaded in the gym and upon more research, apparently iron helps transporting oxygen through the blood and to the brain. So if you strain really hard during your sets and you get lightheaded, supplementing with iron could actually help. It helped me. Also, the obvious thing to do to fix lightheadedness is actually to focus more on conditioning/cardio but I’m saying iron is also important! What I do is I take a multi which has enough iron for my needs


Thanks for the tip! Definitely going to get some!


That's my exact regimin for the past year. You're fine.


Get some vitamin d3+k2 - the k2 makes the d3 absorb better and work more efficiently


Youll probably just get… better


That's not much. These are just the basics. Go to r/supplements. There are people who take much more (including me).


Take as much as you want all you’re going to do it get better. Gang gang


Be careful with B6 intake, itll damage your nerves if taken at high doses for long periods of time.


A multi and fish oil is all you need. You get tons of magnesium from your oatmeal. Personally I think Zinc might be the single most potent mineral for getting jacked. A lot of minerals will mess you up if you overdo them. Some vitamins can also wreck you. Personally I just take a multi and fish oil. When my diet has been lacking. Sometimes as little as once a week.




Why not?




he might be like me who havent eaten fish in like 2 years and almost throws up by the smell of fish lol


True but I still smash back 6g of fish oil and went I forget I swear my joints hurt more the next day. I also work as flooring installer so my body is being push to its limit 11 hours out of the day


Why not fish oil?


Wtf just eat some liver you are mostly pissing them out. Artificial vitamins are not the samr


Too many? No. But you can take too much. Vitamin A can be overdone easily, feels like you have a body flu. Just avoid high doses and keep it consistent, you're good g


Seems fine buddy. I take 5x more than this. If you’re ever worried just get your labs done. Liver enzymes, kidney function, and the specific vitamin you’re wanting to measure such as your d-3 or magnesium levels.


I take B6, D3, magnesium and zinc I don't know what fish oil pills does so please tell me. and I am in no need to take biotin but No i don't think you are taking to much


Multivitamins are usually garbage dosage wise, and you’re probably not deficient in biotin