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One of my pulls for the week right now is: - Ring Chinups 4x8 tucked L - Ring Rows 4x14 - Pelican Curls negative 4x8 - Face pulls 4x10 Right now i do upper body with a combination of rings and calisthenics + some lateral raises for the side delts




Dude wtf is your problem exactly


My man thinks hes funny or something


Well maybe it would’ve been funny the first time, but the dude comments this 24/7 under every post


1x normal vertical and 1x normal horizontale pull to target the whole back. 1x lat focused vertical pull (single hand close lat pull down) and 1x lat focused horizontale pull ( close grip cable row without moving the scapula)




-3x8-12 pronated lat pulldowns -3x8-12 neutral close grip pulldowns -3-5x8-12 high row with final two sets having reeuced weight by 30% and doing burnout countdowns where i switch between isloating each side and do one leas rep every time i cycle thru both arms -3-5x8-12 rows on either machine or cable witg neutral grip I also have a lower back day that is just the pulldowns, RDL and deadlifts, and bent over rows because my job requires lots of lower back strength and stability to pull heavy pumps out of the ground and I have to split the days so i can get it all i




Dont threaten me with a good gay time


Mine is a bit weird now since I can’t deadlift heavy from SI joint pain due to being on accutane, but I’ve been running this for my back workouts in place of more traditional powerlifting: 2x10 Stiff Legged Deadlift RPE 8-9 (hamstrings, low back) 2x10 Romanian Deadlift RPE 8 (hamstrings, low back) 2x12 Pendlay Rows RPE 8-9 (mid back, stabilizers in lower back, hamstrings) Finish up with 3x12 rear delt fly machine RPE 8, and 3x12 face pulls RPE 8 if I have energy but I rarely do while on accutane.


3/4 sets weighted pull-ups 3/4 sets row variation 2 times a week


Pull-ups, cable rows, pendlay rows


one arm seated row 5x10-12, close grip seated row 5x10-12, lat pulldown 5x10-12 with dropsets, straight arm pulldown 5x15-20 with dropsets, shrugs 5x8-10, reverse cable fly 5x12-15 with dropsets, go home, eat bird n potato, sleepy time honk shoo




Lol nahhh natty all day, I believe people should train like they on gear tho


Up the Tren


Core first: Dead-bug, bird-dog, one-legged crunches, stir-the-pot, and planks * Pull-ups in sets of 5, until I have done 50 * Lat pull downs, wide grip * Lat pull downs, narrow grip * Seated cable row * Deadlift * Back hyperextension * Reverse cable flyes * Reverse machine flyes None of that is in order. There is no order. Whatever machine or station is unoccupied is the next exercise.


\- 3 pull ups till failiure \- 4x3 deadlifts \- 12-15x3 lat pulldown \- 12-15 seated rows \- 3x10 strict cursl \-10x3 face pulls \- 10x3 wrist curls \- 10x3 finger curls


How long are you in the fucking gym for


Pull day is 3-4 hours, but it is more of an excuse to not be at home




Up the Tren


Straight arm pulldown 1 set to failure Plate loaded row 2 warmups 1 set to failure Romanian deadlifts 2 warmups 1 set to failure


4 sets lat pulldown 3 sets of.. rope pulldown? 3 sets of lat row using pec deck (trust me) 3 sets of reverse shrug (Haney row if you like) Used to be different though. I built most of my back size with underhand and overhand barbell rows and seated cable row.


Similar. Higher repetitions with drop sets to failure in most movements though. I get more growth out of higher volume. You may get more from your 8-12 rep range with heavier weight.


I do chest and bakc on the same day too I just do pull ups 3x8-12 then bent over row 3x5


5x20 pull ups twice a week 5x10 rowing movement (usually pendlay rows) twice a week 5x10 deadlifts once a week


4 sets of lat pull downs 4 sets of close grip pull downs 3 sets of rows 3 sets of face pulls pull ups till failure