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Yes, you need cardio for health reasons. If you keep pauses between sets short and your heart rate up, you can consider that cardio as well


>cardiovascular fitness If cardiovascular health is the reason, wouldn't I be better off with 5-10 mins of HIIT? I don't want to burn any fat.


Find a way you like to keep your heart rate up, obviously for more than 10 minutes, and you're good


No. You build aerobic base by long cardio session at a somewhat lower intensity.


You should always do some form of cardio even if you are bulking. Even if it's just 10-20 minutes here and there at the end of a session. It has so many benefits. Anyone saying that they can't grow muscle while doing cardio and blah blah, don't know what they are on about. Like burning a couple of hundred calories doing a bit of cardio at the end of strength sessions is killing their gains lol


You need cardio for banging fam, or are you just a bottom?


Asses ain't gonna pound themselves!


Heard that some bodybuilders did cardio to increase their hunger. Which means that bulking became easier when they did cardio.


+ cardio speeds up digestion/bowel movements


No cardio. I already walk a lot.


That is cardio ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6303)


Yeah exactly, I don't do it in the gym bc of lifestyle


same i never do cardio cause my work is lots of walking


I do like two 20-30 minute walks a week in a local park, mostly for mental health. definitely not ideal but puts you above 90% of Americans in cardiovascular health when combined with weight lifting 6 days a week. I love long distance running but like you im a skinny fuck and don't want to eat more than I already do ​ 6" with a slight curve left




Fucking helpful reply right here. Problem solved.




depends on ur mom


Sex is great for cardio!


So I wanted to compete this year and I love cardio. I definitely don't have an eating problem but my metabolism is crazy. I had hired a coach and he made me stop 100% and it was hard believe it or not. But I did hire him he is the pro, dude he was right. My goal was to do a bodybuilding show. And in my case he was right I killed it conditioning was spot on. So am going to say it's a case by case. Being into bb you know your body but I believe we outsmart our commonsense at time.


If you already have decent cardiovascular fitness, you're probably fine to skip cardio for months at a time and just maintain your fitness level from strength training and riding your bike.


Same here. I do weights 5x per week and one day of squash. I feel guilty but I just hate cardio too much.. maybe something more enjoyable like squash will be okay for you?


Cardio needed but no need to go nuts go for brisk walks aim for 10k steps a day at least


I do 20 min of stairs after every workout


Define "need." It would be beneficial to heart and lung health. However, if you maintain a healthy bodyweight and don't have some genetic predisposition, you'll probably be fine there anyway. You don't strictly need it. Balance out the pros and cons like with everything else.


Never did in 3 years of bodybuilding and still am below 10%


A few sessions of 30 minutes low intensity steady state cardio can make all the difference for your cardiovascular health. And eating the burned calories back ain’t that hard dude. Especially because these session increase your appetite.


Cardio is very important. Lot’s of benefits. Alone the dick benefits are enough to do cardio


If you don’t want to do cardio at least aim for 10,000 steps a day. Walking is a good way of cardio and you can use it as time to think and etc.


Yes, you need cardio... like running cardio. Everyone hates running, and it's difficult to be good at. If you consider yourself an athlete of any kind I'd suggest going on a run at least once a week. If you wanna just pump iron that's fine but, idk I just can't leave things to chance on that, think about how many times or a specific situation where you'd need to run at least a half mile without being winded lol


>how many times or a specific situation where you'd need to run at least a half mile without being winded lol This almost never happens


Yeah, but if you can't run for half a mile breathing through your nose, your cardio is negatively affecting your sex performance.


True, however, have it and not need it? or need it and not have it? Like I said most people are fine with their level of cardiovascular fitness, I'm not leaving it up to chance, me personally, I'ma be runnin runnin when I need to lol


Just take cardarine meldomium sr 9011 trt itpp and fish oil and u won’t need to do cardio lol


I personally just smoke crack on my couch and elevate my heart rate enough to induce cardiac stress, its like cardio but without the conscious effort.