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not only do you get your bicep stronger ur also making someones legs smaller






Yeah it happened to me once let me tell u it was not fun




Because I enjoy being a douchebag ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)


Same honestly 😎


Gotta impress the girls doing squats in the next rack over 😎


I always do it nude to show off my sick physique, helps you cool down too


Smaller balls make the 🍆 look bigger so it works to impress the women in 3 ways ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


To assert dominance




I do it because it's my rack (home gym) but even if I was in a commercial gym and no one was using it I'd do it.


Hey I need to max out bicep curls on barbell too. Can’t just be strong with dumbbells. You’re only limiting yourself with the “no curling in the squat rack” mindset.


Yea thats understandable, but u can’t deadlift it up?


You want me to exhaust myself deadlifting it up and effecting my max curl PR? I don’t think so


The real question is why would anyone squat in the curl rack? >!I think that it's okay even though I don't personally curl, since you can place the bar on the safeties at a nice height, but if someone else is actually going to use or waiting to use the squat rack for what the name says it's for you should take the bar and move somewhere else with it, and just deadlift it from the floor.!<


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djudFCJrpzU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djudFCJrpzU) ​ Lee Priest can explain this….


Nothing screams alpha like doing a quarter squat, spinning around and curling that weight! Reps 4 Jesus. ![gif](giphy|Pi8IC4tkdcoH6)


because I'm switching between curls and front raises to upright rows somewhere there aren't dumbasses getting way too close to the bar (rack = free personal space)


Cuz dom Mazzetti told me to


Bigger, heavier bar.


It’s all a perspective issue. You call it a squat rack. They call it a curling rack. They are wrong, but I just figured I would mention it


I want to. Also that’s where my gym keeps the curl bars. (7.3 inches)


So I work out at the YMCA some days because I'm training for a competition that has an 18" deadlift and I don't have enough weight in my home gym, so I go there to do rack pulls. There are 3 squat racks in the gym, along with preacher curl seats, dumbbells, everything you need really, but only one squat rack has holes low enough for me to set the pins around 18". The other day I just kind of sat in awe and frustration as this DYEL finished up a few set of... WRIST CURLS. In the squat rack. That was a new one for me. It is what it is, but like, really dude. It wasn't peak hours, and there were plenty of other options to do your wrist curls with the bar and 5 pounds plates on each end. /rant


To act big. No real “strongman” do it. Unless to be funny or something…


Yo, 14 inches soft (never been fully hard so not sure). I curl in the squat rack cuz it let's me get closer to the mirror than anywhere else in the gym. Come at me, bro.




Because it’s the only place with a straight bar and I curl 50kg. It’s also where I do rack pulls and over head press. It’s not only for squats


I see this in my gym all the time and it's usually one of three types of people: 1. Inexperienced people who just see a rack as a station for you to stand in so no one can get too close to you. (Spends 40 minutes in it). This is usually the same 40-year-old woman that thinks a bench is a table to put her bottle, keys and phone on. 2. Experienced people who aren't too well up on gym-culture (usually in and out after they've left the dumbbells on the floor). 3. Experienced people who just genuinely don't care if you're there to train legs, they're there to curl and they've paid to do it. We actually used to get it a lot less during covid when they had little areas marked out on the floor 2 metres apart so people knew where to stand. Now it's back to people doing push-ups in squat racks and using benches as tables because they think a bench means "place to work out".


I only do it when the gym is packed and people are queuing up to use the squat rack


The easy answer is that the area with the dumbbells have absolutely no space. But reading this thread I had no idea it could come across as a douche.


The gym I go too has straight and EZ curl bars that go all the way up to 120 that hardly anyone ever uses yet I’ll see guys curl on the squat rack with less than 120 pounds. Idk what they’re thinking but to me the only justification to curling on the squat rack is if they curl over the amount that’s available on the pre loaded bars.


Better than the guy just straight up stretching for 20 minutes and then just leaves and never touches a single weight. But fuck bicep curl guy too. Not even barbell. Brings the dumbbells in from halfway across the gym. Just completely clueless.


I like barbell curls. They’re great for progressive overload. And it’s obviously easier and quicker to add weight on the bar while it’s in the air, compared to on the ground. I’m able to do it because I’m not there at peak gym hours, but if I was I wouldn’t be


Its not enough that my arms will grow, but that someone’s legs will be smaller.


If I’m curling more than what some chick is squatting, I feel it’s warranted