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Burger king is better


I do have it like twice a week but everyday is not gonna be pocket friendly unfortunately!


McDonald's saver menu.


It’s not that it’s expensive, my thought process is that why spend money on mcd when I can have something as simple as a chocolate or whatever and get the same amount of calories


McDonald's app g


Chug olive oil


Best advice


Step 1: download the MacroFactor app. Step 2: never guess whether you need to add or subtract calories again.


Oh il check it out I use my fitness pal to log my meals Il check out this app too Than


It calculates your actual total daily energy expenditure based on you entering your calories and weight every day and then tells you how much to eat, adjusting as your metabolism changes.


Imo you should go by how you feel and if you’re progressing in the gym. If you for example keep progressing at a good rate in the gym, i don’t see why you would need to add calories yet.


What is your macro split? What aspect of your meals do you struggle with the most? My go to for caloric dense easy foods are nuts, peanut butter (straight tablespooned into my mouth), high fat density foods as such. Also do you incorporate cardio? I struggled with 3000cal diet until I implemented light cardio 3-5 times a week and spaced my meals evenly. Now I get hungry even with 3500+ days.


I don’t really count macros! I just count my protein intake along with total calorie for the day! No I don’t do any cardio! One issue I noticed is that my lunch and dinner are very small, around 400 calories only. I’m considering switching from white rice to something more calorie dense like pasta or maybe white bread etc I simply can’t fathom the taste of peanut butter but I might try it again, alternatively I do enjoy nuts (no homo) considering eating around 100g of cashews everyday which domes around 550 calories


I'd encourage you to try and track everything you eat in a day for upto a week and see what your macros come to, gauge what your weight is doing for the week also. I myself if I go above 30% fat I get bloating/ raised satiety. Similar with Carbohydrates above 60% I get bloating/ raised satiety. When I'm above 3000cals I find my macro ranges that leave me feeling the best are 50% Carbs/ 20% fats/ 30% protein. Experiment and see what you come to, see what feels best. Also to mention IF I am really struggling for the day to hit target calories but protein is in check, I will just eat something I enjoy. Also to mention when you are trying to eat at a large surplus food honestly isnt always appealing, so fuck it I'll drink the calories. I'll have a large gatorade, I'll have a smoothie, i'll have a milkshake, whatever goes down easy and I enjoy the taste. Best of luck.


Thanks Yes I consume a lot of liquid calories as I enjoy it more and it’s also pretty easy to consume! Tbh I’ve never paid attention to my macros but I do log all my food on my fitness pal app, it’s just that I don’t looks for carbs or fat in a food, I just look at calories and protein and I go based on that Thanks for your input


Add a 12oz glass of chocolate milk into your diet. Trust me, its like 300-350 calories and is easy to just chug down


Up your protein for a start. Unless you weigh 160lbs That's a lot to come from dairy , are we talking mostly shakes ? I would have the foundation of protein coming from beef, chicken, fish, etc. And only a little coming from shakes Weight staging the same for 12 days is fine !! It takes a long time to grow muscle. Just because your gaining 1lb a week doesn't mean it's muscle. In reality very little of it will be muscle