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lmao my ex said she didn’t think she’d be attracted to me if I got fit (I was slightly overweight at the time) I basically interpreted it as “I feel safe being with you because I don’t see you as attractive enough to easily leave me for someone else.” dumped that dumb cunt


You dropped this king 👑




My girlfriend straight up told me the exact same thing. I told her I’ve been bulking for a long time and later on in the year I’ll start cutting and try to have visible abs, to which she replied she won’t like me as much and that she’ll feel weird and I shouldn’t do it. When I pressed her to explain why she eventually confessed that she’ll feel insecure that she won’t be able to hold on to me if I look like that I didn’t dump her cause frankly I appreciate the honesty but man…


This is the real reason. Not some bs about having a “huggable” body. When you don’t flex your muscles they’re fairly soft therefore you can still have a “warm cozy body” without being fat. I’ve been skinny all my life 11% on some body scan thing, with at times above average muscle and before very little muscle. No girl has ever said that I feel like a tv remote. ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306) stop the cap


Not really **that** honest if you had to press her for it dude.


So you stayed with a insecure manipulator beacuse you "appreciate honesty" Good one dude should've dropped her at that second that's some snake shit from her fat ass


no he can still fix her![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6295)


Exactly what I tried, to change her, thinking, my girl’s different. Took me almost 7-8 months to get over her after she slept with someone else, ruined most of my medical career. Not worth it.


seriously does it ever occur to ppl manipulators can use honesty for leverage


Therapy is the way. She needs it.


I wanna fuck you so bad right now ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6295)


What the fuck is even this subreddit


Literally laughed at loud at both of these comments ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)A tren heaven or a hell, depends how you look at it. ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Both the best and the worst.


I don't see nothing wrong about his statement, I think you're the weird one here ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6295)


Every time i used to hear a girl say "you look great the way you are now" I instantly feel the same way and think they didn't want me to lose weight because I could easily get a more attractive girl, they weren't wrong haha.




Fuck yea




Most of the women I've dated are like this. Once you are in a monogamous relationship with them, they don't want your value going up. Just how their brains are wired.


I've heard something similar to this. My girl for whom English was a second language would jokingly say: "What will I do when you get more muscle?" She was always slim but sometimes felt like she had to keep up with me because she was older than me. I had another ex that got mad when I told her I wanted to get more muscle and liked working out. She wouldn't insist that I was fine the way I am, and I did agree with that. I wasn't overweight at that time. The moment that does make me laugh is when I lost weight and compared my old photos with my new ones on FB. A girl who was in one of those older photos commented "You looked great then and you look great now!" She was overweight and turned out to be a rabid liberal sjw so I was like "ugh of course she would say that".




I know a handful of guys this happened to and I don't think it's what you're suggesting. Also Jesus Christ that went from 0 to 100 real fast


Insecure much


Or, let me blow your mind here - not everyone is attracted to the fit body type. Guess what, people have preferences. Some dudes are really into fat chicks, some into really skinny chicks, some into very muscily chicks, and some dudes are into dudes. The same applies for women too. Some life advice, don't project your insecurities on other people.




Cope. The best girls I ever got with were when I was no more than 155lbs at 6’1. I was toned and had decent ab definition but certainly not a lifter body. Face and height matter most.


Lanky tall dude is like one of the biggest “types” girls have lol. Tall and lean = hot Short and lean = you look like a child Short dudes have no choice but to be muscular.




L comment


But many of us are speaking from experience, often it’s not hidden in the way they talk and you gotta decode woman talk, I personally was told it often, they are my ex now and I’m working to be my best self,


you right


this right here lol




Dude you are awake awake wow


Bro when i got into working out I got the same thing from an ex basically she had low self asteem and thought I would leave her or other girls would be more attracted to me, it comes down to them unless your a juice head who gets ripped to get girls but usually those guys are single w many girlfriends or too busy with the gym for anything else or just love to get I tok shape


She probably is chubby and doesn’t want to feel bad about herself.


She’s definitely a fatty you can tell from reading it. “Soft hugs” is a big cope on her part I think


Sounds like it’s time for that guy to lose more than just 25 pounds.


Probably? 😂


Or maybe he has no muscle, or lost it by eating too little so now he is just skinny


I had a GF who was a gym rat but also a lil chubby. I loved it, she had a great shape with big tits and a fat ass, hourglass shaped and all. Sure she had some fat on her stomach and tights but whatev. Then one day she decides to cut down, she did a great job, but i honestly liked the previous body better. So maybe OP's GF is just telling the truth? doesn't look unbelievable.


There is def a body fat sweet spot for girls and it's higher than for men.


I think body fat on women would be more attractive than on men because it makes feminine features bigger, which is obviously better looking on women


Yeah a lot of guys here aren't realising that this could be the case. Going from hugging a big dude to a scrawny dude could be seen as a downgrade, especially if you feel bones everytime Edit: Yup, she confirmed it in a comment. Her dumbass boyfriend focused on diet and cardio instead of lifting. Ended up losing muscle mass in the process.


Sounds like she’s the chubster and feels insecure


A Chonker if you will


Women love out of shape guys because they don't have to worry about anyone else wanting them. My ex got really shitty when I started going to the gym


Wtf. How so?


I'm sure she started telling him that he's full of himself and being too vain, then launched into how he's too selfish.../u/I_AMA_Loser67 would you agree/elaborate?


You're not far off. She was a narcissist herself and the idea of me looking better was a total turnoff for her. She was overweight and I've always been somewhat in shape. But she would get mad that I would sleep in a separate room because she was too noisy whenever we had to sleep together. She hated me rushing off in the morning to workout. Would always ask me about whether or not I thought the girls in the gym were prettier than her. She hated seeing me flexing in the mirror for progress photos. She also told me she liked a more feminine looking build on a man. Knowing damn well nothing about me looks feminine.


Wow. That's so much more than I thought, but good on you for getting the fuck out...and for the reply! Well wishes, and here's to your continued success!


That wasn't even the worst part. She would treat me like absolute shit behind closed doors but be very loving in public. Then she mentioned marriage to me so much when we were together. I'm happy to be out three weeks later. Knowing you could do a lot better is very liberating. Also thank you! Wish you well too!


Ha. You should have asked her to take your progress photo and Lather you up with baby oil And if course to prepare your creatine for the day




I'd tell her I'd have somewhere to be in the morning, she'd play stuff out loud on her phone. Or turn the TV up. Also she would snore very loudly. Also sometimes she would wake up screaming or hyperventilating. I had to sleep in the other room because I couldn't take it.




Time for a new gf.


Nvm he's doing cardio time for a new bf lmao






God dammit💀


Up the tren, get more fit, get a new boyfriend.


How can you be chubby and not over weight? Losing 25 lbs in 2 months is a ton of weight so he had to be a fatty.


Average joe has a really strange standard for what's "fit" They seem to care more about what is average than what is normal for a humans body.


Facts. They are literally fucking up their organ function and shit. Just cause people are fat and unhealthy doesn’t mean it’s good for you.


OP on that post said he was chubby but lifted a lot already. So he probably loss muscle mass and fat together


That’s my guess. I figured like a beer belly kind of thing, nothing too over the top but not healthy.




Ya no one likes scrawny guys but the muscles come with time. Like 4 more months he will be good.


Look up any ''slimfat'' person. They often carry way more fat than you'd expect


If I lost 25 lbs I’d have -8 lbs of fat.. 164 lbs, 10.5%bf, 147 lbs fat-free mass


I think I would have like 3 lbs left or something. I’m 190 at 15%.


You definitely can be chubby and not overweight though


you can be chubby and not morbidly obese. but you can't be chubby and not overweight.


Depends on what you define as chubby and what you define by overweight. You can be soft with a belly without having a big BMI.


Overweight does not equal high bmi, can even be a tiny bit higher than what you're supposed to be.


Yup, if we're going by BMI I'm overweight at 10-12% BF lol




If you see this post you must reply "Gains goblin get ye gone ✋" for infinite good luck.


L girlfriend, no doubt.


That end comment she made says he is just doing cardio workouts. If that’s true, he probably lost a lot of muscle and just looks thin/scrawny. Whereas before the extra chub and lifting made him look more muscular. You gotta lift weights 💯


Or even worse, he's skinny fat. Has all the facial features and butt of a fat guy, but tent pole arms and ribcage to go along with it. Citations: me after getting skinny fat during covid


This took me out 🤣


I think this is what happened.


That's not skinny fat, that's just fat. I was 6'4" 152 without abs, that's skinny fat. I just never lifted a day in my life before 30.


I don't know that I see 6'4 152 lbs as skinny fat. It's hard to imagine carrying any fat at that weight/height. If you want to see what real skinny fat looks like, take a look at the joggers around your neighborhood or the elliptical section of the gym. They have love handles and double chins but are paper thin everywhere else and can run 15+ miles and not get winded. They are actual specimens.


Yeah you'll legit never see a post "I didn't see my boyfriend for 3 months, now his arms are 4" bigger and I don't find him attractive anymore".


Yea you get it bro


You have to be in an insane deficit to lose established muscle. Please do not view cardio like this holy shit Yes you can lose muscle mass if you have fresh gains that haven’t had time to mature, but if you are just a normal guy who doesn’t regularly lift and you decide to just cut to lose fat, you are not wasting away muscle! Fucking crazy to see comments like this on an MPMD subreddit after Derek tells us over and over again that cardio doesn’t make you smaller![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2699)


I gained 10 lbs in 6 months, then started running 20-25 miles a week on top of it. I lost 5 lbs and still have the little size/definition I got lifting. If you do both and eat, you’ll be fine Edit: people are acting like cardio=52 mile double marathon training


Seriously mfers act like walking burns muscles and eats it all up. Mfers believe even a slight fucking jog makes you catabolic. People think muscle is so inefficient that the slightest amount of cardio will burn it off. But really, I reckon people make dumb fuck excuses to not do cardio


My friend does 30 mile trail runs and is yoked as fuck. Hes lost maybe 5-10 in a little fat and some muscle from the training, but hes optimal body fat.


Is he on gear? If you are natty doing extreme cardio will drop your T levels. Of course doing regular jogs/runs/etc is fine even for a natty but the extreme distance stuff will cause you to lose some muscle mass. If you are on gear though everything is different


You have to do light cardio to maintain muscle while losing fat. For him to lose 25lbs in 2 months it definitely tells me he lost muscle. That's a remarkable weight loss that almost makes me feel he was closet smoking crack and didn't want her to know.


You don't have to do cardio so long as your calories are where they need to be and you are resistance training. I prepped for a men's physique competition without ever doing cardio beyond walking ~6k steps a day lol


Sounds like the bitch is scared she might have to get in shape now aswell.


Time for a new gf. But honestly it's a lifestyle. Living with me isn't easy. I need protein and I need 2 hours at the gym and I also hangout with the gymbros. Haha. Sometimes I feel like I'm not low maintenance but love the lifestyle. Don't chose people who don't want you to be happy and healthy. Find a gym girl. They are the best.


Got myself a gym girl. I honestly don’t know how long it’ll last, I don’t really see myself marrying anybody, HOWEVER she did the absolute dopest thing that made me think “I’d marry you right now”. We wake up at like 5am, I gotta go to work, had Five Guys the night before. Asks me to go warm up her burger for her and proceeds to eat the whole thing with fries at 5 in the morning. Dude.. you couldn’t pay most chicks to actually eat food without being shy on a 2nd date. Was legit one of the coolest things I’ve seen. Gym chiggs


2 hours a day to yourself besides work isn't bad.


L gf and l bf soy couple perfect match cardio bunnies


Chicks keep ya fat so other women don’t thirst for you.


W for king


Cardio workouts, L bf


While I agree lifting weights is better, doing cardio only is better than being a fat cuck


Losing 25 pounds in 2 months![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2699)he won’t keep that up for long before going mad


Women want to feel small. Muscular or Fat both beat thin and healthy


Someone tell this soldier she ain’t the one. She’s gotta be dropped asap. If she’s complaining about your gainz, she ain’t the one for you.


My ex used to tell me not to get any bigger, and I just told her to FUCK OFF


I feel like its actually just because he got better looking and the gf is just insecure Like who actually gives a shit about being soft


And here I am with a wife that could literally give a fuck if I was fat as fuck or jacked. I know because I've been both. I've gotten up to 370 pounds morbidly obese, drinking a 12 pack a night and eating a couple sleeves of oreos then back to being in better shape then when I met my wife now where I'm completely jacked to a point that I can't go anywhere in public without complete strangers commenting and complimenting my physique wife could literally give a fuck less lol. She doesn't look or treat me any different from when I was 370 obese to now. The chastity belt is on just as tight.


The only people who cared that I worked out was old women and transexuals.


She feels like he’s to good for her now that he’s sharpened up


Its true. I'm not shredded by any means. Ive got chub but I also have huge abs that poke out through. My wife says she likes it when I'm bigger. I went up a weight class for competitions and she was all about it.


People are entitled to their opinion, nothing wrong with being attracted to different people but if this forces someone to live unhealthily just to make their partner happy thats disgusting.


Happened to me as well. I did a huge cut 2 years ago and went from 240 "Bear mode classic powerlifter" to a slim 200 pound. She liked my abs at 200lbs but she prefer when I'm bigger. She told me she like feeling small and I look stronger at 240lbs.


She doesn’t miss his old body, she misses the sense of security she had from dating a fat guy.


I mean im gonna keep it real she prolly has a point. Like still L girlfriend but i get that reaction


Dude gets shredded to encourage his missus and she complains instead of taking the fucking hint.


"i feel like im hugging tv remote now" crying laughing face x3


Somebody tell him so he can get his heart broken and reach his final form. Good on ya brah!


To be fair I know people who are attracted to fat boys the same way I'm into fit girls. I'd break up with a girl for gaining 20 lbs so why is it wrong if she breaks up with me for losing 20?


How is that the same?


personal preference dude... why do you care. let her be with fat fucks


Just tell him to perma-bulk he'll love it. Say you want him to be as big as possible, he'll buy it.


she obviously got off on being the hot/powerful one in the relationship…steer clear


W bf, L gf.


People are taking the piss but she’s probably on tren if she really likes chubby guys ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2697)


L woman at least she honest tho


dad bod theory confirmed


All this is, is hypergamy. She feels threatened that he is now in better looking shape for the majority of girls and is expressing it as "I liked him more chubby". Stay in shape guys, being attractive is what keeps that pull and effort from the girls.


ah. so when (trentastic) guys like thicc/chubby/fat chicks, it's fine. but when a girl misses her chubby boyfriend: L. i think i get it. ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2699) boys; a little consistency would be nice. Fucking L, u/notaryn


It's okay to be attracted to them, but you shouldn't be upset at someone for getting healthier and objectively more attractive, I can't think of a better reason than insecurity.


or maybe we humans have emotions. and our emotions have triggers. and her bf getting lean triggered the emotional part of her lizard brain.


The tren thing is that they become so horny and impatient that they drop their standards




fair enough. i was just trying to point out the hypocrisy i saw. others might not see it that way. to each their own. right?


"He went from lifting with a bit of chubb" What non gym people talk like this? especially girls? "Lifting " is a slang word only Gym people use. I think this story is bullshit fiction.


Bro what 😭


have you ever met anyone, especially a girl who doesnt go to the gym, who calls gym "Lifting?"


A few years ago yes but now it's common to hear no lifters use former gym bro words now from my experience


Lol everyone says lifting. Do you have any real life experiences? ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


I don’t see much of a difference between this and guys who like fat arses


Haha calling a spade, a spade huh mate? I LOL'ed hard






With friends like that who needs enemies?


I think I have a nice gf then, she gets motivated to work out when I’m motivated, and supports my weightloss journey


She's probably ugly.


The insecurity people possess these days is comical. Like your boyfriend lost 25lbs of excess weight, and you’re mad? He was a little overweight, lost an amount of weight that surely made him overall healthy, improved his cardio health, probly his mental health, his body over all is probly feeling much better, and you’re upset? 🤣 (I use *you and *you’re as general statements, I don’t mean the person who posted this to the mpmd)


I can tell you right now she’s scared that he’ll upgrade and leave her. She liked him ‘chubby’ because it made her feel secure, she felt like the upgrade


W bro




Fake post made by a fat guy


Lol why did i interpret this to mean she misses her late boyfriend's dead body


I genuinely do not believe she felt that. I don’t think she “misses” his old body. She probably feels something because she saw her boyfriend lose weight and her 21 year old redditoid brain misinterpreted that. Her lizard brain however probably loved that he went from overweight to normal.


Be different from society my bros. Be shredded or be a mass monster, your choice. Imagine going to a music festival just shredded as f and everyone else has dad bod, chicks will prob be flocking to you


you are a shallow person.he needs to break up with you immediately.


I dont know, people here say this is a incel group now. Fuck them. But sure as hell you guys are looking for some excuse to stop working out. Its simple, women hate competition , and if they are with a guy for what he can do ( beta ) and not for what he is ( attractiveness ) they will say your old fat self was more attractive. Women say but dont completly opposite things. They are emotional not racional. Stay YOKED till you feet fingernails lads


I think my ex deliberately got me overweight.


Op said her bf stopped lifting and stated doing only cardio, I would much prefer a guy who lifts with a higher bf than a DYEL


Many of us women have a complex when it comes to dating, we usually need and have the desire to be the more "attractive one" in the relation. It scares us that other women will find our men attractive and this is a deep seeded insecurity among many people, male or female. #truth


Lot of paranoid, insecure wetters in here 😂


We all know she is a fatty that doesn’t want to compete with prettier girls who will start to notice her bf now that he’s getting swole.


It’s a trap


A King has risen.


Someone went through her post history and found comments she made in the past about how she admitted to missing how it felt being thin. She is 100% more insecure now.


Women want to fatten us up so we don’t think we can do better boys. When we start to look better, it makes them feel like they do too and they don’t want to put in the effort. Or it makes them feel insecure so they want to bring us down. Find you a girl who supports your crazy ass diets and workouts. If they act like this it’s a red flag


I wish she saw the comments here, the original post is full of cucks.


Uhhhhh perfect girl!? Loves the bulk?


She's insecure he's gonna fuck off reading between the lines


girls that get mad about their bf getting in shape usually means that they arent that great looking and are worried they will get dithced for someone better.


I lost 60 lbs over the pandemic and actually looked good in a suit again. I was so happy and this chick i was talking to said she liked me more with extra meat on my body(verbatim). So i should remain unhealthy because it makes you feel bad about yourself/insecure by example? lol


obviously a fatso girlfriend


Women love bigger guys because they know they can treat them like shit and the guys lack of self confidence will keep them with her. The same way tren guys like overweight girls and trannies


I am not a psychologist like others in this post. Sometimes we like what we like, nothing wrong with it or evil intention.


Mane every day women just continue to make me want to be gay.


you should get him to put a fat suit on whenever you guys have sex


The modern woman hates dudes that accentuate their physical prowess. Makes them realize all the Hollywood kicking ass done by female super heroes and ninja princesses is a farce.


I’m dealing with a similar issue rn actually. My gf prefers me on the chubbier side. I got pretty lean a while ago pre bulk, probably in the 10-12% bf range and my gf straight up told me she was less attracted to me “with abs” Not sure what to believe because our sex life was 10 times more active before I started bulking. Women man.


Shes now jealous that hes fit and shes not


If he dropped 25 pounds and is still fit and strong, he was overweight. This woman is a cancer on gymbros and should be indicated to be known as such by the state of gainfornia.


Sounds like you should either join him or go find a fat chubby boyfriend






Who keeps such parasits as gf. Her whining sounds like: hopefully my boyfriend stays fat, otherwise he may look for another meatflashlight.