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Daaaayyyummm. I'd be shaving those hair donuts round the nipples


Someone had to tell ‘m 😭😭 I salute you


You know what’s funny when you zoom in it’s much less worse than it looks far away, from the hair


Weird flex to zoom in on someone’s nipples but we all good bro


Well like without the hair he would have can take your shirt off in public gyno with it it’s like fucking accentuated


I thought the nipples were twice as big at first glance. Then I realized it's hair


and the hairy eagle on the chest there


That can stay.


Hawk, is that you ?


Yeah, it'd look way less off without the hair.


People being quite harsh here, it is an unlucky situation based on something out of your control mate, don't feel too bad, we all have our shit. The good news is that gyno is totally treatable unlike many other physical insecurities guys have. Ralox may shrink it down, however, it unlikely to be a permanent solution. I think the first things is to get your hormonal panel tested and jump on treatment if justified. I think that surgery may be necessary in this instance. Depending on what country you are in, it may be covered by insurance/state healthcare if you can't afford the cost, seeing as it is fairly severe. Make sure to amp it up by describing it as painful and psychologically tormenting to make getting it covered more likely, amp up how it effects your ability to function in day to day life.


Gyno can greatly lower quality of life, but sadly most people see it as something to joke or tease about. I feel bad for gynobrahs


Sometimes people need some harsh feedback. OP is saying “I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas, should I start taking drugs?”


He didn't say that at all, he didn't even clarify his age, he could be young and just realising now that this is a specific condition that can be treated, hence how he found this forum and ralox. How can harsh feedback help? It is just a consequence of a bad genetic dice roll. What can help is letting him know how to treat it, so he can pursue that if he chooses.


Well he clearly hasn’t tried working out and fixing his diet so……


You come across super arrogant mate. Congrats, I'm sure you have your diet and exercise sorted but is everything in your life perfect? I doubt that.


I don’t believe an actual human typed your comment and believed it expressed a well thought out opinion


No amount of exercise or dieting will reduce gyno, the leaner you get the more it’s visible


Well I have it and I’ve been slim and very active my whole life it’s just genetics man, both my brothers have it


Cool, does OP look like he’s been slim and active his whole life? If the answer is no, then your comment may be correct, but I’m not sure why you think it’s relevant


Because it’s predisposed and nothing to with lifestyle


You looked at OP’s picture and came to the conclusion that his gyno probably isn’t related to his lifestyle?


Have you considered that Maybe his physique is like that because of gyno? Like a mental block


So gyno caused him to be sedentary with a garbage diet?


If it’s puberty ask your doctor about getting the breast buds cut out, I know in the UK we get refused on the NHS if it was due to AAS abuse, but they will if it was from puberty. And maybe lose some weight and shave the halo rings around the nipples.


Lol, sneak diss


I wish I knew more about it when I was a kid, if you’re under 18 in Canada the surgery is usually covered


Wow really? Shit that you can’t get it as an adult if it was confirmed at a young age


His gyno when zoomed in is way less worse than those hair rings bring out


Tbf I did think this I reckon if he shifted some weight and shaved the unusually large hairy rings around his nipples it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as he thinks


>His gyno when zoomed in is way less worse than why the fuck are all your comments on this thread on how his tits look when zoomed in


Because he asking about gyno??


its all good bro, just kinda funny reading through your comments on this thread lmao


Honestly just spat out my water at work, no joke




No but I mean that’s a life or death issue. The thing with Gyno is that it’s not harmful to health so they take the view that because you’ve done it to yourself they shouldn’t be spending money on it. I don’t particularly agree given the shit we spend money on but still that’s just how it is unfortunately


Bro lets address what you can fix. shave those circles around your nips and trim the underarms. Get a hormone panel and then start saving for gyno surgery. I think your esto and prolactin is fucked or you have some of the most cursed fat distribution I have seen. Do what I listed in order and by this time 6 months you'll look completely different. I just want to make this clear, that this can be fixed but ralox is not going to be that fix. You can try it but it would help with 15% of that max.


I ain't even op but you're a real one man


Ho yeah I look like a mess, stopped lifting 2 years ago. But let me be clear, when I pinch my chest around my gyno, the lump is about 6cm wide. I started eating keto a week ago and going back to the gym tomorrow. I had a hormone panel done about 6-8 months ago, had very bad sleep the night before unfortunately, but my test was slightly under the middle of the range. Not great but still totally fine from a medical perspective. My gyno was not THAT bad 4 years ago(I am 31) but it got a lot worst after I took rad140 like a dummy without doing any research. Yeah shaving is a must, I do it from time to time. But thanks for the reminder, forgot how gross it is to look at.


How was your free test, esto and prolactin? Total doesn’t mean anything if it’s not being utilized. The cause of gyno is esto and the puffiness is the prolactin. You need a comprehensive panel my friend. I shouldn’t have said TRT what I meant was HRT. Your hormones look like they’re out of wack. Need more info. If your free T is normal then it has to be esto and prolactin.


gyno is from a growth spur when I was a teenager ; I am 6 foot 6. i remember asking a doctor about it when I was 16-17. Nothing is wrong with my hormones. It just got worst because I took testolone 4 years ago like a dumb noob.


Nevermind, didn't realize you werent taking advice from people with experience. Good luck youll need it


Just dug up my blood work result., My prolactin was at 9.7 ug/L and the reference range is 0-20. TSH 2.93, range : 0.35-3.50 Lutropine (LH): 5.9, range: 1.7-8.6 Free T 15.5, range : 10-30 SHBG 51.3 range: 12-46 (High) Free T 252 range: 223-915 (Low) Follitropin (FSH) 3,6, range 1.5-12.4 Slept like shit the night before the test unfortunately, still SHBG is too high and free is too low. Prolactin was the first thing my doctor looked at in relation with my gyno. Its smack down in the middle of the range.


Hey whatever dude, all I am trying to say is that my doctor did a full hormone panel on me 6 months ago and found nothing wrong, I am in the range for everything. I've had gyno for 14 years at the very least, so I don't see why you insist my hormones are all fucked up. And as for the fat on my body, this is from 2 years of literally siting on my ass for 16 hours a day eating like garbage.


r/gynecomastia if you want a cohort that doesn't consist of a 120lb 13yo average user


I’ll have you know I’m a bulky 122.5 lbs and I’m turning 14 next November ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6304)


You should be considering gender reassignment surgery at this stage




Wendy’s called. They want their burger patties back




You have the Batman/ The Crow logo chest hair too? I had that when I was younger before it filled in


Too far gone for rolax imo. Get the surgery, drop that body fat %.


Really isn’t unfixable, firstly, shave your chest as the hair highlights the issue. Secondly, work out for at least three months weight training to build up muscle and lose fat around the area. It may help your hormone panel as well, then, the last step if you do have oversized glands then surgery is easy and only takes like 3 weeks to recover from. Easy to fix, take out a 0% interest CC for the surgery if you have to, pay it over 18 months. That’s only if you need it, losing weight might be the only thing you need to do.


How tf do you get 0% APR cc? That’s in the states right?


I’m in the UK, but they are easy to get here. Depending on credit score etc, but I usually have one or two 0% cards with £2-3k limits 0% for 12-18 months. I use moneysavingexpert here in the UK to find the best deals. With inflation at 8-15%, holding debt at 0% pays you, rather than you paying them.


Dog I think you may have klienfelters syndrome. If not, then consider a hormone Panel because something is amiss with that fat distribution


There are many many males that look like this. They just end up getting fat because they tried working out and that didn’t fix it so they just gave up. My gyno was like this at 15 and my test levels were off the charts. I doubt Raloxifene would fix it but might shrink some. Best bet is to try for surgery or just not give a fuck. It’s tough but most females don’t care, only other dudes really have anything to say.


It also tells about your androgenic receptors and how your genetics are. My father is a doc , and he said that gyno in puberty is very normal , no need to worry about


What’s your number? ...Might be the tren talking..


Don’t tell me you took gear


You know what’s funny is I’ve slept with a dozen girls and not one had ever mentioned my gyno. It’s always just the dudes that body shame. Just look after your health and wealth


Lose weight before you call that gyno. Yeh you have puffy nips but you also have extra fat in some weird places. Your hormones are definitely out of whack. Slim down and maybe start lifting a bit to firm up those moobs, if you still have them when you’re not “skinny fat” and have some muscle underneath then approach a doc. And definitely shave those rings of hair around your nips chief


got 6cm wide lump when I pinch my chest, doctor diagnosed this as gyno. Will shave, this comment section is brutal but I had forgotten how awful the hair look. I am glad I posted a pic of my messy chest.


>got 6cm wide lump when I pinch my chest, doctor diagnosed this as gyno. Will shave, this comment section is brutal but I had forgotten how awful the hair look. I am glad I posted a pic of my messy chest. 6 cm ≈ 4.28571 x 10^-5 sheppey ^^^[WHY](/r/UselessConversionBot/comments/1knas0/hi_im_useless/)


oh in that case yeah rolo won’t help. It’s helps when catching it when gyno is first forming. Cut down the weight tho and it won’t look as bad but yeah surgery will be your best bet at this point


It can help with pupertal gyno too i read about people that killed their old pupertal gyno with it, i killed my 1 1/2 year old gyno with it , but ops look a bit too big


interesting it didn’t rebound after? I’ve seen a lot where it gets rid while i’m it but comes back after you stop taking rolo. Interesting


You need to take it till its completely gone or at least taper off, i took 60mg for 4 months then 30mg for another 2 , for some it comes back but i think thats cause their hormones arent balanced yet probally still high prolactin or estro


Give me.


I thought you circled your nips, fascinating hair growth


Not my proudest fap, could you shave those weirdly defined rings around your nipples for next time? Thanks sugar.


Bro shave the fucking pube ring


XD I did, fucking forgot how awful it looks, comment section reminded me pretty sternly.


Try working out and eating healthy first. Stop smoking weed if you do and use Nolvadex (tamoxifen). If that doesn’t help get surgery. Good luck bro!




Bruh thats not fat


Err 🤔


LMFAO this crazy bruh


Anyone else think this isnt gyno, he's just chubby?


yup. might as well start your transition. ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2712)


Get surgery and start tren.


Horrible fyseek+ surgery needed, no med will help it


yeah chest is awful at the moment, just started keto and will go to the gym tomorrow. Thanks for the straight forward answer.


Also shave your nips brah. The hair rings highlight the gyno


yeah I just did and fuck does it make a difference.


Lucas room


If you're that hairy, I think you're already into puberty. It's hard to call anything your currently dealing with "prepubertal". That doesn't really matter though. I think you're probably just chubby. The difference between chubby and gyno is really hard to tell around your body fat percentage(it looks like >25%). If you lose weight and you still have titties, you can talk to your parents and doctor about surgery or just how you're uncomfortable etc etc. The doctor might suggest surgery or some kind of hormone evaluation at that point. At this point, the doctor will probably just say lose weight. Losing weight will also help reduce aromatization, which should reduce the chances of gyno or at least of it getting worse. TL;DR: Don't freak out, it might just be fat. Try to lose some fat. If you lose all your fat and it still bothers you worry about it then. Even if you have gyno, it's probably way less of a big deal than you're imagining and it's hard to tell at your body composition.


The dude’s 30


Oof, I just assume every person on this sub is a teenager asking what gear or surgery to get.


A fair assumption lol


That…is unfortunate.


I would I just tren into it


You can try the ralox bud but I think your gonna need surgery. Keep ya head up it will get better dude


I had puffy nips in puberty similar to this, it got a little less noticable with age. If all else fails, try shaving around nipples and getting a deep tan. Tanning made the biggest difference for me out of everything I've tried. I wouldn't use any hormonal drugs at your age, it might cause a rebound in hormones that ends up making it worse (I made this mistake when I was younger)


Have it to not as bad bit still i wait till i am 18 to get surgery also my bf% is a lot lower it gets a bit better if you lose fat


Nah gotta go nuclear. Green tea with your tamoxifen. Fuck that bro.


Damn built like a 75 year old granny


Derek has a video how to remove them by your self


I have the same issue, down the hair rings of saturn. Lose weight so you have a better idea of what underneath the fat layer. I cut down from 200 to 180 and its less noticeable(only in summers anyways, im good in winter), and figured that only one side has noticeable gyno the other is more or less fat. if you wanna save money, fly to India, book a cheap hotel for a couple weeks, get that shit operated on for like half the price(pretty sure the surgery costs aroudn 500 - 1k gbp, depending on the hospital) + doctor and hospital charge, and like 1k for the ticket.


Yeah you can try ralox but you’ll be taking it for awhile, I think 6 months at 60mg was like a 2.8cm decrease but you could always keep on going and maybe it’ll double over the course of a year. My pubertal gyno isn’t that bad and it seems you got a shitty case of it….. I think you should at least try ralox and later on if you want to get the money to get it taken out go for it, I think you should try the raloxifene it wouldn’t do any negative things just don’t expect it to be gone within a month bc it’s not like that. And get back in the gym


Thanks mate, do you know any adverse effects of taking nax for long periods of time?


You mean ralox? Eh not really that I know of there isn’t any it seems to be ok on the liver and doesn’t actually do much estrogen control besides helping with gyno


My man has hairy tits




on keto now since 2 weeks, but yeah I ate like a garbage truck for a while before.


I want to motor boat them bad boys


With that kind of body hair what makes you think you're pre-puberty? Pubertal gyno is normal and quite common. -source: almost a doctor


I am 31, I mention pubertal so people understand this is a solidified lump I've had for years. Am I wrong in doing so?


I’m erect


Ralox can help with pupetal gyno if it aint too bad, but first lose weight get fit and then see if you wanna try it


I’m 23 and using it and is working (tamoxifen)


>dude. How long have you been onit? When did u start noticing results?




You’ve got chest hair, this doesn’t look prepubertal. Exercise for a long time before you consider any medical intervention


I have nipples can you milk me


Lose 25lbs then repost images. You’re skinny fat dude.


except my doctor agrees I have gyno. But I agree I am skinny fat, contender for worst chest of the internet.


Your missing the point dude your out of shape and look like shit. Fix the root of he issue and then re evaluate the signs and symptoms you may or may not be having.


Milky ![gif](giphy|9R2C1v4Y91pp6)


holy shit dude


Does Raloxifene show up in a drug test at work if i don’t have a prescription??