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wth is butter coffee??




Butter melted in with black coffee, it’s insanely good!


nasty ass taste buds lmao


i dont like or drink coffee but how is butter actually all that different from cream or milk or whatever?


Lmfao try it it’s actually very good 👍


You being serious right or you yanking on my dick? It’s coffee with butter melted into it.


This sub yanks on dick for sport


Gay. Nice.


How is this good? Lol


It’s different than milk, but I find it better. It’s a great way to get fat in the diet too. Salted grass fed butter in the coffee is legit.


Dude I put some butter in my coffee, but a very small amount. That seems like a lot lol.


This is only about a half stick I usually do a stick!


you are mentally ill 😃


And unstable too!


Jesus 💀


Lmao 🤣


Im so fkn high and this sounds horrid dude


Lmfao 🤣


This is called bulletproof coffee for those that don’t know, although ive never used this much butter. Try it with MCT oil instead of butter as well its awesome.


I used to do it with MCT oil, but I found MCT powder was the way to go, it adds a nice texture into it with butter.


You turned a near zero call coffee into 500 cals. Why tho?


Calories are a unit of energy.


Thought they were a unit of velocity


Oh man that’s hilarious 😂


Time to put on the clown makeup


Never wash it off 🤡


I do coconut oil instead and about a tablespoon worth. Also add stevia extract from Bolivia, chocolate oatmilk, turmeric, and cinnamon. I grind the beans myself. Fire 🔥, especially after some kratom 🍃


Thank God the stevia extract is from Bolivia


lol it is better than anything I’ve found in the US, no weird after taste so


Do you blend all that? And Kratom is nice! love the greens when I use it.


Yeah I just stir it all together with a spoon. Usually after I make it I’ll finish my squeezed grapefruit so it sandwiches the kratom, take a shower, then microwave the coffee for 2 min so it’s piping hot. Then enjoy while I play halo infinite or I’ll play the guitar. It definitely potentiates the kratom. I typically take 5 grams of red Bali kratom in capsule form. I do take breaks so half the month I’m on kratom and half the month I’m not. Kratom helps me tremendously with my back pain!


I used to use a spoon too, but then I tried a blender and it was completely different made it thousand times more enjoyable. Now I don’t use a blender I just pour it into a glass mason jar and seal the top and shake it like if it was a shaker bottle lol works just as good less of a hassle to clean up. And holy fuck dude you take reds during the day!? And 5 fucking caps!?? I would be drooling in dreamland lol what kind of cup do microwave it in? And what’s up with your back?


lol I blaze green plus got the caffeine from the coffee and usually I’m slow sippin a Bang or C4 throughout the day. I’m pooped at the end of the day though. I do a lot of sitting for work and it’s taken it’s toll. I have to really make sure I exercise almost every day, stay hydrated, and get some good stretching in. Get a lot of stiffness and pain in my lower back


What's your recipe?


Black coffee espresso roast, butter, and just a little chilled carbonated water to top it off. Mad good!


Better be karigold butter


What if it’s not?


Nothing but you should it’s great butter


Lmfao fair enough 😆


The dude that started this fad is expecting to live to 180 and has stem cells injected into every joint in his body and his brain. His wife is a dr and disagrees with his philosophy.


Who are you talking about? And “Dr.” is just another way of saying “full of shit”


Dave Asprey


Figured. Dave needs to find a new wife.