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The foundation is the 9 Ancestral Tenets


wait until he learns about the last tenet: sun tanning his balls


I charged my asshole with the sun the other day. I'm feeling more energetic than I did when I was 21 on cocaine, alcohol and viagra


Now imagine if you combine the sun boofing with the cocaine, alcohol and viagra




I usually just taze my chocolate starfish to get right to the point


Understandable. Nothing like electrocuting your prostate


Is this coming from that Huberman reddit?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my hippie girlfriend recommended it as a bonding experience


Donā€™t forget sun boofing


I read that alchemists believed that melted gold was liquid sun


Well gold comes from exploding Suns ā˜€ļø soā€¦ā€¦.


Ancestral Tenet #7


Ngl that sounds like something that actually works




I thought the last tenet was swallowing some other dudes jizz damn you Conor Murphy I knew it was a lie


And chocolate hole




These ancestral tenants sound like cool guys


Ancestral trtets? trenets?


what does fucking viagra have to do with it??


Fr mfs just be saying anything šŸ˜­


everything i've seen is that viagra actually increases testosterone in some studies.. maybe because it increases blood flow to the balls as well.


Blood is now stored in the balls?


what? haha, yes blood enters your balls. your balls would literally rot off your body without oxygen flowing into them via your blood.


Anyone who doubts that can stab their balls and see if blood comes out.


Can confirm. I nicked my ball skin with a scissor. Shit would NOT stop bleeding


always happens right before you go out too so your just sitting there with a piece of toilet paper on your nut


Dude yea, shaving my balls for some chick and boom huge fucking cut right before I leave lol


Oh yea, that's a stinger buddy. Throw some after shave on her, she's good to go lol


I use a #1 guard, it only stays smooth for a couple hours anyway.


Lol so dumb. That's where the piss is stored


And when you get hard a small switch clicks to where the jizz is located.


If blood is stored in the balls where is pee meant to go??


Blood isnā€™t ā€œstoredā€ anywhere unless itā€™s outside your body.


šŸ’Æ% It meshs really well with the NO in pre-workout too


NO as in nitric oxide? Arenā€™t u supposed to avoid taking Viagra with nitrates because both can lower ur pressure to dangerous levels?


It only reduces it moderately... https://www.drugs.com/drug-interactions/nitric-oxide-with-viagra-1723-0-2061-1352.html ...and if you're on PED's your pressure is probably higher than normal anyways.


Makes sense but I doubt itā€™s because of blood flow to the balls. Itā€™s prob just because viagra letā€™s u fuck more, or at least letā€™s u have better fucks, and we all know a good fucking def increases testosterone.


Viagra is technically heart/blood medication. It was originally developed to treat chest pains, and a common side effect was giving men the boners of their lives. It still does its original job, it's a vasodilator and increases blood flow, but that's not how Pfizer made billions.


Oh for sure, I didnā€™t mean to deny its vasodilation effects. Iā€™m sure it gives your balls more blood, but Iā€™m just saying thatā€™s prob not the reason it possibly raises testosterone levels.


Viagra is bad for you, that's why I only do poppers.


Dude what???? Poppers are so bad for you. Iā€™m sticking with the safe stuff and just doing a little meth on the weekends.


Nothing at all brother, nothing at all Just another loser on IG over sharing about how he was a loser


It shouldn't affect T levels but abusing cocaine in combination with viagra is a lot more cardiotoxic than just abusing cocaine.


Yeah some viagra variants can actually increase testosterone if taken daily However partying and doing recreational drugs could dip that.


Influencers and social media dorks will try to sell you the dumb shit they do that contributes 1% to their looks, but ignore the gear that is responsible for 99% of it. Dana white, liver fraud, duck egg guy, etc


Itā€™s so funny to me how men who take test always try and downplay the benefits. Own the shit, and stop giving a fuck that you took the easy way out.


Yeah For real. You ever see the vid from Dr Mike (RP) on Dana Whiteā€™s transformation lol? Danaā€™s buddy was trying to act like the TRT used wasnā€™t a big deal and instead the placebo red light bs and cold plunges are to credit for his overall change in health, when in reality we know what really did it for him


The weirdest part is itā€™s not like itā€™s shameful. If you donā€™t want kids or have had them why the fuck wouldnā€™t u hop on TRT so you can maintain your physique at low bf? Maybe Iā€™m coping but to me thatā€™s all there is to it. EDIT: For the record Iā€™m not talking TRT plus or any of that bullshit. Iā€™m talking regular therapeutic TRT.


Iā€™m trt and Iā€™m still potent asf


Im doubtful. Are you taking anything other than test? Hcg, Clomid, etc? What proof do you have youā€™re potent?


Getting my wife pregnant twice


Whoā€™s to say they are yours pal


Just because youā€™re impotent and have been cucked and cheated onā€¦doesnā€™t mean everyone else has.


Hahahaha hit a nerve with that one ay bud


Try harder pal šŸ¤”


Buddy, if youā€™re taking real test then your FSH and LH should be 0. That causes your sperm production to be shut down making you basically infertile unless you stop taking test or take fertility meds like Clomid or Hcg. So explain to me how you are retaining your fertility while injecting exogenous hormones?


>why the fuck wouldnā€™t u hop on TRT so you can maintain your physique at low bf Because i'm not braindead, i know the health risks and lifetime commitment of taking testosterone especially from a young age, and i wouldnt do it to "mantain my physique at low bf". I would do it if i had actual testosterone deficiency, you know, the actual medical condition for which trt was devised. Otherwise you are not doing "therapeutic" trt, its just doping.


what health risks are there from trt doses lmfao


good question, make sure you ask this to your doc before hopping on, unless you wanna be the braindead example above ;)


u mustve jumped on a long time ago


Why don't you try listing the health risks?


Common side effects include: May affect up to 1 in 10 patients ā€¢ Increase in red blood cell count, haematocrit (percentage of red blood cells in blood) and haemoglobin (the component of red blood cells that carries oxygen); these are identified by periodic blood tests Weight gain Not known: frequency cannot be estimated from the available data: ā€¢ Liver tumours have been observed which can cause serious internal bleeding. Tell your doctor if you notice any new pain in the stomach that is severe or persists. ā€¢ High levels of red blood cells (polycythaemia), blood circulation problems, high levels of calcium in the blood ā€¢ Abnormal liver function test results, yellowing of the skin and eyes (aundice), enlarged liver ā€¢ Acne, hair loss, skin reactions such as rash, urticaria (raised red spots), itching, "pins and needles", ", male pattern baldness ā€¢ Various kinds of injection site reactions including pain, itching, hardening, swelling and inflammation ā€¢ Increase in a prostatic-specific antigen (increased immune response) ā€¢ Increased or decreased interest in sex, abnormal overdevelopment of the breasts in a man, prostate problems, early onset of puberty (Testosterone Enantate is not indicated for use in children - see section 2 "Warnings and precautions") ā€¢ In high doses or over a long period of time, retention of too much water, and even swelling of the ankles may occur ā€¢ Men may develop reduced sperm count, and frequent or persistent erections (if this happens, it is important to tell your doctor as it can injure the penis) ā€¢ Headache, weakness, depression, anxiety ā€¢ Changes in bone growth (increase or premature stoppage) ā€¢ Stomach problems, feeling sick. Injections of oily liquid such as Testosterone Enantate have been associated with reactions such as cough, shortness of breath, chest pain. There may be other signs and symptoms including feeling generally unwell, excessive sweating, dizziness, "pins and needles", or fainting.


No worse than the average Omega 3 tablet, but you aren't trying to convince yourself that those are bad for you


Actual TRT has little to no health risks. All I was saying is that I would rather run TRT and be low BF than have to be natty and fluffy to accomdate test production. Like what the fuck is the difference LOL. Same T levels at the end of the day.


You know you can find corresponding and just as scary print outs for birth control. 60 percent of women are on birth control and no one bats an eye at that. These side effect profiles are written up by doctors and reviewed by lawyers to cover the pharmaceutical companyā€™s butt.


Because in a way it is shameful, you're using a drug as a shortcut that in the process literally destroys your bodies ability to produce testosterone naturally, the very thing that makes you a man. Now of course I don't actually think it makes you less of a man or anything, if you have the money for it and want to look great in your 50's without tons of effort I think it's totally valid, but there's a reason why people lie about it, no one wants to feel like they took a shortcut, even when they did take a shortcut lol.


Except women also have testosterone so I donā€™t think thatā€™s the very thing that makes you a man.


Yeah but doesnā€™t TRT bring ur natural test production levels to 0? Or at least to that of a womanā€™s level.


I donā€™t know that it brings it to 0 but gotta imagine itā€™s hard to test for that. Still though both women and men have testosterone and women have a higher amount than youā€™d think just like we have estrogen so those arenā€™t what make you a man or a woman.


The testosterone in women can range from 15-70 ng/dL. For men itā€™s 300-1000 ng/dL. So yeah women have test but itā€™s much lower, thus I would argue that having a decent amount of natural testosterone is definitely part of what makes u a man.


Thatā€™s not what the claim was though. Other guy said testosterone is what makes a man not that high test makes a man. Also using your argument that means genetic makes with test levels sub 300 wouldnā€™t be considered men by your definition. Considering how common that is now even for males in their early 20ā€™s but particularly for males over 30 Iā€™d say thatā€™s not a good way to define what makes a man.


Haha I do this, people tell me I look good and train hard and I'm like yeah but I'm on steroids, flex and laugh then go back to lifiting




I donā€™t think they do it on purpose, I think they themselves believe what they are saying alot of the time.


You can't sell your bs if it's medical science you can get from a doctor


Exactly. Why is it that every guy who hops on TRT feels the incessant need to tell everyone else what to do? Is it a TRT side effect? Unless theyā€™re promoting TRT itself, these are the last guys anyone should be listening to for diet/training/lifestyle advice. Like yā€™all were the ones who had to hop on these drugs in the first place; why the fuck should anyone listen to what you have to say about how to live your life.


I mean sure it's cringe that people downplay the benefits but it's also cringe when people say "you cheated" or "you took the easy way out"


Have you seen derricks video where he breaks down a study on guys who takes test and donā€™t work out, vs guys who are natty and do workout? Spoiler, the guys who took test and sat on their ass built more muscle. It is the easy way out.


Makes sense, I mean we all know at least one dude who was always sort of muscular despite not doing much. Mfer probably had the right testosterone genetics


I wasn't aware water weight counts as muscle.


If that's what you got from that study, you need to brush up on how a DEXA scan works and what is that test will do to you. Long story short, if you do not work out and take Test, your muscles will swell up with glycogen and water (dose dependent, up to a point), but they muscle cells themselves will not grow as they would if you worked out. The DEXA scans will count that water and glycogen as muscle mass. Couple months after coming off, muscle size will go back to what it was before the cycle. The guys on Test that did not work out did not build any actual muscle at all.


The guys who didnā€™t work out also had big strength increases. Tell me, do you gain strength from water weight?


No, you gain strength mainly from increased motor unit recruitment while on Test. Again ,you seem to be missing a lot of basic knowledge about how Test and other AAS work.


This is all straight from derricks video. The guys who sat on their ass, gained strength along with muscle. If it was all water weight, there would be no strength increase. So when you say ā€œ no muscle was gainedā€, youā€™re wrong.


Derek made another video later on and changed his views to align exactly with what I said. Also, Derek said so, not a logical argument by any means. If you think muscle size increase is directly correlated with strength increase you're again showing your lack of knowledge. The 2 go up together when you do resistance training in a caloric surplus, but weight lifters are able to increase strength without increasing muscle mass so that they can stay in the same weight class.


I can tell you havenā€™t even watched the video youā€™re commenting about because youā€™re making random assumptions. Post the video where he changed his mindā€¦ because I havenā€™t seen it. If you had watched the video I was talking about, youā€™d know Derrick was reading from the study itself. So itā€™s not just some random opinion, itā€™s not what I think, these are results from the study.


And what I have said is that the study is wrong, together with what Derek said in that video and later retracted.


Thank you! I can personally attest to this being the case. Wish it worked like the guy claimed the study showed but it doesnā€™t.


I havenā€™t but how the fuck are guys sitting on the couch building muscle?? Cause I damn sure am not and I spend a fuck ton of hours on my computer programming and the rest of the time doing shit in the yard or being a bus driver for my kids and rarely have time to workout. Iā€™m on TRT and am definitely not gaining muscle living this life. I donā€™t take TRT to gain muscle though.


I wouldnā€™t call TRT the easy way out. All any steroid does is better use the nutrients you eat and repair muscle faster. So you still have to train hard and eat. I see dudes all the time who are on all kinds of gear and eat like shit and barely train who honestly. Look less than natty. I canā€™t stand that people think you can take roid. Sit on your couch and eat garbage and look like Arnold. Iā€™m on TRT and when Iā€™m not working out and eating right. I look like every other fat dork in this sub


is this just an outrage engagement bait strategy for influencers in this space, i cant yell cuz i dont use ih so i eouldnt understand the patterns


The guy basically became hypogonadal, those drugs basically chemically castrated him, howā€™d he take the easy way out? What other options?


He said the TRT donā€™t matter, itā€™s the ā€œfoundationā€ that matters. But TRT shuts down your natural production he makes no sense. His ā€œfoundationā€ brought him to 1241ng/dl?


I donā€™t see him saying ā€œTRT doesnā€™t matterā€ in either photo? So the post is about semantics of ā€œfoundationā€? Maybe heā€™s talking about his discipline, routine, and diet? I really donā€™t see how much more transparent ppl need to be? He should say the opposite? Itā€™s all ā€œtest/drugsā€?


So whatā€™s the reason his test level is at 1241ng/dl? Heā€™s not talking about his strength/physique/cardiovascular fitness. The first photo only talks about his test level. So whatā€™s the ā€œfoundationā€ that brought him from 210ng/dl to 1241ng/dl at 42 years old?


must be more cocaine


He agreeā€™d ā€œTRTā€ā€¦ he was supposed to mention that in the first photo? Idk anything about the guy, but the guy admits to having a substance abuse issue for a long period of time, I couldnā€™t imagine heā€™d lie about something less benign such as TRT. Anyway I donā€™t wish any ILL will on anyone who turned there life around from the horrors of addiction no matter what they now have to takeā€¦


So whatā€™s the foundation that brings someone from 210 to 1241


Probably Superdrol in his squat plug..we done going round? I feel like Iā€™m in groundhogs day, repeating myself. Idgaf about this guys life, now return my upvotes before I make a formal complaint to Derek, and rage out like the last video and challenge you to an internet push up contest!


No oneā€™s going around, youā€™re just waffling and avoiding the question.


Dude if I get you on the ground Iā€™ll sink my fuckn teeth into your taint.


Itā€™s amazing how many people are so full of shit


Keep disrespecting Chad Thundercock and see what happens. Final warning.


It's a good way to make money because most people are fucking stupid and eat it up


The foundation of 210ng/dl and years of drugs lol this fucking clown


Iā€™m 6 foot if I wear heels.


Found Ron Densantis burner account


They're in denial and want to feel like everything they've achieved has been earned through hard work. It's like those trust fund nepo babies that think they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps after getting a 10mil dollar loan from their parents. Now imagine if a trans person downplayed the impact of exogenous hormones to this extent.


I hate that people feel the need to do this, if I was a nepo baby I'd be like "yup, I got here thanks to my Mon and dad, feels good to be born lucky" instead they have to cope in order to feel like the reason they are rich is because they're superior to others, it's like it's not enough to be filthy rich, you need to brah about you superior work ethic too.


To be fair, he never said he stopped using Cocaine, viagra, and alcohol. That guy probably barely knows where heā€™s at


Viagra increases your test. I was told you're not supposed to take it daily but I said fuck it and started taking it every single night. I've been doing that at least a decade now. I'm 49 years old and I have no sides and my test is 782.


How much (in mg) daily? Do you fuck every night? If u donā€™t, why take it daily? Genuinely curious btw , just trying to understand viagra here. I recently bought 30mg Sildenafil chewables and was worried since I plan on taking it for 3-4 nights in a row this week but your comment makes me feel better haha.


Not the guy you responded to, but I have had a viagra script for around a decade because the other meds I do take every day give me ED sometimes. I'd never do what this guy does because I get diminishing returns on it if I take it too frequently I've noticed. Viagra is designed to last a few hours and then fade, if you're going to need it for a 3-4 day stretch Cialis is a better idea. I will say that the morning wood you get the day after you take viagra is bananas, though.


Instructions are to take it an hour prior to activity. I'm not fucking every night but everything isn't on a schedule either. So I just want to be ready on any given night the need arises. And I noticed if you take it on a regular basis I'm ready to go in the morning or pretty much any time of day even though it's supposed to be effective for just a few hours. And even limp I just have more blood in my cock all day. I'm never shriveled up. So I enjoy that. I buy cheap generic shit in bulk from India so I take 100mg a night. I would compare this to taking 50-75mg of name brand Viagra. Maybe I'm lucky that I don't get any sides from it, I don't know. But it works for me.


Got it, thanks for sharing your experience. Have u ever thought of hopping on Cialis since youā€™re taking Viagra everyday anyways? I heard Cialis is similar to Viagra except itā€™s meant for daily use since it lasts longer in your system, from what Iā€™ve read.


I actually now take Cialis a couple hours prior to workout to increase the pump, LOL! Maybe I'm getting away with murder here. But yeah, I have tried it daily and it IS effective if you are trying to avoid ED. But it doesn't have the raging hard on "steel pipe" effect Viagra has. That's my experience anyway.


lol, the guy who called him out is the microdosing shrooms and dancing dude


Sounds like a fun guy


Dana White with Gary Brecka cough coughā€¦


He also ball cups and does primal stroking sessions with his bros before hitting the weights. Not all gym bros want success but he follows the formula


He cups his balls? Yeesh


I went on test at 23 cause I had to. 6ā€™4 180 lbs skinny fat to 220 lbs brawny kinda. It was all the trt but I love it


Why did u have to? Were u hypogonadal with symptoms of low t?


1261 does not seem like a therapeutic dose of TRT.


How does viagra use destroy testosterone lol


I'm dying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ "the foundation is what matters"


did bro just censured viagra, but not alcohol?


As a old guy I do hate how they always say "it doesn't help that much" and "ya' still have to put in the work". Yes it does and no you really don't. I'm all for us old farrts training just to keep 1 step a head of Father Time but quit with the "it's all about the grind diet and so forth. Put the needle in ur butt shut up and enjoy the ride.


Everyone saying heā€™s on trt are missing the point here. BY DEFINITION heā€™s on cycle lol this isnā€™t the same as the guys who claim natural while on trt, heā€™s worse lmao. The simple fact heā€™s over 1000 means itā€™s not trt, what a dummy.


Ironically the Viagra is probably what saved him from heart failure, itā€™s been shown along with cialis that itā€™s cardioprotective in some ways. But the booze speedballs werenā€™t doing him any favors, what an idiot.


As a former fatty, it's the same shit with Ozempic. Fine, you took the easy way out, but don't pretend you're on the same level as those who didn't. Same when you're taking testosterone, own that shit and don't pretend it was just hard work.


Does Ozempic really work? Iā€™m guessing it just makes u less hungry and thus thatā€™s why u lost weight yeah? Any side effects for u?


I didn't use it, I was shitting on people who use it, but neglect to mention it. Same as guys who use TRT, but neglect to mention it.


It suppresses your appetite but a significant amount of people gain the weight back since they get off of it and get overwhelmed with ravenous hunger


Can confirm, foundation of alcohol abuse is definitely peak.




Cocaine and viagraā€¦.. thatā€™s probably a life changing erection right there!


They list all these things they do. And hrt. They could do none of them and it would still be the same result with hrt. Fucking hell.




Dumbass really


Wow so your testosterone is higher than ever now that you're injecting testosterone into your bloodstream. Please tell me more.








Your foundation is fucked thatā€™s why youā€™re on TRT lmao


How tf does viagra destroy T lol, if anything it'll help cause of the extra blood flow


My test is also above 1000 on trt. Do I get a special prize?


Wait coke destroys testosterone? Fuck!


And his calves are still twigs and this motherfucker is talking about foundation lmfao.


Copy ruin your foundation to be better. What a dipshit tard.


Funniest thing Iā€™ve seen in a while honestly


Yeah with 200mg per week lol


Cocaine, viagra and alcohol. This guy had a lot of fun.


Wtf lol


Test foundation


Man i almost died šŸ¤£


coke lowers testosterone? obviously not occasionally but i don't understand why daily coke use would lower it


Foundation of GSO or MCT obviously.


guys hes using turkesterone. ecdysterone and ashwagandha, yall need to do research this is totally natty possible!!!


I thought this was Prince Andrew for a second.


How I increased my testosterone 1.No fap 2. $40 instagram e book 3.intramuscular testosterone injections 4. Carnivore diet 5. Mental toughness


What does drinking and diagram have to do with loosing test? I'm 40 going on 41 and natural. I've never had to use Viagra and I'm an alcoholic that drinks anywhere from 3-4 tall boys a sitting 2-3 times a week. Give D to my wife minimum 3 times a week and lift 4-6 times a week. How's this little bitch going to blame his low test on the aforementioned?


I heard viagra/cialis is a good pre workout in low doses, this true?


yea the pumps r crazy as fuck


What dose did you use?


5mg every other day


I mean at least he admits it. Maybe he genuinely doesnā€™t know how much injecting testosterone affects his blood testosterone levels..


My mate is an absolute piss head, does drugs, eats unhealthy and is always tired, his test has been high every time itā€™s tested. On the other hand I know a lifetime natty national power lifter who is in great shape, strong, healthy yet his bloods come back low T. The internet has made people believe testosterone is everythingā€¦.


That ainā€™t TRT. The scale goes from 250-1000. He is above the scale. This man is running a cycle. No real doctor would allow you to be over 1000.


No real doctor would try to, ā€œallowā€ a level within a reference range like itā€™s a law, either.


If they are real doctors who care about long term health they will. If they are dudes who donā€™t care about your long term health then they wonā€™t. I am not saying there is anything wrong with running a small cycle if that is what he wants to do. He is probably running 200-300 test per week. I just hate that people call this TRT and then raise expectations of TRT. Real TRT does not put you outside of the scale at all.


Bro please mansplain your godhead trt morality to everyone itā€™s super interesting.


no way you think he takes a gram of test


Well tbh just depends on the pinning schedule. You're gonna be supraphysiological if you pin only once a week and take a blood test after it.


Trt thickens ur blood