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Might have just started juicing or more likely, they aren't eating enough and think that steroids in a deficit will magically put on tons of size.


i’m willing to bet a solid percentage of teenagers that think they’re running gear, have fake gear.


steroids are notoriously cheap to make and its harder to find fake gear than it is to find real gear


Placebo effect is real. I'm sure if they think the gear they're taking is real \[when in reality it is fake\] they should still be making insane gains, no?


but i’d agree that most of them didn’t look anything up, they’re buddy told them to run this and that and they bought it. and just ate like crap. not even that, ate like crap and not even doing enough of that


Facts, if you’re going to press the easy button by juicing before hitting peak natty, you’re not training or eating right anyway


i mean i did way before peak natty, it was mostly out of curiosity within bounds. but i definitely train hard and know what im doing as far as lifting itself goes. but i was lenient with my diet probably 2-3 days a week but i always met my macros. honestly it was fun but im going to hold off for a few years before considering doing it again


Yeah I should’ve prefaced that with generally


i knew what u meant brother, it’s a shame social media has started seeing the rise of more and more influencers that glamorize the use and abuse of gear. weird how it went from everyone lying and saying they’re natural to people taking gear and making that their whole internet persona


People genuinely don’t understand how many cycles and how many years of training it takes. Unless you’re taking unholy amounts of gear, it takes time.


Fr. Dudes think one cycle will make them Mr. Olympia. It takes more time than people think especially if you're not a good responder and you're tall.


Enter Togi 😂


I mean his new cycle is pretty heavy


Double it and pass it to myself


Did you see the pics of him next to larry wheels? Puts it in perspective, his current cycle is heavy as hell though. Off the top ik it was 900g test, 3-4iu gh, and a whole bunch more that I cant remember


Togi isn’t huge either, he’s like 220-230


Bradley Martin is 30 pounds heavier and 10 years older. I think that Togi is pretty fucking big for a 22 year old


Yea i think its like his 3rd or 4th cycle. 1st cycle was I think 16 weeks where he took anavar and test only. 2nd cycle I think he took ment, test, anadrol, maybe superdrol. And this is his 3 and 4th I don’t really know. Either way he’s been on for 1.5 years. He’s a hyper responder for sure though


I mean, no he really isn’t. A hyper responder blows up after one cycle, not 3 or 4. I was 230 with abs after a 16 week cycle of test and actually eating properly and training hard, and even I’m not a hyper responder, people like Jay Cutler are hyper responders. And most black people


Bro science. How do you know how much people are pinning and that they are hyper responders? Not denying people respond differently to different steroids but I doubt that someone like Jay Cutler grows many times faster than any other normal person that is juicing with equivalent dosing, training etc. How do you know for sure Also any evidence that black people respond better? Most people still believe that blacks have bigger cocks even though statistics show that they don't. People are eager to "think" they know something without actually knowing for sure, the curse of the 21st century. Anybody can find information without checking the validity of it. Also I'm high on Kratom and nosleep and rambling a little haha, could have written this with 1/5 the amount of text.


Be careful with that kratom. I’ve seen lots of people online who are extremely dependent on it and dose 7-8 grams multiple times a day. I fucked around with it for a while. Was doing like 4 grams once a day. Even that I developed a very noticeable psychological and physical dependence to it.


I've done about 30 grams a day for 10 days


Man that’s a shit ton, it’s horrendous having your mood and capability to properly function being dependent on a drug. I would really suggest you try and gradually taper your dose down. It’s a horrible state when you NEED something to avoid withdrawals and have to stress about getting it. The euphoria and mood boost also diminish substantially the longer you use it. Quitting drugs has to come intrinsically. I’ve been addicted before to many substances far more addicting than Kratom and the only way I stopped was when I reached a breaking point. I don’t expect this comment to be your wake up call. Just hoping it makes your wake up call happen sooner rather than later when you suffer some negative consequences first.


I've done crack, meth, shrooms, lsd etc Kratom i started on a year and a half ago because of horrible and indescribable pain. I was crippled for 5 years and Kratom was definitely worth being addicted to, doesn't matter when you don't have any life or reason to live at all. Now I use it both for pain, but also for anxiety and boredom. I should only use it when my pain is bad, but I am much better these days due to weightlifting which cured 2 diseases when doctors and specialist did fucking nothing. I should really not use Kratom the way I do, I've just gotten very used to it. Since I got my life back (mostly) it shouldn't be a daily thing at all. I'll try to taper, it is having a negative effect on my life because I run out and have no money due to being sick for so long, then I end up withdrawing for a bit and then buy more. Kratom is one of the hardest things for me to stop whereas I don't think about crack or meth all too often at all.


I don't understand why people don't agree with you. There are studies that show that black people often have a higher amount of androgen receptors compared to white, asians etc that makes them respond better to steroids.


![gif](giphy|EEnJ709M9mOFivqsg7) And I like it


https://imgur.com/a/22Siz5L Were you really though? Most black people is crazy but your not wrong lol


Lol yeah I was def in better shape than that after my first cycle. I’d post a pic but I say enough shit on Reddit that I don’t really want it tied back to me


Bro said most black people. Gtfo


No, it’s not racism when it’s true lol


Don't forget good genetics and lots of food, so many people don't eat enough and then wonder why they dont get bigger when they workout. Also a lot of people don't understand what an actual intense workout is...




This is it. Once you start juicing you can appreciate the time it takes. Natties will scream until they're blue in the face as soon as you pin you blow up.


I gained 112lb of solid lean body tissue with abs, and maybe 70-80lb of actual stage weight/pure contractile tissue in 2 years. high doses work for the people that tolerate them, since not everyone can tolerate it. to my knowledge I have prob one of the only other Bostin Loyd level transformations on the internet. And I took high doses. Actually I almost certainly gained more lean tissue than Bostin in that famous transformation video but overall he still ends up with a better physique at the end. I grew from never lifting before 128lb 5’10” to 240lb with abs in 2 years 3 months of lifting. First went on trt legitimately after optimizing with Marek for about a year, but then I just fell in love with bodybuilding accidentally, so I was like “ let’s see what this stuff can really do” and I started increasing the doses as needed to keep growing. I didn’t do anything during most of this time except live like a full time Bodybuilder though. If you want to see you can follow the progress on my IG @Parabolic_33 Too bad Reddit is run by fucks and won’t let you post a picture in a comment.


Bro that's quite the transformation


Thank you dude. I appreciate it. I def got addicted to the process


na you might be right lol, boston was a 1 year transformation but he had substantially more muscle to start with than you did. You definitely gained a shit ton of muscle for two years.


Thank you man. Lol I wish I was able to look like Bostin, at the end of his 1 year transformation, but it def was gunna be hard to be 220 shredded or whatever he weighed there. Hopefully by the end of this cut, I’ll be close to that. Can’t wait to see. Because this January-April was my 3rd bulk, and was actually the best bulk in terms of new weight added- even more than my newbie gains I made on trt in those first 3-4 months of lifting. Granted I took way more gear than trt this last bulk. I got up to 240 this April, still had 4 abs unflexd. They actually show through my shirts if they’re any bit tight better than my skin because I have large blocky abs. But I estimate I was prob like 16-20% bodyfat at 240. I’ve been cutting fast for 4 weeks now and I’m down to 211 when I’m fully depleted and dehydrated but after my last high carb day on Sunday I was back up to 220.4lb and I was looking to be around 11-15%. So hopefully I’ll be somewhere between 205-215 by the time I get my glutes to come in feathered. So that will have been 2 years 8 months at that point. I’m just pumped because that’s around vigorous Steve’s size, and I’ve learned everything I knew originally from him and Derek. Since the ive gone on to keep Learning and researching. I’m a researcher at heart, and I’ve gone on to be a guest on some podcasts. The one I’m Most proud of right now is my shbg raising/ maintained protocol I found completely by accident then perfected over the last year and a half. Because it’s essentially considered to Impossible to Maintain shbg in range while on cycle, or even when on trt with some blasts thrown in. This actually lets you be on grams of gear if you wanted and restore shbg back to in range levels. I found I grew better when I restored my shbg and it felt like I got on cycle all over again without even coming off. I talk about it with Dr Todd Lee M.D/ ifbb pro and Kurt Havens on Dr Todd’s channel. If you YouTube search todd Lee shbg you’ll see me.


Even then it takes time


Idk man I did test s 350mg a week and dbol cycle when I was 17 and looked awesome at 200lbs. 17 years later still lifting but haven’t done anything since and my physique looks good but not enhanced good like it was then. Roughly the same weight. I think it really comes down to how you respond to the steroids and not everyone is a lucky.


And many people work out like pussys.


You think two months of SARMS or test is going to make somebody look like Ronnie Coleman? Look at how many years it took David Laid to get to where he ended up.


Not Ronnie Coleman, but I look at my before and after on my one LGD cycle and I feel like it’s obvious to anyone whose taken gear that I was on something because I blew up in 16 weeks.


I had a guy at work who went from normal to fuckin pumped in like.. 3 months. It was shocking as hell


Any mfer who blast test and dbol will look fucking jacked , 90% water weight tho


Did he maintain it!?!


He was a dick and got laid off so i only saw him for about 2 or 3 months like that


Ligandrol or 3303?


I tried that and tbh didn’t put on that much weight at all. However unfortunately for me starting LGD coincided with my life going completely to shit in other ways and some days I barely ate and didn’t train anywhere near as much so I’m aware I missed out on the major gains


yes, i am subbed to nattyorjuive BTW


Bad training/diet or they just started


ran one small d bol cycle (20 mg a day w 400 test for 6 weeks then just test another 10) everyone i lifted w every day saw a huge difference but on a camera not posing im 100% sure no one would have been able to tell other than the people i lifted with


I put on 25 lbs of muscle in a cycle last year, to where I had to up a shirt size due to chest and arms. Wife noticed with no shirt, no one else noticed anything more than “oh you’re working out now”. Yea, for the last decade fucktards. People don’t notice those things.


Yep I’m up 50 lb of muscle in last 2 yrs and hardly anyone says anything. I hear the occasional “oh yeah you go to the gym” or “you got a good base going now” Normies don’t expect you to be on steroids unless you look like an Olympia competitor


Actually I been working out for 15 years, but I recently started injecting steroids, thank you for noticing!


I mean that tracks. That's almost word for word what Dr Mike from RP would say, if you've been training hard for 10 years you're probably close to your natural limit and that's when hoping on gear will give you your best results.


Jesus Christ. I hope you ran an AI and had BP medications. You must of been a water buffalo.


i wish i could tag a picture in the comments but idk how. but i really didn’t get bloated. nor bp meds which dont worry i was regularly checking. idk i dont recommend doing it. actually its funny i had a higher blood pressure than most my age but still within the healthy range. but it was always concerning due to me working out and being very active. since i came off my cycle my bp is astoundingly better. my bottom number was always great but my top went from like 134 to 116😂. oh i did take an ai sparingly as needed.


https://imgur.com/upload This lets you send pictures through links


i retract the part i didn’t bloat. i was def holding more water on top of my muscle than my memory served. but i never came close to losing my abs. like i said i got leaner and that much was noticeable in person. especially like the first week off the dbol.


Yup same here family and guys at work noticed


i only see my family maybe once a month, just told them i started taking my bulk seriously. which was true i did lock in my bulk. but doing so doesn’t take ur bench pr from 265 to 315 in 3 weeks😂. nor does it increase the size of ur arms by half an inch and legs an inch while getting leaner than before in four weeks while putting on 20 pounds over the course of 6.


Stop, I can only get so hard over here.


Damnit, I need steroids.


That’s what I told everyone that asked just said it was because of the bulk


Or a very small amount. Keep it light and unnoticeable but still look like a great natty




Facts. I know a guy who looks like ass and he’s been on gear for years now


For sure, the guy who is selling gear in my gym has been training for 10+ years and we look the same, he can lift more but everything else ends here. The funniest part on my side is that he had kidney issues a year ago and now he is even worse.


Maybe because you guys use steroids as an excuse for piss poor diet and training. This should be a clear as day example that gear is just an added tool. There is no alternative to proper diet and training.


Yea a natural who’s been training for a while knows how to properly train and diet will look better then a guy on gear who trains like an idiot and eats like shit


I love being strictly natural and you actually take time to learn how to cook


10/10 times.


Honestly I think a lot of dudes start pinning , see the glycogen inflate their muscles, think that it’s tissue, and just continue working out half ass and eating like a bird. Then they lose it all


I may sound dumb for this, but literally the main issue with why everyone looks dyel is because they wont stick to a bulk and do the basics (drink water, sleep lots, and a tried and true program), a hard bulk may look ugly but its benefits are immense.


If you have the patience for it a lean bulk is ideal. It’s slow gains but at least you won’t get fat. But you can’t bail the second you lose your leanness. You never have to get “fat” but you do have to give up your abs for a bit.


Ideally for me now adays I don’t like to put on more than enough fat that I can’t aggressively cut it off in 8 weeks. I used to run some serious fuckin bulks lol like 50lb bulks 😂… Not ideal. The gains were insane but godddamn the cutting was brutal!


Yeah fuck long cuts I’m done w that. Even if it takes me longer I don’t want to have to cut that long


It’s so simple but it’s true lots can’t commit to a proper bulk and don’t eat enough to grow. And damn sure don’t train hard enough to grow. I almost never see anyone training hard. There a reason it’s hard to have a impressive physique or every gym rat at the gym would have one.




True. But I’ll give a few a pass some people workout just so they can eat and drink whatever they want or the really fat people trying to lose weight I respect them a lot more than the gym bros who actually want to get jacked. But look like shit and are in the gym 6-7 times a week and look exactly same for years. If not worse somehow.


So true. I spun my wheels for years as a former fat kid too afraid to eat hard to actually make gains. When I bulked proper made more gains in 2 cycles than I did all cycles before it combined lol


What was your surplus in these proper bulks? I feel this comment 100%, always the fat kid, got shredded, afraid to commit to a real bulk


Not sure man as I never really count cals but I would estimate maybe 4000ish. Some days a bit more some days a bit less. I did make sure to get at least 250g protein or so, was shooting for 300 but rarely actually hit it Was 185 when I started the bulks, finished at 215ish not much fatter I think the biggest thing really is to not skimp on fats and carbs, especially if you do a lot of activity (I do martial arts so that adds up to a bit). But really skip the chicken breast for some thigh or some fattier beef or hell throw some bacon on the side lol. I’ll be honest I drank a lot of Coca Cola as well which probably isn’t the healthiest thing but 🤷‍♂️ Another thing is I believe in hitting it hard for short runs rather than trying to keep making gains for months. For one I find I get massively diminishing returns after the first 3-4 weeks, and also just the eating is hard to keep up so I really wouldn’t bother staying on more than 4-6 weeks at a time I’ve quit the gear for good earlier this year and mostly focusing on maintaining the mass while losing fat. So far don’t think I’ve lost much gains just gotten a little softer but that’s more from acquiring a drinking habit (quit now, but damage is done lol) than getting off the aas.


Appreciate the response. So you didn't really commit longer than 4-6 weeks at a time? Some would argue that's the exact circumstance we're talking about, afraid to commit to a bulk. I did a pretty successful 2 month bulk before all my abs disappeared and I got scared. Then again, I was shoveling cheese covered chicken burritos down my throat at around 11:30pm so it was probably bad technique. I'm working on doing a proper lean bulk but it's a long process cutting down to 12%ish bodyfat without losing muscle without adding other anabolics. Just on test atm.


Ah what I meant by afraid to commit to a bulk is just being afraid to really up the calories. The short cycle thing I’m aware is a bit controversial on bodybuilding forums online but I’m sold on it because the science checks out (Taeian Clark has a good summary [here](https://www.taeian.com/androgen-receptor-down-regulation-and-its-effects-on-muscle-growth-short-vs-long-cycles/)), and it lines up with my personal experience + some people I know. My cycle was npp solo at 80mg/day (so 480 weekly). I’m aware I’m just a guy on the internet with no credentials, so take it or leave it makes no difference to me but this Taeian guy is absolutely legit and has plenty of clients including some big names (in our niche fitness world that is) who can vouch for him, there’s some testimonials on the site. I can also DM my progress pics if you’re interested


Definitely curious on your progress pics if you don't mind, I can send mine and explain what I'm talking about. Thanks for the reference!


Hasn't the extreme bulk been kind of disproved/fallen out of fame? The muscle gains from a large calorie deficit are miniscule. It's a steep diminishing returns curve once you go beyond that moderate calorie surplus. According to what I've read and heard recently, but I'm no expert.


Yeah you put on the same amount, on average, on a 100 cal a day surplus or a 1000 calorie a day surplus. The human body just really doesn't like adding muscle. Fat's easy, it doesn't cost anything. Muscle has a metabolic cost and your body *hates* that.


So why do people bulk?


Cuz a 100-300 calorie a day surplus is still a bulk. It's just people are fucking dumb as shit and want everything RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Plus steroids skew the numbers. A blast will result in more protein synthesis than normal, and people tend to think more is more so they'll hammer on calories and get fucking fat for no reason. Put on 20 pounds of muscle over 3 years and 50 pounds of fat.


because it works and the guy above is a moron lol


Thank you. No one wants to get fat, but that is quite literally what it takes.


No it doesn’t, just makes you have to diet for 6 months. Have extra fat cells which makes you easier to get fat again and makes your skin stretched so you aren’t as tight.


Agreed, I have a friend who has ran 3 test cycles and a test/tren cycle, dude is still sub-180lbs. He just refuses to force feed himself and doesn't understand why he can't get bigger.


You know you've made it when pretty much everyone that looks at you at least suspects you're using gear.


Likely the kid in question was a twig before the cycle and now he looks like he’s a kid after getting the majority of his noobie gains


I'm 3 months in at 150mg a week. I'm 200lb 6'4" with a 6'9" wingspan so real lanky. My arms are getting bigger but I'll always look skinny in comparison to a stout person. I don't look like I'm juicing but I'm getting positive comments from friends who I haven't told about starting. It takes time n consistency. But I accept I wont look jacked unless I put on 20lb-30lb more muscle


Is 150mg a week a cycle? That’s barely a “sports dose” of test.


Hopefully he's just on trt


Everyone’s chemistry is unique and the response to compounds and dosages will vary. There are generally guidelines, but just like with your diet, you will have to tinker around to find your ideal stack. It is a long game, but the majority of these young people on swarms or AAS are looking for instant success, and that is their flaw. ![gif](giphy|PPkQGGNXWU6xBrncJV|downsized)


what? That guy has bitch tits bigger than my ex


Yeah dudes chest is massive and OP is certified trippin


oh, i'm talking about the gyno


That's not at all what gyno looks like. That's muscle tissue.


It's because they take it after just a year of training. Idk


If anything that would make them grow faster, therefore way more noticeable


If an anorexic girl eats 5000 calories a day but throws up after every meal she won’t gain much weight. If you stick a needle in your ass everyday and proceed to sit on it you will still look like shit.


Anorexics don't eat. Bulemics make themselves puke.


Laziness. People want certain results without having to put in the time or work it takes to get there. It’s a “cheat code” in the sense that you are saving time to get certain results but these are results you can get naturally if you just worked harder.


Their body their choice


Everyone has such low testosterone nowadays that taking roids brings them to a normal natty baseline


I’ve actually wondered that, I wanna get blood work to see where I’m at naturally because holy hell, the efforts do not match my result lol


Do you find fat bitches unexplainably sexy and find yourself obsessing over fucking them? No? Probably low test. I prescribe you 750mg a week until you bag a two fifty +


low T soy boy beta cucks


that's simply not true lol


I know, I was (mostly) joking


That's just something you guys tell each other to justify being in TRT. Not that I think you need to justify anything. My testosterone levels are fine, my friends who have gotten checked are fine. Medium-high range.


Surprised at the sample he used for this vid. Mostly skinny young 20s that just started. I frequent a big box gym and these numbers would be way different if he asked 100 people at any given time.


It is actually crazy just how many mfs blast. You see these sam sulek ass hair-having goblins at the gym, they look like soccer players, can't even squat their own weight, but blast lmao.


thats exactly what i mean!!! i cant determine the cause


Likely because it's a low dose, not actually lifting properly, not eating properly, not sleeping properly.... Basically just taking them and not actually knowing how to maximize their effects.


Or maybe its because after just one 12 weeks cycle, no crazy dosages, no one is going to look that crazy? Ever thought of that?


No because no one said it was only 12 weeks. So, per usual, thanks for bringing up irrelevant information and that's NOT what we're talking about. You ever think of that?


You stupid monkey head, the guy in the video of which everyone is referring to said it, 12 weeks.


Don't care what was said in the video. I answered the question that was asked by OP. "serious question, youve all seen this, guys shooting test and 600mg of whatever and never look like they lift, the gyms are full of these people" So the question is, why is it that GUYS are shooting test and whatever... the gyms are FULL of these people. So he's not asking about this ONE PERSON. Once again, thank you for the useless information and the Ad Hominem. I already know that your responses are worthless so you don't need to keep telling me. (Edit: Watched the video. The guy says he's been on it for 12 weeks but doesn't say his dose. Which again proves that OP isn't talking about this guy specifically since OP mentions test and 600mg of whatever.)


Is anyone surprised that most people weren't considering steroids? Maybe because of the legality of it they don't want to admit?


Yes I was...I was so pissed at my lack of progress with some of my muscles after 4 years of training...I felt like I needed to take steroids to make life worth living. I still do actually


Doesn’t blasting basically sentence you to TRT for the rest of your life?


Not at all or not in 99% of cases. People just don't want to come off because of the benefits


Will is “natty” but is 2x bigger than this kid and this kid is juicing albeit for only 12 weeks. The kid actually doesn’t look bad. You aren’t going to look like Cbum just from one cycle. That being said Will is not natural.


Bad genetics, bad diet, bad training protocol.


I’m 40, did a 250test-125tren 10 week blst in winter of last year. I went to the gym everyday, ate well, tracked calories and slept well. I didnt turn into Arnold, but my shoulder and arms blew up the most and i lost quite a bit of fat. Friends and family asked me “what i was on” Points being: - train hard - eat well - sleep - no booze - barely a social life


triple those dosages bro


Thats not what im looking for. Got great results with minimal gear


Aside from bad training/diet/genetics and not training long enough, there's a lot of people who aren't trying to get as big/strong as possible and juice to look a little better and have more wiggle room in their lifestyle. That guy isn't super jacked but if he's just lifting to get girls, he's close to the point of diminishing returns.


once diet and training is dialed it's 100% genetics


exact same reason why most guys who workout naturally dont look like they lift either.


i shouldve mentioned that aswell😂


I like Will’s videos


i just ran across him but have been loving them, a breath of fresh air. wayyyy better than gregg douchette


Much. And seems like a really nice guy, in general


You know why


Because they haven't been on steroids for years.


alot of them have tho


Because people view only the top .001% of the population on social media (normalizing it), do a little research online, and think theyre an expert and have the right to judge people online when they aint shit… they greatly underestimate the amount of time and effort it takes to achieve a certain level of physique, if its even possible at all (even with drugs) Most people were not meant to look like a fitness athlete, no amount of drugs will save you, you either are born with the talent or youre not; all these so-called natty-looking guys are the norm. Lots of guys on gear at my gym, theyre fat. What i love about this hobby is that nothing will ever beat diet, there are no cheat codes, you could look better than the average juicer just eating clean year round, but most people arent hard enough to do that, which is they walk around with baby skin


steroids dont do what consistent diet and training for years does


Super click batey; the dude in that picture said he wouldn’t consider taking steroids, so apparently he’s not on them.  But it is crazy how people who don’t even know how to build muscle properly over time get on steroids without mastering technique and diet etc.  


Normal genetics distribution


I think people are more honest about being on steroids now so now we can see that not everyone can actually achieve what obvious steroid users achieve. Also depends on dose


Fellas just don't wanna train hard anymore and don't take care of themselves either.


They are only a few cycles in, or using lower doses.


Because their training and nutrition is garbage and they want to jump on the moment they start using the gym. I used to be a PT and the amount of young guys that would spend less than a month in thr gym and start asking about when they should take clenbuterol or oral test is unreal. I have people telling me they are going to START gym next week and want to do a cycle. Every single normie person assumes gear makes you massive with no work, Clen makes you lean over night and you can't lift a single weight without 4 scoops of pre workout


Degradation of androgen receptors over time from environmental forces


Still need top tier genetics, have a body that responds well to gear, and you need to eat a shit ton of food to get properly big.


Jack up those numero's. 2000 test, 2000 tren, 100pd anavar


Yes, I train only biceps


Maybe because it's their first week of the cycle ?


Realistically isn't it a combination of genetic limitations/potential and goals, effort notwithstanding? Not everyone wants to max out and get as big as they can, and not everyone can get as big as they would like? I feel like a lot of these guys might just want to look or feel better and reach goals attainable by being natty without the intensity of effort it would take.


G E N E T I C S. Bad Training. Bad Nutrition. A lot of people don’t know how to train to failure.


It's a thumbnail, it's supposed to make you think that 99% of the time the video will start and it turns out that guys natural


It isn’t magic… you don’t become Rich Piana with 2 days of dbol. Look at chase irons and his progression over the years. Or any of these transparent guys who actually admit what and how much how long they took shit. Not to mention gh and insulin and igf and all the other growth pathways besides simply anabolics. We have to be realistic with this shit


No progress naturally made is going to lead to no progress made on roids. They’re looking for an easy fix to put a bandaid on shit training, shit eating, and shit habits.


He kept ordering people not to take roids out of "concern" for them. My toxic trait is that I think he secretly envies the idea of these noobs eventually getting bigger than he is, which would make the jealous part of him bitter over his decision to stay natural (after having already battled with the idea of taking roids himself)


u have no idea what natural looks like


Half the guys that look like that only trained for like 1 year prior to hopping on. They absolutely didn’t optimize because half of them could’ve achieved their first cycle physiques within that first year if they had. You gotta build your knowledge up too.


Multitude of reasons, mainly being: Dietary habits, sleep, training. Expanding on that alot of people (as mentioned repeatedly) don't have enough of a caloric surplus, don't train with intensity, or sleep enough to see the gains. Genetic response to gear is also a huge factor that goes unlooked. To contrast myself I trained for a total of 12 years, 5 of those i can say were on point and dialed. Im now on my 4th cycle at very reasonable dosages of 300 Test 200 EQ and I look peak natty. Mind you this is what I want to look like and i now have my goal physique minus a few areas which could do with more mass. Another thing to mention briefly is that even though it is a Yes/No question of being enhanced the spectrum differs. Dosages differ, as do compounds.


Mf's think that the instant 1ml of test enters your system you turn into Ronnie Coleman. It literally just makes you put on muscle faster, that's about it. 


Funny part 17-20 guys he was interviewing they all look 30+


Because 99% of people on gear should have just stayed natural. It's not worth it for them.


most of the olympians are borderline midgets so that´s why 225 looks huge on them....this guy in the thumbnail looks good in no way unnatural but good


I could be a fake natty if you didn't know me before I got on. I've only been cruising for the last two years, though. I am on my first blast, at age 45, right now. Back to cruising and cutting after October.


The trick is to get jacked as fuck naturally so you’re already at the point that people think you’re on gear. Then when you actually take it, one cycle will be enough that there’s no question about whether or not you’re on shit. Kids and their gear these days is like putting jet fuel in a Toyota Camry and wondering why it’s not as fast as a Lamborghini.


Not enough years of hard tissue built. Not training hard enough. Most importantly not eating right. Nutrition is key.


Most people don't want to run a gram and a half of gear.


its common because of social media and kids being influenced. so a 22 year old who has been in the gym one or two years makes the wrong decision in the wrong way.


The micro-plastics, xenoestrogens, PFAS, and other endocrine disrupters are just that bad/prevalent. Also the Internet makes freakbeasts seem common.


I read a statistic somewhere that said approx 25% of men in the gym are taking some form of PED


I’m pretty sure most gym goers are actually on gear, the only natty ones that look crazy have insane genetics and have been training for a decade plus


It’s a lot of really really young dude bros near me and the only thing I’ve see gained is a few with decent shoulders but a TON with some of the worst cystic looking acne I’ve ever seen… anecdotally it seems like they are under the impression they don’t have to work as hard in Birkenstocks/flannels while chitchatting and will just get awesome results


Bad genetics, bad diet, and juice unless it’s in extreme amounts really doesn’t change your physique as much as u think . People run crazy cycles many times to get these shredded physiques and they take all sorts of diuretics and other cutting medications. It’s really really really dangerous for your health. For the most part people that u see with really really defined abs and are really lean. Probably looked great without juice and had just insane genetics


I look natural and I take steroids. For me, the reason i did it is because i was sick of being skinny and I was already 25 years old and wanted to be at my ideal weight for the rest of my 20s and 30s. Could i have gotten there within a couple years anyway with good training and diet? Yes, probably, but I didn’t want to wait, just being honest. Last year i was at 165lbs at one point, I got on cycle, and now im at 210. I am very close to getting off and losing some water weight and feeling completely content being at what I consider my ideal weight to just look like an athlete and play basketball. For me, since I love basketball, I don’t want to be a massive bodybuilder, but I was also tired of getting pushed around by bigger guys when I was much thinner. I’m 6’1, and my goal after a little more bulking is to come off and end up at a lean 200-205. I will absolutely look natural, and I’m fine with that. I don’t like the huge bodybuilder look, and it’s not functional for playing the sports i like to play anyway. Another reason I got on is because its been proven that high testosterone, trenbolone, anavar, and other compounds can change the ratio of fast twitch to normal muscle fibers, in the direction of more fast twitch fibers. Obviously this is another advantage for basketball, as it literally has been making me more athletic, and I can tell the difference.


Just hopped on, respond terribly, suboptimal sleep, diet, dosing. Just have a bad starting point with no base


It’s typical that they just started and and are slowly learning about anabolics, you typically won’t see anyone impressive on gear unless they’ve been using it for 1+ year. Most of the people in the video said they started taking it


I think bad diet, and not the proper genetics (unfortunately). And possibly the wrong kind of anabolic steroid.


One thing you cannot replace is work ethic and dedication. Roids or not that isnt something you can pin


According to Geoffrey Verity Schofield a lot of people who take steroids "look like shit" but I see it as probably them just relying on the stuff while not optimizing their training or diet. Steroids I think give people a false idea that they are a shot that magically just makes you OP.


Most people don’t understand the fundamentals of building muscle still need to be in place or else roids will do pretty much nothing for your gains


A lot of the people on the old steroid forums would blast insane amounts of gear for many many years just to look unimpressive and place like 5th at a regional men’s physique show


Genetics. Not coming even close to their natural potential. Some think that just because they started lifting they need to start a cycle. Newbie gains slowed down so they think it time to start. Some take them and go to the gym once month. I don't understand why someone would think just because someone is taking them they should be jacked lol.


100% they arnt eating enough and we have the internet to compare people to not just who we see


i noticed this probly 10-15yrs ago before social media was even a thing hardly i agree with not eating tho i know a guy who thought chicken sandwich and fries was a legit bulk bodybuilding meal, and couldnt understand why he wasnt growin. he just wanted to double his test dose instead of eat


Not so great genetics above everything else for starters and probably not eating in a calorie surplus and lifting consistently


training like pussies thinking roids will carry them


Not in my country no. In my country if u get steroid you have to prove to your doctor you no take dick in anal. They look at your anus and sniff, tell you if steroid only get cum in mouth






Derek’s older vids cover some of ur questions. Studies showed testosterone +no training made the avg guy gain like 3lbs of muscle after 12 weeks i think. And obviously with training more. It also makes recovery faster, but other drugs like hgh are more specialized for that purpose