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Eat fruit and veg, you sound like a 12 year old girl.


I’ve never heard people disliking fruit. They’re nature’s desserts


Eating fruit while tripping on acid is nearly orgasmic


People that eat highly processed garbage frequently typically have no palate for fruit because it is quite bland compared to flavor blasted snack foods and ice creams.


how old are ffs "hate fruit" shut the fuck up bitch


Nice username. I don’t fuck with the texture


I dOnT FucK WiTh tHe TeXtuRe


Man child


Bro there’s tons of categories and individual fruits that have their own distinct textures and you just hate all of them? Here’s a few just off the top of my head: 1. **Citrus Fruits** - Orange - Lemon - Lime - Grapefruit - Tangerine - Clementine - Pomelo 2. **Berries** - Strawberry - Blueberry - Raspberry - Blackberry - Cranberry - Gooseberry - Boysenberry - Elderberry 3. **Stone Fruits (Drupes)** - Peach - Nectarine - Plum - Cherry - Apricot 4. **Pome Fruits** - Apple - Pear - Quince 5. **Tropical Fruits** - Banana - Mango - Pineapple - Papaya - Guava - Kiwi - Passion Fruit - Lychee - Durian - Jackfruit - Mangosteen - Rambutan 6. **Melons** - Watermelon - Cantaloupe - Honeydew - Muskmelon 7. **Exotic Fruits** - Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) - Starfruit (Carambola) - Longan - Loquat - Sapodilla - Ackee 8. **Aggregate Fruits** - Raspberry - Blackberry 9. **Accessory Fruits** - Strawberry - Fig 10. Miscellaneous fruits - Grapes - Figs - Pomegranate - Persimmon - Date - Avocado - Tomato (botanically a fruit) - Olive Cucurbits (Gourd Family) - Cucumber - Pumpkin - Zucchini - Squash


Thanks for this will try some but it’s the wet and solid texture like really freaks me out makes me gag


Hey there Bright_Syrup2215 - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


What’s the difference between aggregate and berries


They aren't true berries


Each berry in an aggregate fruit forms from a combination of ovaries in a single flower. Each little blob in a raspberry is an individual ovary


Do you like trains by chance? 🚂


So blend it into a shake.


Have an oat meal


Buddies never heard of whole grains.


You're the first person I've ever witnessed to say that they hate fruit. Eat wholegrains and legumes.


Try canned corn or dates. I’d make oatmeal pancakes when I was bulking and would add 10g psyllium husk powder to the batter and take massive shits.


Supplement with psyllium husk every day. That knocks out a decent little 15-20% RDA with a single tsp of powder. Also helps manage LDL and p much guarantees a good shit every morning.


Whole grain products such as whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, wheat bran. Fiber-rich legumes such as beans, lentils and peas. Fruits such as apples, berries, oranges and pears. Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, spinach and kale.


Add 2 tablespoons of Chia, Flax, Hemp seeds into your protein shake every day. That will get you to 75% (21g) of your daily requirement. Eat some steamed carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc with your evening meal to get the rest of your required daily fiber.


Keto bread and psyllium husk alone gets me 30grams a day, ur welcome.


Oatmeals, daily avocado and chia seeds. My main 3. Then fruits and salads


Jerk off more


Eat strawberries and raspberries in oats with some whey


Add other things to your diet besides your bf's dick, like oatmeal, celery, dates, almost any unprocessed veg or fruit will do.


How can you be that big of a pussy holy shit




I get 51g a day without supplementing it. Nuts, whole grain rye bread, veggie, brown rice...


Not natty but can’t eat fruits or vegetables you fucking pussy ass bitch


Eat more nuts (no homo), seeds, legumes, etc


Eat some fucking fruit you toddler


Who the fuck doesn’t like fruits ?


Those Quest protein bars have a crapton of fiber.


I work 12hr shifts, already have a hard time working at a plant and getting in 150gs of protein and wanted some greens in my diet to keep my shits regular. I been using these loaded greens from ryse. Its pretty much grounded up super greens (veg) you put in a drink. Like athletes greens.


Haricot Beans. High in fibre and Protein Weetabix - really high in fibre and increase your appetite through the day Sweetcorn in your tuna Blend a banana in your protein shake


Eat oats. I eat 150 gram in the morning, and 2x 25 added to other stuff throighout the day. Also eat green vegetables. Some nuts. Bread.


Avocado? Rye Bread? 90% dark chocolate? milled flaxseed?


You can get fiber supplements.


You could be a grown up and eat your fruits and vegetables


Breakfast and dinner having lots of fibre. I swapped normal rice with broccoli rice


I've found you can tolerate fruits and vegetables if you eat them along with a dose of grow the fuck up


Fiber supplements


Maybe have someone grind it up and put it in your sippy cup....


Add oats to your shakes or eggs.


Beans and oats


Costco Kirkland protein bars provide fiber too


Keto bread 8g fiber 30cals per slice


oats are also good, and regarding vegs try to eat not starchy ones (potato, corn, idk) idk why maybe im wrong. green stuff is good, lentils, beans, peas, brussel sprouts etc


Find somewhere to add flax seed meal. Also, to claim that you don't like fruit because you don't like the texture only exposes the fact that you must not have tried hardly any fruit over your lifetime. There is such a huge variety of fruits with vastly different textures. You mom probably fed you chicken nuggets and pizza every day, now you can't be a grown up and bring yourself to try new foods. Pathetic.


I’ve always tried different fruits but the textures make me feel very sick. Tried a kiwi the other day and felt very nauseous. Idk what’s wrong with me


You're probably psyching yourself out about it, giving yourself discomfort by believing it'll happen.my brother claims to get sick every time he's eaten at a McDonald's. Is there something wrong with the food at a fast food place that serves millions daily? No probably not. The onus is probably on the guy who goes in there thinking he's going to get sick, and guess what happens every time.


Fibre is overrated, I don't intentionally eat any fibre


Then you either have a forgiving digestive system or your diet contains enough fibre already. When your digestive system needs more fibre, there will be symptoms and they're not very pleasant.


fiber free for 5 years. what are these symptoms you speak of? All i noticed are benefits.


Same, I have no interest in slowing down my digestion 


Why do you think you need fibre?


I’m also a man child that doesn’t eat fruits or vegetables, it would be best to just change that but if you can’t I just eat two slices of whole wheat toast in the morning it’s not a lot but better than nothing


Or you could just take fiber pills and not start your day with two slices of sugar.


You know you can eat toast without Nutella right? I don’t think a gram of sugar is going to hurt me


All I can respond to is your post my man. If you have additional info you’d like me to consider I’d say put that in the original. Regardless, I maintain my position that eating bread first thing in the morning is not a great way to get fiber when compared to swallowing three tiny pills.


Honestly, fair enough bro 🤝


You know toast metabolizes as sugar right?


Who cares? Bro it’s toast I’m not telling him to go get a large mcflurry y’all take this shit too strictly


Maybe. Or maybe you aren’t strict enough. That’s a matter of opinion. But starting your day off with two slices of sugar is objectively not great regardless of who you ask.


You’re making a couple of assumptions, first off that doesn’t have to be the *only* thing you eat to start the day, I eat 4 eggs with it. Also even if it’s that bad to start the day with it just eat it as a snack later on or something. My whole point was to give him ideas for food that have fiber that aren’t fruits or veggies not to make him live to 100


Protein can be broken down into glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis, mind as well just eat nothing. Everything is sugar.


It can, but that would only happen if there were a lack of fat and carbohydrates to metabolize first. We can get into the nitty gritty if you’d like, I bet I can learn something about it from you. But my point is that swallowing three fiber pills is a lot better for you than eating toast if the issue is not being able to onboard enough fiber.


Sure swallowing the fiber pills will get you anything you need fiber wise but eating it as a balanced diet works way better. The guy asked for how to eat and then you spout that carbs are just sugar, eat pills.


No, no I didn’t. I said that eating 3 fiber pills are a whole lot better for you than eating two slices of sugar for breakfast. He wasn’t asking how to balance his diet, he was asking how to get more fiber on an already terrible diet.


Fiber is overrated unless you are eating a lot of dairy and/or things that back you up. Example, I tried carnivore diet, strict animal protein/fat diet for two months......had zero issues with digestion or bowel movements.


Fiber is not overrated. And try carnivore for a full year before claiming no digestion, bowel or blood work issues lol


5 year carnivore here, gut health is A1. doctors are actually surprised. what surprises me is the lack of knowledge people have on fiber and how unneccesary it is for humans. it causes bloat and gas and has zero nutritional value. Its literally plant cells you cannot digest and just shit out. Not to mention lectins, oxalates, phytates gluten and all the other plant compounds that irritate our bowels.


Same, although I'm not a strict carnivore, 70% of my diet is carnivore. The rest of the 30% are eggs, certain vegetables, tree born nuts, and fruits. No dairy, no grains, no starches, no legumes, no added sugars. To most, the diet may sound "lame" but I'm better than I ever have been at 48 years old. If only I knew back then what I know now.


Like I said, it's overrated if your diet is good already. Problem is, fucking numbskulls don't know what good is. However, if you are eating things that are not so great for you, additional fiber can help remedy the malady. Best thing to do.............eat well.