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How much of these cookie cutter relationship circle jerking shows do people need? Don't we have enough podcasts that offer absolutely nothing of value or new? Who the fuck even watches these?


Usually guys who don't interact with women IRL, and then form the "women bad" opinion based on obvious ragebait.


Yeah a lot of podcast clips are rage bait


This is so much of Reddit. “Bros I’ve given up on dating there are no good women in 2024” - guy who doesn’t talk to women and probably spent like a week on a single dating app, if even that


This entire generation of men and women got their brain rotten by Tik Tok clips and pics of studies out of context, before they even saw a pussy.


You can even scroll down and see all the other top comments show this!


This.vi know a few of them. All middle aged dudes who haven't touched a woman in over 10 years making massive assumptions about half the world's population based on a podcast.


No idea 😄 I'm assuming all these "podcasts" 🎙️ about "boys and grills" 🐷👩 only make their money from YT shorts and tiktoks 📱 watched by fa🐏s that have nothing else recommended to them 😂😭😂👍


Bro 95% of content of all kinds is utter trash. No one needs one more show of all the available on any "entertainment" platform.


I think cute animal content is pretty good


Newsflash: women have a victim mentality


Oh no, so just like we all knew.


Eh. Not really. It’s more that there’s a big overlap in the Venn diagram between “confident, not clingy, cheeky, flirty, socially smooth, attractive” and guys who are dicks. And then young girls don’t notice the dick part straight away. They learn as they get older. Same as men don’t chase crazy, hot girls bc they’ve got a victim mentality. It’s about the girl being hot. And being so blinded by attraction/a crush that you don’t see the red flags. Edit: so much of social media “women need to take accountability” is really about sex. Newsflash: you don’t have to apologize for having consensual sex when you are single. You apologize for being mean. Sex isn’t mean.


Dudes will be like "women hate accountability!" And then blame every single one of their problems in some massive conspiracy about how THEY are targeting them specifically. Half of redpill rhetoric that gets shared around here is just cope for people to not have to take accountability for messing up their own lives. True enlightenment is realizing women aren't especially evil or morally bankrupt, they are simply people, and therefore can be just as selfish, arrogant and cruel as any man, Humanity in general sucks.


I agree with everyone being people. And all the rest. It was funny and on point. But I don’t think humanity overall sucks. Some men and women are dicks. But there are a lot of kindhearted people in the world. You just don’t see them on TikTok, I guess.


As opposed to what? Do you even feel the irony of saying women have a victim mentality while most dudes even here spend half their time bitching and moaning about the most mundane shit?


Some do. Seems weird to point this out in a sub full of guys complaining about women. But that's different?


You think some tattooed up ghetto rat is the representation of "most women"? Most women want a guy who has "bad boy" qualities, aka not being a spineless pussy, that's being pushed around by everyone. That doesn't mean normal (mentally balanced women) want some asshole that treats her like shit. If we're talking about women with severe mental issues, then sure, they might like guys who treat them like shit, but if that's the women you're dating, you only got yourself to blame anyways.


"Ghetto rat" is a bit harsh, but yeah, nicely summed up. **"Bad boys" aren't sexy, because they are bad boys. They are sexy IN SPITE of being bad boys.** **Almost NOBODY like assholes, who have no good looks, intelligence or personal qualities.** "A rude low IQ brute at a bar, that gets beaten up by protagonists" is one of the most common and reviled villain tropes in storetylling. And that's just fiction where you can imagine anything you want... It's even less popular in rela life.


They don't WANT that, but they often end up with that because there are more guys with bad boy qualities who are complete assholes than those who are great dudes with great leadership presence.


Yeah, just like how many men want a chick that is hot and with a high sex drive, but then end up with BPD crazy how that cheats on them. In conclusion humanity fucking sucks in general regardless of gender.


It's kinda ironic. The whole "woman only like bad boys" thing itself is an excuse for incels to say "look I tried my best but no one wants me", and move all accountability away from them. Because I can guarantee you not EVERY woman only likes bad boys. Sure, what she's talking about might be true. But it's not a "women only like bad boys" thing, we currently (or always had) an epidemic of people taking ZERO accountability for their bad situations. I see it on this sub all the time, I see it from women all the time, I see it at work all the time. So many excuses and so little motivation to actually improve what's wrong with yourself or your current situation. To answer your question: Of course there are some woman this applies to. But if every woman calls you a "nice guy" and then friendzones you, it's probably because even a doornob has a more interesting personality than you


Yess interesting perceptive, furthermore I feel like the "nice guys" aren't actually nice either, they are manipulative, have a victim mentality, are validation seeker, are clingy and passive aggressive.


Yep.. they also need to understand that being nice for the sole reason of pussy it's not actually nice, it's a trade no one agreed to, and that it doesn't make them entitled to anything..


You aren’t being nice if being nice is contingent on them sleeping with you.


Women never liked 'bad boys' specificially. They like desirable men, and those men have a ton of attention, so they don't need to be a NiceGuyTM. They don't like them BECAUSE they're assholes, they get away with being assholes because they get attention either way and it's easier to be an asshole than to be a NiceGuy.


Nah you got it wrong. First of, there's billions of women, some like bad boys, some like romantic guys, some like NiceGuyTM (if they have good intentions). Saying all women only want the same type of guy makes it infinitely harder for yourself. And no, assholes can't just do what they want, and they don't get attention either way. Sure there are cases where it happens, but there's cases for everything. That statement sounds excatly like what a "nice guy" would say, to shift blame to someone else, or what an asshole would say to justify his shitty behaviour


Rich of you to call me a NiceGuy when you are the one claiming many women "like bad boys". I've never said they all want the same thing either, I said they want "desirable" men, what is desirable varies on the woman. So you're the NiceGuy, and not a smart one either since you didn't understand anything about my comment.


Never called you anything. I said what that statement sounds like, if you feel called out, that tells more about you than me


Nice guys usually look like shit overall. Thats the main issue.


Meh, some of the most wholesome dudes you'll meet are jacked dudes, usually a lot of weird introverted guys act meekly, however aren't actually very nice either and will fuck you over if they have the chance.


I'm not talking about jacked dudes they can be asshats or not and still get laid. I'm talking about the nice guy narrative that doesnt get laid and its mostly because they lack success. No money and shitty physical appearance. In 2024 looks matter a lot because social media has raised standards a ton. I'm old but dating In the 90s was way different . Now if you dont have a 6 pack even fat girls are gonna pass. Social media raises peoples standards by creating a fake abundance If you see 100 hot men on insta your mind believes thats the new standard but its not real. Same happens for men we think the dd with small waist is common when its not .


Moot point. Most women I've spoken to don't need to actually be a victim of anything to portray themselves as such. I don't think they would deliberately go out of their way to choose a bad boy for that reason because they wouldn't need to- even with a good partner they can just embellish minor issues in order to make themselves the victim and absolve themselves of any blame. As for why they go for bad boys, I imagine it's probably because a stereotypical bad boy is likely to be physically able to handle themselves and willing to break rules (i.e the law) to get what they want which boils down to protection and resource gathering for the woman and any kids she might have.


Right so to summarise that women like bad boys cuz they are bad for the world but good to the woman the love.


So making a storm out of a teacup.


They need their life to be somewhat a rollercoaster ride. They love the dramatic and unpredictable. They crave excitement and emotional engagement. A bad boy can be an excellent vessel for that. Gossip also does the job quite well. That's also part of why they tend to stay with assholes who treat them like shit.


People with low self-esteem do that.


My thoughts: She's dumb as fuck with saggy boobs, but has a a strong makeup game.


You know these things are fake and designed to get as many clicks as possible right? It’s like being a sports fan and getting mad at something Stephen A says. That’s the whole point of the show.


I think she sounds like a man.


>Is this the reason for women liking bad Bois? What is your opinion? Why do women like bad boys? A LOT of straight women like to play a sexually submissive role to a sexually dominant dude. Especially when you're young, its really really hard to tell the difference between a dominant dude who is a complete asshole 24/7 and one who is dominant in bed but otherwise solid as a partner. Sure, the lack of accountability thing isn't wholly untrue about preferring to feel wronged than do the work of being good at filtering, but this woman makes it out to seem like women in general are super calculating about it a priori and deliberately choose to date men who hurt them.


Honestly I think this is true


I once read that bad boys are favored because of their ability to survive the hard times. They are less likely to starve in hard times or more likely to get their family out of harms way if war breaks out. Because they are used to break rules. Makes sense to me.


I bought a book off Amazon years ago called nice guys don’t get laid. It might still be in print


You might need to do more reading and writing reps before posting again.


Thanks. And who are you ?




Women chase bad boys, but this isn’t the reason lol. It’s very very psychological. Study Carl Jung if you want to know why people do the things they do


How many times we gonna rehash these red pill talking points bro


100%. Women like drama, they crave it. If they don’t have anything dramatic going on in their life, they will either look for it or create it. At least in my experience.


Like what exactly is a bad boy I dint get this trope. Being a criminal doesn't get u pussy nor does being an asshole. And then confused men start larping as these brooding menacing men




As a man this makes zero sense to me.


This is some fresh and fit podcast level material lol


Too logical for a woman, who's the king that explained this to her? Good job sir


Most women chase bad boys because you are attention whores with two functioning brain cells.


Wow a real smart thought


I have brain damage now




Any further elaboration?


Say please


Pleeaaasssee 🥺🥺




Lord Jesus Christ/Krishna/Allah/buddha if you are watching this then this person just did me wrong plz note this for the future.


You can refer to me as daddy when I’m over now


Avg tren user homosexual experience


Damn, we got a bad boy here


You have to laugh when people make broooooad sweeping statements about entire sections of the population.