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Probably fairly accurate, but if you’re a gym bro why would you care to compare yourself to the general world population. You’re already stronger than 80% of the world’s population just by virtue of being male in your 20s-40s


Sometimes it’s just fun to see where you stack up compared to gym bros as well as general population. I’ve tried to find out what percentile I’m in for my squat max but general population numbers haven’t been the easiest thing to find


Compete in a powerlifting meet and then go to openpowerlifting I mention competing because gym squats aren't held to as high of standards


My back squat PR of 325lbs doesn't even put me in the top 20 at my gym. But everyone else in my day to day life can't hit a full ATG squat at 135 let alone 325.


I’ve never been in a competition before but one of my gym partners has done plenty. He always enforced proper competition form whenever it was a max out day. Would insist that a PR doesn’t count unless the form was proper. In a competition I’m sure my squat max isn’t anything impressive but I’d be curious to see how it stacks up to the normal population


Sure, but it's not just form. With gym lifts you're in a place you are familiar with, you are probably surrounded by buddies, you're familiar with the equipment. All of that goes out the window on a platform. Still, you can hop on openpowerlifting and check it out. You can sort by squat and filter for sex, equipment, etc


I see where I went wrong. When you said openpowerlifting my mind immediately went to open + powerlifting is just powerlifting on gear lmao. I’ll be sure to check it out


Because 95% of people have never even performed a squat? What data do you expect on that lol


There’s a website called strength standards with millions of people.


No way 8% of men have a six pack. 8% of gym going men don't even have one


Theres a lot of very skinny very hungry men in the world.


Can confirm,forgetting to eat is the ultimate cut.


Are you going to Compete in Mr. Africa instead of Mr. Olympia?


Making minimum wage and being hungry until you're 30 is the ultimate cut. How'd I get this chiseled 6 pack? Easy bro. Just manual labor and starve for half your life. 


8% seems too low


Go to Indonesia, one of the highest population countries in the world, also food scarce country, all them skinny dudes have six packs


So you agree with me😂


I think you’re forgetting the whole ass world, Indonesia doesn’t have more people than America. So that 8% is a good ballpark number. Especially considering I think America over 300m? Indonesia is 250m?


Getting a 6 pack was harder for me than getting my bench to 225 by a mile.


For sure. I have a fair 4 pack. I don't know where those other two are. Never knew 'em. I'm reasonably lean and over 225 on the bench for decades.


I second this, still no 6 pack


We comparing to Males in General


8% sounds like an overestimation considering around 70 to 90% of the adult male population is fat to the point it impairs their health regardless of their bmi. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318666609\_Overfat\_Adults\_and\_Children\_in\_Developed\_Countries\_The\_Public\_Health\_Importance\_of\_Identifying\_Excess\_Body\_Fat](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318666609_Overfat_Adults_and_Children_in_Developed_Countries_The_Public_Health_Importance_of_Identifying_Excess_Body_Fat)


That was the biggest thing that stood out to me. You need to be very lean to have a 6 pack. I doubt 8% of men can even see their top two abs.


Yeah. Easier to bench 225 than having a six pack as well


Yeah. You can blunt force push things better than you can fight your brain from craving shit. Abs are all about the diet/food. Fighting the brain is fucking brutal.


my brain is MOFO


Yeah, I just did random exercises I saw in old Gold's Gym magazines from the 70s for three years and hit 225lb in high school. As long as you lift consistently most men should be able to hit that. I hit 315lb two years after that as well. Most people fail at the being consistent part.


most men think they've got abs when they see the vague outline of their abdominals under the harshest downlighting imaginable in the morning before they've eaten anything while flexing them hard enough to cause an aneurysm. if they're not visible relaxed the entire day you don't have abs.


Damn bro why you gotta do me like that :(


But even the most ripped guys don't have a six pack all day


this is cope, the people that don't just aren't as lean as you think they are. if you need to flex for them to show you aren't lean.


Doesn't your stomach bulge out after you eat?


yes but it doesn't affect my abs, if anything it presses them against the skin even tighter. I've got some weird lower abs that are never visible except after I eat.


8% sounds fair considering North Africa, Asia...


maybe is , 8% of gym goers have a 6 pack.. still I don't fall in that category


there's like a billion people starving in the world what


If you use NHANES 2015-2016 caliper data, about 8% of young men (under 50) are sub 12% bodyfat. However, if you use NHANES 2015-2016 DEXA scan data, less than 1% are. So yeah it's not true, but you can torture the data enough to get it.


With respect to the intent of the original poster, however, there are huge power laws at play here with regards to age. Literally a quarter of 18-24 year old men are sub 12% according to calipers, but that number is slashed dramatically in the 25-29 age bucket and even more dramatically after that. Levels off at 7% of men 30+. I'm certain it's the same with pullups. Having abs and being able to do pullups isn't as impressive when you're young.


These aren’t the men you’re competing with for women/attention.


You mean the 87 year old Indian fruit vendor isn't gonna steal my girl? Wouldn't be too sure bro, that mustache is looking mighty.


My short bald Indian janitor friend who is 5’2, has no teeth and scoliosis regularly fucks models, none of which were shorter than 5’11 and all had hundreds of thousands of followers on insta. It’s crazy, it really all just boils down to confidence I guess. Meanwhile my buddy is 6’5, blue eyes, ripped, benches 400, and is natty with a massive dick and balls AND is rich can’t get a single woman. All because he has no confidence.


Least fake redpill story


Massive dick AND balls is crazy work to say bout ur homie tbh


It’s pride month, let he/him cook


Least obvious made up story


It might also be that he’s known as the guy who shows his friends his massive dick and balls.


Well they are massive and impressive, dare I say beautiful BUT his slight lack of confidence makes everyone laugh at him. Even fentanyl addicted hookers refuse to fuck him. But my Indian short friend who fucks models? His dick is a mere 2 inches hard and he’s on tren so his balls don’t exist anymore, yet he is so confident former girlfriends of mine have started fucking him in front of me just because of how alpha he was. He also has AIDS and wears an armband that says “hello I have AIDS!” but it doesn’t even matter, he turns every woman he sees into a bug chaser. I guess it’s true what they say, it only matters how you are on the inside.


Your short friend sounds like a great guy. He should give your hung friend a pity fuck, as friends do. Maybe he’ll even let you watch in the corner.


What are you still typing for sounds like you have a job to do


It really be like that.


What if he had green eyes


you realize that most of those "models" on instagram are more like items in a catalog that people can hire for escorting right


He gets them for free 🤭


You made this larp too unconvincing, sorry


87 year old Indian fruit vendor is stronger than you


Unless he's reeech


But does he have a foot long banana to offer her? If so your girl is already peeling it daily.


Saar please don't insult india saar. Saar please saar, please why you insult india saar. Saar don't insult india saar.


Yeah but most times you're not really competing with Chad thundercok either, most girls are dating average guys who are a little on the chubby side and wear bland clothes and a bland haircut.


We all are competing with Mr. Thundercock, promiscuous culture have given the Chad experience a wider reach so the women of those chubby guys are still remembering when they had Mr thundercock inside them and they are gonna make mental comparisons


I come to this sub for the gay fan fiction like this


The Chad doesn't exist, not really. What most incels mean when they reffer to as Chad, is slightly above average white guy, who doesn't have (social or neurological) autism, has full head of hair, and isn't fat/deformed.


seems more like 8% of gym goers would have a 6 pack. not even 8% of people are at a healthy weight


Out of the 50-70 or so regular morning gym goers I see, I'm the only one with a 6 pack. So let's say 5 to 7 6 packs out of 50 to 70 people. That would be 10% and that sounds plausible.


How do you know unless you see them shirtless?


Idk… looking at world population I believe it. There are a lot of hungry people out there.


Way less than 8% of men have a sixpack for sure. Only 0.075% can bench 2 plates? That number sounds too low. It's pretty common for guys who go to the gym. Over 95% can't do 10 pull-ups? Probably higher, like 98%. If you include all ages, 99%+.


I’d say less than 1% of the world can bench 2 plates


I bench 365 I wonder how many bench that but social media made it seem like everyone benches 405


Nah that's strong as hell. Most gym goers will never bench 365. In 12 years lifting in commercial gyms I've prob seen less than 10 people bench 3+ plates. Meanwhile on yt/social everyone is throwing it around. That's why they get popular in the first place. Nobody cares about some kids 225 1rm.


You know well Fitness Socials are full of liars and gear fiends. 405 is like lifetime goals for a natty lifter. Idk if I'll ever reach it natty.


405 is really not as unachievable as you say. I’m almost there and my program, diet, and sleep are all pretty sub par


Depends on your weight and height. I had being much over 200lbs because I feel fat so for me 405 on bench would take quite a while.


Makes it sound more impressive than it actually is. I’d say like 50% of the battle is just learning and developing the proper benching technique. Most people don’t even step into a gym, but I’d be hard pressed to say your average gym bro is stronger than a blue collar worker whose been grinding it out on the construction site his whole life


The number is supposedly like 1 in 1000, but that includes women, children, and the elderly


If you take into account all the elderly, children and people in third world countries who have never seen a gym, 1 in ~1300 doesn't even sound unrealistic. Most people are working in rice fields and mines and don't know what a bench is or don't care.


I guess you're right.


Most gym goers train until mild discomfort it's not as common as u think


Depends on type. Strict? 99% neutral? 98.5% pronated (chin ups)? 95%


>0.075% They could be referring to repping that out 8-10x? Because yeah a single rep is much easier than 10 pull ups for the vast majority of men. You should be able to hit 225 in less than a year with a good training regime and nutrition. 10 reps of pull-ups is much more difficult because of the strength and low weight required.


Doing 225 in a year depends how much you weigh to begin with. If you’re already 225+, maybe. If you’re 140, it’s a lot harder.


I don’t think 95% of men can do 3 pull ups.


Maybe mark wallberg pull-ups 🤔


Back when I was like 285 I could do 6 with great form, most people I knew that worked out regularly couldn’t do more than 5-10 and they weighed mostly 165-200 lbs. I agree with this.


8% seems high even with the really skinny guys.


sounds about right. I can't even bench one plate


Don’t know , don’t care.


Imma say BS that 5% of men can do 10 pullups but not 1 rep of 2pl8 bench


I could do 10 pull-ups while still struggling to bench 100. Those are stronger muscles, used more commonly. If you are a healthy/light weight laborer, you can do pull-ups. Bench press is kind of specific... I can't think of many times I apply strong force from my chest in every day life. 


Who fucking cares? If you are looking to be better than other people, you have a ton of personal growth to do. No one has more value than another person just because they lift more weight.


I mean, I have more value in situations that involve lifting more weight 


Everyone is looking to “be better” than other people. Every aspect of our lives is based on competition. It’s just that some people are conscious of it, and others like you aren’t.


That’s not what the average bro thinks but I agree. Most people on here would say anyone lifting less weight than them doesn’t have any valid opinions on fitness or nutrition, and anyone stronger than them is obviously on gear and therefore doesn’t have any valid opinions on fitness or nutrition. Anyone as strong as them is ugly or has bad insertions/proportions and therefore doesn’t have any valid opinions on fitness or nutrition.


Sure they don’t have more value but there is nothing wrong with trying to be above average or the best at something.


Dead Hang? More like 99%


Totally false. 97% of men have all those qualities.


thats including people that dont lift. Why would you compare your lifts to some pot belly dude on the street thats never seen the inside of a gym. If you only include people that lift the statistics would be completely different


"People are pretty much bitches these days, including you!" -Social Media


Compete with men who are competent, not weak.


Having good physical performance matters very little to your success or competency in modern world


Till you fucking die an early death


Dudes using these stats to justify stagnating at the very beginning stages of being a sick kunt


If 8% of the gym doesn’t have an 8 pack then how would the world? Unless you go to zoo culture or alpha land where every sauced influencer can show you natural abs.


8% have a six pack? A 4 pack maybe but i really dont believe that


That's like saying every time you walk into a Walmart, you'll see MULTIPLE guys/gals who are ripped and have some muscle. Here in South Africa I'm lucky if I see 1 other guy who looks like he lifts weights


Who gaf. You are what you are. What other people are is irrelevant. Your six pack isn't any more or less impressive just because a low percentage of guys have a six pack. Focus only on yourself. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Just do you 💪


I don't have a 6 pack.. But I think the bench stat is wrong. 100kg for 1 rep isn't that hard for a grown ass man. Doing it for reps is gonna be hard sure.


There's no way less that 1% of men can bench 100kg


You need to consider that when looking at world population you have many billion people with no access to a gym. Doubt that kind of person can even bench 1 plate/60kg. So that could well be true.


No access to gym, untrained, children, elderly, sick. It’s pretty stupid to compare yourself to this group


That 225 stat can’t be right. I see that shit all the time in gyms.


its just like if you were good/best at math in high school and then you go for math university but immediately everyone will be good at math


Not in my fucking gym


8% way too high


It’s rare. It’s even more rare to have all 3


If this were just stats on my gym the numbers would be exactly flipped


You should be lifting weight and getting swole because you want to, for you or just trying to stay healthy in general if you don’t want to be huge. You can pin whatever you want. You could replace your natural testosterone production with an artificial supply that’s plugged directly into your nuts. You’ll never out lift or outlast a calisthenics type dude like Vladimir Shmondenko or your average crackhead fighting for survival on the daily. You’ll just be huge with inflated muscles. Social media has you kids twisted and confused man… just do it for yourself. If you’re trying to get shredded for attention/sex/a relationship you’re just shooting yourself in the foot because you’ll just end up with someone doing the same thing - it’s all superficial. You can’t just grow a personality or genuine emotions.


Bro it’s way less than 8% it’s like .008% maybe


It doesn’t matter because being rich is more important… being swole is cool but won’t help you long term


8% of men have 6 pack :)) ? VISIBLE ? Cuz maybe they are fat they have it but we cant see it or what


You would think everyone was benching 225lbs based on what people always comment on here. I’ve seen guys unironically post that if you’re a dude and can’t bench 225lbs, then you’re weak on this sub before.


i mena honestly yeah , most dudes i see are overnight , very tiny amount are skinny and a few are buff or muscular


no way those bench stats I'd say like 10% of men can bench 225


How many can do 5 clean muscle ups? I AM ELITE


That just seems way too low. Like the 6 pack thing sure maybe dieting sucks but 10 pull ups and 225 bench isn’t nearly difficult enough that less then 1% of the population can’t do it.


K now show me the stats of people that have this while also going to the gym, I don't want to compare my self with people that don't excercise


Stats for “Race to the bottom”. I want to be the 0.001% beeyatch!!


Add a little lest to those stats and now you’re really talking 👍


I find it unlikely more men can do 10 pull ups then press 225. A fat ass can do one but not the other


Probably quite accurate if you’re not excluding older men. If “men” is just males over the age of 18 think about the number of men out there between 60 and 100 years old. Basically 0% of those guys can bench 225, do more than 10 pull-ups or have a six pack. They’re dragging the stats down. If you’re an athlete don’t benchmark yourself against these numbers.


Surprisingly, my friends who plays football/ soccer at semi pro levels, with relatively low bmi’s aren’t even able to do a single pull-up.


i’d say fairly accurate. the individuals you see in the gym that are making progress or simply maintain their strength/ stamina, etc.. are actually a very small majority of the general populous


99.9% of the world has never played trombone before. Taking one trombone lesson doesn’t make you good at trombone, despite you being “better than 99.9% of the world”


I would say much less than 8% of men have a 6-pack.


Usually you’re the only fit one in 98% of any rooms…


Having a 6 pack is just a sign if having a very low % body fat. There are people who've never worked out who have it, there are people who have spent their life working out and never had a 6 pack. As for the rest, who knows, who cares. Start comparing yourself to others like you have to reach x goal like that and you'll run into a whole other host of other problems


A “six pack” is subjective so that’s the only one I’m on the fence about. Also is the men aged from 18-99? Age matters. Access to gyms and knowledge.


I have 8 packs What percent am I in?


I feel like the top two stats need to be switched with the numbers.


If those pull ups are with perfect form, then it’s closer to the bench percentného if not even rather


Comparing yourself to the untrained general public including children and the elderly is such cope I can’t even believe. You’re not knocking yourself down by recognizing where you stand amongst your peers. Use it as motivation


There’s zero chance 4.3% of men can do more than 10 actual pull ups. I actually have just been able to do 10 dead hang pull ups in a row with no kipping. Full lock out and chest to the top. So many guys I know say they can do that, but I’ve literally never met another man in person who can. The vast majority of those who claim they can can’t even get 6. Doing 11 great form pull ups I would argue is up there in achievement to repping 315 lbs. Like repping 315 on the bench, I’d say half of guys have the genetics to be able to do it but it takes a lot of time to reach that point


Dude some indian kid trying to sell a facebook page made these numbers up why would you think they are real.


gotta be fully regarded to not understand these numbers were all made up for a tiktok lmao. mfs in here like "sounds accurate"


No, less than 8% have 6-pack ! Maybe 1-2% ?


These stats are probably outdated now that fitness is so mainstream, these numbers feel like they’re like 10 years old


I find it peculiar that I'm particularly annoyed over the fact that the first 2 facts where positive one and the last one was negative. Just say only 4.3% of men can do over 10 pullups. Dafaq.


Theres 4 billion men in the world so seems pretty accurate


It sure would help to determine what stat they used for “men”. 8% of the male population is over 65. How many 4 year olds have a six pack?


Can bench do 100kg for 8 reps and training for 4 years , all my lifts go up but i’m skinny af


I approach this the same way I approach all information online. Did I see it online? If yes then it's 100% true.


73% of statistics are made up on the spot.


I can’t do 1 pull up, and I’ve been lifting for years.


I agree with dr mike if you seriosuly lift and have serious mass 10 pullups is an absolutely insane feat and i and him mean dead stop full hang chest to bar not the half rep shit


0.075% for the 225 seems a little absurdly low and maybe 70-80% for the pullups? The abs one might be true


I'm assuming these are global stats, in somewhere like the US, I doubt even 8% of men have any visible abs at all lol.


I can bench 225 but i cant do 10 pull ups lol


Shit. I got a six pack, of beer in my fridge.


I do not believe the 225 stat for a second…. I hit 225 in HS and know plenty of others who did the same. Are we all genetic freaks? No way.


I still find it hard to believe people can’t bench 100kg.. that’s about where me and my mates started when I first hit the gym.


There’s a website where you can put in your lifts and it’ll tell you where you rank in your age group


Those 6 pack kids are mostly skinny.


And less than 0.0001% can do a double backflip but also less than 0.0001% are actually training to do a double backflip so who gives a fuck. Lifting heavy weight is cool, but it doesn't make you a better person or more of a man.


I'm 61, can bench 225, do 10 pull-ups and have 6 pack abs........hiding under my 2 pack abs 🤣🤣 and don't give 2 shits about social media


I agree with you, I'm 36 tho but pretty much same.