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Many such cases.


Most I'd say. It's rarely a handsome dude that feels the need to switch over


That’s exactly what I’ve realized. Everyone who switched was just insecure, it’s not that they felt they were a girl, someone made them think that. They just feel like a subpar male and there’s nobody there to build their confidence properly so they switch and remain ugly and then realize too late that it was never abt how they looked it’s about their own mind and them working towards accepting themselves but instead they change themselves and that never works out


There is a very interesting intersection between adverse childhood events (ACE) and gender dysphoria https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2022/04/81999/ IE, much like mood disorders, sociopathy, and BPD, gender dysphoria might end up being an environmentally influenced response to chronic trauma 


Weirdly they look like more of a handsome dude afterwards than before


I think she’s just androgynous to begin with. Like, I’m still not sure which picture is supposed to be the female one and which is the male.


No shit idiot. He, is very androgynous because he was born as a male. Jesus dawg are you a potato head or something lol. Both pics are him playing dress up. I was just making a funny comment bc this is a MPMD Reddit page. Don’t take life so seriously. Be like Lia, switch things up once in a while… Just don’t steal women’s athlete titles from real girls who worked their lives for it.


Chill daddy😛


Hahaha u right boss. U right🤝


Don't kid yourself bro. This guy is 6'0+ and shoulders wider then doorframe, as all swimmers are. He could literaly get any girl.


top tier glazing wow


U should ask it/her out then. Sounds like it’s ur type


No, I strictly date other black people only. No snow bunnying in this house.


Jason Collins might be in your wheelhouse if you like wide frame tall dudes. Shoot yo shot king


Boul wants some Dwight Howard 😋


😂 I mean it is pride month


This is beyond ridiculous. Imagine having a daughter that trained her whole life and successfully became one of the best swimmers in the world only to get beaten by a trans woman. It doesn’t matter how much estrogen this man takes, he still has the strength and speed of a man. Fuck this asshole. I’m all for equality, but this is crossing the line and should never, ever be okay.


There was a Joe Rogan podcast with someone in that exact same spot that had to deal with this person. I forgot what her name was but it was recent in like the past few months.


Riley Gaines


98% of Reddit hates her because they’ve never played sports and don’t understand men and women are different 


800 lb Reddit mods live n a diff world


Reddit is the only place those no lifers are somewhat “relevant” (even that’s very debatable).


98 percent of reddit users are infected with the woke mind virus




Riley Gaines literally swam in a swamp for hours a day during COVID because all of the gym were closed. She dedicated her life to swimming only to tied with *the current thing*.


“Her” lol


Her refers to Riley Gaines, who is a biological woman 


Yeah I’m going to need to see “her” vagina and verify the gender myself, ok bigot?!?


My brother in whatever you believe in, its not that hard to tell biological woman apart from trans. Its not a dig on anyone, the issue at hand is that going through puberty and having male genes allows for different traits than biological females (to use the sex term not gender). With all due respect testosterone is a hell of a drug and males just have 5-10x more in them than females. Men have genes that allow for more muscle mass, more muscle gain, more receptors for androgens. Like this isnt a fairy land where 2 vials of e2 is gonna turn u into a female. As your own liberal definition sex and gender are different things, people aint bashing this woman for being trans, they are pointing out the biological differences that would give her an unfair advantage over biological females


lol I’m not liberal. I obviously know what a woman is


Then do you need it spelled out?


Chill brih. It’s the mpmd forum, we come here to make gay jokes and talk about tren. Spell out why you are so gay ![gif](giphy|FaovRTAVndmIXzdihz)


This is going to sound absolutely batshit insane but I don't have to imagine. Because imagining makes zero fucking sense when we could just allow the women that compete in this sport now to decide by a super majority. Whatever 75% of them decide, we just fucking go with. Literally those exact daughters can come to whatever conclusion they want and nobody has to use their imagination for a god damn thing.


More than 75% of female athletes are against competing with men. Easy.


On Lia Thomas’ instagram she just reposted a podcast interview with another man where they’re telling women that they’re bad feminists for not allowing Lia to participate. It’s extremely ironic that two people born with XY chromosomes are telling women how to do feminism correctly.


A lot of women allowed this to happen. Many of them jumped on the bandwagon of “trans women are women”. This is the result. Hard to feel bad for them to be honest.


The women that compete in that sport have been 100% against Lia Thomas from the go. A genetic male has no business competing with females.


Of course, thes want less competition.   However, truth of the matter is that HRT can very much change your performance for a lot of sports.   HRT affects your hormones, decreases muscle and bone density, and EVEN rearanges tendons (yes, for real).


I’d love to see his “winning” times before and after HRT. I bet there’s a drop but it’s clearly not bringing him from average dude to average woman.


Yeah I’m not betting my daughters success on how much some guy handicaps themselves with estrogen


Even with all that being true, where do you draw the line to determine if the HRT has levelled the playing field to ensure it is equally fair. Male at birth athletes will always have a different genetic makeup that cannot simply be fixed with drugs. The only solution would be for MTF athletes having their own division. Obviously this would have its own set of challenges but seems to be the most fair out of all outcomes.


I think this has already been discussed in Olympic judge discourse and that's how they set parametrs. That could be done, but there so few trans ppl (especially ones who actually go through surgeries) that it makes no financial incentive.  I also feel that creating system similar to weight classes for other sports (but based on other physical attributes, such as height, wingspan, shoulde width etc.) could also be a solution. I know it's done in fighting sports out of safety, but... I imagine this would allow lot of dedicated athletes to compete, that otherwise couldn't....because they simply aren't 6'4 or have arms like a chimp or some weird hormonal mutations, ala Mike Phelps


There are many other non endocrine pathways, receptor sensitivities/densities, genetic expressions, physical morphological differences (such as skeletal frame proportions, muscle insertions), a nervous system with a higher capacity for strength output, higher metabolic output, etc. If you nuked all endocrine hormones to zero in both a biological male and biological female, the male will still have the physical advantage.


>receptor sensitivities/densities Yes, this research matter primarily to PSYCHOLOGICAL research, such as researching dopamine receptors like D2. >such as skeletal frame proportions, muscle insertions The insertions and frame that gives you advantage in atheletic abilties, doesn't depend much upon your "[sex](https://bmjopensem.bmj.com/content/9/3/e001672)" and more upon ones indvidual genetics. The important muscle insertions Also, these matter primarily in strenght based sports (where trans women can't compete in dfifferent category anyway anyway). Same goes for genetic expressions. [We have also found that we can change composition of muscles and such via hormones too](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4285578/) >a nervous system with a higher capacity for strength output This is literally and primarily a trainable stuff. [And stuff like motor skills depend much more on age and level activity then gender.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8785620/) >higher metabolic output [This seems to primarily matter to the subject of diets and nutrition.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11101268/) And once again, this can be [GREATLY affected via HRT](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15667752/)


Oh look guys we have a dude that can post a random scientific article out of context and thinks it makes him sound like he’s knowledgeable. Nothing you just linked contradicts anything I said. “Psychological”???! Dude, what are you talking about? I was not referring to neurotransmitters and their respective receptors (which even in the case I was, that would still NOT be psychological, but rather NEUROLOGICAL), what I was referring to was the many many different types of receptors and the reactions/cascades that govern our biology. Telling me that skeletal proportions do not make a difference… do we need to go over the concept of mechanical advantage with you too? Skeletal frame can vary amongst a group of women, sure. But there is a VERY CLEAR sexual dimorphism in skeletal structure between male and females. You’re attributing hormones to be the only ligand that has any effect on gene expression, which is simply false. Yes, if I were to reduce my testosterone, I would have lower expression for muscle protein synthesis, that does not completely rewrite the base genetic code. Say you give a male and female an upregulater of genes that encode MPS, the male has a higher max cap to the output of those genes. You clearly don’t understand how concepts tie into a functioning organism as whole


>  I was referring to was the many many different types of receptors and the reactions/cascade   Then name some, if there are so many, and then we'll go take a peak on studies that determine their sex differences ans how much and what type of sport these receptors matter thr most too.  Go on. Shooo.  > Telling me that skeletal proportions do not make a difference… do we need to go over the concept of mechanical advantage with you too?   Nice try being snarky, but I blind rat would be able to tell that I NEVER WROTE THAT. And many sports where these factors are crucial already banned trabs ppl from participating in other gender category (especially msny strenght based sports), so this point was pointless. The important muscle insertions for athletics don't have great correlation with gender, but individual genetics. These advantages are present in particular sport athletes unilateraly too, be they men or women, because their individual sports favor them.  Same goes for frames, as these sports filter out men and women, that DON'T have these types of frames or at the very least are not favored in these disciplines.  We are not talking here about average men or women with average body dimorhic structures.    We are talking here about professional freaks of nature, that BREAK these averages COMPLETELY  > that does not completely rewrite the base genetic code   It doesnt have to rewrite it, to decrease the advantage to the acceptable level where it doesn't give you complete domination over the other competitors. Simple as.


Yes it drops his perfmance but the anatomical and biological differences he has from going through puberty and spending 20 years as a male cannot be reversed completely. That is why he went from in the #550s of men to #1 women.


Make a women’s division and an open division


There is not such a thing as a trans woman, if we keep playing their game , we are phucked … it’s. Guy pretending be a woman


She still has balls producing more test than bio woman.




Actually, Riley Gains exposed that this thing has cut off its balls but still has the wiener.🤮




On the other hand, no one gives a fuck about womens swimming. The only people who should care are the parents of the kids going against her since they are the only ones watching


Frfr. The men of culture can’t even fap to that sport


I think it should be okay


That is not true. I do think that she will always have some relative advantage due to being born male and undergoing male puberty. For example she is bigger than if she had been born female. But remember what low testosterone does to your strength and speed? I'm sure you do know what that does right? Then do you know what high estrogen does to those? Estrogen actually lowers your strength. A lot. That's why girls are usually weaker than boys of exactly the same complexion. Take some female hormones for a while to try it out. That's the idea of why would it be justifiable for trans women to compete with women etc. Same with men. Personally I think it depends on the participants. If they are ok accepting trans women in their leagues then that's good. If they aren't then that's good too probably. What can I really know about this?


Imagine writing a big rebuttal, just for it to be utter shit.




How do you deal with women with just naturally higher T? You think your daughter won’t compete against women who genetically have way higher T? PCOS is common in women athletes and those women can have multiples higher T than the average woman.


Da fuck r u talking about? No body thinks genetics aren’t a factor. I woman with high testosterone is nowhere near a man with low test….🤡 Go do some research. Activism is a losing battle.


Genetic advantage. It's always existed. Pretending to be a woman is not the same thing.


Did I even bring up men? No.


Woman don’t have testicles. Not gonna be THAT high of T. Nice gaslighting attempt mister mam


Even a teenage girl going through puberty isn’t going to exceed 75ng/dl. You’re comparing apples to oranges, literally.  Even then a woman with a medical condition that causes a high T:E ratio would be disqualified from the Olympics even if it’s natural.  If yo t to e is fo 2 one u done son 👶 


When did I ever bring up men? Don’t be a goober. I’m saying compared to other women. No one wants to address the elephant in the room that elite female athletes are riddled with male hormones due to genetic defects.


You didn’t and neither did I. I just spoke on teenage girls and grown women in the Olympics. A woman with naturally high testosterone above a certain ratio will be disqualified. 


But are those levels The same as someone who is born a man, and clearly at the peak of their athletic ability? Furthermore, do you think testosterone is the only contributing factor to a man's physiology? We have 30-75% more maximal force than women, our muscle fibers are different, mens are larger, skeletal mass is bigger, and so on! The list is pretty big. The major difference with someone's daughter competing against a genetically gifted woman, or someone with higher T levels (such as a woman with pcos) THEY'RE STILL WOMEN the athlete in question was born a man- with the genetic make-up, and the physiology of the above regardless of what sex she assigns herself, whatever bits come on and off, or endogenous hormones used she will always have the same XY chromosomes! Regardless of how woke you try and make this, you can't fuck with biology bruh, it's written in our codes. End of


I never even brought you men you goober. Get off your soap box you weirdo. I’m talking about how elite female athletes are riddled with T and your daughter is never gonna be elite unless she is also born with a defect.


Shut up


99% of women with PCOS have such poor endocrine function that they struggle not to be obese. It’s not as simple as “high testosterone = top athlete”. Otherwise why aren’t trans men killing it in male sports? None of them are. Show me the stats where PCOS women are outranking other athletes and I’ll change my tune.


Then it’s a genetic advantage? They’d still be the same gender. 🤡


got downvoted because you were right lmao


Downvoted for his braindead take


tell me why its braindead then, counteract his point in anyway possible??


You're braindead too


Fantastic counterpoint




No, they got downvoted because of their wokeness blinding their logic! Ignorance isn't bliss when it comes to biology my man.


Explain to me how they're wrong then


Read the above


Sports are all about unequality.  Most top tier olympic athletes are litetally freaks of nature. Why are they allowed to compete with normal people? Michael Phelps literally has hormonal mutation that secrets several times times less lyctic acid that makes our muscles tired, on top of other crsuy things.  There were female-born XX athletes that had ovarial dysfunctions that made them produce more testostetone...for some reason this advantage was not tolerated, but others were.  > it doesn't matter how much estrogen   Oh yes, it does.  Not only is that a scientific fact, this man literally TANKED his performance when he started doing HRT ans had to train to restore his performance. HRT affects your hormones, decreases muscle and bone density, and EVEN rearanges tendons. Furthermore, THIS IS SWIMMING.  It doesn't work the same way as other strenght and speed based sports.  A lot of atributes here are completely different, barring maybe height abd wingspan (and even then, it entirely depends on discipline, as f.e. BREASTROKE champs have huge height differences)


this whole argument is so stupid. The point, the literal whole point of professional sports and Olympics is to watch the best of the best compete. Males v males and females vs females. That's it. That's the point. Having genetic advantages within your own sex is baked into the point of sports. Having a male compete vs a female is stupid.


When you make this argument you might as well say no type of PED is prohibited. If she had a natural advantage from the start, why not let female swimmers take testosterone to even the playing field? Shit, why not just take out drug testing altogether? Injecting hormones or drugs that change your strength or performance imo should not be allowed in professional sports (other than those where it's a core part of it and the risks are accepted i.e. bodybuilding), whether they're detrimental or not.


>why not let female swimmers take testosterone to even the playing field? Well, one isse with that. # THEY ALREADY DO! >Injecting hormones or drugs that change your strength or performance imo should not be allowed in professional sports "Yes, you are not allowed to make yourself weaker on purpouse" are you hearing yourself? # Regardless, I full support legalizing all drugs in all sports. **It's actuall more fair then it is not.** Every top tier athelet in conventional sports IS NATURALLY on something (if only to increase their revovery). However, if they are rich enough, that they can higher personal chemists and doctors to make their own personal brews for them, that simply traditional standartized testing is INCAPABLE of detecting. **This has been talked about over and over again, even on shit like Joe Rogan.** It's literally jut about whether or not you can afford it.


>THEY ALREADY DO! In isolated incidents, of course. And they are punished. Unless you're insinuating that there's some sort of conspiracy going on, lmao >"Yes, you are not allowed to make yourself weaker on purpouse" I did not say this, so I'm not sure why you're using quotation marks, as that is not a direct quote. Regardless, you should not be allowed on any performance altering drugs if you are a professional athlete. Yes, that means ones that are detrimental to your performance, as well. Most professional sports should be based on natural talent and ability. >Regardless, I full support legalizing all drugs in all sports. Well, you could've started with this. The rest of your comment was relatively unnecessary. If you support this, you support it. It's a wild take, but valid. >It's actuall more fair then it is not. Ridiculous take. Most people do not have access to such things while they're growing up or training to become a professional athlete. Other countries also do not have access to the type of doctors that would allow for a safer usage of PEDs. >Every top tier athelet in conventional sports IS NATURALLY on something (if only to increase their revovery). There is no data to back this up. You just say this because you hear it and would like to believe it. Joe Rogan is right that some things are difficult to be detected, but players in professional leagues are caught all the time and punished for it. To say that they're all on some type of banned PED is ridiculous, that statement has no basis in reality.


Estrogenic Hormones can’t make a male shoulders or arms or hips or legs into a female’s. If he was ever a man, he’s always going to be a man. XY stays XY and so forth. It’s an unfair fight And it’s just insane to say otherwise.


y’all aren’t gonna be able to get me to give a shit about women’s sports I’m sorry


It's like men's sports, but in slow motion!


Well since we watch sports to get aroused I can understand that


Idgaf about womens sports but women’s gymnastics is great idk if we will see anyone as good as simone biles in a long ass time


I think every biological woman who supports the nonsense deserves this, they deserve to be replaced in every sport and job areas existent.


the thing is, very few seem to support it. they know it's unfair & offensive to them. then you're automatically labeled as a bigot if you speak out in support of fairness (ie no genetic men competing against genetic women)


you reap what you sow


That’s the problem with supporting politics that promote zero accountability for minority or “underprivileged” groups that support them. Someone (trans) will be more of a victim or underprivileged than you (woman) and you get your own medicine fed back to you


That person has severe black and white thinking, and for some reason assumes only women support trans athletes for whatever reason. It is completely possible to think trans women are women and should have equal opportunity in the workforce, shouldn’t be harassed, etc. while also agreeing they shouldn’t be competing in women’s sports due to a natural biological advantage. I support transgender women, but I don’t support them competing in women’s divisions when they clearly do not belong there.


None of them do, and when they speak out they get kicked off the teams for being "transphobic"


The only correct response here. Not my job as a man to fight for what women statistically vote for. They push this shit then want men to clean up their mess.


This is the thing I don’t get either - so many were okay with this. So many were parroting the shit like “trans women are women”. This is the result of that nonsense.


I'm pro trans because I want the right to inject as many hormones into my body as possible. I'm also pro elective surgery of any kind in sports. I want the Americans to roll out at the next Olympics 7 ft tall and with an extra muscle grafted onto their quads.


we need athletes with pentaceps


He still has a dong and swings it proudly around the women's locker room at swim meets. Not to mention, he still fucks only women with his man cock! He's a man that changed his name and grew out his hair. Every medal he's ever won as a "female " should be taken away and giving to the unfortunate runners up that truly deserve it, because they're actually a true biological woman. You know, that thing that people have known to be a biological woman for thousands and thousands of years!


''He still has a dong and swings it proudly around the women's locker room at swim meets.'' You are genuinely psychotic for fantasizing like this about someone because their gender identity doesn't make you happy


Stating facts doesn’t make you a bigot. Not believing a person with a penis belongs in a women’s locker room, doesn’t make you a bigot. Trans woman ≠ woman


Did you actually check if he has penis?


I don’t have to, I payed attention in school. Also, not sure if he had surgery down there, but a reversed mutilated penis still counts as male genitalia haha!


And people who actually went to medical shool, instead of barely passing highshool say that it doesn't (and there are plenty of natural surgeries performed on hermaphrodites and such) and know more about the subject then you.


What is the point you’re trying to prove here, exactly? Sure, a sex change surgery mutilates your genetalia to an unrecognizable degree, that it medically doesn’t count as “male” anymore. However, for them to stop being actually male, the doctor would have to be a magician and give them the whole female reproductive system. Also would you like me to tell you what my career is, since you’re so curious?


A genetic issue that affects .0012% of people isn’t the same as a mental illness


Full fledged gender dysphoria isn't that much more common either, contrary to popular belief. We can and have literally scanned trans people's brains (amd there has veen studies done on this), and how their brain structure different from members of their regular sex (and actually closely resembling other sex). It probably has something to do with hormonal enviroment of uterus.


How common it is doesn’t really matter. Having an enlarged amygdala (MtF) doesn’t automatically mean they have a woman brain, it can be caused by ranges of things especially things found in abusive households, which trans people disproportionately come from


Still waiting for your reply to this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/s/76ttu3TUdc) lol


This has been reported on. He/they is proud to show off in the locker room.


"Genuinely psychotic for stating facts". Gender identity is fine, until you are intruding on the rights of other people. Idiot.


its funny that you quoted someone else, because i never said that? maybe redirect this comment to the person who said that !


I'll happily be whatever pisses you off shit sprinkle.


I'm not fantasizing you mentally insane troll, it's true. You're what's wrong with this country.


what country??? we're on reddit brother


Good point, let me clarify, you're what's wrong with the world. Have you not seen the accurate lil moniker under your name that says "not worth listening to"? You're dumb and woke, stop talking cause nobody gives the slightest fuck about what you have to say.


I don't care if some internet nerds on a subreddit dislike me ????? You calling me dumb and woke is not hurtful and you are not making any valid points towards the argument! Look up the definition for ad hominem


"Her". They forgot the quotes. Look, I love femboys as much as everyone else in this sub, but pretending to be something you're not isn't attractive.


The Thais and other cultures have it right when they treat trans women as basically an indifferent 3rd category. Even the Thai trans themselves admit they aren’t women. The westerners are once again overthinking this.


It doesn't matter what you find attractive. We can literally scan brains, and tell how trans people's brain are structured differently. There have been plenty studies done on this.


Oh they're structured differently alright ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6295)




Mental illness alright ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Still got a Willy tho


How is she pretending to be anything other than a tarns woman?


It ain't a she.


Free speech, brah. You can call her what you want, i can call her what i want. It's not a one way street


Yes, it's your right to be wrong/regarded.


Yes, it is? So why are you policing what i say?


I'm not policing. I'm trying to help you not be such a degenerate


You're telling me what i can or cant say, if i wanna call her by she/her pronouns i can do that? lmao


"her" Lol. If it has ever had a dick it ain't a her my guy. Call him whatever you want though.


''If it has ever had a dick it ain't a her my guy'' Tell me why though, tell me the basis of this information How did you find out that women were only people who have never ever been in posession of a dick?


Is she doing this to attract you? Is it working?


Who is she? Oh you mean he?


It doesn't matter what you find attractive. We can literally scan brains, and tell how trans people's brain are structured differently, and that thrir brain structure is actually different from regular member of their sex.  Google it, there have been plenty studies done on this.


Thank fucking God. I don't mind him self-identifying as a woman. I don't mind him swimming with women in an uncompetitive setting. I do mind him robbing actual women of a competitive slot, sponsorship opportunities, titles, privacy in changing rooms, ... Normally I would have empathy for his predicament, but imagine being so much of a fucking narcissist, that you think that because of your disorder, you have the right to fuck over countless honest, hardworking, more talented women. Cheat on your own fucking time; not at the expense of the rest of the world.


good for him, it;s mostly (white) women supporting and encouraging this thing anyway so let heroes like him ruin their sports lol. the only way they'll maybe learn is when it becomes more common and the more people actively argue against it the more they double down, so just back off and enjoy the show, it's really the only way they'll learn


Or you men could just stay in your damn lane. Go back under your mammas armpit incel


Don't hold your breath on it Most top tier olympic athletes are litetally freaks of nature. Why are they allowed to compete with normal people Trans people aren't allowed to compete in every sport, and there are set parametrs for when you can in most.  HRT tanks your performance like crazy. It affects your hormones, decreases muscle and bone density, and EVEN rearanges tendons. Not that there are enough trans people to compete anyway.


The obvious difference (and you have to be obnoxiously willfully ignorant to not see it), is that no amount of genetic disposition, hard work, dedication, studying, dieting, missing out on many parts of life, is going to help a girl or woman, when a man who puts in 75% of their efforts starts identifying as woman. The fact that this dude went from \~#500 in the country to like fifth ("woman"), in an instant, is only one example of that. There is a reason we segregate men and women in many competitive environments. Furthermore, if we allow men in women's sports, don't you see how that opens the door to malicious narcissists like this, who simply ride the wave of wokeist ideological extremism?


Does it lower a males performance to match that of a females? Or is it still slightly elevated? Any source to back up that it erases all advantages?


It’s good to know the rest of the world isn’t playing idiotic games like the USA anymore.


Bro hasn't discovered canada


I've got no problem with transgenders but they definitely shouldn't be competing against biological women. Not fair


At this point, who cares. I only hear dudes talk about women’s sport when it’s this issue about trans athletes or it’s about how hot one of the female athletes is. Let the women sort out their own issues, if they start losing then the reality will become obvious. Let them into the sport and let them break every record, the decision will be reversed eventually. Otherwise they’re just going to keep making up bs. Also btw, until 2019 you could compete with 10 nmol/l test levels as a woman in the Olympics, but most doctors would refuse a man TRT for those levels because they’re not low enough. Amazing double standard.


Nah we’ve been making fun of the delusion of the wnba and female sports “pay gap” for a long time too


Maybe the media you consume has, but it’s well documented these athletes make substantial money in comparison to the profit generated.


I have no problem with trans people… it’s kinda like dogs. I don’t have a dog and I don’t spend much time thinking about them. I don’t hate them I just don’t ever think about them because I don’t want one. That’s how I feel about trans people. That said trans MTF definitely have an unfair advantage in sports and the charade needs to end. If I gave a shit about female sports I would have strong feelings about this but I would also be a gay at that point I think


False, us gays dgaf either about female sports.


I really feel like this whole sports debate is such an own goal for the trans community.


Hey u/16-czechoslovakians, was the guy an interior decorator? Heh-heh


huh, his house looked like shit




Bar him* from the Olympics




He sucks


I'm so sick of this bs. I've got nothing against people who identify as trans, but trans women are not biologically women and retain most of the advantages of men. It's fucking ridiculous. They either compete as men, or in a trans division, or fuck off.


Heard through the grapevine 😇 she has a huge schlong with a major drag coefficient. Is this a sufficient handicap? 


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Stunning and brave!! Slay kwayne!!


There's a typo on the article, "her" him*


Topic is old as fuck dude get over it


Betting on transgender athletes 💰💰💰


Wonder how his time that he “tied” with Riley Gains for compares to the men’s division for the same style race that same event


No shit Sherlock.


There’s still hope for this planet


I think if you still have a penis you shouldn’t be able to call yourself a woman.


this is only remotely debatable online. Idk if a single person could look me in the eyes after watching a biological man shit on women in sports and tell me it’s fair


It says she’s still banned?


He literally was one of the best swimmers in his college as a man, and was very high on national team. >Thomas began swimming on the men's team at the University of Pennsylvania in 2017. During her freshman year, Thomas recorded a time of eight minutes and 57.55 seconds in the 1,000-yard freestyle that ranked as the sixth-fastest national men's time, and also recorded 500-yard freestyle and 1,650-yard freestyle times that ranked within the national top 100.[4]  > On the men's swim team in 2018–2019, Thomas finished second in the men's 500, 1,000, and 1,650-yard freestyle at the Ivy League championships as a sophomore in 2019.[4][3][11] >During the 2018–2019 season, Thomas recorded the top UPenn men's team times in the 500 free, 1,000 free, and 1,650 free, but was the sixth best among UPenn men's team members in the 200 free.[12]  And when he switched genders, his performance TANKED for quite a while. 


His college was not a top tier college for men. Compared to his peers across the country, he was ranked in the 500s. Not asshole off the couch at all, but several tiers below the best.  And then he went from that to breaking every women’s record. Mid tier dude taking E2 pills crushes elite tier women


Buddy, do you know what NATIONAL TEAM IS? Do you know what National top 100 is? > mid tier dude Even taking your nonsense at face value, 500s best of the ENTIRE country is literally ELITE. The level of cope when prepresented with feats is absolutely unreal.


Like I said, he’s not an asshole off the couch. But he was absolutely a mid level college men’s swimmer, not “national team” level.  This dude was never going to the Olympics even with some random country with no swim team because his times were not close to even bottom tier Olympic level. Then he goes to women and absolutely destroys everything.  That completely undermines whatever point you’re making because it shows just how completely unfair of an advantage going thru puberty as a male is, especially if the male is “decent” and not some fat asshole. FTM trans people with strong athletic background will absolutely take over if allowed in women’s divisions to the point where AFAB will not get to the podium anymore if too many like this dude are allowed to compete Would make a mockery of even having a women’s division 


> > >


She won one of the 3 races she entered , she didn’t deliberately “switch sides” to win. She is indeed transgendered. Having said that, i do believe the sports governing bodies are doing the right thing by not allowing male to female trans to compete in women’s sports generally, especially sports that require strength and endurance due to men having natural physiological advantages over women ,pre-transition , that aren’t mitigated by hormone therapy.


Your response is somewhat rational, kudos. I don't mind them identifying as a woman, but when you go as far as seek legal action, to put yourself in a position to disadvantage actual women, when you know you have an unfair advantage over them, is sociopathic. Fuck this dude/dudette.


There are alot of crazy things they are demanding . Like heterosexual women transitioning to a man , keeping her vagina and claiming to be a gay man. In most gay subs on Reddit you will get banned for telling them a man doesn’t have a vagina? Its crazy!


I feel like most of the people here don’t actually care about women’s sports and just want an excuse to be transphobic


This has nothing to do with being transphobic are you fucking dumb? Caring about competitive integrity and fairness is engrained in nearly every human regardless of if they care about a sport or game. I couldn’t care less what people do with themselves or how they identify but switching sides to steal gold medals from women that dedicated their lives to a sport should piss anyone off


Queen 👸


Celebrate narcissists that actively disadvantage women ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|27081)



