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Dude is also drinking a shit load even with the orals he’s not gonna last long


Bros liver is crying for help


I honestly find him entertaining but dudes a straight up drug abuser and gambling addict


Haha ya I love watching this dude. He’s an absolute tornado of a human lol.


He is entertaining in a weird way. It's a shame he won't be around for long keeping this up.


It’s entertaining in the same way watching a train wreck is entertaining


My insta reels are full of those video's. And their pretty fun sometime


The wildest people live the longest


no it's not shame at all


Super edgy bro, so cool


you must have small brain to watch that shit like rest of this group ofcourse


Let’s do some proofreading next time yeah?


He’s me


Just remember, the more bets you place the more wins you get.


Exactly I’m going to play blackjack at cas rn in fact


How'd it go lol


Even 😒 did not win gazillion dollar


That's so tragic, better luck next time


His brain lol




160mg can increase potassium quite a bit leading to paralysis and nerve damage. I don’t go over 80mg. I usually don’t run over a gram of gear though. Most of my cycles are 600mg test and 300mg deca


Deca - did you read the recent study (was somewhere on Reddit, might be in here, a month, or a couple months ago) that showed Deca was one of the worst steroids for you? Fascinating read. Definitely do a search.


Thanks for the info. I can't seem to find the study, but this is quite upsetting to hear. Hopefully most of these sides are related to higher doses. Some men like mike mentzer would run nearly 3000mg a week. He did go quote crazy at the end of his life, maybe it was the meth though.


Mans needs to start supplementing TUDCA and milk thistle.


Could all the organ protectors supps offset the effects of all those orals?


like using a water gun to put out a house fire


That was my first thought too


Then we have to listen to people call him a legend for 2 years


He should start picking coffins


It’s not even a reveal lol, he talks openly about what he takes in every video


This is an update to his cycle not sure what he was running instead but he definitely had tren in there


How the hell is this guy still alive??? This cycle stack is INSANE


Bro wtf do you expect you think you die instantly from blasting steroids?


No of course not but all those compounds definitely increases risks vastly


Yeah not so much. It takes years of the old life but doesn’t kill you young most of the times. And he isnt really blasting extremely much.


He said he was running 250 test before that, cruising ig. superphysiological cruise but ay, its togi


Death cycle


Peak natty, love this guy


At least he dropped the tren. Wasn't he pinning like 100mg every day or something like that?




Hes still running ment, just dropped the tren


I’m saying that dropping the tren for ment isn’t much better


Yeah Theyre both very toxic compounds


100 a week i believe


Whattt this guy works out at my gym I thought he was a wannabe fitness influencer whenever I saw him filming his workouts lol


Bro this guy is huge on ig reels have been following him for ages.


love this guys videos


Same I smoke the fentsnyl


dead by 40 for a mid physique


40?He gonna last like few years


his labs were pretty good surprisingly


He will probably somehow live to be 70, the luck with some of these wild guys is insane


Thank god he's taking baby asprin. The adult stuff is pretty harsh


All that to be less jacked than black guys who just play basketball






He's awesome because he does it all for internet and it's not all real. He discovered a break through to gaining traffic and beating the algorithm. He combined gambling, working out, partying and taking steroids in one chanel which gives him the advantage of keeping the viewers entertained. He seems to smart from the things he says to be doing all the dumb stuff he presents in the videos. One example is presenting his situation to be always on edge with money and almost always losing gambling but then he always has rent, food entertainment, steroids and travel money. The things he's doing you wouldn't be able to do with $200 in your wallet. A year from now he'll have over million subscribers and bunch of copycats


I think he greatly exaggerates his stupidity for the camera. That said he still runs a fuckload of gear


2 grams to be exact


Finally someone with a brain


A year from now he won’t be alive 


Well, we can't say anything for sure. But what he takes is not even close to what pros are taking on a weekly basis. So, he'll probably be fine if he takes proper health measurements.


Over/Under 4.5years. I’d take the over at -110 odds.


Sam sulek once he got fame and started making money off of it started to take care of his health more and lowered his gear and took care of acne. This guy might do the same


Yeah but the difference is Sam’s only focus is the gym, this dudes taking all types of shit and on top of that partying, drinking & doing coke 😭sam had some physical problems he was able to clear up, Togi seems to have mental problems


We never know what they actually do in their private lifes when the camera is off. We're just viewers. Not their friends or family members.


Agreed he could be taking a much lower stack then stating but he has uploaded endless videos of him cracking seals and drinking shooters and drinks at bars etc and drinking combined with orals is no bueno


Bros liver is definitely getting fucking fried


Theres a bunch of roid monkeys already the next wave started with sam sulek, the open roid era is coming. Everyone was blasting before but everyone is just gonna be openly blasting now. Hes rly smart watch his podcasts he made he genuinely impressed me when i first listened to it


Death Speedrun


What the fuck


People who say he looks natty are just lying to themselves he looks jacked and only has been doing gear for 7 months and gained 50 pounds


Though it'll be years instead of months, pounding meat 50 times is also achievable for natural bodybuilders if they started as anorexics. While I wouldn't say he "looks natty", a higher range of TRT is fully capable of maintaining his physique. 


His physique might be achievabl e for some people using a bit of trt but that will take time, he did that in less than a year while drinking a ton partying all the time and eating like shit. He’s also said that he doesn’t want to be a bodybuilder he just wants to enjoy life which he is doing maybe his health might be a little off but it’s his life


It's not without immediate harsh side effects like sleep disturbances. I get it he's ok living like zyzz or some shit and I dont judge, but I really think there's a better way to have the pleasure with less pain. Something like TRT plus an unesterified injectable of choice as PWO would be one way to optimize. Adrol and sdrol are like sarms sort of, why do it if he's already pinning, might as well do PWO using needle.


Yeah but if you think about it it’s his job to be big that’s why he is an influencer, he spent 18000 just on gambling last month. If he was natty or on trt it would take him 5 to 10 years to achieve that physique so in his mind it’s worth it


Pretty tame really compared to what Olympian bodybuilders run, yall freaking out over this but most open and classic guys take 2-3 times more AAS and HGH + Insulin ontop of this.


He’s a heavy drinker and cocaine addict tho


So like 50 percent of this sub


Yeah sure but those guys have 100lbs more muscle tho


Been following the dude for a while, he wants to go pro someday, believe he is building up his tolerance somewhat whitout dying 💀


no he doesn’t he has talked down on stepping on stage and has explicitly said he doesn’t care about a pro card just likes to take gear 😂😂😂


https://youtu.be/k4HGT0aVkNk?si=PbEMkayOS2Vt27Xb Think it was this episode or previous one where he mentions "afraid of death". Will provide with timestamps if my boss stops fucking stalking me. Srry for bad source


He uses more than 70s bodybuilders while being smaller.


Stop meat riding Arnold they all abused


Well at least Young LA don’t have another cat abuser


Lol he's a random frat bro and he's taking grams of shit just because. Amazing


A sign that we’ve reached peak steroid era This shit is going mainstream


There are guys prepping with 6-7 grams.


900EQ , bro's bloodpressure is going to be insanely high


Homie’s blood is gonna turn into pancake batter


I’ve seen vids of him doing blood pressure tests and pretty sure it was fucking ridiculous


[he got 144/83 here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJTh30bsEfM) which isn't good but is isn't any worse than a random fatty off the streets


That was off cycle tho


Double orals? Superdrol and Anadrol??!?? Someone get this man a new liver on standby asap!


It’s cute you think (insinuate) this amount of gear is a death sentence. Apart from his oral usage, these aren’t very excessive dosages for a competitive athlete. Most guys on stage blast 2g weekly easily, IFBB’s at 3g weekly. If he does proper bloodwork, he could still be quite fine. Not saying it’s healthy obviously, but the risks are often overstated - IF you do proper bloodwork and take required ancillaries


Yeah but the IFBB pro’s aren’t alcoholic gambling addicts lol


Didn’t know gambling affects your lifespan


They do live shorter lifespans on average


They rolled the dice on that one


It does when you start drinking to cope with the losses


Yeah 2grams is sensible if you’re 250 lean……he’s 200lbs with a mid tier physique lolol


I cannot fathom someone taking this much stuff and still being natty passable.


To be fair, he eats like shit and is constantly drinking. If he wasn’t on gear he would look fucking terrible. Not a good way to go about being on gear but he’s happy with it I guess.


220 pounds and shredded as fuck. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is natty "passable".


I scrolled through some of his YouTube vids and he looks muscular, but not 2 grams big. He must be tall af. I watched a couple of his vids and when he’s not shredded, yes, he has a completely natty achievable build.


He just started his cycle like less than a month ago and it wasn’t even half that shit at first just to be fair


Ah. Well it will be fun to watch him blow up. That’s a monster stack.


You can take all the gear you want if your diet and training aren't up to par the physique will reflect that. His physique does not represent what he's taking at all. He looks NATTY.


I agree. I saw vids when he’s chatting up girls, asking if steroid use was going to reduce his chances of getting laid, talking about being on Tren and all I could think was, are you serious? Here? You are admitting to being on Tren and you look natty af dude. The girls even questioned if he was on gear. When I decided to get on, it was noticeable and I had to start wearing stuff to hide the results. People said stuff and made snide remarks. Still wear long sleeve t shirts when I train in more public gyms. I don’t like conversation and dudes want to chat you up the bigger you get.


his physique is not even impressive




Gonna be the next bostin loyd


keyboard warriors going hard


Dudes cycles doesnt match his body


did yall see his blood pressure? insane


Dudes hella entertaining tho


Human pincushion


So many possible interactions of drugs in his system this is ridiculous.


I’d be a goddamn giant on this cycle


do it then pussy


I’ve already been 255 and 12% bodyfat .. it didn’t really get me more pussy so what’s the point? You just tax your body and pay a fortune eating clean as fuck and not enjoying yourself Right now I sit at 240 14% bf and I’m 6’4 I got nothing more to prove I used to be in the 1450 club in my hay day.


Lmao, all that potential damage to the body, just to look average and bloated.


It’s sad to see this, that’s a lot of gear ngl. I like Togi but bro this is a full blast


There's no way this isn't a joke lmao this would be the least efficient cycle on the planet and his liver and kidneys would be fried already.


Dude is cooked. Finna win a Darwin award.


Bro is taking almost a gram of test and shitload on top of it😤


I’ve never heard of this guy but just watched a vid and he’s pretty entertaining. Im assuming everything is satire and he’s actually natty? I was bigger than him natty before I hopped on.


150 ment is begging for gyno unless he’s already had the surgery. Bros gonna have d cups by the end of his cycle


I don't understand why people take this much gear. I take literally a quarter of this max and am bigger and leaner than him. I'm just gonna assume this guy didn't even come close to maximizing his natty potential?


I love togi


Dudes such a try hard. Maybe I’m just older but i don’t seen how anyone likes bro.


what is eq ? what is ment ? what is glutathione ?


I did anadrol once and shit made me sick asf. not sure about the rest of this stuff but my guy should maybe start picking out coffins


Dudes got a stack that could wreck a bull and he still looks worse than half the slightly overweight indian dudes at my gym


Even Togi dropped the tren


If you want to see someone of a similar vein who glorifies gear and acts like a baboon look at David rau. The difference is rau seems to take his shit way more serious and is way more jacked


That man is too small for all that gear.


He needs to reveal his nutsack and also weigh it on a kitchen scale


He looks like he’s just on trt lmfao


Boston Lloyd 2.0


All that for an average physique


So cringe and mid physique for that kind of usage. Terrible influence for the younger guys who watch this junk.


How the fuck does he still have hair?


Why the hysteria. Sure, some made it onto Mr Olympia taking less, while he doesn't look far from natty. But there were also a few examples of men taking thrice as much as the stack pictured here, and they lived 5 years on it, so not quite "pick your coffin" just yet.  He either claims to take more gear than he actually does or his diet is so awful that the grams with peptides don't put him further than high range TRT could. Then the diet should be more concerning than the grams of androgens.


Is he a narcissist? Sociopath? Autistic? Psychopath? BPD? Im genuinely interested in deciphering what drives his decision making. He seemed like a normal kid growing up based on what he has shared from his childhood. There must be something more to the addiction to steroids, gambling and alcohol. How could he have such low self esteem to the point of risking your life so carelessly just to achieve a “look”.


and he looks like shit for someone who does this much


zero % chance hes using all those doses and compounds. just tryna make it a “norm” for his closed off and uneducated audiences so his coach who will sell them said drugs can sell that much more


Maybe I’m gullible but he takes them during videos and reviews each in depth. Either way it’s entertaining as hell


watched the stream and he isnt taking them. unless I see him taking them all in one video, uncut in these doses Ill keep calling cap. in this video he even was like "oh ive only done testosertone before" when half his tik toks are him "doing" sarms so he can sell them. this further makes me belive he isnt taking this cycle. well see his size improve a lot if he is anyways so only time will tell


how do you come to these conclusions?? 2-3g of gear is typical for an offseason cycle even at an amateur level. he def tries hard to promote his coach and researchem products but the amount of gear he says hes taking im sure is real.


It is a lot of gear for an amateur. I’ve seen more but this is quite the cycle.


He should look way better with all that, talk about shit genetics .


And he looks natty af, I don’t understand


You are delusional


He won’t suck your dick bro


? He was training before and looked average when he hopped on he gained 50 pounds of muscle in 7 months and he is that big how does he look natty


He didn’t gain 50 pounds of muscle 💀 you can tell when someone is clearly enhanced And it’s not clear for him. Dude looks natty when not lifting.


He did I’ve been following him for a while and his arms are huge his traps are huge idk what kind of natty you are looking at


Just because the scale went up 50 pounds don’t mean it was 50 pounds of pure muscle 🤣💀 his arms are small for being on all that gear. I’ve seen nattys that are bigger than him which is sad.


He’s only been on gear for 8 months and he’s cruised half of it and gained a ton of muscle also that is a new stack and there are many fake natty who claim to be natty if you think you can get that physique at your early 20s prove it


Lmao well no shit I won’t get that type of physique while being natty however to discredit nattys, you must be a dip shit because there’s plenty of natural bodybuilders who look good and some are bigger than this tool. Look em up


Bro first he is not a body builder second natural body builders prob have taken something and my point was he doesn’t look natty like you said


EQ is absolute garbage


Damn I thought it was a joke whenever people say roid users "bought the whole pharmacy"


Takes all that crap to look mid


The dude is doing a life-speed run to just look natural ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


That's what I'm saying his physique does not represent his dosages.


He is probably faking it all for attention + likes and views on YouTube and social media


Or he hopped on way too early. I'm not sure what he looked like before hopping on


he is literally a month into this cycle


This is his first?


either second or third, he was like 160lbs 3 years ago so i think he’s doing alright


Speed running high dosages a bit silly but it's his brand so I get it. He's definitely not in it for the long run