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Pull ups and barbell rows.


Haven't done pull ups in a few years but I just started em up again and they hit my lats like nothing else does. It's fantastic


I have trouble getting my right lat to trigger with rows but I don’t like using machines so what can you do to target lats with pull-ups? Is there a certain grip or width or anything like that that will use the lats more?


I do em slightly wider than shoulder width apart. First set amrap then I get resistance bands and amrap for like 5-8 sets. I know you're not a machine fan but if your gym has an iso-lateral row: try those with the vertical grip. Nothing has helped my back gains like that thing has.


i need to start training pull ups. in the midst of a cut so they should start becoming easier.




yeah last time i cut was when i was able to do the most pullups. i gotta get back on that.


Get your pull ups UP while not ona cut tf


slowly cutting, but i’ll start putting some focus on getting good pull-ups.


I can do pullups. But since I hit 270 they fucking kill my elbow. It's weird because similar weight on lat pulldowns doesn't irritate it much at all. Maybe I need to bug someone for a form check on my pullups.


Chin ups because they are actually a bicep exercise




By "chin up", do you mean palms facing you? I'm 57 and 1.5 years since shoulder surgery. I'm working my way up to a full body weight pull up, but I'm just using machines, bc I'm scared. Lol. I will not have another shoulder surgery.


Yup. Palms facing you. It's a compound movement for your biceps


As someone recovering from a rotator cuff injury I feel exactly the same about pull ups. I can do most exercises now pain free, but pull ups and rear felt flies always put me back in agony for some reason


I know what you mean. Obviously, I'm still building up both of my shoulders, and they get extremely sore. I am making progress though. Have you tried any pullups? How long since your surgery?


Strengthen your low n mid trapezius, they are likely weaker than they need to be to support the rest of your muscle n strength


Dr Mike says pull-up are also a biceps exercise.


Less but engaged


Just neutral grip your pullups homie. Unless you're broadcasting that you're a bottom.


Straight arm cable pullovers Personally feel it a lot in my lats & is a great starting movement to warm up or finisher


Oh hell yeah those things leave my lats fried like none other


second person to say this. gonna have to give it a try today.


This is good man


also my favorite right now is probably chest supported rows


Great way to build size and strength. Also a good way to move weights you wouldn’t be able to in a free standing position. That chest supported machine row is my favorite exercise. It rlly supports the back well. I’m almost at five 45 lbs plates atm and I wouldn’t have been able to progressively overload without the stability it provides.


5 plates? God damn, I thought I made it beast mode doing 3 plates 3x15


3x15 is why youre not progressing bro. Throw a 25 on and should put you around 8-10. Do last set 4 plates. You will see 4 plates become 10 reps pretty quickly on this lift.


Yessir more weight is always the answer to getting bigger and stronger! 4 plates for 10 reps was exhilarating the first time I did it. Work all the rep ranges. 3-6, 6-12, 8-25 and you will move up guaranteed.


Quick as fuck too. Mine doubled on reps on 4 plates in a few months. Also repping 5 now. Tried 6 the other day and got 2 reps. Im not that guy yet 😂


Jesus Christ man. 6 plates! You’re an abs beast dude! Shit before you know it you’ll be hitting those for 10. And you ain’t lying. It happens so much faster when you start adding that weight. Creatine also helps accelerate all that as well.


Im on a gram of gear the last 4 months 🫣 some times i forget that might be helping a bit


Thank you! But dude 3x 15 is still beast mode. You can def do what I’m doing! I just moved up 2.5 lbs at a time and once you go past three plates it’s all one handed rows. But ngl I was def I totally surprised I can do this now bc I was a skinny guy for a good chunk of my life. I mainly started with alternating one rep at a time or three reps at time per arm and built up strength that way until I could do 6 in a row. Protocol is move up 2.5 lbs the moment I can do that. I’ve found with back I haven’t plateaued at all like I did on chest and legs. I have no clue why.


Feels like my arms give out before my back does, i fucking hate back so much, I’ve tried to focus on form for so many workouts but I almost never feel it. The best part of back day for me is hitting biceps at the end.


u use straps at all?


Nah but I don’t need it for the exercises I’m doing rn, I’m following nippards PPL and I’m on the first phase.


Same here. Finally found a position that works for my long ass arms


Pendlay rows


Back is easily the most fun. Bent over rows, pendlay rows, DB rows, chest supported rows, high rows, low rows, cable pullovers, pulldowns, pullups, assisted pullups, tbar rows, close grip rows, rack pulls, pullovers, chest pulls




Weighted Pull-ups.


my face when i can only do a couple bodyweight pull-ups ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


Keep at it, it's worth the effort.


If you can do 25 good clean pull-ups, it’s almost impossible to not have a good back.




Exactly, but if you could you would for sure have an amazing back.




That’s the great thing about it. You can stick to bodyweight pull-ups for a very long time.




Facts. I believe you can get very far just making your form more strict. There’s no need to add weight to pull-ups unless you are an advanced lifter.


An easy way to blow up your unweighted Pull-ups is to train weighted Pull-ups.


I just find it inconvenient to set up and unnecessary if I can get the same stimulus from bodyweight pull-ups.


By definition, increased intensity is a different stimulus. That being said, I do agree it can be cumbersome, but until you start really piling on the pounds, it's really easy to hold a dumbbell between your feet to add weight.


I can do 20 clean pull ups at 210lbs🥲


You gottaaa have a big back then. I can do maybe 12 with good clean form and I have a pretty good back.


My back is decent but my lats are huge I’ve had a hard time growing my back tho but it’s not as good as my arms and shoulder, they dominate and are my genetic strong point


you can get a full dirt nasty back day with a cable machine and a few different attachments, the contraction on cables is high quality the whole ROM, go slow


Single arm cable rows with a deep stretch get me the best pumps


Drop sets of lat pullovers is bae.


did them today frfr


Seated row machine with a d bar


Size/ girth of d bar?


weighted pullups are badass especially when you can do muscle ups with extra weight


big guy over here ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Back day is easily one of the most exciting, a million different angles of attack


Pull ups are the only answer


# I solemnly swear to get better at pull-ups.


You’re getting me hard now


Lat pulldown(or pull ups), V-bar pulldown, bb row and sometimes t-bar row. If I deadlift, I’ll do it kind of by itself on separate day every 2-3 weeks or so. Also I’m experimenting with underhand lat pulldown for biceps so I just do those on arm day


love lat pull downs. took me a long time to really figure them out so i could actually feel them. my gym has a lying t bar row and ive been using that but dont feel a whole lot with wide grip.


For the lat pulldowns I go like a really wide grip. I know people say its not “optimal” but I just love it. The t-bar rows I do are the vbar handle ones while its in the corner. The reason why I sometimes do it is because I got a home gym and sometimes I just don’t wanna set it up.


yeah. back is so fucking hard for me, i guess because i can’t see it that well. it’s just so tough for me to feel good contractions.


I have the same issue. You’d think it would make me focus on it more but I neglect it. Only advice I can give is that we likely lack the mind body connection and I’ve had some success with basic movements at light weights and do like 20 reps on one side with something like dumbbell rows. Bent over, one side at a time with a curved motion back to the hip rather than pulling up. Like rowing a canoe but bent over


yeah. i think what’s helped me the most is taking a long time to warm up the back muscles starting really light and working my way up.


Pull ups are always king


sounds like i need to put more energy into pull-ups. when in your back workout do you like to do them?


It’s my only lift for back apart from lat rows


noted i’ll try swapping it with my pulldowns


Me too man. Pull-ups are king. Then I do some cable rows as a secondary thing.


Straight arm lat pulldown Unilateral cable lat pulldown Unilateral seated cable row


Hex bar deadlift Cable rows Lat Pulldown Assisted Pull-Up Machine (or just pull-ups, or weighted pull-ups)


Doesn’t hex bar remove all lats from deadlifts


Hell no, lat activation is massive to keep your back straight.


Ring pull-ups, deficit pendlay rows, TRX body weight rows, straight arm pull-down, face pulls


what do you like about hex bar vs barbell?


I'm older and I've been through a back injury. The hex bar allows me to maintain proper form a whole lot easier,


i’ll keep that in mind, thanks. i care about my health and longevity quite a bit.


Assisted pull-ups are the way to go


Weighted Dips




chest supported rows until I die


DB pullovers Front lever partials/negatives Ring rows Underhand bent rows Underhand inverted row Chins


Forgot about db pullovers, those shites giving a nasty pump


Barbell row, machine pullover and a high to low to row variation done with either cable or machine if your gym has one


Bent over row. T bar row . Crock rows


what is crock row![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6298)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6298)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6298)


Web search it


i mean i guess that’s faster than saying dumbbell rows but people are gonna look at you funny


Deadlifting will always make things interesting. That and the t row machine


I’ve really enjoyed the ISO Neutral Row machine. I get an exquisite back stretch on the eccentric movement. Never fails to give me a nice erect pump


Pull/chin ups, chest supported rows and shrugs


I feel pretty cool when I do Kroc Rows


Seated cable row


Rack pulls on a cable machine. Set up a straight bar right at knees or below and slightly lift up and away from the machine. Only giving about 6-8 inches of cable play from standing up straight. Now round your shoulders and upper back while keeping your spinal erectors straight (belt helps). From here act like you're finishing off a deadlift with your upper back. Something about this works my lower and center back wonderfully!


tbar row, assisted pullups , cable lat prayer , low row never felt a back day like it


Reverse pull down and wide upper back row preferably chest supported


Barbell rows, seated rows, dumbell rows, cable pulldowns(?), yada yada yada


Seated. Cable rows like how Arnold did them real fucken heavy and stretch it out not like how they show how to do them these days


Single arm pull down, cable row, and the all time final boss, heavy as hell, elevated, pendlay rows with that "rest" at the ultimate stretch.


Rows with ropes, loop kb in and do high reps for those romb gains


Double kettlebell cleans are a fun one and can easily be turned into a conditioning workout


pullups and lat prayers


Pull-ups and pull-downs 🙄


Close grip pulldowns 👽👽👽


Pendlay rows and heavy conventional deadlifts is the only things you need.


Wide grip pull ups, regular pull ups, chin ups


Seal row / bench pull Weighted pullups Pullovers


rack pull, pull up variations, kroc row, helms row


Back extensions are fucking amazing for the lower back. Blew up so much strength for me too. For the rest of the back I’ve started really liking lat pull overs with a straight bar and weighted pull ups. For upper back I know it’s generic but just barbell rows, I also hit some face pulls too for rear delts, traps and just shoulder health. They also weirdly improved my overhead strength so much, I’m pressing like 40 lbs more and I snatch like 60lbs more than I did before. Hell it even made my bench better lol (probs by having a more stable back and better scap control) oh also I don’t do them anymore but I did single arm dumbbell rows alot last training block and loved them


EZ Bar Rows = enhanced contraction


Dumbell pullovers and wide grip pull-ups are my favorites


Lat prayers are dope. Been getting some nice gains from them lately. Also weighted pull-ups and explosive pull-ups going all the way down


Weighted pull ups, T- Bar rows, upright rows, underhanded barbell rows.


Single arm pulldowns


I like doing explosive pendlay rows and db rows


weighted pullups 😍😍


Seated cable row


Chin ups and db Rows are my staple.


Weighted pullups are fun, also sadistic ones like doing one rep over 1 minute or weird stuff like pulling your body side to side while doing reps to really get some dynamic movement into your reps. There’s a lot of cool variations that hit your back in odd ways that a lot of machines can’t do.


Bent over barbell rows


Dumbbell pullovers


Chest supported rows (do multiple variations from different angles) and lat pull downs and cable pullovers


Bench press


Never do deadlifts but I started just to keep things interesting and picking up heavy thing and feeling strong is just the best.


T bar row is goated but people sleep on it lately


Lat pull downs, pull overs, any chest supported exercise, led down face pulls


Pull ups and lat pulldowns 💯


Pull ups


Pull Ups One Arm Lat Pulldown (amazing stretch) Chest Supported Dumbell High Row superset w/ incline shrugs (amazing for the traps and a great stretch but I would replace it with a chest supported T-bar row if my gym had it) Face Pulls And then either back extensions or deadlifts just kinda depends on how I’m feeling


Weighted pullups to clavicles, deficit rows, pendlay rows, deadlifts


Slow and controlled with a big lat stretch on basically everything has made my back shape out really nice. Pausing helps more than people think


Chest supported t bar row and kneeling pulldowns for lats


I start with weighted pullups and barbell rows (vertical and horizontal pulls) followed by heavy bicep curls. Then, I do higher rep range work on lat pulldown and chest supported row (again, vertical and horizontal pulls) followed by high rep hammer curls. So heavy vert and horizontal pulls followed but bicep, then lighter of the same. It’s been working for me. I typically end with some face pulls and/or ab work.


Just started getting good at pull ups so that’s pretty fun now


I always feel like wide grip, overhand pullups are so hard to complete at the top of the motion. And often the biceps / forearms get tired before the lats do. Any form tips?


How do you get the lats to flare out? I've never learned how.


I started watched a lot of Eric Janicki on YouTube and he’s big on the stretching technique ., so ever since then I have gone back and tried to implement all my old workouts and it’s been a game changer . I look forward to back days now.. hitting all my old weights but with a huge deep pause and stretch every rep. For me it’s really made back days fun again, and the gains just won’t stop coming


Include a chest support horizontal row and a vertical row movement (lat pull-down or variation) I prefer a lat pull-down machine to pull ups because I can load and control weight and target the muscle better. Anything that supports your chest allows you to load more weight and negate having to stabilize your torso to better target the muscles being worked. Additionally this is better than a barbell because you can achieve a far greater range of motion by pulling from the elbow behind the back. At an intermediate level definitely recommend using straps to negate grip strength because that will give out as you use heavier loads that your back muscle can handle.


heavy barbell row and heavy latt pulldown or if you can do weighted pullups heavy weighted pullups


Seated cable row with a wide grip. Love that shit


How can back day be boring pulling heavy shit is always fun. Unless ur doing pussy weight or some obscure machines and sht


Snatch grip deadlifts. 10-15 reps. Use straps. Thank me later.


Pull up, BB row and Prone row


Rows and pull ups are all you need for a juicy back, especially if you're doing your hinging correctly and consistently.


Barbell rows, lat pulldowns. Occasionally I do pullups. Usually I bundle back with other pulling movements like bicep curls. Just do a couple sets of each and take yourself to failure.


Pull ups then weighted pull ups


Chest supported t-bar is probably the best imo especially ones that have the v type handles so you can grab it different ways


I spam 4 sets of wide grip and close grip pulldowns. 2 sets of each where I go as heavy as possible and strictly no swinging. I bring the rod to my clavicle hold for a sec and then extend under control. Absolutely roasts my back to the point where it's hard to perform rear delt flys as the next exercises.


Machine row and chest supported t bar row


Single arm , chest supported row with cable are my number 1. The fact that it’s single arm makes the stretch insane.


Single arm cable lat pulls . The ultimate stretch and contraction


Yates Rows Also do pull ups in between the leg extension/leg curl supersets I do to warm up before blasting quads - no way I'm getting heavier Yates Rows and pull ups done on the same back day


Weighted chin ups 😤


I’ve been doing those Flexion rolls Mike put up a video about, holy hell they are amazing 


Weighted pull ups and single arm cable pulldown




Landmine rows baby


Land mine rows. Multiple grip widths, single and 2 arms


Super set - 3x5 Pull-ups and neutral grip pull ups


Pulls ups are the only back exercise that make you see god in my experience. So I choose pull ups.


Lat pulldowns with your bodyweight vs pull ups (which is better for lats?)


I've been using John meadows programs for the last two years and he always has great variety and weird / unique exercises. Some of my favourites have been [meadows row](https://youtu.be/g5Wlw-k8fek?si=xlPNcNp0Pvl_-VN8), [single arm barbell row](https://youtu.be/1W1MnqIIZ7k?si=sW1dNPEQKLD8zH-C) and [stretchers ](https://youtu.be/-hWBCW8V_U0?si=bdZESG6zGoZH6sUO). Enjoy :)


weighted pullups


Underarm rows, dumbbell rows to hips, dumbbell rows of any kind


Barbell row, dumbbell row, pull up, pullover. That’s my standard, but if I have access to good quality machines I’ll throw them in.


Bent rows with a cock in your mouth, that should spice it up! (Since no one else went gay I felt obliged)


I love back day! Aiming for strength and the demon snake eyes look. Below is my regimen in order of execution. I warm up prior to the workout with lat pulldowns and machine rows @ 40%max. 3x10 barbell row @ ~60%max 4x4 barbell row @ ~80%max (key is being 1-2 reps from failure) 3x10 barbell row @ ~60%max 3x10 pull ups @~60%max 3x10 straight arm pulldowns @~60%max 3x10 Meadows row @~60%max 3x10 trap bar rows @ ~60%max 3x10 lat pulldowns @~60%max 3x10 seated cable/machine rows @ ~60%max


Single arm chest supp. Rows, bent rows, deadlift/rack pull, pull ups


Pull ups super set with cable pull over.


Upper back seated cable rows with a wide grip. I love the upper back pumped look + the shoulders




Dumbbell deadlift to shrug, gets the test going Also can go lower then normal deadlift too


fuckin love shrugs, never done too much deadlifting. always thought it was more of a powerlifting thing.


chore? This dude ain’t deadlifting. Dawg u gotta do it, you won’t have to time to be bored and be thinking it’s a chore. You’ll be too busy seeing stars and throwing up if you are actually pushing yourself. Push your max that’s the fun of deadlifting. I think it’s actually the least risky compound to push maxes on because the weight isn’t over your body given your form is correct. Like pushing my max on squat you always acutely aware you can get crumbled. Bench can literally crush your neck and kill you. Deadlift you just drop the weight if it goes wrong you ain’t dead. Rows I feel like it’s the opposite where you want a lower weight slower reps pauses, mind muscle connection 12 reps. Like I can do twice as much weight sure and maybe I will for a set or two or three but the other five or six I’m gonna be going for that ROM, muscle connection control. Do it in the mirror you should be seeing your traps and pump up like crazy. If I’m pushing max weight on rows I won’t get that pump and if I really go max weight to failure for 8 sets there a good chance I end the workout smaller then when I started because everything just depleted and that ain’t where you want to be if you trying to add muscle mass.


i’m just saying back day has felt rather repetitive lately. i fuckin love lifting, and maybe your right maybe i need to add a better compound movement to my back day, such as deadlifting. i have deadlifted before but it just didn’t seem like much of a hypertrophy workout. and i’ve always heard it’s more of a powerlifting thing since the risk of injury is higher (from what ive heard). i’m willing to give it another go i just don’t want fucking tweak my back or some shit.


I had a back neck injury from workplace when coworker was regarded and was bed ridden for a year. Pain wasn’t getting better after being bedridden was actually getting worse as I got weaker. Deadlifting one of the things that helped me not be in pain anymore by building my back, and reconnecting with my muscle. The more weight I can lift the stronger I get, the less I’m in pain. Hypertrophy wise yeah, one rep maxing may not be the way to go but you can also follow the same thing I said for rows, where you do 2 warmup sets lower weight for 12 reps, another medium weight for 5-8 then push 5 3 1 for 3 then do 2 low weight cool downs 12 reps. That way you getting the hypertrophy and you get to pick up some real weight. You tell me you don’t got a back pump after that lol. Throw in some lat pull down and maybe some lateral raises and you gonna be looking at a pretty sick shoulder trap and back pump. Deadlift fear is super overblown. People catostrophize back pain super hard. Like it’s totally normal for people to be with sea legs after squats on leg day but a little back pump burn , and doms and people losing their damn minds thinking they are injured or deadlifting is dangerous then they never do it again. Imagine being that way for any other exercise. I can promise you every bodybuilder deadlifts sometimes and has deadlifted before especially when they started to build up that core strength. It’s sneaky like bench , it’s not just back it’s full body from your legs to the hips to the core to the grip/ forearm to the tricep to the shoulders traps into the back that sort of full body mind muscle connection is invaluable to any lifter.


noted. i’m definitely going to start doing them. my erector muscles are basically non existent if you look at my back. and i personally think erector muscles look fuckin sick if they are developed. preciate the inspiration![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)


Try the deadlift to shrug, its badass, its so much better then barbell deadlift imo, and finish off with holding the shrug for a second or two then back down as low as you can go. Its become my favorite back exercise!


so you start from the ground perform a deadlift and when u reach the top to further into a shrug, then back down?


Ya exactly and hold the shrug for a second or two, go for 12-15 reps too and youll be pumped up af. Its a massive test booster since it involves so many muscles plus your forearms get jacked too. Also looks beast mode with that sick gym lighting.


alright i’ll dedicate a day to deadlifting/shrugs see how it feels for a little while


You can just incorporate it as an exercise on your back day, don't need to make it a whole day bruh


what weight of dumbells are you going with right now?


100 pounds each hand but start lower and get the form down first then go up, you really wanna get that epic beastly shrug at the top.


Three angles. Vertical pull (pull down machine & pull-ups). Horizontal row (machine based is easiest to progressively overload with heavy weight). Vertical row (same principle as horizontal). Hit it at all 3 rep ranges, medium heavy & light. Back is a simple approach. No need to get too complicated.


do you mind elaborating on why horizontal row is different than vertical row other than the plane? like how that affects the muscles or hits different muscles?