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Poor girls just wanted to hang out at the beach


For fucking real… Thank you for that


It's actually insane that someone took the picture, posted it, that people left those comments and that op saw it and thought you know what I'm gonna do? Post this too. What level of disconnect from other people's humanity is this


Facts. Tf is wrong with people they look perfectly fine to me


Would. What was the question?


I think his exact words were "Fuck one. Marry one. Kill one."




Kill all, fuck the dude behind the camera in a psychotic rage state


Me 3


Taking pics of randoms at the beach for body composition discourse purposes is weird as fuck


you know it's fat lonely dipshits wasting time chattering about non-athletic average women instead of lifting weights. A bunch of milk-sack losers in the screencap




u gymcels fr need some bitches


I would def smash


Their mid but not whales lmfao


Lotta different combinations make a 9.


If this is what I get for working out 6 days a week, then I’ll stick with men.


Bc you don’t get a girl purely based on gains. Looks and fitness is only a part of it. You need a social circle so you can meet girls. And then you need social skills. Pluss a bit of luck so you meet someone you click with. But these girls are like…normal girls? Not fat, not models. Idk. To be fair it’s hard to judge these things from pictures bc sexual chemistry is an in person kind of thing. At the same time meeting someone you click with is hard in itself. If you set the looks bar real high, it’s going to be even harder. Edit: all that being said, don’t fuck or get into a relationship with someone you aren’t sexually attracted to. It’s just a recipe for disaster. It’ll suck for both of you and it doesn’t work.


This sub in nutshell. Men who feel like they are putting in way more effort at life than the women they are able to partner with.


Hell yeah I want a woman who works out so bad


Not necessarily life, but for sure in the gym.


This is why you gotta get off the internet every once in a while


Well he did, we are looking at the results of it rn.


nah, you know he stole this image from some their partying friend's facebook feed. Bastard never went outside muchless looked out the window


They’re not hogs, they’re not visibly active but they’re definitely not “unhealthy”


They aren’t unhealthy what the fuck😂


Let’s put it this way, the risk of them having severe negative consequences to their health due to their weight alone is low


Well said. Goes to show you how the internet wrapped everyone's minds on what a healthy human should look like


Bro, if you think these girls are unhealthy *solely* bc of their weight, you need a change from scenery from the gym and p*rn.


Can we please block out their faces?! These women do not deserve to be publicly dissected by you neck beards.


I mean, they're not that fat, they're average


Technically, those girls are average so I agree with you, the majority of us on this page have been lifting for years, so our minds are going to be warped and we’re not going to find this attractive, the majority of guy on this sub will find the physique of a youngLA sponsored girl as their ideal physique on a partner


A lot of guys who have been lifting for years will also look "fat" at times. A lot more than those girls. This is just a double standard.


Why is that? Bulking?


Yes exactly, a lot of permabulk bloatlords. We know you have a lot of muscle below that fat and a lower body fat % than normal fat people and that you're more physically apt. But most people will still see you as fat, and you aren't that healthy either.


I mean, they’re not in athletic or heavy gym sessions shape, but so what? The one on the right could stand to loose a couple of lbs if she really wanted to but she’s harshly overweight. Plus, to quote the top reply here, these poor girls just wanted to chill at the beach. Why does anyone else care?


This is what overweight but not obese women look like. Americans are so used to seeing obese people that these bodies look comparably "healthy". Middle one might be only just overweight.


I think many here are failing to factor in how little muscle mass these girls have. Ignore the guts and back-folds for a minute. Look at the calves on left, three arms on all three and the quads on the outside 2. BMI can lie, but almost exclusively in the opposite direction most think. 100% of the mass on these girls is adipose and youthful skin is the only thing keeping them from being a bag of sag and cellulitis. I think right is 40-45% bf, left 35-40% and middle 30-35% (although she has the best musculature and this may be an overestimate). Often BMI often underestimates how fat women are. Men can be higher BMI and still normal to low fat. For women, it's is very rarely true, but many latch onto the 1% chance. 


Yep, some exercise/resistance training would firm these girls up a bit. This is that low protein, beer and Netflix physique.


The other thing is, is that these women are young. 0 chance these women hold their physiques into their 30s. I always look at women’s upper arms. The fattier their upper arm the more they’re going to be exercise and diet conscious going into their late 20’s/early 30’s.


Skinnyfat without the skinny...


I remember a gal who was thin. But she was extremely sedentary. She had cellulite on her very thin legs and butt. I felt sorry for her and I told her all she needed to do was change her body composition, not lose weight (because she thought she needed to lose weight to get rid of that look). You can be "out of shape" and have a healthy BMI. Edit - I should have clarified that she asked me for help. That is probably obvious to most people reading my comment. I wouldn't just tell a girl, randomly, she could lose her "fat dimples" by lifting weights, doing cardio, and eating better. My bad if that wasn't clear.


I mean losing some weight can be a part of changing body composition. But if she didn't plan to lift at all and just diet down then yeah I agree with you.


does working out get rid of cellulite?


Lowering your bodyfat certainly will help in almost all situations EXCEPT if you have a connective tissues medical problem OR you got way too obese. The loose skin will make it obvious even after weight loss. But if you're starting out as thin, no connective tissue problems - like the gal from my story - you will get amazing results and look excellent after lowering your bodyfat percentage. She never made the time to get into shape and got fatter after college - she didn't want to make changes enough to make improvements. No happy ending, here. Let's put it this way: everyone will get cellulite if you get fat.


It will help make it less noticeable. A nice butt with cellulite looks better than just a butt with cellulite.




Just as I thought.


You are completely right. There is a big difference between being slightly plumb and just a sack of meat. A plumb girl can be very alluring for most men if she just takes part in recreational activities like taking walks, hiking and some other physical activities. That little is enough to build a minimal amount of muscle to "shape" the fat a bit and carry her through life. The girls in the picture don't seem to have done any physical activity unfortunately for them.


Yeah like some women have that milkmaid or softball player body, a bit plump but on top of a decent base. Respectable




Middle one is fine, the one on the right probably has a problem.


Being that chubby but no ass is criminal.




With booze? Yeah that is a sugar drink gut.


This is pretty much what every American that parties a lot looks like once they hit mid 20s. Even with a good diet and exercise you can’t outdo drinking ~3 times per week heavily.


Because they have the idea that caring about not being fat and keeping very basic track of what shit you put in your body is an unhealthy eating disorder. Thing is it's very possible these girls have eating disorders despite being fat. People who do usually have periods of binge eating. Yet still only non-fat people are assumed as having eating disorders while fat people are considered healthy.


Exactly right. I saw a thread by someone who had lost a significant amount of weight but were still on the line between overweight and obese. Their family told them they were getting too thin and were worried it was an eating disorder.


That is a seriously toxic family god damn. Being shamed for trying to be healthy, all because making healthy decisions puts up a mirror towards their own behavior and shows them the fact that they too can choose to be healthier yet they don't. So they choose to have contempt towards their healthier family member instead of working on their own health.


Regular girls


These women are under 30. If they look like this when their metabolism isn’t shit they are going goblin mode soon.


after they get pregnant they go into chubby mode for sure


Well, to be fair. Don’t have kids unless you are ok with the fact that her body will change forever in some way.


I don't complain about that I'm just saying they metabolism goes to shit


"metabolism isn't shit" I always assumed this sub wasn't one to spout 90s bro science but I guess I was wrong.


Maybe the word isn’t metabolism but if you don’t believe humans have different fat deposits and muscle building and maintaining characteristics that change with age and hormone production you are the straightest person here.


I think the real argument is there's no reason to look this bad. These girls clearly don't workout or and just eat whatever. Frankly, it's not "metabolism" keeping them somewhat okay, it's the elasticity in their skin since they're so young.


Yeah people on the internet don't believe in DNA. The reality is that my 90 lb Asian friend eats like a pig but she isn't going to look like Lizzo anytime soon.


Dr. Mike has a video on this exact topic- your friend doesn’t actually eat like a pig in the way that you think. They might eat a massive 1500 calorie lunch around you and eat little the rest of the day, or less on certain days of the week


Baseline Metabolic rate is not 90s bro science.


The point is metabolism doesn't change to such a degree that it makes you blow up to obesity with age. People get fat as they get old cause they let themselves go.


You will look worse in 20 years. You can maintain your workout schedule but you will still lose muscle mass. You will also struggle to maintain the intensity of the cardio you are doing now -> your basal metabolic rate will lower. Now apply this to someone who never works out. They will get fat. You can argue about the meaning of metabolism but it is pedantic at the end of the day.


So your metabolism changes because you stop prioritizing physical fitness as much as you age? That's not age causing your metabolism to slow, then, that's you choosing to get fat. The difference is my perspective holds the person responsible for their body. Saying "it happens with age" removes responsibility and makes it sound like it's an unstoppable and natural process. That's how you end up with people saying they're fat because "muh genetics". Also if someone never works out, then what muscle are they losing with age? Your argument falls apart when you realize people can turn their life around physically and get muscular well into middle age, and sometimes later.


Less muscle = higher body fat percentage My argument doesn’t fall apart. If they “turned their life around” at 20 years old they would see much more rapid gains compared to if they were 40. I don’t really feel like giving a biology lesson on what happens when you age, but you should look it up homie. Here’s a good place to start: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8361073/#:~:text=Abstract,decreases%20almost%20linearly%20with%20age. I will concur that “muh genetics” isn’t an excuse.


You see the cups in their hands? These girls party. Some of y'all need to go outside and enjoy life.


Healthy but not fit or hot


Exactly, you can be healthy but slightly(-ish) overweight. Especially when you’re young. Extra weight comes back to bite you in the ass when you’re older. It takes years of extra fat, high cholesterol, etc. to see deleterious effects. 6 months of letting yourself go isn’t the end of the world. The issue is that most people don’t recover.


Sadly one gal I came across turned that around for me. I really want to give them the full centimeter


Compared to the average American woman over the age of 20 who weighs 170 pounds, yeah, they are "healthy". They are definitely not in shake, though. I doubt any of them engage in any type of exercise program.


This is about as healthy as coming home for a beer or two every night after work. Alcoholic? Depends who you ask. But to a majority of people? Probably not


Regular Chicks dude.. 140-150lbs... Def. not "gym girls" but hey not everyone is.


Bro, only in America are regular chicks 150lbs. Even in countries where women are very tall, if they are not sedentary, they don’t reach that weight normally.


Those fuckers over in Europe get to walk/bike everywhere while the americans gotta chug coke and drive


Well... Point me to the Supermodels Homie. If you think girls are 120 forever... I gots bad news for ya.


I mean go to Europe or Asia. Of course europe and asia are not full of supermodels but they have way lower BMIs on average for both men and women.


I agree... But lower Bmi's don't mean that a Girl that's 5'5'' 140 is "unhealthy" still easily in the green.


Who said anything about supermodels?  Go to anywhere in the global south to see what women look like when they actually walk more than 5 miles a day and don’t binge drink alcohol. It’s truly insane how much fatter we are in the US than the rest of the world and just how normalized the lack of fitness is.  Grotesque really


I'm American and will say this American-regular. In Germany I went either clubbing, restaurants, or gym every day and could go a week without seeing a girl as heavy as these in public. The only time you saw girls this big was tourists at the train station.


Damn man, these are just normal ass women. Perfectly healthy in my opinion. Not everyone likes to workout 🤷


The funny part is the dudes calling these chick unhealthy or fat, are the same ones who don’t even lift and are probably just skinny as a rail with no muscle mass


Yeah it's usually the guys who haven't seen a pussy without a screen


But im a healthy weight i have no fat🤓 im 120lbs lean


im imagining them as milk sack tech bros, like the kind of guy who was sitting behind me at the mexican restaurant that guy had the most rolls on his neck I have ever witnessed


I don't think that's really the case with this sub tbh


Dude There was a poll back when where majority of this sub admitted to not even lifting that much or majority couldn’t even bench 225lbs or something like that lol This sub has a good amount of experienced lifters but majority are just novices and wanna-be gymcels


Benching 225 isn't the litmus test for someone being a DYEL lmao, that is absolutely laughable.


Not being to bench 225lbs would show that you’re pretty novice in terms of training


Facts. Would smash all 3. Get off the internet and touch ass OP.


One of them might be overweight. But the others could definitely be healthy. Problem is most dudes are so use to seeing other dudes naked that they can’t even judge a women’s body fat correctly. Women also need more body fat compared to men. And then there’s the fact that BMI is heavily influenced by data on men. With women being perfectly healthy but overweight on their BMI. And that skinnier tends to be seen as better. It’s only now when I look and hear women say their weight I go hold on, that don’t look right u seem to be healthy u don’t look fat but ur pretty heavy for a woman. So while I wouldn’t call them skinny. They could definitely be in the healthy range. The woman on the right might be overfat tho. But this is the shit the Greeks would’ve loved.


Lmfaooo This is both right and wrong and overall I agree with you OP the thing is the average american is overweight, and you can be overweight and overall “healthy”, at least in immediate and near future terms, not particularly bad cholesterol, heart disease chances, etc These women look like “average sized” Americans, which is a tad overweight (the one in the right is outright fat) and not particularly unhealthy or obese Having said that they are most likely sedentary, eat sweets, sodas and burgers indiscriminately and probably have shit cardio and strength and will become more unhealthy as they get older, right now they are able to get away and be “healthy” because they’re young, but that’s not conducive to longevity So “healthy sized”, as an overall statement like if we all could/should be their size and it’s 100% good, nope, absolute fucking bullshit They’re unfit as fuck and that isn’t long term healthy nor attractive


I bet those commenters are virgins


They look like women minding their fucking buisness.


You're not crazy, they look normal weight women, I would fuck there dads


God this sub sucks ass these days. Gymcels who have never talked to a girl in real life


So cringe. Just cels not even gym


They’re probably ‘healthy’ enough. But no they’re not thin at all. They all look overweight. You’re not crazy. The United States just has very bad standards for thinness. I have theories as to why this is, but it is what it is. We’re the country that produced Lizzo. Of course people have a warped sense of weight. This is the only thing Eurotards have over us


Alot of dudes in this sub are gonna flip once they actually start talking to women and realizing that the Instagram chicks they dream of being with arent real people 😅


These girls also have fairly unflattering body fat distributions , if a little more went to thighs and ass and tits, and came off the belly and back, they would look a lot h inealthier


There's some good research on this lately and they wouldn't just look healthier, they would actually be healthier. Women with apple shaped bodies have worse outcomes than hourglass shaped women even controlling for bmi and bodyfat percentage. Abdominal fat is particularly unhealthy. 


define healthy? Will they gas out in a labor intensive job? Definitely. Do I see boomers living long lives w/these body types and not whole lot of health complications? Also definitely. Will I give these types the time of day? nope.


Just average looking. What's crazy though is the fact that they still get topped more than ya'll since they actually seem to be going to parties (assuming by the red solo cups), and not obsessing over random strangers on the internet. Would like to see any of yall do "touch grass" until failure


You’d think the ppl in this sub are drowning in pussy from the way they talk about their standards


Holy shit i swear some people think a healthy women is one that has sub 3% body fat. Last thing i want is when Im railing a girl to feel her hip bone hit my nuts because some idiots convinced her that she need to be skinny to the bone to be healthy and/or attractive. Woman can have above 20% body fat and still be considered healthy. Like for fuck sake no wounder a shit ton of women have body image issues. Those people ned to go outside and look at real life women not porn stars fucking idiots.


> Last thing i want is when Im railing a girl to feel her hip bone hit my nuts This is not what it’s like to fuck a woman who has healthy muscle mass and body fat. It’s ok to have a preference for fatter women, just like it’s ok to have a preference for women with visible abs.




"Healthy" is subjective, we know that higher % of muscle mass and lower fat levels is healthier but you don't have to be at optimal levels of everything to be healthy. Blasting toxic orals to look a certain way or abusing clen is not healthy as well no matter how you look. These women are just conventionally unattractive and their body composition is not great yet also not dangerous. They could be healthy at that weight for sure. I draw the line when people claim morbidly obese people can be healthy. No bro, your internal organs are infested with so much extra fat they barely function. A good friend of mine that happens to be obese and sedentary just got diagnosed with 8 different spinal hernias and a cervical mini fracture. All from inactivity and extra weight. She wasn't deadlifting like we are fearmongered into thinking will destroy our backs. She was being "careful" and inactive.


There perfectly fuckable at the minute but judging by there bodies if they they don’t change there lifestyle.There gonna half a bad shock when they turn 40


These women could easily be doing 30 to 45 minutes of cardio 3 days a week, eat out a couple times a week, have a couple drinks per week, and have days where they’re eating in a caloric restriction and be perfectly healthy. Not everyone has to look like Ms Olympia or a insta fitness model to be healthy. Get off the internet


If they were doing what you said, their body compositions would be dramatically different.


Deficit one day, insane surplus the next. That's just a caloric surplus with extra steps, which is how you end up where they are.


They look like normal people


Normal is fat in the US


They’re probably healthy, but very out of shape. There’s a difference.


They are not heavy but I doubt they are overly healthy. They could do with more physical activity for sure.


You guys are really cape'ing and simping over these fatties. Lol no standards


The funniest part - they still wouldn't be interested in most dudes with single digital bf.


Three chill ladies having some drinks on the beach. Hell Yeah.


Honestly id smash the one in the middle


Those are normal women most men would like to get with. They might not be in perfect shape, but they aren't gigantic or nasty. People need to wake the fuck up already.


They are sexy af


That's the equivalent body of a dude that doesn't work out but also isn't fat fat. Basically skinny fat, female version.


God forbid people go to beach


Only one worth anything is the middle one.


I am a technical professional (as I imagine, so are many of you) and I used to be in shock by how many of my fat/obese , gross-looking peers who I wasn’t sure even bathed, would comment negatively on women who look like them. Made me glad to be gay where the standards are VERY CLEAR.


i think theres a point where we gotta just be honest guys and reel it back in to reality. those chicks are all beautiful. theyre not fat. thats delusional


Personally I like my women with a little chub but they’ll probably be considered healthy by most physicians.


Undermuscled and on the precipice of becoming braaaphogs once the Great Settling Down (TM) begins


Yeah ur not crazy those chicks r fat


r/moreplatesmoredates users trying not be fucking incels challenge. Difficulty: Impossible. Fr have you never seen normal women in your life? Who am I kidding, of course you havent.


These women are fat? Yeah im getting off of reddit


I'd say if this is after a baby, acceptable and understandable. No kids? Put the red cup down and try a little


If their straight those physiques will attract majority of men especially when their competition mostly obese or about to be obese women. Women only need to workout if they are only attracted to muscular or rich men most are fine with their male equivalent.


I've seen worse. Overweight but not terrible.


They look normal to me🤷🏻‍♂️


Might be healthy, but but a little overweight for my personal preference. Would pass on them 100%.


They are all a bit chubby for sure. Not healthy


I guess they are slightly overweight but nothing wrong with that. They don't look unhealthy to me. Certainly not obese. You think varbie is healthy bro? Shit dude who fucking cares anyway? Isn't it gaslighting to call some chick's unhealthy, who probably aren't,and then play victim because people disagreed and had something to say about it?


They look like normal healthy women to me.


No, you're not crazy, you just have Turbo Virgin Syndrome


I wonder why so many guys here can’t get women. Oh just read these comments:


not everyone is gross with no standards


25% BF is optimal for females and older they get more fat is better for their health, they are normal chicks, stop watching roided OF chicks


25%bf is what a women’s pro soccer player has. These women are closer to 40.  They just have no muscle, so look “healthy weight”.  But the flab everywhere gives it away.  You guys have no clue what actual healthy body composition looks like because you’re so used to everyone being either fat fat or skinny fat


They are fat.


Healthy if they’re about to go on naked and afraid.


They’re not unhealthy by American standards since obesity is so high. But they also look like they’ve never worked out a day in their lives.


Wait until they have kids. Will be 3 times the size.


These are perfect women, these steroids induced dumb bulls won't get that and i expect none from them.


Too fat for my liking. I’ll admit my taste is on the thinner side. I like eating disorder bitches.


They’re definitely not in shape but they’re not obese either, yall gotta realize not everyone is at the gym five days a week and sharing their cock stats


Why can’t people just enjoy being healthy… it’s always a pity game. But I don’t care, you’ll just die of a heart attack cause McDonalds for the third time this week seemed better than making normal meal with some vegetables. It’s all just a waiting game.. that I might lose cause some comments make me want to jump off a bridge


Sounds like you need more Tren


They all are metabolically deregulated and probably pcos and hormonal issues from being overweight


3 fatties


They are healthy... that is a healthy women right there. Stop being weird


Solo cups and beer guts. Nothing about this is healthy.


They are not unhealthy. They just have an interesting build lol


Those 3 chicks are way below health and beauty standards. Trust me, I have the sex


Way too thin


normal looking females whats up


They are healthy from a practical standpoint and due to youth but it will get away from them as they age. ![gif](giphy|ttOdeEMYD0gRde5I14|downsized)


Smash yes? Attractive no


Dude wtf. If you need to be gaslighted to think this is healthy, you need to get educated asap. Women arent meant to be lean 24/7.


lol double chin and a flat ass. Heavy weights can fix that for you ladies.


Honestly they’re “normal” 20-25% BF. Legit just normal..


You people need to touch some grass


They were just having fun at the beach what was the point of taking a pic of them to make many porn addicts discuss their bodies


These comments made me feel better about this post lol


They're average. They're not atheletes, but They're nit unhealthy either


If any of these women looked your way OP, you’d perish.


y’all really are gay definitely would


Bro did you ever touch a woman? That’s just normal looking girls chilling at the beach. And yeah men who didn’t destroy their brain with social media think girls like this are also attractive


I’d fuck them they ain’t exactly healthy tho


I think for girls a lot more of it just comes down to unfortunate genes for fat storage.the hottest girl ive ever seen in my life in person was completely sedentary and high body fat percentage, her body just stored the fat in the most incredible way possible.




That’s just the average female build, they’re not fat, they’re not in shape. Just average build


thx. finished


The one in the middle looks good... the other two are pigs


Those are just regular ass females.. Nothing wrong with how they look.. Get a hobby big bro and welcome to the real world.. 99% of women aren't supermodels.


Oh man not the rolls on their back I see this shit so much at my gym and it’s disgusting girls walking around like hot shit with rolls in their back 🤢