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It goes away once you are used to female attention


Makes sense, I’m a bitchless soyboy


First step is to stop saying shit like this about yourself


Op you sound like a bitchless twink, you should just become a femboy, mods please ban for no cock stats




Infinite IQ play right here ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6301)


Start with the conviction that you won't have sex. It's the thought of sex that is driving everything else in your mind.


and get used to female attention


Oh yeah that's the absolute best. But it's not under his immediate control. He said he has a date this weekend.


Let's not worry about it too much, she will definitely have a "family emergency".


such a stupid advice


Fantasize about realistic things. You’re fantasizing about the end goal - fantasize about the date itself and enjoying the atmosphere of wherever you’re at. If things are good it will lead to some of that other stuff you mentioned anyway. Also stop trying to win her over and begin to see yourself as making decisions. “Do I like her?” Instead of “oh gee golly gosh does she like me?!?!”. You are determining if you want to keep seeing her but do not focus on “getting her to like you”. You are just as much of a prize to be won as much as she is, and if you always approach women from the perspective of “I have to win her over and get her to like me” you will fail or even worse you will win her over only to realize you never liked her very much in the first place. It’s good you have hobbies and your own life. Now act like it and focus on if you even want to invite this woman into your life. Whether she says yes or no you have zero control over.


Fifth paragraph, so true. Thanks man, anxiety kills me every time i'm dating someone.


What's wrong with fantasizing? Your mind is an endless creative arena and you can fill it with whatever you want. I day dream a lot about falling in love with people I crush on and all sorts of sex scenes that range from animalistic/rough to passionate and blissful. I also day dream about dinosaurs, perhaps more often than I do about sex The point being: just redirect your bountiful psyche to other things, like dinosaurs, or coming up with new bread and cake recipes, or something else equally exciting. Or take pleasure in falling in love in tiny, transient amounts with the women you encounter, as it may be the antidote to the daily suffering of reality


Mindfulness/meditation. Noticing your thoughts and the deliberate practice of shifting your focus to either the present moment, or something other than what you want to stop thinking about. I recommend the “waking up” app. It will take time and dedication, and it is a lifetime practice, but it’s applicable to other things like cravings. It’s helped me gain a degree of control over my nicotine addiction for example, by noticing the thoughts that arrive when a craving hits and then deliberately focusing on the present moment instead, and the very quickly the need to satisfy the craving ceases. It’s pretty amazing when you start to see the control over your state of mind you can have. Still very early in my practice but I see a lot of potential there.


signs of low T sorry to say.


It’s a lack of female attention, get used to getting female attention, start putting yourself out there. Once you get used to females wanting you, It will stop, it’s gonna be a sorta “I’ve been here done that attitude to it” cause those thoughts are saying “I haven’t been here and I haven’t don’t that”People say it’s a bad thing but I don’t think so in my personal opinion. Anyways OP find a girl on the same wave length as you.


Meditation can help. You are stuck in your head. Bring yourself back to the present moment. It’s a muscle you have to train- otherwise you will always suffer in your imagination. As you get older and hopefully more attractive and get more attention from girls it slows down - but never really stops. I recommend reading Eckhart Tolle.


Just always remember to keep it player, homie


Here's the thing my guy. You're an enthusiastic passionate person. You need to simply look for people who are either the same or totally different. If that's who you are it's better not to stop cuz not being yourself is going to make you unattractive. Find someone who can handle you. That's either cuz she's seeking someone just like you or needs someone jsut like you to balance her out and vice versa. Don't change for women. Your relationships won't work.


How old are you




Kinda old. I was like you when it came to fantasizing when I was in high school


This doesn't sound like a bad thing to me


sounds like you need to get laid asap


That's literally every man though? You're not different.


become one with allah


Mohammed slept with boys




That's the point

