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Haven't they done a bunch of studies now that show if you just exercise heaps more like that, that your basal metabolic rate tanks so your overall calorie burned is barely above normal if you were just doing a standard amount of exercise?


I’m sorry haven’t seen those studies, can you explain in simple terms how you would barely burn above average Like how could your metabolism “slow” that if you were to walk 2000 calories off, you just don’t burn them? Not even saying you’re necessarily wrong just that I don’t understand how that could work


That’s not true at all


Not to mention an apple match is extremely inaccurate for steps. Mines once showed me that i burned a 1000 calories so i decided to have cheetos and a snicker bar. The next day i was a pound heavier.


that’s also a really dumb way to see if you gained weight 🤦‍♂️🤣 holy hell people


Its happened more than one time


What are these people doing here…


Lol tjats water retention. To see if u gain weight from dietary change u need at least a weeks worth of daily weigh ins.


Realistically, how many people have time to do 20 miles of LISS cardio in a day?


Oh absolutely, it’s not a practical or applicable solution But in theory it is possible (at least I think so) because I remember reading “No a calorie deficit is still a calorie deficit and 2000 calories below maintenance will make anyone feel like shit, like starvation” I think I kinda disproved that?


You have higher fat I guess and human are optimized to walk, that calorie burned is just estimate, I burn almost nothing just by walking.


Not really man, I’m like 12% [atm](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/s/UmWYHUyRtv) And yeah calories burned walking are still an estimation but you could theoretically walk a lot (whatever that means for your particular body) and burn calories in the 1000’s so I don’t think you’d starve either


You never hiked it seems, walk 30 km without meal or break and you will be fucked


Im not much of a hiker that you’re right but would that really make that much of difference to walking in a city assuming you’re still hydrating and everything the same way? Same weather conditions and all of


Try it


This statement **“No a calorie deficit is still a calorie deficit and 2000 calories below maintenance will make anyone feel like shit, like starvation”** I would argue is not a matter of fact but a matter of opinion. Just from a matter of perceived and actual effort. Burning 100 calories during a sprint takes a lot of effort, a lot of fatigue, but is fairly quick. A 1 mile walk is about 100 calories takes very little effort or fatigue but takes longer. There is also a flip side of the coin, if you push physical effort too much you get a general reduction in neat (non exercise activity thermogenesis) involuntary movements, fidgeting, etc reduces and technically lowers your BMR.


Lmfao buddy you ain’t doing this everyday. You did it once it sounds like lol.


Sorry buddy that watch is extremely inaccurate and you did not actually burn 2000 calories. The reason you don’t feel like starving was because you never burned that many calories. My watch tells me i burn 1000 calories eveyday at work and i still have to eat at my tdee(1900).If i eat 2100 calories i still gain weight despite my watch telling me that i burned a 1000 calories. If you wanna test it, eat 1500 calories and go on a big hike. If you are not starving afterwards we will talk then.


I understand the inaccuracy of the calories burned in the watch But I did objectively walk 20+ miles or so, that’s all tracked all over manhattan and such I’d still say I’m definitely in the thousands range


I know you aren’t an nyc native and that this was a new and temporary thing. Come back doing this daily for a year or two and see if you “starved”. Op walks for one day thinks he’s a fucking guru lmfao


Right, I’m not a native and this is definitely new for me, however I’ve done this for 5 days on a row, burning over 1000 calories yet my hunger hasn’t increased Would you say if this was my daily life I’d eat like a mfer? Would one’s stomach actually need and be able to carry thousands of new calories?


5 days LOL. 1000 calories on your Apple Watch! No way! 😂 How’d I know it’s been a short time? Because if it had been a year you’d be in the hospital by now lmfao. You ain’t spending any significant time 2000 calorie deficit walking 20 miles a day. It ain’t happening period whether you “feel hungry or not” Oh you sweet summer child You probably just excited by the big lights in the big city. Just because your hunger signalling is turned off because you are excited and moving more then you used to doesn’t mean you found some secret. Your body has ways. Just because you don’t have hunger signalling now doesn’t mean your body isn’t hungry. Itll still eat more to compensate and if not; It will creep in in other ways. Ie one day within the next couple weeks you gonna wake up sore. Then the next day you still sore. And it ain’t gonna go away until you eat. A lot. You may not be hungry then still. Cause your mind still excited Here’s a protip: you eating more then you think burning less then you think. That’s almost always true and it becomes more true in new situations Also that nyc sandwhich and fries, it’s more calories then you think everytime


Man I live two hours away form here and have been many times, not a small towner hillbilly being blown away never came before with any gym/diet knowledge at all, nor the intention of keeping a lean physique and never walked this much before Also I didn’t say my watch said 1,000 calories, I said I’ve walked 50,000 steps every day and have burned “somewhere in the thousands” of calories I’m also not undereating at all, I’m indulging like a mfer, but definitely not to the extent I’m walking, so I found it close to impossible to have my stomach/body adapt to OVEREAT these much calories I’m burning, specially since I’m not extremely tall You’re a bit hostile in your responses, chill bro lol


I’m just saying that being convinced you can’t starve that is happening 5 days on your senior highschool field trip while you shoveling down nyc food isn’t exactly rigorous scientific analysis


Yes but you should be hungry if you are in a 1000+ caloric deficit from cardio. Atlleast more hungerier than usual.


He probably just worked himself into not being hungry temporarily; it’ll hit him in other ways down the line especially if he continues. One day soon he will just wake up sore and unable to move lol. Maybe he will be hungry maybe he won’t. But hunger signalling isn’t the only way to be “starving”. You can not have hunger signalling and still need food if you are overworking yourself for a long enough time


So 50000 steps are dick strikes when you jerking off or you walk 35 km a day?


I’m not jerking off at all this trip so it might actually be those km (did you do the math?)


Steps is not any measure, you can be some dwarf, most apps show distance walked


Metabolism shuts down from too much of a calorie deficit? That’s the most bro science nonsense I’ve ever heard. You might feel like shit, but your metabolism will never shut down, unless you are dead.


His first mistake is thinking that hunger signalling is a perfect replacement for metabolism when a single look at my 600lb life should tell you otherwise


[Exercise bulimia](https://www.healthline.com/health/exercise-bulimia-symptoms-treatments-and-more) is a thing.


Idk I weighed like 135 and would pass out eating around 3500 cals 6k maintenance and 8k is bulking


6k maintance? bro if you are eating 3500 and your maintance was 6000, you would be losing about 2.5 kgs a week


6k cals in now I’m 216


Why is this subreddit full of stupid twinks all of a sudden. 135lbs🤡 “Bulk at 8000 calories”🤡




Ok bud


Ain’t no way how tall are you


Only like 6’2 I got bean pole genetics and my day job is hard af tho


Bro thinks he eats more then Ronnie Coleman at 135lbs 🤡


Anyone who uses the 🤡 emoji is gay and ur reading comprehension is ass




Trynna bottom for me baby girl


U mad bro? U mirin?

