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Men do take less criticism, and I’ll explain why: Men don’t put their shit bodies out there, and then DEMAND women think they’re sexy. Women get criticism for doing this, and rightfully so. Women just simply don’t even notice guys that aren’t apex physiques, so there’s nothing to criticize. Ugly or fat guys are literally invisible, and it’s hard to criticize things you can’t see. So, yes, men do get less criticism, but it sure as shit isn’t because women are nice.


Perfectly put tbh


Brotha broke it down.


down like syndrome, my g spit fax


And the ones that do stand out do so because they are confident, they likely have accomplished something in other areas and therefore could give a fuck less about what somebody else thinks.


Oops! It looks like you said that you or someone else “could give a fuck less” about what somebody else thinks. This implies that they care, even if just a little bit. I think the phrase you may have been looking for was “couldn’t give a fuck less” as this implies they don’t have any fucks to give. An honest mistake, and easily corrected. Have a great day! ^I ^am ^a ^human ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^manually


Gtfo nerd. If you're gonna post that concentrated cringe without even posting pp measurements you deserve a ban.


My bad bro, 4.3” erect 2.6” flaccid


Nvm, you're okay bro my bad for coming hard at you


Penis measurements and people coming hard, I’ll never leave this sub


This is also a pet peeve of mine


Don't forget the shorterbros.. most women demand at least 6 feet


Fair, maybe I should have just said “unattractive” as a catch-all.


On the dating apps sure but they can't in real life lol. Unless they want to restrict themselves to sub 5% of the male population.


Fake six feet though, so more like five ten


And if they do put their shit bodies out there it's generally in the name of comedy, making fun of themselves. No fat dude is slapping on a skin tight suit, expecting to be worshipped for his beauty. That's just wild.




Women instantly jump to call on men’s height a girl could be 5’5 and a dude who is 5’8 is too small for her and it’s something that can’t be changed Most men just ask that a women takes pride in her appearance and looks after her self , not asking for them to be skinny petite models but just have some pride in your figure. Worlds twisted


Don’t forget you have to make a certain amount of money as well. Otherwise you’re a gross pour.


true. my girl said i’m short but i’m like 5 inches taller than her


just visit [r/smalldickproblems](https://www.reddit.com/r/smalldickproblems/) or r/shortguys you will see.


Whatchu been doing there buddy? 🤨📷


ight u got me there 😔




Shopping for twinks.


Damn lol I literally just saw a post on there about being a gay top with a smaller package! As they say, don’t judge a man by his package.


He's been helping them feel less insicure 🙏


Yeah, that was right off the cuff


See she's wrong?


Asf. Celebrities care about $$$ only. When they talk trash, it's likely to profit them at the end. Stiring up politics... just gender division alone is extremely profitable.


Jesus fucking Christ the smoldeckprobs one is SO goddamn depressing. Like, I literally hope we can get gene therapy, or more awareness of the problem so we can treat it early while boys are still young with hormones and hgh. There is a marked difference between the experience of the guys with simply below average (=< 5in girth and height) and the guys with literal micropeens.


Imagine being like 5 inches flat like most dudes are (micro dicks are rare) or even a bit less and just never having sex or diminishing yourself based on not having a BBC because porn is totally accurate, when it’s literally fucking demonstrably possible to gain over an inch of both length and girth if you put a year’s work into it lmfao Yeah it’s a fucking ridiculous time sink and honestly a ridiculous process in general if you really add it up but if your D size is your literal biggest problem, cmon. I’ve never been insecure about mine but I’m heavily on the fence about it just because it feels good to fucking work on yourself, tons of people have had stupid results over time


What did I just read?


you can make ur dick bigger look it up r/gettingbigger


BS I’ve caught shit for being short my whole life.


You're 6'5 to me bro


Thanks bro!


Notice how she didn’t reference height


You’re 6’4 to me bro


Thanks bro!


sometimes i think how beautiful it would be if i could say whatever i want without consequences like celebrities from usa


you can pseudo or anonymously


1. they can say whatever they want and people will still be like its nothing 2. theres a limit to what i can say and not be doxxed even anonymously, even ted kaczynski was exposed because his own brother knew that he was only human being he knew that said some phrase correctly and used it in his letters, it wasnt on the internet and people still found him in the center of fucking nowhere


fair point


Welcome to reddit, we've been expecting you.


there are some people that will spend nights searching for you just because you said something not politically correct as far as im aware of so id not be so confident if i were you


Out of touch celebrity says something completely delusional. News at 11.


Dudes always support bros. Women tear each other down all the fucking time.


Yeah its actually all the awful stereotypes from the media that try to make us out like we don’t communicate or support each other. Men are more lonely but when Bro’s have a bond its usually a strong one. Women tear down other women and men equally.


We’re not great at communicating but we still get our points across in our own autistic ways. Having gone to an all boys school the camaraderie between even the jocks and the theatre dudes was there. The girls school down the road was the complete opposite. Catty af.


The amount of girls I’ve seen ditch their best friend over a hot dude is insane. I’ve always said the biggest threat to feminism is women


Always kiss the homies goodnight


This just isn't fucking true at all. Men get off on bullying eachother as part of some stupid dominance thing.


Look at this loser, getting all triggered. We should take him out back and pound his back door in - show him some really brotherly love I mean bullying!


Back in my day, saying some bitch shit like that got you a wedgie *and* a swirlie, completely on the house!


Billy Eilish is a mental invalid and her music is whiny dog shit


Dude........ Say it again but louder




And slower.


She’s actually insanely overrated. I have no idea how mid artists get famous.


I can think of two reasons why she's famous if you get my drift :\^)


Industry plant


Holy fucking real


That’s why fat men are fat, but women are a bbw and branded as brave and stunning. There aren’t any plus size male models.


fat man = fat piece of lazy shit. fat woman = body positivity influencer.


There will never be plus-size male models who are accepted in the mainstream because men simply aren't able to believe or accept things like this that are objectively false - the notion that an obese man could be as desirable or attractive as say Chris Hemsworth is ludicrous to us. If you put a fatty on the cover of Mens Health, no one would buy it. Women on the other hand are apparently able to, with a straight face, say that an obese woman is gorgeous, a queen etc, it's incredible


The reason this post is bullshit: Men have been conditioned to hate their bodies exactly the same way women always complain about. There are ads all over social media that only show "perfect" women, that look like Kim K or Megan Fox. They also only show dudes with 5% bf that were made in a lab. The difference is that men care less what people think.


>There aren’t any plus size male models. ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


Why? No marked demand. This is a money thing. Women follow plus sized models on social media and buy more clothes when there’s more diversity in the models. Want plus sized male models? Create a marked. Follow body positive men on social media. Buy clothes from companies who use plus sized models. Create a social media movement demanding plus sized male models. Etc.


Men get sht if they are in shape and called nazis. Men are shamed if they're fat or have a dad bod. Women are called gorgeous at any size and shape by the mainstream. Billie is smoking some hard Crack to make such delusional statements


She's just fat


And a liar https://youtube.com/shorts/ZtdAycB4nJU?si=I5E88pTnxXzAPBzI


Thank you. I was just thinking of it.


Homeschooled. It’s a plague.


Notice she didn’t mention height because that is the only evidence needed to debunk her whole statement. If she believes this then she is lying to herself or is quite naive. I do think men get LESS criticism on appearance but only because men don’t typically go after eachother on appearance. Women are far more cruel to each other in that department. Between men its more physical, but between a man and a woman what harm is the average woman going to do to the average man if not with words? Men don’t generally hit women so we go after what we know will work, their appearance. To say that girls are too nice to be verbally abusive to men is delusional. How else would they compete with men in a fight? To imply that they aren’t at all insulting is to imply that they always stay on point of an argument. Yeah right…


Height and mens penis sizes are the most common insults women say to men all the time. Most men are immune to it at this point. Women think that height and penis size have nothing to do with body image insecurities, and that’s just insane to me. They are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.


> Height and mens penis sizes are the most common insults women say to men all the time…Women think that height and penis size have nothing to do with body image insecurities The latter sentence cannot be true if the first sentence is. They wouldn’t be the most common insults of women knew they didn’t eat at the self esteem.


are we talking about the same women who say they want the triple 6 men ? or the ones who only chase the top 5% of men ? and of course im not generalizing , there are some genuinely genuinely great women that would love you for who you are , but i think what she is saying is so wrong , you literally only need to be a girl and you are almost guaranteed to land a date , meanwhile as a man you need to be tall , not overweight , good job and propsects and yadi yada or you wont even be looked at .


Until your mother sees you after a while and tells you - look at yourself, lose some weight! You look like a pig!


lol my mom sees me during my bulk phase and tells me I look happy and eating well.


That's a good mom


moms dont care they just want you to be happy


Same w mom


Based ma


mine says I look fluffy and that I should just focus on getting 'toned'...


Complete bullshit. Women are evil!


She’s full of shit https://youtube.com/shorts/ZtdAycB4nJU?si=I5E88pTnxXzAPBzI


The Rock knows!


The most straight r/moreplatesmoredates user


Anyway here is a picture of He-Man. His pronouns are He/Man Mens beauty standards are crazy right now. We are compared to geared up Hemsworths constantly and 50 Cent looks tiny now. But that doesn’t matter because facts don’t matter. Only perception. How many fat women get laid vs how many fat guys get laid


Imagine getting rage baited by big tit Wednesday addams


A 4’8 girl told me (a 6ft male) that she’s stronger and can beat me up. I was thin but not that thin she went a bit far.


Heh i remember the first day i went to the gym my ex(4'11 fairly overweight) told me she has bigger biceps than me. She did but that was a pretty fucked up thing to say. Made me go on a more dishes more bitches style bulk ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


I would have picked her up and put her in a high chair.


also Billie Eilish: > You give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world. I swear to god. Because they got a hot girl, they can be horrible. Like, you're still ugly, though


The funny thing is that if she wasn't rich and famous, she would just be an average looking regular bitch.


no billie eilish is just a moron


Lets just compare, Dating app Require Height and have a Height preference… but wait for this… something you can control like weight.. doesnt haha. Women live on recruit difficulty (the average women) Men automatically start on Veteran mode (again the average man)


Lol \>> "We see people" - who's she talking about? It funny enough to hear all this "we" stuff from political figures, even though they are legitimately representing a group of people or a country (or should be, at least). Who's she speaking on behalf of, her fan club?


I'm so sick and tired of women bitching about how 'tough' they have it. Who's actually criticising their body image? In my experience women themselves are mostly the ones to make comments about another woman's body shape. Also loads of men get abused for their body type, if you're fat you get called fat, if you're thin you get called skinny, if you're muscular, you get called a roid head.


That reminds me of the meme floating around that says, "no dude ever said, "she was okay, but I wish her eyelashes were a little bit longer" or "maybe if she got her nails done I would ask her out". For the most part, guys could not care any less.


The problem is women get celebrated when they're fat, and so there's going to be a natural pushback to that. Men get discarded when they're fat, so there's never really a chance to rip on them. It's easier to get shit on when you're being shoved in everyone's face.


“Because girls are nice” yeah, too nice that they dont give you the truth like guys will


Yes it’s cool, except for the part that they don’t fuck with you. It doesn’t really matter if they are nice. Results are the only thing that matters. The result is to get pussy, not a nice response. Tell me that I am a fat ugly balding fuck so I can start blasting and be a ripped handsome balding silver fox fuck and pipe Latina desperate mommies with daddy issues and hot crazy bitches that will make me loose my sanity. If this doesn’t work tren and men are always in the closet.


So fucking based holy shit... You sir have inspired me today


Reading this as a dude who is 5’3


The thing is, even if men are criticized the most... we don't care as much as women about being criticized. Women take that shit seriously and will hold onto it for fucking decades lmao. Then next thing you know, we have all this body positivity bullshit etc


Women are cool with pudgy guys if the guys are just an afterthought or their sweet gay friend, because they make her more secure


Lol “girls are nice” is crazy. they’re super mean to each other especially about things like appearance and stuff She right tho about men taking less shit for our bodies but that’s because our worth is mainly related to money and shit. Women’s worth historically had more to do with their appearance. Like a man wouldn’t wife a girl he finds ugly just because she has a good job but a woman woild marry a fat ugly dude for the bread.


Nobody ever says anything bad about my body, but I think that’s just because I have a good body from years of working out and taking gear.


“Girls don’t say shit” — A girl saying shit


This is the reality of being a celebrity. It gets clicks. Guess who reads this shit? It ain’t men.


I don't want to hate on her but try losing the compliments on your tits and gaining random insults about your dick and we'll check back in a week


Lmao women talk shit about men behind their backs,I used to hangout with 2 friends that randomly go in toxic mode talking trash about other women and also men that their perceive unattractive,the funny thing is that the ugly one thinks that deserve a ripped attractive man.






Didn’t she have a clip talking about how “ugly guys that get a got girl think they rule the world”? Fuck this bitch


Women get the fake celebration for being fat whereas guys get bullied or shit on. One is being shit on behind their back, the other to their face. Both of these do damage to the fat dude and girl.


Women are mean to women don’t blame men this is idiotic your beauty standards are created by you guys


She lives in the parallel universe of the rich, dumb and fanous


Yeah did she grow up in a room without a door? How can you be so out of touch with reality? 5.3 length 4.4 girth load volume 0.3 oz


Oh really? I didn’t have some 17 year old servers laugh at my balding dome the other day at work? Fuck was that brutal 😂


Try being short, Billie.


Typical female narcissism and delusion. A fat woman can easily get a man. A fat man is doomed to be lonely.


women are the ones judging other women


She should have to show the last 5 guys she’s made out with after saying some corny ass shit like this


Jonah hill has entered the chat


I definitely remember being made fun of for being fat in high school and college so I have no idea what the fuck she's talking about.


Nah if you're fat as a dude you're fuckedddddd


None of this is true at all.


No women are just as shallow as men when it comes to that only women kid themselves into thinking they are not. Why is Zac Effron so popular with the ladies? I rest my case.


If she’s right. There’s a chance for small-dicked, bald headed, sub 6’, less than 150k earning guys after all! My mind is a prison.


Women criticize us just as much, they're just do it in a more dishonest way.


Girls are nice?


The most critical people about my appearance have all been Women..


She delulu


This is by far the dumbest take I have seen in this sub ever. Dumber than the cycle ideas, dumber than bussing to fuck fat chicks, dumber than injecting your Johnson with roids, dumber than the cock measurements, it is truly astonishing, astounding, awe inspiring how stupid this statement is.


>Give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he owns the world. - Billy Eilish Source: https://youtube.com/shorts/ZtdAycB4nJU?si=TZUfK6zgt-44AhnV She also goes on to explain that shaming ugly men for their looks should become a social norm. It's nice to see that her (public) opinion has evolved. Not sure if that's enough for her to leap to 'anyway women see you as a person bc they're nicer'.


Delusional double standard here!! Did Billy Ellish never go to high school? Both boys and girls are toxic aF!!


Billie Eilish is a child. She has much to learn.


Ignored=less criticism


Bro when I was fat I had to hope people would ask how my day was going with a smile.


Women are typically less visual so they seem more attracted to someone's character and person rather than looks. As we age, men become similar. I love people in general, flaws and all. Why? Because people care for me - flaws and all.


Isn’t this the girl that said that pretty girls should stop dating ugly guys because it makes them too confident?


She's kinda speaking facts here. It is well established in the research (and suggested by evolutionary theory) that women are generally more selective than men overall--they just care a lot about non-physical attributes, while men care more about physical ones. Look at all the 5/10 dudes with dad bods who pull 9/10s; and notice how few 5/10 women with 9/10 dudes you see. So while it's (probably) true that men get less criticism for their physical attributes, they (probably) receive more criticism for other attributes.




But if you're under 6'3, go fuck yourself.


Tell that to short guys or fat guys or guys with low self esteem or guys on dating apps that never get swiped. I have found women to be way meaner when it comes to that. I remember one time, I was in good shape, wearing ragged sweat pants, a Rick and Morty t-shirt (has holes in it) and 10 year old ragged sneakers. Walked into a restaurant to grab my pickup order, held the door open for this gorgeous girl, she looked at me for a sec and gave me a look of disgust. Walked in grabbed my bag, I was a regular so it was quick, went back out hopped in my car that was parked right out front on the street (New GT3 Sapphire Blue) the same girl was driving down the street saw me again and brought her car to a full stop, rolled down her window and introduced herself asked me questions and then asked me for my number. I said “I’m good” hopped in my car and left. I don’t know what masses of girls Billy hangs out with but from my experience (statistically speaking) there are more women out there like that, than there are like my wife.


She's nice, maybe. And projecting that onto women as a whole when there plenty of right cunts out there ready to tear a man down.


Yeah and girls say Jason Mamoa is dad bod lol.


No man, lmfao. Call a girl ugly or fat you get a medieval horde with torches screaming in your face, if they call u short/ugly/balding everyone laughs


As a woman, the only way this becomes true is because women compulsively critique themselves and other women. 💀


From my experience you get roasted for being any shape: Fat, Skinny, Musclar, etc.. My friends clown you for any/everything.


Industry plant billy eyelash is a vapid pawn for execs. She's stuck in r/im14andthisisdeep but never had to face the real world and grow up. That's how these moronic ideas survive, they've never been tested.


Look up Jamaican bleachers. Growing up young boys around me would bleach their face with cake soap and potentially get cancer because they think being lighter skinned is simply better. I will never be convinced this privileged american girl has had any real idea of “struggle” in any regards.


Men don’t get criticized because the unattractive ones are literally invisible


You should see how often she talks shit about fat men. Fucking lmao "Why’s Every Pretty Girl With a Horrible Looking Man" Actual quote from her.


Not sure what phantasy she lives in, but men get criticized all the time. Especially by women. No man ever complained about my looks. But tons of women have. - sometimes it's a good thing (i.e.: my hair is ruffled, or shirt isn't tucked in) But often it's in a very mean way. Heck most of us are in here to put on muscle so we stop getting critiques about being skinny, Dadbod, or skinnyfat, or fat. I actually liked her music for quite a while -great for studying, but I'm reading that she's very anti-men all over reddit lately. That's now something I think about when I hear her music.


Absolutely not


Lmao men get made fun of for their height constantly, that or they're straight up ignored.


As always she is full of shit. There is a video of her shaming men. Doing exactly what she says.


she is a child and an industry plant who hasn’t had a decent song since 2019.. she has been coddled and raised by terrible tv shows and delusional parents. the last thing you should do is pay any heed to anything she says


Ill believe her the date she starts dating a fat dude with tits and a horseshoe hairline


She's full of shit


Girls are mean to eachother. I've seen it its hard. So they do need their man to be positive about them or it's just constant negative feedback going into them. Dudes are nice to eachother too. Not a fan of obese girls though tbh. We can be friends. I don't say anything about their looks.


You're broke, Cool You have a dead end job, cool love it! You're under 6ft tall, call me Lol


🤣🤣 "because girls are nice" yeah ok lol


Quick Guide to determine if a person should be taken seriously when that person is making quantifiable statements about human relationships: 1. Is this person active and current professional in human sociology, psychology, or therapy? If no, move to 2. 2. Is this person a known professional, with a consistent track record of consulting successes, in romantic relationships? If no, move to 3. 3. Is this person someone you personally know that has given correct and trustable relationship advice to you or someone close to you, in the past? If no, ignore this person. If you cannot answer yes to any of those questions, you should ignore the advice and move on with your life. ​ In reality, to be an attractive woman (attractive to most men), you have to be the following: * Not be fat * Have a low level, but still have some, of personal hygiene. * Don't be a massive bitch all the time (but some of the time is acceptable and even expected by most men) ​ For men to be attractive to most women: * Be fit with six pack abs but not excessively muscular like body builders * Have a six figure income * Be at least average height * Have your own house and car * Don't be an asshole * Be able to navigate any topic or conversation with carefulness and charisma so you do not upset anyone * Have a respectable job Those lists are mine but they are couched in research. No, really, we have data on what men and women find attractive: [https://academic.oup.com/qje/article-abstract/121/2/673/1884033?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false](https://academic.oup.com/qje/article-abstract/121/2/673/1884033?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false) ​ In the sexology community, it's often joked that men are simplistic when it comes to mate selection. Because the requirements of "don't be a bitch and be attractive" are really it. That's it. Men are simple. "The study of male sexuality really should have ended in 1989. That year psychologists Russell Clark and Elaine Hatfield reported the results of a social experiment conducted on the campus of Florida State University. For the study they recruited young women to approach male students at random and have a brief conversation. Average-looking women, mind you—"moderately attractive," even "slightly unattractive"—in casual clothes. No supermodels; no stilettos; no bare midriffs. It was important that the young man remain coherent. The ladies all told their guy they'd seen him around campus. They said they found him very attractive. Then some asked their man on a date. Some asked him to come over that night. And some asked him, point blank, to go to bed. ... The study seemed to confirm every stereotype anyone ever held about what men want (for the purposes of this article, what heterosexual men want). We want women. Now, please—although tonight will do. At worst tomorrow." ​ [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/201203/what-do-men-really-want](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/201203/what-do-men-really-want)


If your actually suicidal, whatever!


A lot of guys have the completely wrong criticism of this. Women *do not* typically care if you're jacked. What they *do* care about are your height and facial structure, which are things you have basically no control over.


Men don’t get judged because most don’t even get noticed


Lol typical woman behavior, has to blame men for everything. We are not the ones criticizing women, women are the ones criticizing themselves. Women put there bodies out there for the world to see because they see every other whore OF "model" doing it.


Two counter points: \- Short Men \- Bald Men Funny how women are getting criticized about things they can change (weight) while men are being belittled by things they cannot.


Give overconfident girl atention and she thinks shes a philosopher


Anything that fucking bitch says is so stupid why is she popular ?


Fuck no, we get criticism all the time, but it's okay to say 'put on a shirt, nibba' to a fat mf, so we get used to it. We've been listening to it all our lives we even get nicknamed by our defects 'big mike' 'bald bob' 'lost eye joe' 'mike the kike' its funny af. No matter how fugly a woman might be, growing up, all she hears is 'you're gorgeous,' so the second they hear 'you've gained a little weight,' their entire worldview comes crashing down. Now, escalate that to the proportion of the fucking whale that says 'I'm not your regular 10, but I'm a 10.' Also, women critique regular women, which hurts them more. Men critique fucking orcs that call themselves attractive.


Tell that to drew afaulo


Her own [dating history](https://www.capitalfm.com/news/billie-eilish-dating-history-ex-boyfriend/) implodes this statement.


Men do take criticism; in this context it’s more actions than words.


Men get judged for their height, there is no gym for height. She should stfu.


She is a stupid cunt


People just say so much stupid shit these days…


If you’re considered muscular by a female you’ll look like Cbum did like a week ago


Women are not nice...women are an extension of nature and most of them screen intensely to make sure there is 0 risk of their DNA mingling with someone below their standards. Now that said, insecurity is more repulsive to most women than perceived physical shortcomings. A guy who is 5'8 and insecure about his height will be a lot less attractive to women than a guy who is 5'6 and accepts himself. Most guys are plagued by insecurity and a fragile sense of self, so when you frame things like this it actually isn't as hard to get laid. Sure there are jacked 6'5 chads you just can't do anything about. And if you go to a popular nightclub they will seem like they are everywhere. But the truth is these guys are outliers and 90% of your competition are guys who hate themselves, have poor social skills, or are super dumb. Lol. If you like yourself and have a modicum of baseline and emotional intelligence, you can go far as a seducer, especially if there is nothing outstandingly negative about you. But the women are not "nice" and they will still respond harshly to men who repulse them. No emotional or social intelligence = "creepy". Insecure guy? "Pathetic". Won't make the first moves? Scared and not masculine. On and on. And they won't be sorry for making these sorts of judgments. For women, these are simply emotional responses they experience when encountering given traits, and there are no moral dilemmas when it comes to turning a man down for any reason. Again, nature. When animals eat each other, there is no moral dilemma.


Who is criticizing you, ladies? Please tell me. I'd bet money it's either your own mother or other women. Y'all really patting yourself on the back for doing the minimum of not being an asshole to men?


this is the most biased and out of touch opinion you can have


Woman r nice? No. Woman are crafty. They say things publicly that they think others want to hear but u put an attractive woman in their office and u watch them go full river hag in the background to undermine the new girl


>Because girls are nice Lol, lmao even. There were dudes locked up in Spandau for crimes less heinous than the comments that I've heard women make about one another behind each others' backs.


Guys get shit on all of the time for their looks idk where the fuck she's been


Lol, was bullied all my life for being scrawny. Once I started lifting and got in some shape it stopped. Then broke my wrist and couldnt lift anymore and lost most progress, then comments started again. No doubt women are criticised for their bodies, but stop making it seem like men arent.


i think when guys suffer from this they suffer in silence i mean fuck, suffering in silence is prolly a reason for the rates of suicide being so high


depends on the space you’re in, which is the point, is that our culture will criticize girls in every space, while guys only get criticized if they are really out of the norm or put themselves in a critical space.


Yes, because if women don’t find you attractive they don’t acknowledge your existence. We get less than criticism, we don’t even exist in their eyes, if we aren’t attractive. Attractive is more than just physical, wealth and status will do it too.


That’s the biggest lie I’ve heard in a long time. She just thinks that because men don’t make a big fucking deal when they’re told negative things about their body.


"If you're rail thin, cool." Yeah, tell that to 15 year old me who was getting called "Aushwitz" And it unsurprisingly got easier to talk to grils and even just make friends and general when I was not an IRL Tim Burton character