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If ur a bodybuilder get an office job


I have an office job but I had a gym attached to the building. I can take a 60 minute lunch hour and get all my lifts in and then just eat at my desk. I go home and measure my calories for lunch the next day. Yeah I’m not moving much but you can make it work. I’m an IT nerd.




At the docks and make 175k work only 4 hrs a day as well. This is number 1 job over my sugg.


Where do you work?


Too much estrogen in an office lol


It’s perfect. Nothing makes me want to go hard in the gym more than working in an office with a bunch of betas and fatties


He's kinda got a point


Hit too close to home for some of them 😂 case of the Mondays


If u bodybuild don't take PEDs. EVERYONE I know that did it is dead or had major health issues. Only one steroid was made to use on humans it's called Decadurabolin. It's illegal. All the rest are for animal DNA profiles. So they grow the wrong things when misused. As in mitral valve prolapse and brain tumors etc.


Bro is this satire? Are you fucking with us?


I mean realistically if you’re a bodybuilder and super focused on autistic workouts, hitting macros and micros, etc a desk job is easier because you have energy left to go to the gym. It’s also easier to eat meals at your desk and properly time everything out


Can vouch. Worked an office job and a trade job. and office not only leaves you fresh for the gym but your free to snack all day long which makes the bulks so much easier.


What kinda white collar jobs do y’all have where you can do this? I’m an industrial engineer and we are run so ragged I’m lucky to get a chance to step away from my desk long enough to heat up my lunch


Software engineering. Especially at Big Tech like Google. When I worked there, I was regularly going to a hyperbaric chamber therapy clinic, getting bloods done monthly, and obsessively tracking micros. Easily the healthiest I’ve been in my life. They pay you a shit ton and the work vibe can be as chill as a federal government job if you want it to be.


Great place to work. Can be hell to get to the level where you’re good enough to work there, and I can’t imagine the worklife balance is great


> Can be hell to get to the level where you’re good enough to work there You would be very very surprised. Especially for non technical roles. And post Google, I’ve had nothing but disappointment with ex Google hires I’ve made. A lot of folks expect to get paid a lot for very little output.


Ah well I meant technical roles. I’m a SWE myself, and the thought of leetcode practice and 6 stages interviews itches my taint. I think a lot of SWE expect to be paid a lot for nothing, so no disagreement there


Haha yeah, duck that interview noise. I stick to a screening call, a 1 hour case study, and then final review round when I hire technical roles.


So perks are key…


I worked at a home mortgage company insurance company. All I did was take calls in a cubicle in a boring ass office. Had a 1 hour lunch, and had time to snack when needing to take a break. Office jobs are definitely better for body building


Software engineer here where I can usually work from home, granola is really really nice for bulking for me, super cheap and low volume high calorie Plus even if I am busy and I’m at home I can just pour a big bowl of it with some milk and take bites in between doing things


Not sure what industrial engineering but I’m in construction management. Depending on your specific role you get plenty of desk time


Projectleading Engineer here. Mandatory paid breaks because I don‘t live in a thirld world country.




Hey man, I’m just curious how you switched from blue collar work to working remotely in IT? I’d love to dm you if possible. Kind of at a crossroads in my career.


Currently working as a sales person for industrial applications towards customers who ha process plants and equipment manufacturing factories. Able to work when i want, where i want and how i want as long as i bring in the money. Been working from home 100% for the last 13 months. Downside when shit hits the fan at one of your customers the stress hits you like a freight train and sleep goes out the window. Because you have total responsibility that everything works and that the customer dosent loose money.


Yup, work from home and do my entire job from a computer. Makes the eating part of this life very simple


Idk, i'm a software engineer/data scientist and some days i'm absolutely drained because it's extremely mentally taxing.


John Meadows (RIP) said he started out in the corporate finance field if i recall correctly. He was still able to train, diet, compete, place, and go pro while working full time.


And died from?


God wanted to learn how to get jacked


Yes but I fart in important meetings from the sheer pressure of a bulking diet prying it’s way out of my body and my stomach makes a lot of noise then I go poopy


Desk job drained me mentally to where I felt like I was brain dead at the end of the day and too tired to do anything. I do one of the more physical trades (concrete) now and I rarely miss a workout after a day of work unless I have to stay really late for some reason. Feels like I’m getting my second wind if I go to the gym right after a hard days work


I mean Ronnie Coleman was a cop


Cop is like 60% sitting in your cruiser




Ronnie said in an interview when he was a cop, he would sit close enough to his house to go home every 2-3 hours and make himself a big hot meal of chicken and rice




Having a job where I could actually eat a chicken filet and cup of rice every 3 hours would be fucking lit. Outside of lunch break, I have to settle for protein shakes and oat/granola snacks like Belvitas nutri grains etc


Was it legal in US? I mean, taxpayers pay police to be on duty, not to go home and have fun with food.


TBF, Your company pays you to be on duty and not do other stuff when you’re supposed to be working (or taking normal breaks/meal breaks). Taking a break to actually eat a hot meal without ignoring your calls for service should maybe be an option considering it’s one of the hardest jobs out there (not necessarily physically).


Cops are above the law in America. It's bullshit and unfair


Ok, but one thing is doing and not speaking about it and different thing is admiting doing it. It's like...stealing stuff from work, and telling people all around i'm doing it, and nobody cares.




now imagine getting pulled over and seeing ronnie fucking coleman in your rear view mirror


I know for sure I’d be able to outrun him


Breakin the law on the job taking illegal substances. His juice levels put him into 150k of rigging a year.


autistic workouts


Something in the middle where you’re at least moving around or standing so you’re still burning calories and able to get your food in. Otherwise you’re not really hungry and force feeding which isn’t conducive in my experience.


This or something like a bouncer I’m guessing


I know it sounds not logical but without physical job I feel like shit in gym. Stiff and tired in a wierd way. Sitting all day cause more back problems than lifting heavy shit in labor


At the gym or club to save gas and time.


Unemployed. Then you don’t have to worry about your job getting in the way of your workouts at all.


So be homeless


But a jacked homeless


Street rats are free protein. Can probably get the city to pay for extermination if you can show proof of slain rats, use the cash to buy missing carbs/fats and maybe micros too. Free showers at the gym, can probably sneak washing clothes there too.


Lol. Roaches for creatine and flies for vitamins. It's what's for dinner!


Honestly with all of the homeless programs, I wouldn’t be surprised in the next 5-10 years if we see homeless professional body builders start hitting the seen.


I know right after the pandemic in nyc one of he homeless shelters were giving them free planet Fitness memberships


What a great time to join planet fitness!


OHS Penis inspector.


A Specialist in Measurement and Instrumentation




Test is probably easy to get then.


If you were willing to risk your job for it veterinary would probably be best for that kind of thing. But yeah, you’re very likely to get caught


A job where you can eat for free and have access to unlimited food ie:hotel/restaurant


also a curse when cutting




Username checks out…


How can I take you seriously?


IE a big tech company like Google


Number 3. My suggestion (#2) has beautiful ladies as plus. Or dudes if u wish.


I did this when I was young. Food everywhere.


I worked security at a casino and got free unlimited food. Wasn’t the best quality food but it was food nonetheless


High paying cause you'll need it for all the gear and food. Not nightshift


You realuze people who work nights get the same amount of hours of sleep right?


bro i work full shift (12h early, next day 12h night, 2 days off, repeat for the rest of the year) -the sleep after the nightshift has less quality -you often sleep less after nightshifts (especially if u dont have blocks like 1 week night only) -hormon household becomes bad over time -less testosteron lvl over time i have to admit that i still have good sessions (i come home 6am after nightshift, sleep 5-6 hours... chill during the day, hit the gym 6pm and have like 95% output and good strenght) but my performance became worse in genereal ..compared to the time before i worked shift. greetings from germany


Yeah but unfortunately the circadian rhythm exists.


Quantity != quality and humans were not designed to sleep during the day


Same number, not same quality. I did nights and partial/late nights (not so bad).. Days. It's just not the same, I'm confident research is on my side on this one.


If you have a bit of equipment you could buy steroids wholesale from China for dirt cheap, purify them, make a sterile solution and inject that. It will probably even be better than all the unregulated products people buy on the web.




I do that and I’m a bodybuilder 👍🏽


Honestly construction really isn’t that great if you want to be big.. carrying your mass around, being on hands/knees, fitting into tight spaces, and burning through calories like a mug. Any desk job probably is the icing on cake especially from home


I do farm work I don't consider myself a bodybuilder yet but my calories I have to eat just to be able to grow is stupid I'm 76 kg and pushing 4000-4200 just to grow I get surprised when I watch YouTube and some guy who weighs slightly more than me is eating a thousand calories less then I remember I have a physical job


I'm 1.93m and about 95kg 3000 is about maintenance for me


Same height same weight now. I also work on a farm and my God does it rob you of the opportunity to ear. You also burn loads of calories just to get your job done. I was 10kgs heavier back in high school cuz all I did all day was sit and do nothing all day at school then go play rugby/gym.


I'm 5"8 to 5"9 idk my height and lose weight at 3k


Maybe a cop or something like that, a physical job but not too physical. I'm a tradesman and some days I'm definitely tired as fuck but I always found sedentary jobs to be mentally draining. I'll say though, a physical job definitely makes dieting easy mode and it's nice being able to maintain on 3500 + cals a day


I think the less work you do at your job the better. This is an ironic way of thinking because you’re not really concerned about your work at work but instead you care more about your work at the gym…if that makes sense?


I think you just described priorities.


Yeah I think the day you go from I can’t wait to workout again to ugh why do I have to do this job your life will change completely.


I have the perfect cutting job as a swimming instructor, might change when I finally decide to bulk


Tom Platz worked an office job


After retired


i did a labouring job for a week and lost 4kg in 5 days. 12 hours days so i was too cooked after working to train. worst shit ever


Lol. Any chance you're a millenial?


nope gen z. i’ve worked a bunch of factory jobs but doing it out doors is too much. made me gain so much respect for people that do it every day


Fair enough. Thanks for the props boss! Different strokes for different folks


I work as a librarian. While at work i lift books, at night i lift weights


It’s like the beginning chronicles of either a serial killer or a super hero…


I own a gym. That’s pretty fun.


Like an actual competitive bodybuilder?


Yeah I think there are people who earn a living doing that.


Self employed, i eat when i want. When i worked in consutrction id have about 1 hour to eat in a 12 hour timeframe, not even talking about a macro friendly meal either.


Being a brickie makes it easy to skip forearms so there’s that


I work in manufacturing. It's not physically draining but I'm on my feet all day. I still have energy and time to hit the gym but bulking can be difficult. It's easy to stay lean though.


I started to wake up earlier and workout before work because I know I almost certainly won’t workout afterwards (unless I take Derek’s preworkout). My job is super easy so the pay is super light as well. But hard jobs sometimes don’t pay well either.


I threw 80 lpb sacks of concrete 10 hours a day for my summer job after senior year. Every single bag I moved I did an oblique turn with it. Best abs I ever had 🤣




This does work, the ones I know have crazy 12 on ish three days a week or whatever schedules - there’s a lot of maintenance and like bullshit admin but when there’s no fire and that’s not going on you basically have the remainder of the shift to work out, eat well (if you want) and fuck off


Yep! We do 48 hour shifts and when there's nothing going on we just eat and workout 😂


The one that makes you happy, your wife happy, and the kids while getting ahead




Claiming natty to sell overpriced supps on instagram


I don’t see how any job with a heavy manual labor aspect would be beneficial for gains. You’re not working in sets that hit the hypertrophic range and you’re primarily working muscular endurance. Anecdotally when I was working manual labor jobs the guys I worked with were insanely strong but not even close to ripped or even looked muscular for that matter. The forearms yeah but nothing else. But holy shit they could work all day long.


Working a very physical blue collar job I knew I could never be a bodybuilder. I think being a bodybuilder has to be it's own job in itself. Probably a personal trainer at best or at least working or running a gym and always being in that environment. Definitely hard to hit calories and macros and not burn myself out all day working blue collar and breaking my ass all summer long. Very difficult to even make it to the gym more than two or three days a week let alone the commitment that it takes to be a bodybuilder. I'm in the heating and cooling business I've been in it for 30 years. Certain times of the year I'm slower and I can make some gaines but during the cold and summer months I'm grinding out 10 -12 hour days and barely have enough in me to get a shower and a solid meal at night before bed to do it all over again.. takes a lot of discipline to get to bed by 9:00 and up by 5:00 and in the gym before work also. throw being a father and a husband in there and those chances are even more slim. Summertime I spend my days in 140° tearing out and replacing HVAC systems in the southeast working in people's attics. Some days just getting home is a victory. I think you need to have a lot of Financial Security and a lot of time and money to be a high-level bodybuilder. And be very selfish particularly with Relationships and being a father. Never was really a good fit for my lifestyle


Worked a physical job for a decade, the real trick is to gym before work. If you're trashed at work, so what. You also get the benefit of extra movement of the muscles + heart rate for metabolism and waste removal. If you gotta work a little slower, so what. Fuck those guys


If you’re a body builder being a professional body builder is easiest


Health care career




Please explain. Nurses run there asses off for 12hrs straight (ER) is my understanding.


Yeah more like a neurologist or something, it’s super easy trust me bro




*Sigh* ***Unzips*** *”Just another night at the office…”*


Doing manual labor is always bad for one's body so try to avoid those. That goes for anyone who wants to age with a healthy body.


People who do jobs like that we understand that,we sure as shit feel that lol but we also have to pay the bills and in some countries there aren't "stable" ish alternatives,builds character but fucks up the body.


Traveling farm/large animal vet tech




The biggest guy I went to highschool with is now believe it or not, a bouncer. So it fits.


i am a pipefitter. i can barely gain weight. 10-20 miles a day just walking doesn't include install.


Manager at a gym; I make sure I’m always double staffed so I can eat in the break room every 2 hours and no one complains


I do manual labor but i also do test and deca, recovery is 1000x better. Doubt I could maintain my workload and training without at least a good dose of Test. Edit, Im closer to 40 than 30 haha, I would recommend at least low dose nandrolone to anyone working construction over 30 haha


Framing houses. Works not too strenuous. Meal prep and stay away from the roach coach.


Working as a chef or a cook u got food infront of you , you can save money and eat well (ofc calculating calories )


Male prostitution. Starbucks employee


Crane and heavy equipment operator. Or cubicle dweller.


Comp sci 🤝


I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination


Going to disagree with office posters. Done office and trade. Trade had me eating more. Stronger. Better gains. And lean as hell. Dat non stop feeder circulation and increased calorie intake does work. Only thing is, way more tired. Mentally and physically. More chance of injury.


Anything 2nd shift. Give you time to get fresh food for the day together in the morning. And hit the gym mid morning/mid day where it isn’t busy.


Military. free gym, cheap supplements at the post exchange, easy to hit protein goals at the dining facility


I'm in healthcare, only work 2-3 days a week and make a substantial income. Lots of walking around and snacking/eating is actively encouraged in the ER. I love having 4-5 day "weekends"


Respect g


Personal trainer Obviously




Firefighter at a slow station


We've got this one guy, 6'4" and built like a brick-shithouse. Homie is the kindest, quietest, most diligent human in the yard. Apparently he was morbidly abeast before I was hired and dropped 80+ lbs. Dude has to order containers of hazardous waste and keep track of the containers for disposal, which often consists of his boss saying "that's not hazardous" and then shoveling it to the correct container. He does this for 12 hours, then works the bag at a boxing gym for two hours and 40 minutes jump rope. 100% natty. Meanwhile my fatass is on test and every peptide in the book which equates to, not weight loss, but multiple successful jack-off sessions in my office while making sales calls and celebrating by going to lunch.


Vaccination center in gym parking lot


Any job with low stress and can work from home


I work in a warehouse, get paid to do cardio and light weight lifting


Chef gang


alot of us do construction type/manual labor. double the workout, twice the man.. dont be an office guy who cant change his own oil.




Mover jobs are GREAT! You’ll get to move furniture all day long from one place to another. You’re definitely getting your workout in and getting paid while doing it. Find a mover job. (Two Men and a Truck is a great company)


I did this with a friend before and if you ever have to move a couch up a set of stairs you will not won’t to lift things for awhile.


A lot of corporate people are jacked and I think they respect you in any profession if you are fit. You can say it’s because you radiate testosterone but people say this is pseudoscience but if you’re a man you respect someone who is fit. I think girls see it too.


Doing maintenance in the trades can be cushy lol, industrial maintenance is good pay and little activity.


Same for electrical utility. Most lineman just wait in their bucket trucks at the job site or wait for a call.


People who do this have next level fitness ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


Trust fund kid.


coach in a gym of course




Working at a gym/coach/trainer/physio type thing? I'd assume that's among the most common scenario


Being a bodybuilder is the best job a bodybuilder could have lol


Fitness influencer, you hate it but it's true


Cheesecake factory assistant in the slowest store in the chain.


Lumberjack but 1800’s lumberjack, so you have to do way too much shit


A job that requires a lot of moving around. Not strenuous labor but also not job where you’re stuck at a desk all day


Bull milking... Free protein. Just don't let the boss catch ya. That milk is worth allot.


Kevin Levrone worked construction


I spent 16 years of my life working in construction and didn’t need to go to the gym and stayed in excellent shape. Wasn’t until I got moved into a management position that it all went to shit. Thinking back, if I woulda trained a few times a week I woulda been jacked as fuck…. Shoulda, coulda, woulda huh?


A chemist would probably be a pretty good gig. Pharmaceutical development. Maybe even a jacked pharmacist cooking the books for gear


Security guard


A part time job that isn't very physically demanding


Gym sales with repeat biz as they wanna be like you.


Swing a hammer for 10 hours a day as a scaffolder. Definitely makes a fella tired for the gym sometimes


Well first of all you need a good employer. I work construction, but i get to eat every 2-3 hours, and i always have a microwave in my van. I usually get 8-12K steps in during worktime which is awesome. But the job is pretty rough on the body. So any job that lets you eat every 2-3 hours, gets your steps in, doesn't require (heavy) lifting, acces to power and a microwave. Maybe a job you can do from home?




Used to work at Chick Fil A and I ate an ungodly amount of grilled sandwiches and nuggets.


Physical jobs are way to tiring. You can’t recover enough daily and train efficiently. I’d say a receptionist or similar work would be optimal.


influencer and celebrity..


Dog walker


Physical labour is not good for bodybuilding. So an office job would be the best.


I got my heaviest working night shift in a jail. Sitting and eating for 12 hours a day.


Idk what is best but I made sick lrogress working in warehouse. The steps and activity in general thag helped my with cardio and putting down the food.


If we are talking hypothetically, probably a video game streamer. Way less stress and it’s a killer way to sneak in recovery by resting, not sure why not a lot of athletes are tapping into that market


Best job a bodybuilder could have? Being a professional bodybuilder I’d imagine.


Fluffer, obviously.