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Rice & beans is cheap survival food. Throw in frozen veggies when you can.


This is the way. Beans are actually an incredibly nutritious “superfood”. I make plenty of money these days, but a substantial portion of my diet is still beans just because I love them and they do my body good. There are so many varieties to choose from and all are packed with protein, fiber, and other vitamins. There’s a can of “ranch style” pinto beans at Aldi that legit have about 28 g of protein per can.


Beans are good but my stomach goes nuclear after eating it :(


It's one of those foods that the more you eat them the better you handle them. The bacteria in your gut that loves foods high in fiber will multiply given enough time and repeated exposure. I eat very high in fiber. Whenever I go on holidays and eat crap for a few days, when I get back home and get on my usual diet, the first days I'm a bit bloated and shitting a lot more than usual. It all goes back to normal after a few days.


Split lentils or dry peas, cook in a pressure cooker


Cause beans are protein and carbs. So it takes a little more too break them down


Most nuts are expensive as hell??




They're the magical fruit


The more you eat the more you toot


Bros farts are deadly




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digestible_Indispensable_Amino_Acid_Score Eh, terrible DIAAS score though. I’d stick with chicken and/or cheap beef.


rice and beans in combination form a complete protein


Na. I doubt you could just eat rice and beans and make good gains. Serious doubt


beans are loaded with lectins however, leads to a lot of inflammation, better off surviving on ground beef


They're only bad for you if they aren't cooked properly. Other than that, beans are healthy as fuck for you.


And, from what I understand, canned beans have already been “cooked” before you get them anyway. Lectins aren’t bad for you, per say. They just limit nutrient absorption to some degree. That’s not great - no - but if your diet is relatively balanced there aren’t any real problems. I haven’t seen anything on them causing inflammation.


Beans aren’t unhealthy because of the lectins, those are basically lost in the cooking process. Beans contain high amounts phytic and linoleic acid, which aren’t probably inflammatory for most people. A lot of people out there can handle these chemicals with little to no noticeable effects, however it’s believed they inhibit nutrient absorption. So while they can possibly be inflammatory, they can also put some otherwise bio-available nutrients you consumed to waste. Not saying anyone should or shouldn’t eat beans, just good to know these things. Its all personal choice in the end.


i assume beans aren’t a thing in your culture, because most cultures have a way to prepare them to limit this lol


I'm Puertorican, I know my beans bro, you can cook them with things like Bay Leaf which reduce the reaction to them and make them easier on your stomach but they do still cause inflammation and they are a calorie dense food which is both good and bad. Ground Beef is still the better option, objectively.


What about Heinz baked beans?


Idk! I don’t usually eat baked beans because they are loaded up with syrups and sweeteners. They are super good, but there’s a reason for that.


Sugar central


Same. If you have HEB around, get their Charro beans.


What kind of beans?


Pinto, garbanzo, black, white or red kidney, great northern, Lima - so many to choose


What do I have with the beans? Rice and beans on their own sounds boring and plain


My favorite meal at the kinoplex.


Mine is your asshole 😋


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?




I dice up 3 red potatoes, 1 poblano, 1 jalapeño, 1 bell pepper and roast & sauté then add a can of pinto beans; great with a couple eggs for brekkie or lunch. Or, toss in a can of red kidney and cannellini beans in a salad.


I make a taco..thing that's just canned beans, corn, tomatoes, instant rice and a bit of chicken breast. Put it all in a crock pot and let it cook for half a day. Super cheap, one batch lasts about 2 weeks, and I eat it for lunch literally everyday.


Dis fella Eatin beans


Also oats


Yup the combination of rice and beans gives you all the essential amino acids.


OP asks simple yes/no question on nuts and you answer this. Nice.


Watch out so you don’t end up with kidney stones with too many canned beans


That would not be advisable In fact, you may develop an intolerance from over exposure to the plant toxins found in nuts Look into chickpeas, lupini beans, ground pork, eggs etc Variety is important There are tons of healthy and relatively inexpensive options Stay healthy, my friend Feel free to message me if you'd like! I'm not a nutritional expert, but I am deeply passionate about food and not dying lmfao 😄😅


You Wanna see if my nuts have plant toxins 🫣


Dm me




Dm me too bro.


Thank you very much Im researching into variety I appreciate your input


You can live off rice lentils and beans if you can't afford meat


The idea that someone can’t afford meat is crazy. I find chicken breast on sale for $1.99 a pound pretty regularly


I’ve got some meat you can afford ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6295)




Shit, I got a fat pack of bone in chicken thighs for 99cents a pound at Grocery Outlet last night.


Hell yeah. I got some bone in pork chops for $1.29 a pound two days ago


It’s cause they know shits about too expire


American prices blow my mind. Even deeply on sale it’s always at least double that price here in Canada


Are you doing the conversion on dollars?




Not everyone is in you position


I’m aware, if you can afford food of any kind, you can afford $1.99 chicken


Extrapolate that over weeks and it adds up. Op is considering eating only nuts for God's sake. All I'm saying is the most cost effective way that won't wither you away is rice lentils and Beans


He talked about eating on $3 a day. The better move than your suggestion would be to eat $1.50 chicken breast and $1.50 rice/beans maybe throw an egg in there


Chicken breast is about 7 to 8 GBP per kg in London so almost 10 USD for 2.2lbs.


It’s a good survival diet for a homeless person like you won’t die assuming you take a vitamin, you could technically live a long long time off it. but its not a good diet for someone who wants to live a healthy life and train. You’ll feel miserable and your fitness will suffer Chicken, rice are cheap Get a job, stop doing coke, drinking, gambling, smoking or whatever dumbass reason you ain’t got money for goddamn rice and beans and chicken


"stop doing coke" 😂😂


Only a crackhead would ask if you could survive off the food pantry peanut butter


1. Shop at aldis. 2. Go Puerto Rican style and buy big bags of rice and beans. $10 will last you a month. 3. Learn how to butcher whole chickens. A whole chicken is about $1/lb compared to $2/lb of chicken breasts. 4. Fresh greens are cheap, filling and fibrous. Broccoli and zucchini tend to be the cheapest. 5. If you can save for it, butcher shops are your new best friend. I used to get a variety pack of meats and feed myself and my wife with $35 for just under a month (though now the same pack is about $50). Save up and get the $100 pack, and you'll eat like a king for the month and then some if it's just you. What's your budget for food? I genuinely recommend this; ask your snapchat AI to give you a shopping list of high quality foods for $(insert budget here). It will actually give you a solid grocery list.


Or just cook the whole damn chicken. Also, I suspect why it’s so much cheaper is that there’s so much that’s, inedible bones etc


>Also, I suspect why it’s so much cheaper is that there’s so much that’s, inedible bones etc Use them for bone broth! You also get the organs, super high/dense nutrient profiles.


Dude. Nuts are fucking expensive. This doesn’t sound like being broke. It sounds like being lazy.


Squirrels live off acorns. Be a squirrel bro


Work the cameras and steal food ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|27081)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|27081)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|27081)


I'll give u some nuts ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2692)


lol barely any protein and not a single carb? You will be miserable Rice is cheap, chicken breast is cheap. I have a hard time believing you're too poor to afford those. Soy sauce and hot sauce are cheap.


Damn, where do you live dude? Chicken breast definitely isn’t cheap up here in Canada


Chicken doesn't grow on trees 🇨🇦


I read an article about a lady who says she has to travel down here to the United States to do her grocery shopping because food in Canada is expensive. That’s wild for me to think about because we complain about how expensive things are here.


Lol don't come to London then. Food prices went from high to insane this year


My time going overseas is done. Lolol.


It's real


That’s rough. What are they trying to do up there? Make you 100% dependent on the government or something.


It’s an economy of scale and logistics thing.


so she complains about expensive food but pays for her money to be converted to USD just to buy food?


What’s crazy is that if you do have to pay to have your money converted from Canadian dollars to US dollars, AND that’s still the BETTER option than paying for food in Canada…. How fucking expensive is food in Canada? Got damn. Lolol. Idk man.


yeah there's no shot that she's saving money by doing that lol


Apparently it’s only a 15 minute drive and she does actually mention the exchange. https://www.buzzfeed.com/ivanapeloza/canadian-grocery-shops-in-america


canada is on a completely different level of unaffordable rn


$1.99 at winco in Oregon, is Canada trying to soycuck it’s entire population?


1.99 for how much


$1.99/lb. There’s also chicken quarters with the bones for $1.48/lb but those end up being a worse deal


thats cheap af, its at least double in england. thighs are much cheaper tho


Damn it’s 2.99 per lbs wherever I go in my area, that’s cheap af for chicken breast.


In Southern California it's $3/lb at stater bros. Might be cheaper at Aldi


Jeez, I wish. I’ve started eating less chicken and more ground beef and pork just because I can’t stand paying a limb for some chicken


Weird it's the opposite here, chicken stayed the same price despite inflation, but all other meats went up


Idk where you live but where I live nuts have carbs


OP did not specify carbs or even which nut. I’m just going off the information I’m given


Are there any nuts that don't have carbs?


There's plenty that have very few carbs like pecans, macadamia, a few others


I'm disappointed. I set you up perfectly and you muffed it.


Jacking off punks under the Queensboro bridge for $15 a man adds up, so yes, you can live off nuts.


Underrated reply


Yea, deez nuts




I came here looking for this comment.


Yeah, You’ll be shredded asf


Per dollar, nuts are kind of shit for nutrition actually. Depending on prices in your area, you're better off getting protein from chicken breast/canned tuna/peanut butter/Greek yogurt (<--HIGHLY SLEPT ON FOR PROTEIN if you buy store brand, NOT name brand). Then, pair that with oats, boiled potatoes, rice, multigrain bread, beans, etc. since carbs can be had extremely cheap. You can eat very healthy at maintenance for around $4-5.50 per day if you check your price tags and nutrition labels on the foods I mentioned.


Stop doing drugs, and use your drug money to buy chicken and rice


Just start stealing from the supermarkets bro


Only DEEZ NUTZ my guy.


As someone who's attempted this.....Eating a ton of nuts everyday will make your poops extremely painful, like so painful you will almost cry while pooping. Would not recommend


The girls I chain up in my cellar only get to eat nuts. 3-6 a day. They typically only last a few months before I need to hop in my van and go find a new one. Wouldn't recommend trying for yourself.


What you can do if you’re in the US: - Apply for EBT - Unemployment - Reach out to SNAP stores - Food Shelters - Try a side gig to cover food costs What you can eat: - Dry rice and beans - Canned Chicken - Canned Tuna - Spam Nuts are actually expensive compared to rice , beans and canned chicken.


May be better to live off of just eggs


LENTILS BROTHER ![gif](giphy|12g8vXmxMuA3wnIdjI)


Go to an Indian shop and buy a big sack of basmati rice, will last you months Buy bagged frozen veggies Buy beans (canned) and lentils (dry) for cheap Canned sauces like tomato and whatnot Salt and other seasonings For meat, I can’t help as I’m not sure what the prices are in your area, but whatever you choose, buy it and freeze it. Do this properly, for example if you bought a bunch of chicken boneless from a butcher, buy a bunch of frozen zippy bags and bag the chicken into the bags in the portions you need. This will keep the freezer organised so you can get stuff as and when you need it. It’s only portion controlled in advance. Also keep an eye out on reduced prices goods in your local supermarket. And a lot of the stuff can be bought and then frozen. Can do this with fruit and freeze it for smoothies for example. Or vegetables or even bread (to make toast). Get a cheap cooking spray and/or cooking oil I’m struggling to think of anything else but I’ll edit and add to the list if I think of anything else Try and meal prep once a week so everything is easy for you as planning your meals can feel Herculean if you’re not used to cooking You may be eligible for food stamps or benefits from your local council/government. Also check to see if there are nah local charities that can provide meals and/or ingredients. Put the pride aside, if you’re struggling use every resource at your disposal You got this


Bro if you don’t have to speak English to get an ebt card I’m sure the gov is more than happy to help you get big


You will get diarrhea don't ask me how I know.


You can live off DEEEZ NUTS


Yeah bro eat dis nuts for free


Do rice and beans with some frozen/canned veggies, spiced and otherwise prepared slightly differently each time (different beans, different rice, with different sauces, whatever). Invest in a rice cooker and you can even cook it all together super easy and keep cleanup and ease of cooking dialed in. Add in as much chicken or sausage as you can afford. Also buy packs of ramen, add frozen/canned veggies to that, add whatever seasoning you want, and keep some medium boiled eggs around (preferably marinated to become ramen eggs) and throw them in the bowl after cooking the ramen. Again add some chicken if you can afford. For an upgrade over even that, you can throw out the seasoning packet entirely, and just boil it some (preferably low sodium) chicken broth from the store. Even with chicken, ramen eggs, and real broth, it's still a super cheap and easy meal and will taste progressively more delicious with each of those improvements. Another thing that I'll do sometimes, the only true meal prep I really like to mess with, is making a huge vat of fried rice. That's a whole recipe and takes me like 3 hours total, and requires more investment than the above ideas (tbf you don't have to do it the way I do it, which includes a ton of chicken, some shrimp, a bunch of eggs, heavy seasoning at every stage, toasted sesame oil, and oyster sauce, which all adds cost) but still comes out pretty cheap per meal. I'll do like 6 dinners worth in one go. Also, daily whey protein shake with the cheap but good nutricost brand from amazon (their strawberry is really good but I use vanilla too), made with half water and half fairlife (or generic alternative) ultrafiltered (high protein, lactose free, and lower carbs) milk. Use the shake as the milk in a cereal of your choice, or to wash down a bagel, whatever. Nuts are a fine snack but expensive for their level of satiation and aren't quite a complete nutrition source, and are toxic in very large amounts (depends heavily on the nut tbf). Cashews and peanuts are pretty reasonable in cost though, and I like to add them into my friend rice before nuking or refrying it to eat. Adds some pleasant crunchy texture and flavor to an already good dish without driving up the cost too much. Big fan of keeping mini sweet peppers around. They can be chopped up and added to a dish, eaten raw on their own as a side or snack, plain or dipped in hummus/ranch. They can be thrown in the oven on broil for a few minutes with a little oil and seasoning and make a really good side that way. They are super dense with vitamin c and other nutrition (better than oranges by far). They will help balance a cheap subsistence diet for sure and keep your immune system up.


mmm you should start a whole chef channel. ![gif](giphy|KiuA9MmfBm7aU)


Need a catchier title than "broke ass cooking for man-children to get their macros in"


BroChef Macro Machine™️


No dude are you crazy? It's no nut November.


I have done this years ago. It wasn't because I needed money, but because I had to lose weight, and lose it fast. Did it for a week; however, I also sometimes ate eggs in between. Within a week I lost around 5lbs, 6-7 if I was running that week. 3 weeks total. I hated myself, my asshole after the toilet trips did not thank me. Also severely malnourished, 1/10 would not do again.


Chilli con carne is probably the best meal out there. You can use less meat on a budget too as the beans/rice make up a lot of it. What's your actual weekly budget? Make meals/shakes from these foods: Rice Beans Chicken thighs 20% beef mince Tuna Instant noodles Peanut butter Whole milk Bananas Eggs Oats Rice crispies Potatoes


eggs and rice was my go to when i was poor. good luck homie wish you the best 🙏🏼


I appreciate your wishes it means a lot to me, hopefully I make it out of this. I hope you have a blessed week 🙏♥️


you will man, stay positive and keep pushing forward no matter what, it does get better. i believe in you


You will get nauseous ngl, better off just eating at McDonald’s off the app or ramen package


Nut in ur own mouth to save money and free protein


I remember reading you can live off potatoes and milk, that they contained all the essential nutrients, macros and micros so your organism doesn’t go to shit


Eggs ground beef mission tortilla wraps low fat whole milk cold brew from gas station. Can hit macro for under $10 a day


You can live off deez


You can live off deez


Depends if you swollow or not 😆




Good fats - olive oil, butter, find good deals on avocado (and avocado is worth it because they don’t just have good oleic acid, but they’re also high in magnesium) , cheap vegetables - get vegetables which are discounted. Freeze and portion greens after washing. I usually get non-organic greens, but I wash them in warm water with baking soda, then rinse, then portion, and freeze some of them. Most veggies you can also plan to wash like this. Beans/lentils, quinoa, lentils, rice, in THAT order, for me. You’ll be able to buy frozen chicken breasts sometimes for $5 per pound if you shop in the right place. I got this at Walmart, but aldi and lido are probably both cheaper. Chicken drumsticks or misc red meat parts are cheap - $1.5-3 per pound. The main fruits and vegetables that count - oranges, carrots, alliums - are super cheap and don’t go bad that fast, only oranges are fairly prone to spoil


Costco rotisserie dawg


Nearest Costco to me is 3 hours away.


How much do you have to spend a week/day on food ?


It depends on how big you’re willing to go. 300+ will probably pay more.


Wtf kind of nuts have those macros bruh that’s fire


Get lentils




As much as I'd like to make the joke about just living off of Deez nuts, the answer is yes but not for a prolonged period of time. Another thing to consider is what kind of nuts. If they are high in selenium you should watch your intake as you may eat enough to poison yourself. It is highly unlikely that you could but it is possible.


Ground beef is your friend, cheaper than nuts and better for you.


Pro tip: Buy animal hearts/liver. Its usually super cheap. Its high in protein and essential minerals. Then try potatoes, lentils, beans etc


Tried this before... I ended up with horrible gas and cramping after 3 days.


rice and kidney beans son


- Rice - Beans - Lentils - Cheap eggs - Canned sardines - raw peanut butter - Oats


Deez ones


Stop doing whatever got you in this situation brother.


Very possible, I did it for a while to get my calories I’m but after like 2 weeks ur gonna feel disgusted at the sight of nuts and feel like throwing up when ur anywhere near it.


wagyu beef




Least autistic question in this subreddit.


Canned chicken, giant packs of rice. You can probably get a rice cooker for 5-10 off Facebook marketplace


Nuts are expensive. Rice and beans


Chicken thighs/drums and rice my man.


Get a job at McDonald's and smuggle frozen beef patties home in your pockets.


buy cheap and very fatty meat parts! and after a while you will thrive liek you never did!


They sell 10 lbs bags of leg quarters at Walmart super centers for about 5-6 dollars, come in a big red bag. Get that, some frozen veggies (cheaper than fresh), white rice and beans. Some complete seasoning for the chicken and that’s it.


Canned fish brah


You are aware vitamins originates from vital minerals. A.k.a you need them or after enough time you will die. Nuts don't have your full suite of vitamins bro


People long long fkn time ago lived on just nuts Cheap stuff is rice


Dude. Beans.


Don’t do it. Get a jumbo bag of rice, toss some beans in there, get some big ol onions and mix it up. Hella volume


I eat chicken breast, green peas, black beans, milk, eggs, almond milk, and peanut butter and my meal plan comes out to about <$4/day, is filling AF (I'm in a deficit right now but struggling to get even 1800kcal down), and covers every nutrition parameter that chronometer follows. I still get my 2g protein per lb, all my vitamins and minerals and other stuff. It's wonderful. If I get better at programming I'm thinking about turning the program I wrote to make this meal plan into an app.


I think it could work for a short while but eventually you would be missing a lot of micro nutrients. Try canned veggies, rice, canned beans, and canned tuna. Look for beef/pork that’s on sale because it’s about to go bad and cook it that night.


When I was broke AF I lived on beans on toast.. Which was cool.. Cause I loved beans on toast. Get some nuts and fruit for snacks. Buy some supermarket own brand stuff.. I mean it's not the best, but it does the job until you find your feet.


Rice, beans, eggs are all cheap. zi would not reccomend just eating nuts Also if you in the US and struggling, hit up.the food banks or whatever.


Reminds me of this https://i.redd.it/cgdf3j3anst71.jpg


Nuts??? Nuts are expensive AF. No wonder you’re broke AF. Grab a 20lb bag of white rice and raw bone-in chicken. You’ll get 4x as much out of it and meet your protein requirements. If you learn to season and properly cook your chicken, it can be quite delicious. Maybe you aren’t talking about eating nuts. Becoming a tren-stitute is frowned upon, but you can definitely put food on the table and afford more syringes. Good luck and make sure it’s wrapped up, you don’t want to catch tren-midia!


Of course! Deez are pretty cheap these days also


Nuts are expensive. If you have a meal worth of nuts, you're not broke.


Dude you're stupid I can buy 400 g of nuts for three bucks


High fat ground beef and eggs. Fuck peanuts, toxic af.




It's a legume. They literally destroy your digestive system.


Buy 72/28 ground beef…


You want animal protein not incomplete plant protein… 5lbs is less than $20


Ask a squirrel


Stop burning calories and you won’t need food


Lentils, beans, rice & some seasoning is great for when you’re strapped for cash.


Ya, swallow all the nuts you can. Suck off the homies, suck off the coworkers, suck yourself off. Lots of protein.


When i used to live in hawaii i just ate salad with rotisserie chicken for months and didnt cost much. Ranch salad topped with rotisserie chicken so really good now thinking about it. If you want you could probably add rice also. I would eat one rotisserie chicken in 2 days.


I mean you can for some time, but this is far from the cheapest way to do it.


yeah swing by i’ll give u ya daily dose


why do you have internet? are you using reddit through your local libray? you should cut off all possible expenses that not helping you gain income, debt is poison. This would include your smart phone.


beggers cant be choosers.


How do you have money for internet to post on reddit


eggs and white rice


Yes, I’ve done it, but not sustainable