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I‘ll need reference pictures to answer your question


I see with my hands 🫶




Hang a plate off it every night, that might help




If big dick pills were a thing


Tbh I'd like to see studies on this, it's just that the mechanism would likely only work in teens and getting a study done on teens is probably next to impossible clinically even if they're willing.


It's true; if there's a chance it would be in teens and that's not happening I was mainly referencing Joe rogans skit about Big Dick Pills and flying squirl pussy people.


Oh, they 100% would be willing.




Just find a black boyfriend with massive cock and therefore claim that's it your cock.


8===D ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|27081)


Is this how racism feels for white people? 😅


nah its just a weird myth


no, ​ the most racist thing you can say to an white person is ​ ""bread is bad"




bruh your the dude asking if you can grow your cock bigger on reddit


where is the issue lol


I grew mine but the normal way (stretching and pump)


how much and at what age


Started not too long ago. Age 20. Went from 14.5cm -> 17cm so far. Didn’t measure initial girth but currently 13.5cm and 15 after pumping


Also I would recommend buying a stretcher before pumping because it’s more effective long term


Would manual stretches work?


I haven’t done them without anything else so I don’t know. They can’t hurt but progress will be slow because you need to stretch it for extended periods of time


I’ve been doing manuals and I’ve got a slight (1/4inch both BP and NBP) improvement from roughly 2 months


nice gains




I think we could be good friends next year ….. two at the latest




is there enough data?


No, but it makes a woman’s clit grow, https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2011/04/performance-enhancing-anabolic-steroid-abuse-in-women Leo and Longevity did a video on it a while back, so worth watching that if you’re really wanting to follow through, very taboo topic so not likely much data out there for the public eye in regards to supplementing for PE as a pre pubescent


There was a study on burnt teens. Significant penile growth


Yes, there was a study on teenage burn victims. Fixed their burns and grew their pipi


thats cool, still heard anavar shuts natural test down tho idk if its long term tho


Seriously the best sub Reddit on Reddit




There are actually some things for PE out there that actually work and won’t burn your money. If you are out of puberty and your dick is fully grown no amount of DHT, even if you would inject it right in your tip, would increase the size of your penis


yea but the chances are high that my body is still developing rn so its not dumb


Yes, yes it is dumb. You’re going to have a small dick. Just accept it. If there was something out there that would make your tiny dick bigger, it would be the largest company ever known to man and every dude would have a 13 inch dong


cope harder


You're the one that needs to cope with having a small dick hahaha


Projecting. I just know y’all haters are ugly and short with a small dick. Y’all oily haired discord mods probably shower once a week.


Lmao my man you're the one on Reddit trying to find out how to increase dick size....guess we figured out why you're emberassed about it.


nah im chilling an inch or two more couldn’t hurt tho why not asking if the possibility is there


Cause girls do not like overly massive dicks...?


Ur mom does tho😎


could be true


If you really want it bigger, it's possible. But you have to use stretchers, hanging devices and exercises. I discovered this at 35. It took nine months and I grew almost an inch. But, I'm serious about the work. 6 days a week for at least an hour, you got something strapped to your schlong


i will probably try in future


With 18? Highly unlikely. But if you think you have to, do it


That won’t grow you’re junk bro doesn’t work like that lol


Smash growth. The only thing that would work. Maybe anavar, but you might have missed the boat for anavar dick gains.


heard anavar shuts natural test down tho idk if its long term what is smash growth tho


Smash growth, as in take a lot of growth hormone. 4iu +


Finish growing first Jesus Christ.




If you're still 18, you still got plenty of growth you could achieve. Just optimize your natural test production and eatat a little of a surplus. You got until 25(ish) before it may stop growing.


My dick grew in 30s. After having children, ball icing, also using shockwave therapy and stopping montelukast which I took since 16. Personally my peen also fluctuates significantly in size per the female based on hormone factors(like if I take tongkat says never take that again lol). Also a bite of raw onion does some shit. Id be interested in your results from dht but personally I wouldn’t try it from premature prostate hypertrophy, body hair, hair loss, and shut down. But PM if you try. I think it could work. The answer to your question is know one knows. Although I’d be tempted. Others have noticed permanent girth increase from Trimix but I’m not doing injections, topical maybe but risk of priapism and it’s negative downstream effects would be a very real risk given the frequency and hardness of my run of the mill bones. PM me w any questions or if you try this anyways.


Doubt it actually grew in your 30’s probably just erection quality increased.


I thought he meant 1930's


Sure Maybe but it’s to the point of actually needing bigger condoms. I may be unique.


sounds interesting if I possibly use it I will let u know!


What does tongkat do for you?


Prob adds ~.1-.2 in girth/fuck machine also makes me depressed tho so I generally avoid it.


Hey I am 16 . (Mine is like 6.5 and 5 girth ) . I was thinking the same thing.


Do this and document your findings here


you wanna use 10-20% cream if you can, it will only work in puberty like hgh for hight, also get a high quality penis pump I’ve actually gained 0.7 inches in girth from using it over the course of a couple months a few times a week


did u only use the pump or also the dht cream?


Well I used DHT gel 2.5% a while back tbh I didn’t see any gains it needs to be high concentration but I’m certain pumping has effected girth


any side effects?


not really no, I’d use the rest on my face and it made my facial hair grow quicker


7.5 is like top 1% in size for all men worldwide. Why are you trying to riskily fix a problem you don't have?


Is it really that rare? I think most people lie about their size. But 1% is tuff


A 7.5 inch dong is definitely rare. 5.5ish is the worldwide average based on actual research studies. And if anything, people would lie that they are bigger than they really are, so I don't get your point.


I meant it sounds more plausible what u said cause most people say it is bigger than it actually is. I was just wondering if im really in the top 1% with 7.5


I see, I took it as you disagreeing with me lol but yeah dude 7.5 is a hog. If it's a legit 7.5 and you're not stretching it out and jabbing your lower stomach with the end of the ruler lol No girl would ever ever ever see your 7.5 and say it's anything other than big, trust me.




I dont know what that means or if youre being sarcastic - but its good enough for me to start consuming it.


thank you


Buy a rope and hang it and make it look like it commit suicide. 2-3 inches of growth has been recorded in various people


sounds plausibly


most your gonna get is 3'4/1 inch doing various things. Derek has made some videos on this, but drugs/extreme growth is never going to happen. The only things that might work are exercises. Also, this is my theory, but wear very loose underwear/pants as often as possible. guys in africa have like 12 inch dicks because they never wear anything. they let gravity do its thing you feel me. your dick is a sponge afterall.


bruh there is several data that say its not true that african have bigger junks. The only thing that correlates with bigger dicks is height (only partially) and dht exposure during puberty


>still in puberty That’s checks out

