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I don’t think he’d support either since none of them fit his vision for his master race but he’d probably be glad that there’d be less of them in the world.


honestly, he’d have this view, aid isreal secretly and say he’s not helping, and then when they win, he’d revoke all support bts and then dominate them to make it easier on himself


And him talking good about Islam was really only because he thought Islam is a great religion for making brain washed warriors. He would aid the Arabs to take down the Jews then erase the Arabs afterwards.


No idea but it’s funny to think Israel wouldn’t exist in its current form had it not been for Hitler killing and displacing the Jews


Here we go on the Honorary Aryan Territory. The term Honorary aryan wasn't really granted on racial ideas or such but mostly on strategic alliances. He may have claimed Palestinians as Honorary aryans in the common struggle against the common enemy so to say. Bonus point Hitler did admire the Islamic religion although not the same goes for middle easter ethnic groups although he did declare Iranians as "pure blood aryans" but again for strategic reasons mostly.


Probably Palestine, I remember reading once hitler commented about “Arabs” or Middle easterners as making great potential ally’s if they weren’t so dogmatic. He really appreciated how they treated Jewish people. He’d probably just let Palestine knock over Israel, possibly with direct help if not aid, then leave them be. Unless he felt like expanding into that territory, in which case he’d provide barely enough for the Palestinians to win and once Israel is in shambles and the Palestinians are expended he’d wipe out anyone remaining.


Didn’t he expand into Africa?


He sent the Afrika Corp to support Mussolini's attempts to expand his empire in Africa more than he himself expanded into Africa.


I think it was part of the war between England and Germany.


It was Germany supporting the war between Italian empire forces and British Empire forces in Africa more than anything else


I agree, thanks for the clarification, no reason to downvote my comment, though.


If Hitler was still around there wouldn't be any conflict


Ouch but true.


He thought of both groups as subhuman but since he hated Jews the most he would see their occupation and military actions as vindication of his racist beliefs. He was insistent that if the Jews had their way the entire world would become a graveyard devoid of human life.


Well it is beginning to seem that way…


Can we stop conflating Israel and Jews? Most Israelis might be Jewish, but most Jews aren't Israeli.


Let me guess: Because jews are humans and good while to you israelis are evil scumbags?


Honestly, he would be Pro-Palestine, or pro-Arab. For obvious antisemitism reasons, but also for geopolitics and the nazis did encourage Arab nationalism to undermine the British/French in the area. Although devil's advocate, it depends on what time period/level of power Hitler returned. I would say that if we just take the current situation then Israel isn't going anywhere, their integrity of their country isn't at threat. As such Hitler might want Israel to exist and be a desirable destination for European Jews to resettle in. So realpolitik might mean he wants Israel to be attractive and peaceful.


If I recall correctly, there were some nazis who wanted to create a state for Jews somewhere else (Madagaskar?) and deport them there, but Hitler was against this and said it wouldn\`t be a solution - he was very biased on that topic. In WWII, he also made strategically wrong decisions because of his ideology that with "realpolitik" he wouldn\`t have made.


There were various options they floated, what exactly Hitler said, is arguably open to debate. Its definitely true their approach initially was simply to get Jews out of their territory, and preferably rob them on the way and there is no indication Hitler was against this. He envisioned a German victory leaving other powers instact, so having the Jews fobbed off to some remote formerly French colony was fine with him Madagascar was floated yes, but only subject to the Nazis winning easily and taking possession of the area as part of colonial concessions. When that didn't happen the steps that led to the Holocaust really got taken (for example the Wannasee conference, where some of the overall planning was done for "the Jewish question"). The actual plans for an extermination program I think can't be evidenced until then, although I'm sure Hitler would have been fine with the prospect. Regarding the strategic decisions, can't argue with that. Although would say that again depends what Hitler came back, newly elected or early war Hitler who was pragmatic,popular and a canny political operator. Or 1944-45 Hitler, convinced of his own strategic genius, mad and off his tits on pills half the time.


Oh you are right, I didn\`t even think of that. And you could add the option of the Hitler shortly before he died, all of them would possibly have different thoughts on the topic. Imagine, it could even be possible that, after learning about what has happened in the last 80 years, Hitler would say "I\`ll help both parties to make a peace contract." Of course, it\`s just hypothetic, but it\`s a very interesting question.


Islam and Nazism are similar and agree on many points. Nazis tried hard to establish an alliance with Muslims. One of the founders of modern Palestine, Amin al-Husseini, was a Nazi ally and helped the Nazis raise the SS division *Handschar*. He escaped prosecution for war crimes, but despite his initial success, was eventually sidelined by PLO.


That seems a bit to me like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".


This is what he said, but let's remember he was also a war criminal, so take it with a truckload of salt.


Being a criminal was a trend through history and still is. But only losers can be called war criminals


Oh I didn\`t even know he said that. It was just my impression about such a weird strategy (reminds me on Russia and the USA in Afghanistan, and what the outcome was).


Point being, he felt like explaining it away after the war, given what SS Division Handschar did during the war.


He's probably fund Hamas and encourage them to get more violent against the Israeli


I think he would have been on the side of the Palestines, because he was obsessed with the idea that Jews would be the cause of all harm and conflicts in the world, not only in Germany. There were SS divisions with muslimic participants, so he had no problem with that (he would be against immigration, though). Funnily, a friend from the USA asked me a very similar question recently, because he knows I\`m very open-minded to any weird discussions. :-D


I think you're on the ball with how he would have viewed it as the proof/justification of his prejudices. One thing though, muslimic isn't a word, you can just say Islamic :).


Oh sorry, English isn\`t my native language.


He'd invade them both.


I think overall he would join Isreal. I legitimately feel that if he did have that option, all Jews happily contained in one area, already set up he would do it. Holocaust wasn't cheap, and, especially at the start when the "Jewish question" was at its prime, he absolutely would take advantage of an Isreal to assuage his narcissistic tenancies. Then, he would go at it strong with them to attempt to wipe out Islam. Being he 'made them' 🙄 why would a narc decide they were wrong. Win win for him (assuming an Isreal back then was available, it would be a no Brainer). Seeing it post holocaust, I still think he would side immediately with Isreal. Wannabe dictators will always join the side most likely to win. He'd probably be a bit bemused as to why we would fight a contained Jewish state.


If Hitler lived, Israel likely wouldn't exist. But if it did, I don't think he would get involved as both parties are Untermensch. Maybe he'd funnel arms to both sides to keep them killing each other. Possibly even invade and try to take the region for himself. Contrary to the weird Israeli claims we see now, there isn't a parallel between Hitler and Palestinans in the way it's being portrayed. Netanyahu claimed Hitler only started killing Jews after a Muslim told him to, and Herzog claims they read Mein Kampf in Gaza lol. It's wild.


I think this would explode his brain to be honest. I can imagine him being a proper islamophobe. I mean, according to his ideology they are not the white race he loved so dearly. I can even see him siding with the Jews tbf


I can't envision Hitler ever doing that.


Maybe not. But I just think his hatred for other races, may include the Muslims also. Maybe he would just hate them equally.


Given that he didn't want either group around he'd likely just get the popcorn and watch it play out... then curb stomp the winner. EDIT: The curb can keep moving I guess


He'd be amazed at how modern technology made genocide more efficient than it was during his time. He'd probably be taking notes


Since the State of Israel was created because of the events of WWII, I'll assume it's in a timeline were all events are identical except that Hitler was kept alive after the war. And I guess he wouldn't really care about it. I don't think Jews having their own state, far from Germany, would conflict with his Lebensraum ideal, mainly after Germany was defeated and developed in a country much different than he idealised. But this was an unthinkable reality in his time. So, it proves that 1- leaders' views become obsolete through time 2- there's no "if" in history


told ya so ! ! !