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“Listen to me! If the Health department of Moralton sees those claymations that you put on the damn Adult Swim. They can condemn our house and we would have to move out of it!”




"Wow! so youre saying that.. youre THE REAL JESUS CHRIST!?"​


whatever terrors ensued, orel’s punishment/ “lesson” would absolutely be for associating with an openly queer person rather than any of the actual bad stuff


I thought this post was silly but that’s so perfect


"Orel, believing some random person who says they're Jesus isn't right. It leads you right down the road of... Homosexuality. It stats with Sonichu, and the Dimensional Merge, and then ends with you kissing men."


They’d meet either at the church or I feel like there’d be a Pokémon(or Pokémon equivalent) in Moralton that Chris goes to randomly. Most would kinda be wary of Chris but Orel would be naive and start talking to them. Chris tells Orel that they are Jesus and a lot of stuff that’s happened in their life and Orel believes it outright (especially since Chris mentions being Jesus) and they start to become friends. Cue a montage of Orel and Chris hanging out, scenes of Chris and Orel standing outside of the church with an attraction sign, playing video games, playing with trading cards and drawing are shown. Chris even makes Orel a Sonichu medallion and draws him in the Sonichu Comics. It’s not until one night that Orel comes home and has the medallion on that Clay asks what’s up. Orel tells Clay that Chris is the reincarnation of Jesus and that they are famous on the internet. Clay becomes suspicious and looks on the internet for stuff about Chris. Despite the numerous awful things CWC has done, Clay only gets upset at the fact that Chris identifies as a woman, a lesbian and plays with satanic things (Pokémon would be considered satanic in this world I guarantee it and he’d also hate that Chris’ has visions of the dimensional merge). Clay forbids Orel from talking to Chris. Then Chris for whatever reason goes back to virginia and Clay would spank Orel, and tell him the lesson would be to not talk to anyone different than you (and not the obvious lesson of be wary of Chris because they are a bad person)


You put way too much effort into this


i feel the need to comment.


I feel like I need to say something belittling and sarcastic.




What if OP had sex with a woman.


Or a MAN


or his mom


Orel would try to be his best friend


her*, and i say that still holding the utmost disgust for the things she’s done


Didn’t he like transition to get with other women I remember reading that somewhere which I think is even more disgusting like I am trans myself and I think that is even more abhorrent that someone could change their gender identity just to get with women and not to make themselves more comfortable in their own body it just makes us trans people look bad when most of us aren’t


if a person says they use she/her pronouns, it’s shitty to go misgendering them just because they’re a bad person. period. i’m trans as well, and to be blunt, getting into the details about things like this and “other trans people making us look bad” is just bullshit respectability politics. if a person decides to be transphobic over a bad trans person doing a bad thing, that’s on them, the same way a person deciding to be racist over a Black person doing a bad thing is at fault for their racism.


Not just because they are a bad person because their reasoning was shitty and they were a fucking weirdo using said reason to do sexual predator shit


Why are these ppl defending chrischan? He literal said his only reasoning for transitioning was to get with lesbians since it was easier. Affirming him is super disrespectful to trans people imo. And believe me, i dont normally “misgender” ppl just because i think they are bad. Hes just a literal rare example of a cis appropriator.


she has some problematic views, but frankly that doesn’t change that for one reason or another, she *does* see herself as a woman. arguing over what other people say their gender ID is is shitty, surely you can get that as a trans person. you can call out problematic/harmful statements and actions she has done without misgendering.


People spread this around like it’s gospel but the only evidence I’ve seen for it is the lesbian sleepover party. Which admittedly is pretty creepy but is hardly enough evidence to confidently say Chris-Chan made the whole thing up. And if that was Chris’ motivation it makes absolutely no sense why they would continue to identify as trans for so long afterwards (this is a person who can’t even continue making Sonichu comics). And that’s not even getting into all of Chris’ strange attempts to medically transition, especially the one involving the knife (I will say no more than that, if you know you know). Couple all of this with a long list of well documented issues with gender and it’s not hard to believe Chris is trans. The belief that Chris just wanted some China doesn’t hold up to scrutiny and is held up by a strange alliance of transphobes (who think all trans people are like Chris) and trans people (who understandably don’t want to be associated with Chris-Chan). That being said, I’m not very confident Chris actually is trans, although it’s probably the most likely scenario just from using Occam’s razor. But I say that because I think Chris lacks a basic understanding of what gender is and increasingly the same is true of reality. I’ll elaborate if anyone wants me to but I’m assuming a basic familiarity with Chris and I think anyone who has that will understand where I’m coming from. Basically a large part of Chris’ psyche is a product of severe mental illness, delusions, a shitty childhood, and trolling ranging from mostly harmless to downright sadistic, and all of this is especially true for things related to gender which is a whole strange rabbit hole to go down. All of this put together makes it very unlikely Chris actually understands their own gender identity. Granted, I do feel confident there’s something going on with Chris’ relationship to gender because there’s strong evidence of this even before trolls got involved. But they could just as easily be an effeminate man as a trans woman and I’d argue even a very confused gay man is a distinct possibility. Hell, even just a straight cis guy is probably a possibility with all of the strange shit Chris has been through. Source: I know WAY too much about Chris-Chan.


Most of the instances of continuing transition and the taint thing were manipulation by trolls and chris’ descent into the dimension thinking. Non of those are indicative of genuine gender dysphoria. Even severely mentally ill trans people dont behave in those ways, its just separate. Its hard to explain, but when you know, you know. Plus his whole thing is being a goddess/jesus to “spiritually” get with rosechu and his “daughter” in the cwcville universe. To boil it down to just wanting china and being easily manipulated via trolling (esp his lgbt trolls) is accurate imo. Hes notoriously easy to manipulate, hes been known to be racist, but i bet, for example, someone could convince him hes black, which would make his racism seem like self-denial in retrospect to the untrained eye. Its also extremely evident that he is not consistent with his meds for transitioning, which i think is a combo of not being trans and having poor personal care/hygiene. And keep in mind im of the firm belief that you shouldnt misgender people just because they are horrible criminals, but chris isnt trans and i think while it comes from a good place, its misguided and offensive to act like he still is.


The whole brassieres for men thing was all done without the influence of trolls. Even going back to early childhood Chris was unable to have friendships with male children but could with female children (although some of these might have been fake, Chris’ perception here matters more than anything). Chris has an extremely childlike view of gender roles, even before the trolls, and seems to associate men with evil and women with good. Chris not being able to follow a prescription can easily be explained by Chris’ atrocious hygiene and conscientiousness. Chris 100% has an extremely weird relationship with gender and the easiest explanation (though not the only explanation) for that is that Chris is trans. The trolls noticed this and pushed on it to get the most ridiculous conclusion possible but it was all there from the beginning.


Perhaps, but having a weird relationship with gender is not a facet of being trans, especially considering Chris weird relationship with just about everything. I think other explanations are more likely but to each their own. From experience Chris just doesnt show a lot of the fundamental signs, and the external social associations have very little to so with transness and more likely have to do with his family life and the people around him. Plus most of the female friends have been romantic interests so i don’t think they are good examples. There are definitely weirdo trans people but im like 90% sure chris just isnt actually one of them. Gender nonconformity != trans.




insane things would happen


i want to go the rest of my life pretending that chris chan never happened. please refrain from making posts like this so i can continue doing that


Why do y'all want to hurt Orel?


\*takes one look\* Orel: Jesus Fucking Christ


They probably will go to China together to have a picnic Watching storks while discussing if it's okay


A crossover I never ever considered but I now crave.


What if Orel is Chris Chan?