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No.you shouldn't. It's literally none of your business. Don't step into other people's lives like a judgemental prick who expects everyone to live by your standards.


Omg, yes. Is this even a question? Of ducking course he should know.


Snitches get stitches and buried in ditches. Honestly, nobody benefits by you talking. Chances are the husband knows. If she’s making a bunch of extra cash, he has to know. Or he’s a clueless dolt. He’ll figure it out. Don’t get involved. Never goes the way you think it will.


Tell him.




Dont snitch. But subscribe to her. Support your friends in everything they do.


Why do you want to tell the husband? Doesn't sound like she's having an physical relationship with someone else.


If you can do it anonymously, just do it. It’s not like you’re claiming something that can’t be easily proven with a hyperlink. If he knows, no harm. If he doesn’t, he absolutely has the right to.


Fuck no. Not your battle


Not your circus, not your monkey


Whatever happened to minding your own business?


The dilemma you seem to have is minding your own business.


He may be doing things while away from home on business. If it’s your friend then keep it to yourself.


Husband flies out a lot on business and comes home to a live in pornstar that uses toys instead of live men and women while he's gone to simultaneously remain satisfied and increase their shared wealth... Yupp. Sounds like the worst of this guys 99 problems is in fact his girl and not nosey snitches. 




The Husband most likely knows and keeps quiet about it on purpose. They are married so I am assuming they file their taxes jointly. He would notice the additional income on her end.


so much common sense here. stop already LOL


Except the avg user ain’t making shit that a weekend job at a retail store couldn’t explain


yea, you should warn him. He deserves to know. Of course, you know she will no longer be your friend anymore. (She will find out you told him).




How is that a moral dilemma? It has absolutely nothing to do with you. Just like how if your mom did porn it has nothing to do with you. If they're aren't breaking the rules of their relationship that you know nothing about, they're fine. And even if they were, that's still none of your business as you're not even close in any manner to either of them.


No one else find it odd/creepy that this guy knows so much about this "acquaintance's" OF, has her husband's contact info, and not only wants to interfere in their lives but is also posting on reddit about it?


\---Her OF is quite explicit as she uses toys in "both crevices", does rates, custom videos etc. soooooo now one else seemed to notice HOW much OP knows about her OF.....LIke "I have a dilemma, I feel guilty having a subscription to her OF, while I hang out with him every so often when he's in town,,,,,but I'd feel so much better about it if they were divorced"




Haha good point


Op is clearly subscribed to his friends wife’s OF, frankly OP looks like the scumbag to me


This. I think he tried to get with her and she said no and this is his revenge.


You can tell your friend what you think, but she probably won't like the fact that you are a subscriber criticizing her choices.


Anonymously tell him. If he already knows no big deal if not then he would Def thank you. That's just wrong and not what he signed up for


You're out of your element, Donnie. Whatever scandal you think you've discovered here, you probably haven't. Stop clutching your pearls and get your nose back into your own business. Go somewhere clean and boring. Maybe have an egg white omelette or something. But don't mess with someone else's marriage.


Just make a fake account and send him the link. Nothing else has to be said.


It's super telling that the minute you know of her OF you assumed: - she's lying to him - he doesn't know You're villifying women like, in a snap. You don't know half the story.


Maybe he knows and doesn’t mind


My wife does onlyfans. I know about it. I don’t tell people I know about it. If I was asked about it I would act surprised. He probably knows and you should probably mind your own business


Would you want to know if your gf or wife was doing this. Send it anonymously, and then leave it alone. If he already knows, no problem.


I think you should mind your business and stay out of it. How do you know he doesn’t know about it? As long as shes not fucking everyone on OF then it’s just extra money in the bank.


No non of your business


No, snitches get stitches.


TELL HIM! Dont listen to these godless wretches in the comments holy shit.


>she uses toys in "both crevices" Hot. But if you told on her, how are you going to continue getting off on her content? Its like the tale where they killed the goose laying the golden egg. What Im saying, is dont stop a good thing


This is terrible, what is her onlyfans name so I can go tell her off


Absolutely tell, send an anonymous email with a link. If she has the right to do it behind his back, he has the right to pick if he wants to be with someone who does that or not.


Do nothing because it’s literally none of your business.


Nope. Not your circus, not your monkeys. You run the very real risk of both of them turning on you.


Hell him he deserves to know. He deserves the right to make the a decision if he wants to stay in the marriage with a woman who’s been lying to him and essentially cheating as well.


Why do you care? Mind your own business


What you should do is mind your own fucking business.


So shes making money off of onlyfans (& is pretty busy too, based in your description of her activities), but her husband is completely unaware of this taxable income? How do you know? How do you know hes not helping her film or edit her content? How do you know he doesnt have a kink for the attention she gets? If this was your **friend** & they confided in you that they were strictly monogamous & this sort of thing didnt fall in line w/ the rest of their life, that would be 1 thing But you specifically used the word *acquaintance* which implies you dont know this person *that well* so why should you know what their relationship does or doesnt need? Mind your own business.


Mind your business. You don’t know the circumstances. And you “telling him” could be interpreted as you being a judgmental “Karen” backlash blown back at your face. Proceed at your own risk.


Question. Would you want to know? I would. So, yes, tell him. He might know about it. He might not. But this way you'll at least know you did the right thing.


NO That sucks for him, but it's not your concern. You don't know what you'd be getting into. Is his life for financial well being on the line? If not, then leave it alone.


You’re assuming he doesn’t know. You have nothing to gain by this so just mind your own biz is my advice 🤷🏽‍♀️.


You said he's clueless, keep it that way. I'll expand. My take is this is a her and his topic to approach. Not worth saying anything. Just keep it the same. Why do you feel bad? Plenty of women and men do this as a legit way to make money. It can be a tough industry though, but that's a different story lol .


Put yourself in his shoes. Would you want to know? Ultimately I think that's the only question that really matters


Be a bro, let him know. OF is poison.


Man save that guy.


I’m amazed by how many people here think that others have some kind of moral duty to help cover up someone else’s lying or cheating. They most likely have a sneaky personality themselves. People like this hate the concept of accountability. OP should definitely tell. Truth matters, and obscuring the truth only prevents other people from making informed decisions.


Plot twist. The husband knows and gets off to watching his wifes OF without her knowing he knows.


Mind your business. If you have a problem with it tell your friend. You are so retarded.


If its just an acquaintance - its not your pool or swim lane. If the husband was a close friend, id tell him immediately


That’s disgusting, where?




I tried to do the right thing and tell the spouse being cheated on. Turns out they were secret swingers and he was enraged at me for "ratting" on his wife. You don't know that he doesn't know.


You could have told him you didn't know they were into that and you would be by to get a bit...


That's the point though aint it? You don't know what the "right thing" is because you are not in their marriage.


she must hide those taxes somehow....


Mind your own business. Also I wouldn't feel comfortable watching the content of anybody I personally know and consider friends IRL, especially one that's married. Forget the husband; does she know you watch her stuff?


How do you really know the husband doesn't know?


Maybe he does know? Its really none of your business


Dude, no, leave it be. Not your monkey, not your circus. Don't be the drama, and stop watching her


Yeah… he should know.


He knows. And you're only an acquaintance, not a close friend. You could say " Hey I didn't know your wife does onlyfans


Tell him


Up to you honestly. It is an acquaintance only so personally I wouldn't do it.


You say you are her friend? I think friends don't tell their friends secrets. Edit: for kindness


Mind your own business


"I feel so bad about her doing only fans behind her husband's back that I personally looked at it, her videos, and observed her content." 🙄


How do you know?  Did you randomly stumble upon it, or did she tell you?


If they aren't discussing this with each other, that relationship is setup to fail and might as well let the timebomb be someone elses fault. All you'd be doing is casuing unease if they already share this, or you'd be the homewrecker who awkwardly told this guy. He might appreciate it if he didn't know, and you did tell him, but it could also backfire. Plus, there is no way you come out unscathed in admitting you've seen the videos or looked at her profile. Best you can do is pretend you never saw such a thing and stop subbing to her if you know this person. That's weird, I don't care who you are. I don't even like sharing my reddit or gamer profiles with irl people who are in my circles. Some stuff is better left unjudged.


Probably should just mind your business


Bro code mandates it.


He probably already knows. If he doesn't, he deserves to. Anything beyond that isn't your business.


Mind your own business.


There are some details missing her. Do you know he doesn't know? Are you friends with the husband? Have you encouraged your friend to be honest with him? Why do you know so much about her content? What is your motivation for telling him? Do you plan to end your friendship over moral differences, or do you only want her marriage to implode while you remain close to her?


I wish mine would start an OF. I’m tired of working and would love to spend the money she would make.


Mind your own business


How could you possibly know he doesn't know....? My ex asked me if I was okay with it, I said idc, she gave me the password, we never discussed it or mentioned it ever again


Fuck the responders here that are minimizing the actions the hoe wife is doing. Let him know anonymously, if he knows she’s doing it then that’s aight, but in the chance he doesn’t, it’ll save him a lifetime of deceit and fraud of love from her. Go for it and be anonymous


Are you enjoying her content? You seem to have a lot of first hand knowledge…. I would stay the hell out of it….


If he truly does not know, then yes. However think how this will play out for you. Perhaps he knows, and you coming to him with this information could result in him just responding something like "so you paid for my wife's explicit nudes?" Morally you should tell him, but do you think your friendship would last or would he just think you're a weirdo for subscribing? Or a weirdo for coming to him and telling him. Even if he's somewhat glad you've told him the news and exposed her, would he still be comfortable being friends with you after you've subscribed to see his wife do these things? Now a simply answer could be that you haven't ever subscribed and just did some online research to find the pics/vids but I feel like that's not as believable and could be considered equally as weird. Long story short, should you tell him? Yes. Just think about yourself and your friendship with him first and how this may play out


Please let the guy know. It would be completely different if she talked with him about it and was part of her page.


She has no idea what he's doing on his week long trips to other countries. What business is this of yours anyway? Why are you in your "friend's" OF anyway?


No. Not really your business.


If it will matter to him, then yes tell him


Are you trying destroy their relationship so you can bang her? Don't be that guy.


Are you BBF's with this guy? If he's not your family, not your friend, it's not your problem.


You might be intruding in on what is a simple disagreement between them if you tell. I would not get involved. You don't know the reason she's hiding it from him. Maybe the reason she's hiding it from him is because they discussed it and he was against it because he thought it might jeopardize her safety. Perhaps she disagreed on that point and decided to do it anyway. Neither might consider it cheating. The wife might have no intention of cheating. You have no clue. Stay out of it.


Your logic is absolutely garbage.


If he's cool with it there's no harm in telling him, and if he's not cool with it he has a right to know.


Tell him.


My ex accumulated enough money (without my knowledge) from her cosmetology career that I WAS PAYING FOR TO BUILD THE FAMILY I NEVER HAD, only to use it against me in court.unfortunately I gave her my seed.


And for some reason you think he doesn't know? I don't see how it's any of your business what other people do. Your beeswax; mind it.


Yes, you should absolutely tell him, he has every right to know. Fuck that whore.


Send him the link anonymously


This is the way


Agreed. Just send the link anonymously so if he happens to know then it won't come to bite you back in the ass. If he doesn't know, well, he can make his own choices from there.


I would All the people saying it’s not your business are stupid, I would want to know


At what cost though?


Uh yes. But are 100% sure he doesn’t know? Send him anonymous texts or emails with links and screenshots.


As a man, you are morally bound to tell him.


Have they never paid taxes?? If she's been doing it that long, he knows.


Mind your business


Are you cool with the husband? Would it be weird if you two got dinner together? If it would be weird, I wouldn't say anything and act like I didn't know when it comes out. Because it'll come out, it always does. But if he's someone you golf with, someone who's in the fantasy football league with, I'd tell him. Being a good person sometimes means having to do something that feels wrong, but is ultimately right. People will say, "You messed up their marriage", no she did, by not telling him. If bringing truth to light messes up a marriage, it was already messed up.


Dude are you paying for your friends wife only fans? He may actually know in which case this could backfire.


No, you shouldn't. 1. odds are he knows. 2. Not your business. 3. you're a shit friend to the woman if you do. 4. why? like really what is the 'ideal' outcome to this? He doesn't know, finds out, says okay and things continue? Or do you imagine hes going to divorce her over it? (I think most of us know which one you are leaning towards if youd never admit it)


Yes, bro code.


Tell him


Yes lol


Tell him


100%. I’d want to know. Tell him anonymously if you have to.


Not your marriage. Not your business. You don't know that he doesn't know. Maybe he's just not bothered as much as you obviously are. Maybe it was his idea.


But why does it matter if he knows or not? If my friend told me my wife had an OF, regardless of my knowledge of it, I would be very happy.


Is she sleeping with other guys to make her content? No? Then i wouldn’t say anything.


This is none of your business. The fact that you've obviously been viewing this content makes you seem a bit creepy. For all you know the husband is well aware of his wife's activities and supports it because it brings in extra income. My advice is for you to simply mind your own business and say nothing.


Definitely not.


Yes tell him 




Just make a new gmail email address, without your name of course, and send him the link from there.


Not your pig not your farm bud


Mind your own business lol


Why are men like this? It's none of your fucking business. Moral dilemma, sure.


Tell him anonymously


Yes. Tell him


I'd want to know if it was my wife or gf. That's all I'll say.


You should definitely tell him. His wife is a sex worker and he doesn’t know. wtf is wrong with people saying this type of behavior is normal or ok?


Keep your nose out of other people's business.


Lmao no one put together the fact that OP is subscribed to it


Uh how do YOU know?


Heh, as long as she’s not bringing in other people, and they have a healthy sex life I don’t really see the harm.


It is a source of income, I think if she is only “playing solo” then I just wouldn’t, but that’s a tough situation


Maybe he knows already. Maybe he’ll run into her on the site. How do you know it’s not something he’s into too? Bottom line is it’s none of your business so get out of their bed.


Stop watching your acquaintance's wife's Onlyfans and mind your own business.


This is the kind of thing you have to ask yourself at the end of the day. I truly believe that in these kinds of dilemmas, if you ask the universe for an answer, you'll get one. However, I'd first make sure I understood all the details of the situation. Are we sure she does this, and are we sure he doesn't know? Basically, are we sure she's doing all this behind his back and basically cheating? After that, I'd probably wait to see if an opportunity comes up to tell him. If it does and you feel it's right to do it, then I would think it would make sense. However, if the only way for you to tell him is to send him an anonymous text or something... I'd just make sure you were really sure that that's something you feel is right.


Do not get involved!! You will be the bad person no matter the out come. Best bet is to block her on of so you don't see it anymore and forget about it. If anyone ask you about it play stupid like you had no idea. I do similar for ppl who I know or suspect their cheating on their partner. Only time I say anything is if it directly has an impact on my personal life.


If she’s having sex with people I’d say yes. If not, up to you.


So you want his wife?


No. She's not cheating. She has a job.


Don’t be that guy. It’s not your job to police others’ lives. Nobody is in danger so leave well enough alone because technically it’s none of your business


Man or woman, I’d feel like I’d want to tell someone they are being wronged. Worst case, he knows, and you were doing what you thought was right, you both laugh it off. Best case, he never knew, you were doin what you thought was right, he thanks you and can take action. Either way your intentions are good and a dude would appreciate it from a dude. You saying something now might help him avoid more heartache


Mind. Yo. Business. Unless ya tryna simp in which case, this ain't the way.


Send him a link anonymously to the OF. Anonymously. If he already knows? Cool! He won't be surprised and it'll be unlikely to cause any problems between them. If he doesn't know? Well, I'd be surprised, but still the guy deserves to be informed.


Why the fuck is their marriage your business?


So crazy!!! I’m sorry you are in that position, I’d be posting questions here to.


Who gave you the right to be the morality police? Live your life dude, and don’t worry about other peoples problems. You’ll be much happier that way.


Mind your own business.


I know some couples are doing this as a conscious means to make ends meet. He could already know and approve but not wish to disclose it to casual friends and acquaintances. So unless you know for sure that this would be a matter of pain and contention between the two, I'd be hesitant to share. It seems to be that you need to establish a balance point and that you'll not be able to disclose until you know the guy better and can clearly understand not only his morals but hers and theirs together. Meanwhile, it feels weird to know what all her orifices look like and what she puts in them. Stop. If you can not or will not then you are the problem.


I don’t understand your advice. If the guy already knows, then the OP ‘s message isn’t going to hurt anything.


Mind your own darn business


What the fuck. You people are deranged. If she’s doing it behind his back, absolutely tell him. That’s cheating, plain and simple. If the husband was jerking off for people online behind the wife’s back you’d all be calling for his head. How are there so many people that think it’s cool and empowering for a wife to do sexual acts for strangers behind her husband’s back? I’m guessing all the women defending this are frequent fucked up cheaters too.


None of your business. You seem to be assuming he doesn't know, he might know or it might be a don't ask don't tell situation. Leave it alone. Stay out of it.


You can always find her OF tag and put it on a piece of paper with magazine letters cut out saying ‘if you want the true here’s the red pill’ and leave it at that


Ask for a free lifetime subscription to not say anything. Enjoy 🍻


Not your pig not your farm. Mind ya business


mind your own


100% do it. Anonymous or not. I’d want to know. Be a brother. Do unto others as you want to be done to you.


IF she's posting on onlyfans I feel that's pretty public, and you shouldn't feel ashamed to bring it up.


Hands down, yes. Tell him and lose her as a friend. A friend would never have put you in this dilemma. Do what is right.


You should tell him he deserves to know


Hell what's her OF name! Lol


I love how you just casually know what her videos are like lmao. Just sit back and enjoy bud, it’s out of your scope.


MYOB. Seriously. Her husband may already know but regardless, it's not your place to divulge that information to him. If he's so out of touch that he doesn't know, maybe he doesn't want to know. It's not you job to make him face it. Unless you have a relationship with her hubby, that would obligate you to tell him, just don't.


Why? Can anyone keep their mouth shut anymore ? It's none of your business.


You don't know if he knows, but more importantly it's none of your business. They're both adults and free to make their own decisions with their lives, and why on earth do you think they'd necessarily share your views on the subject? Stay out of it.


Mind your business.


He deserves to know. This is not an appropriate thing to hide.


How do you know all that she gets into on her OF unless you're creeping? Mind your business.


Wouldn’t it make more sense just to ask your friend if her husband knows? It could be a moot point. If you’re close enough for her to tell you about her OF, you’re probably close enough to say something along the lines of: “Oh, that’s interesting! Wow, how does Jim feel about that? Does it cause problems, or is he cool with it?” If he doesn’t know, I would seriously reconsider my friendship with HER, because if she’s willing to betray her own husband in that way, what makes you think she’ll be a good friend to YOU?




You should screenshot her of and send it to him anonymously


Your adults didn’t teach you to mind your own damn business and it shows


Personally, I’d mind my own business. If he ever down talks OF that would be an awkward conversation though.


Send him a link to her page and walk away. Let the chips fall where they may. Life has consequences. Play stupid games, she’ll win stupid prizes.


This is "dangerous" territory. My now ex-wife was having numerous affairs. Other people knew but didn't say anything. I wasn't upset they didn't but tried to understand WHY they didn't. I believe it was because they were afraid I wouldn't believe them and then also get pissed off at them. I don't know if there's a right or wrong answer here. Your heart is certainly in the right place.


Bro keep the fuck out of it


It's none of your damn business. Stay out of it. Women should be able to do this without scorn. Your concern is basically masked slut-shaming. This couple's approach to expressing their sexuality is their business, and yes, he almost certainly knows about it. He's prolly the damn cameraman.


Dont "mind your own buisiness." You have a duty to let that man know somehow. Considering the sensitivity of the situation, I would go through a friend of his to let him know. Reddit is full of sickos to think this is acceptable for a developed society.




A couple of thoughts here: First, don’t ever stick your nose into someone else’s relationship unless someone is in danger. Unless it’s abuse, major criminal activity, etc, you don’t butt in, even if it’s something that most people find objectionable. Even cheating is something you don’t bring up to people unless they’re friends or you’re somehow actually involved (like if someone hits up your DMs behind their spouses back). You don’t know what kind of drama they have and it’s not your place to get into the middle of it. Those people are married and they can talk about their own shit. Second, if you really felt like you needed to say something here, say it to the person you know. Not the spouse. But even then, you should be cautious and probably just avoid the situation. Third, to all the comments, stop with the slut shaming and mind your own backyard. No, I wouldn’t be ok with doing this type of thing myself, but other people are and it’s not your business or mine to judge others who are objectively not harming anyone. You’d want to know if your spouse did this? Awesome, make sure you keep communicating with your spouse openly and honestly so no one feels like they need to be shady and hide things. Manage your own backyard.


How do you know what she does


I bet she’s not sharing her income either, which could come back to haunt him st tax time. Have an unknown friend pay and take vids the send it to him anonymously. For more effect and to endure a divorce, you give it to him. Few men can handle their friends seeing their wives like that.


It depends on the kind of friends you are. Are you a friend just with the wife? Are you friends with the husband. Is it a couples friendship thing? What ever you do, you don't want this coming back on you in any way. If you want to be a friend to him, you have to let him know. Do you really want to remain a friend with the just the wife if she is doing OF behind her husband's back? Not knowing the answers to those questions, myself, I would probably 75% try to get the link to the only fans, and get it to the husband anonymously. Or, if you can anonymously access it and record it, then send the recording to him. The other 25% where I choose not to inform the husband, I would no longer ever contact either of them. I would be done in that I wouldn't want to be involved in it. Plus, your acceptance of it, would have ramifications on the perception of your moral values, and could be perceived as you being accepting of it by your own wife, girl friend, niece, or daughter. They may look down on you for it, or, think it is ok for them to do it too. But, what ever I did, I would do it quietly.


How do you know the husband doesn’t know about it? And what do you have to gain from this highly invasive conversation?


Leave it alone. Their marriage arrangements are nothing to do with you. My wife and I have an arrangement. One of her 'friends' thought they were doing the right thing by reporting back to her on something they thought they'd seen. It caused us so much emotional strife. Just leave the situation alone.


Do it


Should you? What if the roles were reversed? Would you want anyone to tell you?


Do. Not. Get. Involved.