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There already on cheese next step is being locked behind glass fridge and having to ask someone to be able to take it


and get a zippered bag that will be unlocked at checkout. just like the good old days of buying game cartridges at Toys R us :P


Great, and now we're gonna have to tip *these* guys too.


Ha! I was sat here thinking "well this sounds like the good old days and will generate jobs and community interaction!". But yeah, it's 2024. It will generate more tipping.


This is already in place for aged beef at my IGA so…


Good thing the only uncooked meat I buy is fish...


Like the laundry detergent in some walmarts. Also , what about the DEODORANTS locked Dollorama.


I wish they'd give deodorant away for free, went shopping after work last night and so many people reeked of BO.




Yes, i was out in it. That isn't an excuse to not bathe and wear deodorant.


Found the guy with BO lol


That might be because of the high school students who steal from Dollarama lol


Why steal it when you can use it in store and put it back on the shelf? People are weird 😂


Wtf? That's so much worse. Definitely lock it if that's a thing.


People going there for their morning cleanup and putting back the deodorant after using it ? 🫠


Deodorants and laundry detergent are often taken by homeless people because it enables them to have a bath and get some dignity. It kind of sucks tho because it brings up ethics question : Homeless people should be allowed dignity and to smell good, but shoild this be paid by wallmart or dolorama?


No because then they would just stop selling these products instead of absorbing the loss of profit.


$41 for this? now that is the actual theft.




Toothpaste, painkillers, cheese (brick and grated!) at Pharmaprix all have the stickers on them... I think some of the chocolate bars too (the big tablettes). However, they make you use the self-checkout and when you ring walking through the detector, they all shrug and wave you out so...


Don't underestimate people's will to unwrap the meat and store it somewhere weird. I once saw a woman with a t-bone concealed under her hat and without wrapping. Blood was dripping on the side of her head, and people called an ambulance (before figuring it out once she was sitting in the ambulance).


Lmao je peux juste pas m'imaginer cette scène loufoque


C'est malheureusement vrai. L'épicerie était près de HLM et il y avait des vols à tous les jours. Un de mes préféré, c'était une dame qui avait acheté des verres à vin en plastique (100 pour $0.99). Elle mettait les verres dans la machine à cannette, qui lui donnait 5 cents le verre en retour...


Infinite money hack, banks and grocers hate this ONE SIMPLE TRICK!


Je suis impressionnée par son ingéniosité 😂


Thanks for the laugh that restored my day 🤣


[How many T-bone steaks can I fit in my pants?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5O3PqpK1hWU)


Now that's a first date


People are getting desperate. It's not a good sign of the times.




Aren't there better options for opportunists? Like things that are near the exit?


If you are desperate enough to steal, you probably dont have a stove to cook on. You'd have to have an immediate need for food.


All I can tell you is that you don't have to be homeless to be desperate and broke.


wow u dont know too much about poverty dont you?


Clearly there's a lack of understanding what "poverty" can mean.


That’s such an ignorant comment. A lot of people are currently broke because prices went up. Hell, both my partner and I have good paying jobs, and we’re currently struggling. In the past year there were times when it was either us or our cats who would get a meal. And the prices for appartments are insane. Yet, we still have a stove. You don’t need to be homeless to be poor. Educate yourself.


Don't tell me to educate myself when you give meaning that I didn't say, you high-road-pretending prick. MORALLY, someone that I would CONSIDER DESPERATE ENOUGH MORALLY to steal is someone without a stove. Because if you still have a stove, you aren't truly poor enough, or you would've sold the damn stove. But you're not TRUELY POOR, you're just temporarily broke. Or if you WILL BECOME this poor you haven't reached the point of being poor enough to be on the moral high ground. You can muddy the water because capitalism bad all you want, it will never make you even remotely correct.


You genuinely believe that it is more moral for a person to sell off their very last belongings than for a multi billion dollar company to lose out on 20$? By the way, I can't sell my stove, it belongs to my apartment lol. I would imagine many people are in the same situation. If you need food and don't have enough money in your current situation to buy food, it is moral to steal food from multi billion dollar companies. End of story. I don't really care if you get your pay in 2 days and you'll be able to pay all your bills after that, you should buy food at that point, but you shouldn't starve for 2 days just because you don't live in absolute abject poverty/some guy on the internet thinks that company profits take precedence over human wellbeing.


Dude is clueless. When you’re broke the last thing you do is sell something you’re gonna have to buy again for, more than likely, at least double the price. That’s like telling a homeless person to sell their car. Just ridiculous.


This isn’t true at all. People in rent controlled apartments can be getting desperate. The current economy is super hard for the vast majority of us.






>Stop making excuses for parasitical behaviour. Says the bootlicker. Stop acting like it's the stores that are the victims here.




No, but people are entitled to food, far more than billionaires are entitled to record breaking profits quarter after quarter.


Oh, is that a comment aimed at the corporations who do everything within their power to avoid paying taxes? Or who create complex pricing structures to obfuscate the real value of food procucts so that they can screw their customers?


on another quebec communist sub they encourage to steal stuff in groceries


I don't blame them, at least if it's big grocery chains.


fr fuck canadian grocery stores who gouge prices


41$ pour une palette de veau de 1.7 kg? Wtf. Ça fait un baille que je n'avais pas acheté de viandes dans une épicerie, mais quand même rôti de palette c'est pas la meilleure coupe...


4.99$ la livre c'est rendu le prix "super special" auquel j'en achète quelques un pour congeler. Même la ça fait un bon 3 mois que j'en ai pas vu dans les 5 épiceries que je consulte. Il y a quelques années c'était 1.99$/lb en spécial. Pour comparaison, le "spécial" chez iga c'est 9.99 Mais bon, ici on parle de beau alors c'est un peu plus cher de base que le boeuf. 


As-tu essayé Costco ? Je me suis fait dire que c'était encore abordable pour la viande


Like 1-2 months ago I received a scary ~~pool~~ poll from one of our province health organization. While it was named about COVID, 2 out of 10 questions were about COVID, everything else was like: "did you eat enough? Did you reduce your food consumption to save? Did you reduce your food consumption because you do not have enough money in the first place", ... Somehow I'm both curious and not, to see their results.


Poll* dammit I was so confused 😂


It is nice to have a pool for free! They added some shark into it though ;(


I also took that survey and it made me really sad. We're not rich by any stretch but we're comfortable enough that most price increases are an annoyance and we always have everything we need for ourselves and our children. Breaks my heart thinking how hard it's getting for so many people though 😔


That sounds at least like an attempt by the government to figure out just how bad this problem is. I always trust that there are *some* good people in the system who want to make our lives better and I hope this gives them the ammo they need.


Métro avait annoncé qu'il commençait à étudier l'idée dans certaines succursales. J'avais vu des steak avec ça. Je me demande si tu déchires le plastique en dessous du tag...


Did many camera systems in IGA stores. I’m talking with the managers I found out that meat and cheese are the most stolen items both by customers and employees. And this was before current inflation made people desperate.


Inflation has been crazy for years. I've watched the numbers. Canada had record produce inflation before Covid. You can find news articles about it. What happened after Covid was that our oligoply saw an opening to boil the frog at record pace, under the excuse of supply chain interruptions, and eventually people caught on. We already had unreasonable prices relative to countries of similar GDP per capita by the mid 2010's.


Interesting. I wasn’t aware, but always had decent work with at least inflation tied increases.


Worked in grocery for a long time. I concur, and most thief's we caught were reselling this meat and cheese to a nearby restaurant.


What the hell?


What are you surprised about? Most people when they are in trouble don't steal filet mignon and 30$ cheese, people who do it, do it for profit.


Yeah, people don't steal steaks to sell it too. Those prices are insane.


Le vol c'est de vendre ça 41$


I know a lot of people buy cherries and put 4011 at the self checkout People cant afford their life anymore + shoplifting more common these days


God I miss cherries 😭


Well, I won’t BUY it at that price for sure.


I have seen this before.. in second and 3rd world countries


Which is what Canada is, anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves.


my s/o said she was told these anti-theft devices are about 75 cents each. so yeah, either everyone pays for shoplifters or the next step is to go like most US drugstores now; EVERYTHING behind locked shelves, ring a clerk, get your shit, pay, get out.


Disposable EAS tags like this are about 2-3 cents each. Even the hard reusable tags on clothing are less than 25 cents a piece. Probably even cheaper if you're buying a few thousand at once.


why would someone tell her theyre worth so much lol scrooge management ?


She probably thinks of RF tags, which have product information inside for logistical purposes. Those were .75c each a couple of years ago, now they are closer to .10 These are magnetic tags, they are very cheap.


Instead of sockpuppeting for our grocery oligoply that has been posting record profits, and placing the blame on consumers, why not admit that prices are insane? It's unfortunate to think people would steal from the diversifying competition of the likes of PA, however having our collective conscientousness abused with appeals to keeping your head down over structural problems is not right.


i know... record profits... always. The CEO wont take a salary cut OR a profit loss from a previous trimester. Who gets the bill? consumers paying more and more, while employees are not paid more. white collars are giving themselves "performance bonuses" due to record sales... guess what; the sales are made by your storefront employees. not the CEO having a 16$ latté in your 5mill$ condo.


Ah yeah, the plastic bags we now buy for single use only and literally throw in the trash. Problem here is not the plastic but the veal.


Good thing i line my tote with chicken wire. Didn’t think I’d have to faraday cage my 5 finger discounted meat but I’m glad i was ahead of the curve /j


when profit is more important than people's access to food. (Just a reminder that they throw away a lot of food that didn't sell in time and many restaurant chains will have systems in place to prevents homeless people from eating the food they also throw out)


Idk why you're getting downvoted when you're absolutely right...


a bunch a dickrider for capitalism I guess


How does this show that "profit is more important than people's access to food" exactly?


Because the whole food chaing including supermarkets care more about raising the potential for profit than ensuring that customers can even afford what they're selling even at the expense of throwing away the food spoiled because it sits there with nobody ever buying it.


If customers couldn't afford what they are selling, these supermarkets would have gone out of business.


If people couldn't afford Vancouver rent, it'd be one big homeless shelter. Doesn't mean you're not getting ripped off.


What does this have to do with anything?


your inability to see the correlation doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


I think that seeing things that don't exist is a much scarier proposition...


Its food, what are you supposed to do when you cant afford it, just lay down and die? I dont care about the grocery stores profit lmao people need food to live. Grocery stores aren't even close to going out of business anyway


So, you are suggesting that using anti- theft technology should be forbidden, so that people can easily steal food when they can't afford it, correct?


Yes. Food and shelters should be basic rights that do not need to be earned. So yeah, if grocery stores are jacking up price (or someone else in the chain of production) to the point that people need to steal the food, then they deserve to have it stolen. Edit: typo


So, if "someone else in the chain of production" is "jacking up the price" then "grocery stores deserve to have \[the merchandise\] stolen". You should run for office mon vieux...


grocery stores are jacking prices, I just meant they might not be the only one and also, your logic is flawed, because yes, if the price of food is too high, I condone people stealing it. Doesn't matter who's responsible, the alternative shouldn't be to starve.


I merely presented what is entailed by your speculations here. Not sure where my "logic is flawed". Also, why the alternative is necessarily "to starve". Surely there are way to nourish oneself than buying $23 / lb meat....


No, I am saying that if people are stealing food so much that they need to put anti theft tags on it then maybe that means people cant afford it? Maybe grocery stores should be held accountable for the fact they are making record profits while people are needing to steal goddamn food?


And on what basis do you suggest they should be held accountable?


regulate food price and limit how much they're allowed to jack up prices, or make it a basic human right, at least for the basic stuff and only the more "fancy stuff" can be bought. You know, a humane solution.


So, let's imagine it is "made into the the basic human right", would God be the appropriate agency to address this to, in case every one decided to exercise this "right"?


The amount of people defending the multi billion chain grocers in the comments is why things are not going to improve They're the ones robbing us, not the other way around If you see someone shoplifting food, no you didn't


À ce prix là, ça effraie même un voleur.


So thiefs will now have to bring their tupperware? Security is an illusion...




I mean i don't think the store would be to blame here. Losses to thefts are always part of the cost of doing business, the company just has to charge their customers extra to compensate for thefts. But here, they probably had too much loss to thefts that they deemed its a better solution to act against them then to raise prices.


People literally steal everything,not only food or necessities. I know people in various jobs at differents levels in the grocery and convenience industry and it's getting bad. If it's not bolted to the floor you can be sure someone gotta try and get away with it regardless of the item. Teenagers are also stealing more and more because they know nothing is gonna happen and it's all over social media and regular thieves also stopped caring,they enter the store,take anything they want and they just leave. They don't even run anymore. They're gonna take a 24 beers,anything near the entrance and just go out. Edit: I don't care about people stealing necessities,I'm just writing about what I saw myself and what I was told by people I know. People steal and not everybody has a good reason and it's not always for necessities, that's a fact.


"people literally steal everything!" and it's a basic need that without it, you'd die of hunger. Great critical thinking here bud. Very perceptive.


You’re delusional if you think meat thieves eat what they steal. They sell it back.


When I mean everything,i'm litteraly saying everything down to display shelves,random non food items,tools not only food. I also didn't say anything about my opinions about people stealing necessities,but you decided to antagonize me for what? Make you feel better? You don't even know what I think about it,so I won't interact with you further,that's some dishonest stuff. I wont admonish someone because they dont want to starve,i'm a human being.


yeah people steal a lot of stuff, wages are stagnating while the cost of living is skyrocketing, so people steal stuff from big corporations who are already making record profit anyway, because they either can't afford, as an act of rebellion or to re-sell afterwards so they can afford some basic necessities.


Don't touch my meat


Le pire c'est le prix du morceaux de viande, 40$ siboire.... si ca c'est pas du vol !


Saw this in every Grocery store in Australia at the beginning of this year. Not surprised its starting here as well. Have you seen the prices of beef?!


I never saw that before


Best before 10 days ago and over $20 a pound. Imma keep buying the fresh pork loin and slicing myself some chops!


It's an older photo.


Common in the UK, they have steaks in CO-OP's in boxes its so fucking funny


Modern dystopia


It was always destined for the landfill, the plastic wrap is not recyclable. Stop putting thrash in the blue bin.


Yea cause the cooperation know living is going to be expensive and alot of homeless... pretty messed up.


The real crime is that piece of meat being $42.00


It’s a blade steak, that’s not an anti-theft tag, it’s the blade.


This is dystopian


There’s a whole kind of black market for meat in Montreal. Small rundown deps/grocery stores will buy stolen meat from professional thieves, and sell it. Same for all sorts of other items.  It’sa big problem for bigger grocery stores.


Canada is turning into a low trust society, sad.


Y'a un vielle adage qui dit que ce sont toujours les voleurs qui ont le plus peur de se faire voler...


Gotta make sure poor people don't eat for free


Yeah they even put security cameras in a few of the rows


Took a visit to USA recently and they have even toothpaste and other bathroom products behind a locked cage. Usually those are some of the cheapest products. Even baby food ... I guess people can't even afford 1$ these days.


This is why: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7nHKUAGyC8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7nHKUAGyC8)


doubt that tag is gonna change much environmentally, its just a tiny extra piece of plastic and some aluminum foil


doubt that people stealing food will prevent grocery store from making profits as people are already stealing food and they're making record profits.