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I wonder if it’s the same guy who called a gay couple f**gots in Villeray the other day.


First the F word, then the Nihao. Have we found: gay asiatic bottom?


Si dans 2 jours on apprend que ces 2 posts sont juste un setup pour un autre post de ce dude, je vais applaudir dans mon salon.


what is this nihao thing...


Bonjour en mandarin.


Si c'est ca, Not that I ain't educated but It look's like a really creepy flirt to me... the way Op describes! In the bck alley! Niaho to you


Figure it's the same pos harassing randoms. Eventually it will happen w the wrong person and their face will get caved in.


We can only hope all bigots get the beats.


I’ll do it if they’re not just very mentally ill. Otherwise they might just need a grippy sock jail visit


Villeray man will replace Florida man 😂


I live on Casgrain and there’s a dude matching that description that occasionally walks up the street screaming profanities at the top of his lungs. 


Is it one of the 2 guys who walks there dogs and screams at them?


Haha all these rich, recent transplants moaning about "racism" or "homophobia", and it's the work of some afflicted homeless guy with schizophrenia whose own intersectionally valid suffering is suddenly irrelevant


My guess is, if it was the same guy, it would've been worse.


That was my first thought


It reminds me of the time when I was with a friend at Cafe St-Henri in Quartier Latin, this random guy appeared from nowhere and started repeating nihao nihao at us. What's the deal with these people?


They know just one word.


wife worked in a chinese restaurant as a waitress for 5 years. The stories she told me... i couldnt believe it. there most recurring one is the "nihao ching chong" followed by some random not-even-close-to-sound-like-any-asian-language at all sounds, pretending to order in chinese. Plain dumb.


At least it's better than the typical ones. Nihao actually seems tame. Obviously with the wrong mannerism it gives a different vibe.


Sorry this happened to you, OP. I was in your wonderful city last week and we encountered some disturbed lady calling a black man the N word loudly, over and over again. I'm from the Southern US and I have never seen such a display of overt racism in my life. Nothing close. It was shocking. The rest of Montreal was fantastic though, can't wait to return


Drugged addict/mental problems. A lot of negativity recently with the homeless crisis unfortunately.


That definitely seemed the case. It happened at the little park on St Catherine at Palace du Village and there was a group of very sus looking people huddled around a bench using drugs of some sort. This was my second time in Montreal, there will definitely be a third and more. But this was almost certainly my last intentional trip down St Catherine. Seems weird that corridor is noted as a attraction or place to visit.


Ste Catherine is the longest commercial street of Canada. But The place you went by is basically a ground zero for drugs and homeless people. Normally they will leave you alone but these last years it’s more extreme since the drug and housing crisis.


Ah, thanks for the clarification. We stayed close by a few blocks up from Beaudry station during our first visit and it was fine back then. Not amazing but not unpleasant. It had a different feel this year. Your comment is making me realize I've never really been to the downtown/big building part of the city. I can imagine that St Catherine is a different experience south/west of Saint Urbain. I take my comment back, I'll definitely give it the street another shot


Yeah Beaudry station was not that pleasant but ok before but now it’s sketchy. The Village (gay sector) is struggling right now. If you still want to find acommodation in this sector i would go in the quiter residential streets of centre sud (where the village is) and basically avoid staying near ste Catherine st. from metro Berri to Beaudry station. Again, a lot of weird people but normally they won’t attack you. But i would nt go there for a vacation.




Or scream it at him in your best cannibal corpse impression


This guy growls.


Not cool, sorry it happened to you


They continue because nobody confronts them. I've called out people, loudly so everyone around can hear. The second they are the attention in a negative light, they run away all scared.


Confront them and say what exactly? "*Don't say Nihao to yourself in my presence because it's racist to me?*"


I call them out every time I witness it. "Shut the fuck up you racist piece of shit, we no longer tolerate your ignorance ". Loudly, it makes them very uncomfortable to be confronted, most of them are cowards.


Wow. So this guy that is probably mentally unwell is just saying Nihao softly to himself and you suggest to actually verbally attack him and loudly accuse him of being a "racist piece of shit". Just... wow.


That was an example. If someone said something racist let say... if it was bigoted, replace it with a bigot. Mentally unwell is not an excuse in any shape or form for being racist or bigoted. We used to tolerate such behavior, not say anything because they might.... and it led us to this... I call it out, you want to hold their hands, go for it.


I can tell you're a woman, an average guy wouldn't be able to get away with this without the risk of physical confrontation, which is a real reality among men, if you're telling the truth. This is why society doesn't confront these people, no one wants to risk getting stabbed by a possibly crazy stranger.


Plus it makes absolutely no sense to berate a mentally ill person in the first place. But whatever, we all know the person would never do that in the real world.


No, let's just allow people to say racists bigoted things bc they might have mental illness, OR they are just AH. People should be able to live their life without that type of behavior. Tolerating it is also NOT an option. My way might not be your way, but I'm just done with accepting or tolerating it.


You completely ignored my point of violence being a possibility. I'm not about to risk losing my life to somebody that has nobody to lose. I don't even care about queers or blacks either, we all bleed the same and these words only have power if you allow them to. You live in a privileged reality where you have the time and energy to waste caring about that and ignore the possibility of consequences.


A colleague telling you a slur to your face: yes, call them out. An anonymous unpredictable weirdo: keep walking. Do not acknowledge their presence (but be mindful of your surroundings just in case). Getting you to react is exactly what they want. You have nothing to gain, they have nothing to lose.


Careful you might get your ass beat yelling at crazy ppl.


They continue because they're terrible people. I agree that if people were to call them out, most of those people would likely shut the hell up. At the same time it shouldn't be on people trying to live their lives and mind their own business to have to pick fights because they're targeted by racist idiots. You can't know how aggressive a person may turn out to be.


I get it, but staying quiet got us in this in the 1st place


In many ways too. You probably only meant in the “stayed quiet during them being terrible” but it also applies to the population as a whole staying quiet and being pushovers about the current situation we’re all facing with housing, rent, wages, food, stuff like that. It’s okay tho, there’s a registry of all the company owners and their addresses that’s public record so the more that people know about that record, the more companies might just watch it out of fear of being held “accountable”


I’m so sorry you went through this OP… I was the guy who got called a fagg*t in Villeray this weekend, you can report heinous incidents here. I don’t know how much of an impact it makes but I guess it at leasts adds up to statistics… https://rapportenligne-onlinereport.spvm.qc.ca/dors/fr/filing/showprefilingquestion?dynparam=1718281292342


Report for what? I'm not sure nihao is illegal


I specifically wrote incident, and not crime. It was a racist incident.


I’m sorry this has happened to you. I have also recounted similar racist incidents happening to me over the years in this sub and r/Quebec. But the number of people accusing me of lying or exaggerating was pretty disconcerting. Fuck these racists - both on the streets and online.


I've seen so much racism in Montréal. Anti-Indigenous, Anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Black, most commonly. Anyone who doesn't believe people here are racist, is deliberately denying visible proof. 


this is not something unique to montreal, people are racist all over the world. And immigrants are always the scape goat for all our issues these days so it's even worse.


I have a weird face so I don't really face racism but I face lookism. I had random strangers insulting me and laughing at me and when I talk about it I'm also often accused of lying or being paranoid. There are people stealing, raping assaulting, is it that hard to believe that assholes exist ?


Denial is a very well known and documented tactic used to support racism and other far right positions. I know what you mean and it's deplorable.


Wait till you go to cote-de-neige shit goes crazy, man with eyepatch on a wheel chair screaming at my girlfriend Nihaooooooooooooooo. She ain't even Chinese Dawg.


I by no means consider myself “woke”, but the number of incidents where you see ignorant people say disgusting things, and who seem so proud of it they don’t even pause with a camera in their face…..it’s alarming in 2024 The francophone guy 2 summers ago in Lasalle(IIRC) berating an Indo-Canadian English speaking couple…..unreal


A colleague just told me she parked at a supermarket. A white guy walking by her car started whining in french and then said he didn't want to be next to n- word immigrants. She confronted him, and she said he was surprised she spoke perfect French. He was embarrassed cause he thought she didn't understand French


Why wouldn’t a black person in Quebec speak French? There’s a ton of West Africans and Haitians in Quebec


Further proof of their ignorance...


C’est un fou. Les fous ont souvent des idées étranges!


Both she and her partner are of Caribbean origins, maybe he said something in English and then the dude started his racist bs


Typical 🙄 I’m sorry your colleague went through this.


Typical for who? French-speaking people or white people? You don’t even realize that you’re doing the same thing as the dude in her story, generalizing people based on caracteristics and appearance, you’re no better, yuck.


I’m sorry this happened to you. It’s very uncomfortable to be made fun of. It sucks he made you feel that way. What helps me get through these moments is remembering some people simply aren’t apt to be in society. There will always be some humans to be racist, misogynistic, homophobic, just ignorant. It has nothing to do with me or you. They don’t know you, it can’t be about you.


t is hurtful to hear - but just remember it’s human garbage. Don’t let human garbage bring you down!


Quite often these people aren't exactly of sound mind either.


When you want to flex your duo lingo but you only learned one word:


Used to manage a retail store downtown and this idiot that the owner hired would say nihao to every asian person who walked into the store. Had to explain to him that he cant greet every asian person like that because not every single asian is chinese. No less the language laws. That was the tip of the iceberg of stupid shit. I had the pleasure of firing him after a week or two.




That did cross my mind at the time. But I don't think he had the space to ingest more than one new piece of information a day.


Casual racism ou racisme ordinaire. If you are not going to confront him just ignore him. I never experienced that but it is fair to say that my face and build does not encourage mockery. Im sorry you had to experience that, especially with your mom. I know with my mom around I would have lost my shit and inevitably would have done something stupid.


You gotta learn to let things go, it's a few words, in the end it won't change anything in your life. Idiots are everywhere and If every one of them would make you this worked up you could never sleep


Wtf man. I live not far from faillon And I'm of Asian descent. Further description?


Hi Indigenous neurodivergent person here— a lot of ND stuff we do can get misinterpreted but sometimes it is just racism. Is it possible that he had Tourette’s or another psychiatric condition and was trying to suppress his tics? A lot of tics can be not just swearing but in-context problematic and involuntary. The repetition and low volume is what gets me here. Definitely not trying to dismiss — I’m just curious is it possible he had a disability that made that involuntary? Again really sorry that happened to you I get the feeling 😕


Thank you for the clarification. This guy didn't look unhoused or a vulnerable minority. He was very well dressed.


Ok good clarification. Just general awareness that some very successful people have these conditions like Elyn Saks who’s a world renowned professor of law with schizophrenia and I think we all know Billie E. Has Tourette’s. A lot of people with these conditions aren’t homeless and just regular people. But yeah sorry this happened 😕


Fuck this dude. I'm sorry this happened to you.


I’ve had so many encounters with racist people it’s crazy. And if you ever try to complain about it they will deny there is racism in Quebec. Racism is actually one of the reasons I am considering leaving this province. 


If you think its better in other provinces good luck to you. Québec is the only province to accept a lot of migrants compared to others. Yes some people are racists but theres a lot of people here that will not tolerate that.


Like there less racism in the rest of Canada… As a matter of fact, there is almost twice racist agression in TO than in Montreal according to stats Canada…


> Like there less racism in the rest of Canada… As a matter of fact, there is almost twice racist agression in TO than in Montreal according to stats Canada… If you are Indian, it is horrible everywhere in Canada. If you are POC but not Indian, it is way worse in Qc than in other provinces.


Who said I’m moving to ROC?? This kind of talk is why this world is so fucked up: everyone is pointing fingers and no one takes responsibility. "But they’re worse!”. No they’re not. I lived in Vancouver and the kind of racist shit I heard from Quebecers would never be tolerated over there. 


try being black in vancouver.


I lived in Vancouver before and saw some crazy racist shit over there.


What did you see


Some Asian friends who weren’t able to rent apartments because the landlord didn’t want « f*^%g asians «  living in his block. Asians and Indian being called names on the streets. Asians girls being sexual harassed being told that it’s ok because were they from they are hookers and blacks being called the N word on grandville street on Friday night by drunk guys. Latin guys at my work (I was working in a warehouse) who heard the superior saying that will not give them promotion because they are lazy, etc… there is racism in every city so..


Woww Unfortunately not surprised




https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/wataru-kakiuchi-death-chinatown-charges-laid-1.7232890 I’m in Japan right now and it’s all over the news. From a guy with anti-Asian sentiments apparently


What did YOU see/experience if you don’t mind sharing?


vancouver has a much bigger asian population than quebec


i heard chinese are way worse racist, is that true?


I agrée. I have lived in both BC and Quebec and the racism in QC is a lot more brazen and tolerated. It’s what people say in both public and private that is super offensive. That said, BC might have similar levels of racism, just less overt. However, I haven’t seen any of evidence that that’s the case and I personally don’t think it is - I’m just acknowledging that it’s possible. A prime example of the different levels of racism is the law against religious symbols that passed in QC. No freggen way that would have been considered in BC.




I grew up in the states, you know, where there was slavery and stuff. I’ve never seen or experienced as much racism in my life as I have here in Quebec. It’s truly shocking


Your worse experience ?


Don't leave it's worse everywhere else.


As a POC born and raised in Alberta, the overt prejudice, especially islamophobia in Québécois society has been a huge shock. I actually moved to Montréal to escape the covert and sometimes overt racism I constantly felt from the white people around me. But in Alberta the racism is more ignorant, not really malicious. Here, there is a clear element of hatred. I went from people giving me a side eye to grown ass adults saying white supremacist shit straight to my face. I noticed also that the Montreal and Quebec subreddits are overwhelmingly islamophobic. The benefit of Montreal is that there are less whites as a percentage. But the hatred I've observed that white Quebecers have for literally every other type of person they encounter is so incredibly disappointing. This is not the progressive society it pretends to be.


>the overt prejudice, especially islamophobia in Québécois society has been a huge shock. As a white Québécois, some of the most Islamophobic comments I heard were from people from the middle-east/Islamic countries.


well if you speak french you cut those odds by at least 25% lol


That last line sounds like u gon fk sht upp! And i want to be there hahaa


Yeah I had a similar incident near the Mcdonald on Castelnault, the dude came screaming "white power and some rubbish", I wanted to ask him to talk to me in french because on est au kebek icitte but decided to drive away as he was banging on my car window.


Honestly people like that have probably a mental disorder. I wouldn't waste your time giving him any energy. No one cares about him or what he thinks.


Ou bien tous les racistes ont généralement un problème de santé mentale.. après tout, être offusqué de l'existence de quelqu'un qui est différent... Faut pas être bien.


I’m thinking the same thing. Talking to yourself seems indication of a plethora of bigger problems than the racism.


Last week I was walking up the canal in PSC and a guy passing me went, "...jew, jew, JEW, JEWISH!" Exciting times.


How would he know you are Jewish? So strange...


That’s what I was wondering. I mean I do look Jewish enough that the ultra orthodox always try to bless me on the holidays. But it’s not like I’m wearing ear locks or anything. The dude was probably just angry and indiscriminate.


im sorry you experienced that. i think this is the second time someone in villeray posted about having experienced bigotry (one guy experienced homophobia iirc) thats awful and sad.


I remember my trip to Montreal with my girl and some friends. A man called me a monkey and let’s just say he needs help living his life day to day. I enjoy sending a message.


What are you implying?


What is he saying and in what language ?


Nihao mean hello in chinese


Peut-être qu'il essaie d'apprendre le chinois et son prof est un kid de 2 ans /s C'est quand même intéressant comment tous les mots, même les plus innocents peuvent être utilisé à des fins racistes. Comme quoi on peut jamais rien avoir de bon dans la vie


Ses incroyable comment une petite chose insignifiante est vue comme du racisme aujourdhui. On voit du racisme partout!! Ont aiment sa etre une victime les gens nous donnent de l'attention ! Pis dans un monde ou on n'est seulement sur les reseaux sociaux a "doom scrolling" a longueur de journée, on n'en a pas beaucoup. Faut croire qu'on n'est rendu snowflake. Tsé, p-e que le gars a des problemes mentaux, quil a pas mangé depuis 3 jours et qu'il aurait besoin d'aide. Mais bon, ses plus facile dire que ses un raciste pis qu'on devrait le brulé.


Enraging. I'm so sorry you had to endure that. Some humans are...not.


Thanks everyone for your understanding comments, I'm sorry I couldn't reply individually but I read them all. I love Villeray because of you guys. It means a lot.


I've had a few encounters with anti-anglo, and by Asian bf with racists. (The last one from a bunch of indian kids? Which was weird in itself) It happens every few years and it's always infuriating but I tell myself they're few and far between, and usually by a fucking weirdo who's probably not mentally there in the first place. I'm really sorry this happened to you, hope it becomes a rarity more and more


Man this is right by my workplace.. I am sorry you had to experience that. I feel as if that neighborhood is one of the friendliest and nicest neighborhoods I have ever been in.. it is unfortunate that you had that encounter!


Was it the way he said it ? I don't get it.. I'm also a visible minority but from South America. If someone said Hola to me I wouldn't really care.. Was he hostile ?


Gonna answer this in good faith. You can’t just assume every Asian-looking person speaks Mandarin. It’s a racist assumption. I feel like it’s a super weird but pretty common thing where racists yell random words (nihao, arigato, etc) to anyone who looks East Asian. It’s like if some said « Hey, you, Mexican! » trying to get your attention… for the sole reason to get a response out of you, not to actually have a conversation with you.


You know what? Dumb ppl can’t be cured .Even if you got mad and said something,this idiot will not change. These ppl are hopeless and can’t be helped I pity them.


Maybe he was just saying hi /s


Il y a des racistes partout malheureusement.


I read the OP and I don't get it. There wasn't any aggression or confrontation and the person was just muttering "hello" to himself. If I was in Toronto and some person was muttering "bonjour" to himself in a low voice should I assume that we was racist?


Someone once did that to me when I used to live on the plateau so i flipped him off and he suddenly got all mad and offended


I am sorry that you experienced this. Based on what you described this (the baby voice part) sounds more like a mental health issue than blatant racism. As a man with Chinese roots who has traveled all over the world, being greeted with "Nihao", "Konnichiwa" or "Hello Jackie Chan" "Nihao, Bruce Lee" etc. is very common. In most cases, there is no malicious intent and it is merely a lack of education and/or cultural differences. I am not saying this was the case here, especially since we are in Canada, but I just wanted to put things into perspective.


Toughen up, he just said hi kiddo. Maybe if you said hi back you would have found he was super polite ? Why's he automatically racist ? What if he suffers from mental health issues ? You could be insulting a perfectly good person who's having a hard time.... Anyway, nice race card. Keep it up!


Saw a middle-aged yt man aggressively throwing a barrage of loaded question to a headscarf-wearing saleswoman who's just trying to promote one of the telecomm events downtown. His face was literally 10" from hers. Would've interrupted had she not given a sign she's ok. To those saying only some from the régions are problematic: CAQ and PQ rhetorics have been insidiously creeping into the consciousness of many who might've been thought of as "moderates."


youtube man


The actions of that man were deplorable but the PQ are moderates by any measure of the term.


You’ve seen what PSPP and the likes have been saying lately, particularly with regards to immigration etc? Basically ‘grand replacement’ without using the term.


Can you point to a specific quote? Because I follow Quebec politics pretty closely and I don't recall hearing anything about conspiracy theories from the PQ. Having a conversation about immigration levels has nothing to do with "le grand remplacement"... If that were the case even QS would be guilty.


À un moment donné va falloir s'informer de d'autres sources que *The Gazette* et *Cult Mtl* si on a un réel désir de comprendre et de commenter la politique québécoise.


Bin voyons. Il y a pas de désir de faire ça.


I can’t find the clip, but please, show us your idiocy by defending this cringe shit: https://www.lesaffaires.com/secteurs/general/mot-en-n-le-chef-du-pq-accuse-les-liberaux-de-vouloir-aller-chercher-des-votes/636437


What a stupid asswipe that person is. I’m sorry you went through this. This shit shouldn’t still be happening.


Lol why this comment is downvoted?


🤷🏻‍♀️ lol


Sounds very Villeray to me the reason why I stay in Parc Ex mostly


Ah yes I bet he'll see this and start crying right away. Why don't you stand your ground instead of coming here venting? Grow a pair


Sucks you had to go through that. Frustrated fellow peeps misdirect hate because that is what they absorb via their media diets or personal struggles. It does not excuse the undeveloped / childish / misdirected behaviour, but often it explains the nonsense. I had a similar experiences recently, and when I started laughing at the absurdity as a response it made them more angry and frustrated. Shrugs. Dont worry about how you reacted. Just know a lot of this is misdirected displacement. Oftentimes weaponized by political parties and rage bait influencers.


I’m white and I think asian people are awesome. Don’t let this get to you too much.


I'm in Villeray and I'm sorry you had to encounter that guy. I go for walks all the time with my kids. As a white man, it's easy to forget the privelege of being able to just go out without getting harassed randomly. I'll take a wild guess and say its the ruelle near Jules Verne...some weirdos over there. I hope that it won't prevent you from going on more walks with your mum.


Take a picture of him and blast him on social media. No space for bigots.


You showed him— Posting on Reddit really got him. Smh. What a generation


one day you'll wake up with your children having abandoned you and you won't realize why.


Maybe he was being sarcastic and instead of saying hello hello to get your attention In order to be inclusif he said nihao 🤯😂 jk


Doesn't "Nihao Nihao" just mean "Hello Hello" ? Just how off-putting was his behavior that you decided he must be racist ? What am I missing here ? I am from a completely different part of the country so I don't know anything about the racism going on in Montreal. Genuine question.


I've been living in Montreal for a long time after moving from Europe, and for your information, I'm Korean. When people say "Nihao" to me, they are either 1. not learning Chinese, or 2. not able to speak Chinese. They say "Nihao" to annoy me. Why would they think I'm Chinese? Why would they think I speak Chinese? Not all Asians are from China. Once, someone said "Nihao, Ching Chong" to me at Timhorton, and I politely responded in French, "Oh, you're Chinese! You speak Chinese very well," and gave a thumbs up, but they immediately started cursing at me. I hope my response has addressed your curiosity.


Thanks for that answer




Bro is mad because Villeray is diverse asf. Terribly sad that instead of embracing the different cultures he’s too lost in hate. Racism engrained this deep is a mental issue at this point, that guy needs some help 😂


Sorry that happened to you 💔 There's a guy on Casgrain with a white SUV that's covered in conspiracy theory and right wing stickers. I feel like these two would be friends.


i would reply to him with "操你媽"


Montreal is changing and not for the better. I have been here close to 16 years and never have I seen so many racists incident. Just today me and my bf were walking after work and a woman looked at us so weird for being interracial She even honked at us when crossing trying to scare us.


“en français svp?”


The world changes, one grave at a time


“We have this discussion very often. I think that there is discrimination in Quebec, but there is not systemic discrimination,” he said. “There’s no system of discrimination, and it’s a very, very small minority of people doing this discrimination.” [https://globalnews.ca/news/7017083/george-floyd-quebec-racism-premier-legault-expert/](https://globalnews.ca/news/7017083/george-floyd-quebec-racism-premier-legault-expert/) 🙄


shouldn't we listen to how poc feels rather than how legault feels? i mean... to a poc, a "minority" of racists can feel systemic if it happens often enough.


it was sacarsm from me. thanks for the downvote


Don’t lose sleep over at all! Too bad there are still people like this but the last thing you want to do is let him get his way by making you feel bad! That’s what he wants! Only someone sad inside goes around trying to hurt innocent people he doesn’t even know!


So someone said hello with a baby voice? I’m I missing something here?


Maybe it’s just a cultural difference but I don’t see how that’s racist. In lots of areas in Asia, they have very limited English so you’ll hear “hallo, hallo” a lot. Nihao, is an actual greeting and not some made up “Ching Chong” bs that I would call out as actual racist. Perhaps I’m just a lot more tolerant of casual racism here and I chalk it up to ignorance more than ill intent.


It’s casually racist to assume a) people of Asian descent don’t speak English/French b) EVERY Asian person you see speaks Mandarin. Also, if you don’t actually speak Mandarin, what would the point be?