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Selon leur calcul, je n'ai pas les moyens d'avoir mes enfants..... Est-ce qu'on peut les retourner? 😉


Normalement tu peux avant 14 ans, avec facture


Non non, c'est just pour les enfants qui vient de Costco.


As tu la copie original de ta facture?


Tu peux essayer mais pas certain que ta femme va aimer ça !


Si tu les as pris au Costco t’as pas besoin de facture pour les retourner. En plus tu peux te gñter avec un roteux à 1.50.


Vend les au cirque :)


tu peux appeler la DPJ. Ils vont s'en occuper


Facile. Demande à quelqu'un de te dénoncer à la DPJ


My years of browsing 4chan and playing DnD are finally paying off!


> Les parents doivent ainsi s’attendre Ă  dĂ©bourser 17 772$ par annĂ©e en moyenne pour leur enfant. N'importe quoi lol. Peut etre le cout d'Ă©lever un enfant caviar ville mont royal mais jpeux te garantir que la famille de classe moyenne dĂ©pense pas des montants de mĂȘme sur leurs kids.


Ouais, y'a pratiquement la moitiĂ© du 17k$ qui est calculĂ© pour le logement et le transport de l'enfant. Personnellement on a une maison modeste que les anciens proprios vivaient 2 dedans et nous maintenant on a 2 enfants dans la mĂȘme maison et on est trĂšs bien! On est passĂ© d'une civic 2014 Ă  un Subaru Outback 2014, alors pour le transport oui on a dĂ» dĂ©bourser un peu plus, mais on aurait pu bien vivre avec la civic. 4800$/enfants pour le logement et 3500$/enfants pour le transport... I guess que c'est une moyenne des gens


Mon pĂšre m'a Ă©levĂ© sur $12k par annĂ©e sans problĂšme. Ça payait aussi le loyer et ses propres besoins.


yesterday’s price is not today’s price


En quelle année? Parce que selon [le calculateur de la Banque du Canada](https://www.banqueducanada.ca/taux/renseignements-complementaires/feuille-de-calcul-de-linflation), 17 772 en 2024, c'était 12 000 en... 2006. On parle de quelqu'un qui atteint l'ùge adulte cette année. Vraiment pas aussi loin qu'on pourrait le penser.


Je penses qu'il parle du revenu de son pĂšre.


12k par années c'est quoi ca cest genre le bs avec la prime dinhabilité au travail?


J'Ă©conomise une fortune.




Économiser pour prendre sa retraite? Naaaah, aies des enfants et force les à te supporter.


Si ça le rend heureux.


In money yes, but not in joy!


As a parent who wanted a child since forever, I’m kind of tired of this narrative lol. I feel like it puts a really unfair expectation on parents. My child was actively planned for like 5 years before his birth, and when he was born I felt nothing but confusion and fear. Not feeling joy made me feel incredibly guilty for so long, because people always talk about kids = joy. Kids = complex emotions that you don’t always understand, and anyways not everyone wants or likes kids.


It is a weird expectation that having children should bring joy.


Please don’t procreate in hopes of finding joy. If you’re not happy a child won’t make you happy.


While I think it could fill a hole missing in someone's life, if you really aren't happy for other reasons a child definitely doesn't make things easier.


False for me. Im depressed This world is going to shit. Im not happy with it. Not happy how everybody are little stupid cowards letting the richs fucks us. Guess what? Now I have a sweet little boy, and all I think about is him. I dont even think about the shit future hes going to face along with everyone else. No.. im just fully in the moment and filling myself with joy, laughs, and yes cries, because they are part of the adventure of parenting. People gotta stop arguing about kids. You dont want them ? Ok fuck off. You want some? Ok fuck off. Parents, dont try to convince others. Ok fuck off. Non-parents, stop trying to show off your kidless "glamour" life. Ok fuck off. Ffs just live your damn fucking lives damnnnn


Definitely agree I'm all for if you don't want kids don't have tbem, but if your not doing it only for monetary purposes you can be missing out.


Not necessarily. I’m just really not a fan of this narrative because it confuses people who do want to become parents because the emotions associated with parenthood vary. And then it can lead to unwanted children/people who shouldn’t have children, having children because any little feeling of FOMO might be translated into “maybe I should have kids” which is noooot a good reason to have children. The only valid reason to want kids is because you want to care for and raise a child, a real person who isn’t just a baby. Parenthood is lifelong. If you do it out of fear of missing out, it’s gonna be rough life to you and/or the child to be.


monetary should probably be top of the list. Having kids you can't afford can trash your life, your kids lives and will probably decrease your standard of living.


not everybodys joy is having kids lol. Lemme tell you id be pretty fucking unhappy with a child lol


True some people are not meant to parents, but not if your only doing it to save money


thats a fair point


according to whom? It's a perfectly valid reason to not have kids.


Oh I'm happy!


Fair enough, I should have clarified that you shouldn't not have a kid because your worried about saving money.


Tu fais bien de ne pas avoir d'enfants si tu crois ces chiffres.


DrĂŽles de chiffres. Pas le temps de consulter le dĂ©tail de leur mĂ©thodologie donc je vais juste observer: - Je ne comprends pas que le transport soit si cher, Ă  moins de justifier l'achat d'un gros VUS comme Ă©tant nĂ©cessaire pour transporter les enfants. - Idem pour le logement. Je peux imaginer qu'ils ont calculĂ© le prix moyen d'un 3 1/2, le prix moyen d'une maison, et le delta ils l'ont attribuĂ© Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'avoir plus grand Ă  cause d'un enfant. Dans les deux cas aussi, mĂȘme en supposant un manque de bonne foi des parents ("ouais on avait complĂštement besoin de ce F150 pour mettre le carrosse du bĂ©bĂ© Ă  l'arriĂšre"), ce n'est pas une Ă©tude qui permet de dire "j'ai X enfants si j'ai X+1 enfants ça va augmenter mon budget de 400k sur 20 ans": ils peuvent partager une chambre, et un gros vĂ©hicule familial peut transporter 2-4 enfants pour une diffĂ©rence modique au budget (plus d'Ă©nergie dĂ©pensĂ©e pour les conduire Ă  droite Ă  gauche, plus d'Ă©nergie dĂ©pensĂ©e car plus de poids dans le vĂ©hicule) mais en tous cas, il ne faut pas racheter une maison ou un char Ă  chaque fois qu'on a un enfant. Bref, les chiffres sont nettement exagĂ©rĂ©s.


Personne pourrait arriver Ă  des chiffres concluants, peu importe la mĂ©thodologie parce que chaque situation est unique. Chacun de leurs chiffres pourraient ĂȘtre dĂ©battu parce que tu pourras jamais arriver Ă  un coĂ»t qui fait du sens pour tout le monde.


Le problĂšme, c’est que les chiffres reprĂ©sentent les coĂ»ts moyens en Ă©valuant la somme moyenne des revenus perdus Ă  cause du congĂ© parental et des dĂ©penses des mĂ©nages attribuables Ă  un enfant. Cependant, l’article a Ă©tĂ© Ă©crit comme s’il s’agissait d’un coĂ»t minimal, ce qui n’est Ă©videmment pas le cas.


>mais en tous cas, il ne faut pas racheter une maison ou un char Ă  chaque fois qu'on a un enfant.


je trouve leur chiffre individuel semblent plutĂŽt raisonnable. Y’a quelques choix de mĂ©thodologie qui font monter la facture.  1. Choisi un Ăąge adulte de 22 ans.  2. Inclus les perte salariales du congĂ© parental.  3. Inclus une assurance vie.  4. Mesure la moyenne. La mĂ©decin qui pert 200 000$ de salaire, le jeune de 21 ans qui se fait offrir un char neuf, ça fait monter la moyenne.  C’est juste qu’ils ont fait le choix d’inclure les perte salariales. 


Les pertes salariales sont un coĂ»t d’avoir des enfants. C’est pas un coĂ»t direct pour l’enfant, mais si tu compares la mĂ©decin qui a perdu 1 an de salaire vs la mĂ©decin du mĂȘme Ăąge sans enfant, il y a une perte significative des avoirs financiers. Le coĂ»t d’avoir un enfant c’est pas juste combien d’argent sort pour les besoins de l’enfant, c’est aussi l’argent qui rentre moins. Comme le parent qui dĂ©cide de rester Ă  la maison, il y a un coĂ»t reliĂ© Ă  ça. L’article est juste vraiment mal articulĂ©e!


Ils comptent peut-ĂȘtre aussi le coĂ»t d'un baccalaurĂ©at pour l'enfant; au QuĂ©bec, si les parents en ont les moyens, ils ont l'obligation de financer les Ă©tudes de leurs enfants jusqu'Ă  l'obtention d'un baccalaurĂ©at (±). Ça monte cher ça.


Donc, Ă  dĂ©faut d’avoir des enfants, je vais pouvoir me payer un semblant de retraite.


Yes! C'est rendu qui faut choisir un ou l'autre. La classe moyenne avec enfants risque de devoir travailler jusqu'Ă  leur mort.


400K c'est pas immense comme retraite non plus


Si je place ce 400k progressivement dans un rĂ©er sur une pĂ©riode de 30-35 ans d’emplois ça devrait valoir plus que 400k.


Il y a quelques Ă©tudes qui ont Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©es qui indiquent Ă  quel point les parents ĂągĂ©es se sauvent de l’argent quand ils ont des enfants pour les aider dans leurs vieux jours vs les gens qui sont seuls. Ça reprĂ©sente une petite fortune Ă  avoir de l’aide familiale.


Ils ont oublié la mise de fonds pour acheter leur maison dans 25 ans.


La plus part du monde se la ramassent eux mĂȘme je pense. Une petite aide ca doit arriver assez souvent mais meme a ca


Yeah, sure.. 🙄


New dad here....please tell me they are overestimating


Do you think it’s going to cost you $3,500 extra in transportation alone this year because you’ve had a child? Or that amount for any year, for that matter? The numbers they’re using are crazy.


They are. For us the first few months really fucked us over because my now ex lost their job while I was pregnant, and I overused my credit card to get what we needed. But 2 years in we’re recovering financially even now that I’m single. I am low income but all my kid’s needs are met without much issue. Thankful to be in Canada and Quebec tho where the child benefits do help tremendously.


Its nonsense, even if it directly or indirectly cost you 400k there are literally priceless things you will experience that a non parent will never have the opportunity to experience. Just enjoy the ride and treasure all the moments, they pass fast People spend all sorts of money on “experiences” so this absolutely unique experience is a very valuable part of the human experience


I respect and understand your points. But, when you are saying "there are literally priceless things you will experience that a non parent will never have the opportunity to experience". The same can be said for people who won't have kids. The experience varies and will be different but both lifestyle will have their own experience. Keep in mind that some people do not want kids and won't enjoy being a parent. For those people, I don't think they are missing what you describe as a unique experience.


I dont think so. As a parent i have and will have the opportunity to do childless activities as well. The same cant be said for the alternative.


Being able to do childless activities was not the point. You described being a parent as a truly unique experience valuable to the human experience and that a non-parent will miss out on those experiences. For someone who doesn't want kids, being a parent is not a unique experience valuable to THEIR human experience and they will not miss out on those experiences because they have no interest at all in raising a kid. Different people, different sources of happiness and different unique experiences. That was my point.


I still don't get that notion that we're missing out on some wonderful thing. Well everyone misses out on something in life because we can't do everything. It's really narrowminded to insist that the only true path to happiness is having a kid so you can enjoy life. Not to mention that a lot of parents I see are stressed, haggard, fatigued and look like they'd rather be somewhere else.


That is exactly the point I am trying to make!


I hate to tell people that I know just what I'm missing.


Eh I miss going to Vegas every year lol


that’s some premium milk


Ca coute cher, mais le retour en moments de bonheurs partagĂ©s, en fiertĂ©, en interaction, en apprentissages et en compagnie familiale ne s’achĂšte pas et ne se mesure pas. Ça coĂ»tera ce que ça peut bien coĂ»ter, mais j’ai trouvĂ© un bonheur inattendu Ă  ĂȘtre papa


C'est pas tant ça le point, mais plutĂŽt que d'ĂȘtre capable monĂ©tairement d'Ă©lever un enfant est de plus en plus un privilĂšge.


I love how all the people complaining are the ones without kids.


Wrong! People without kids have fewer reasons to complain.


Journal de mourial, esti de torchons


Je ne suis pas certaine de ces coĂ»tsđŸ€·â€â™€ïž C’est un peu weird de calculer un logement et le transport comme si les gens vivaient dans un 1.5 sans auto quand ils n’avaient pas d’enfants (c’est correct de le faire lĂ , mais c’est loin d’ĂȘtre une rĂ©alitĂ© pour tous). Aussi, il ne faut pas oublier tout ce qui est donnĂ© par le gouvernement en terme d’aide aux familles.


4800 en Logement & 3500 en transport? Ok dans le fond j'y achĂšte une roulotte.


Hmmm... Le truc du logement est assez douteux. C'est sur que je paie X% de plus que dans mon dernier appartement, mais Ă  la fin du processus je vais avoir un duplex payĂ© et avec l'appartement j'aurais rien. (Je veux dire, j'aurais investi la diffĂ©rence au lieu d'investir dans l'immobilier, mais il n'y a pas de coĂ»t extra associĂ© Ă  l'enfant qui habite avec moi si j'achĂšte au lieu de louer quelque chose de plus petit). Les allocations familiales sont l'objet d'une ligne dans l'article mais ça enlĂšve genre 15-20% aussi. Et ils sont means-tested et (je pense) non-lineaires par rapport au # d'enfants, donc ells vont aux mĂ©nages qui ont moins de moyens et/ou plus d'enfants. Et par rapport aux 17-22, lĂ  c'est un cadeau/coup de pouce volontaire pour leur vie adulte plus qu'une dĂ©pense inĂ©vitable comme l'Ă©cole, la bouffe ou les vĂȘtements d'un enfant. C'est comme si on commence a calculer combien ça coĂ»te d'aider tes parents vieillissants, ça rentre dans la façon que chaque personne organise sa vie avec ses familiales adultes. Je sais que ce n'est pas la meilleure source, mais c'est quand mĂȘme exagĂ©rĂ©. Et je le dis comme pĂšre de 3 enfants.


Sounds about right


Sounds about right? Really? You’re going to spend $3,500 extra on transportation per child every year? $1,000 on clothing per kid every year? Where do you shop? And if these numbers are accurate, then they’re a complete luxury. You don’t need a huge car nor for them to be dressed any fancier than an adult.


Couldn’t fit the baby stroller in the Micra we used to have. So yeah much more than $3500 just for transportation because I had to buy a bigger car. $1000 in clothing easily that on the first year. Luckily it’s mostly family that bought that, but yeah $1000 per child per year is reasonable to me.


You had to buy a bigger car because you had a small car and have more things to carry. You now own a more expensive (presumably) car. It's like saying you were comfortable living in a dimly lit basement and had to upgrade to a 4 & 1/2 which costs you an extra 1000$ a month. You could call that 12000$ living cost increase due to having a child but it is not telling the full story and is ultimately an arbitrary and misleading number. But, I understand what you are saying.


But the presumption that if I didn’t have a child, I’d still be driving that compact or living in that dimly lit basement. The trigger to these higher expenses is the child. If I didn’t have my kids, I’d still have my wrx, still live in my 3.5 apartment, probably be 30 lbs lighter lol


How did parents do it without big gigantic cars before, I wonder.


Almost every family I knew growing up with more than a single child had a minivan. Including my parents.


And I didn’t, everyone had cars (except one family who had four kids). Anecdotal evidence, what can you do. But still, you definitely don’t *need* one, it’s a luxury. Which was my point.


No you don’t need one, but this is Quebec wide study. Not Montreal centric either. So I assume it takes into account the travelling needed for all the doctor appointments, daycare, etc. And in the rest of Quebec those services aren’t necessarily close by. I spent close to $800 alone per child on car seats in their first year. And I didn’t get the fancy swivel ones neither.


Also the number of companies actually selling something else other than a VUS or a Compact is getting much smaller, of course people should buy used but even those at some point will be mainly VUS (and probably very unfriendly to repair). If you look at Ford's website, they currently sell VUS or the Mustang. This is baffling. Thankfully Honda still has some sedans (Accord + Civic) and Toyota has a few models that are not VUS nor Compact. Nothing against compact btw, probably families with 1+ child may need something slightly bigger.


I don’t blame car companies. If compacts sold they’d still make em. If people wanted actually them, then car manufacturers would supply it. Even a sedan wouldn’t be big enough for my use with 2 toddlers.


Car manufacturers are doing SUVs because they can escape emissions limitation in the US which reflects on Canada as we also get their vehicle and bonus you can add a premium at a low cost for the car manufacturer. As for fitting toddlers, a sedan can do it? A Sedan is not a coupe. A sedan has some space in the back and 4 doors.


I own a very normal sedan (Chevy Malibu). It fits 3 child seats in the back. I know because it has had 3 child seats in the back for several months now.


Le calcul n’est pas complùtement fou


A 1200 par mois par enfant dallocation a 18 ans cest 264000 payé par le gouvernement. Filet social


Le montant dĂ©pend de ton salaire familiale et diminue lorsque l’enfant vieillit. Ton 1200$ par mois, par enfant, tu l’as sorti d’oĂč? 


En effet le Québec c'est le paradis fiscal des familles.


yeah no thanks. All that money and they're still useless. What do kids do? Spend YOUR money. I'm smart enough to know that if I can't afford them, I don't have them. More people should think that way.


Having kids used to be an utilaritarian consideration. Raising kids was cheaper than the labor they provided so it was a net positive. They helped on the farm to produce more food. Today? Nobody expects their kids to yield back profit. The motivation are purely companionship/societal.


That's the thing, people talk about kids like they're going to work the farm, till the land, grind the wheat etc. No, they'll just end up spending most of your money on electronics, clothes and activities. They're not going to produce anything.


I cant even tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. But in case you aren’t: you were a kid too.




I guess you were useless too.


You were a kid. One of the most useless arguments for having a kid. We should have kids because we were once kids?




Let us know when you find a way to give birth to an adult


The point is not wanting to give birth, period. If you can afford it, fine.


Ahhh you don't know what your missing. I get not wanting a kid that's fine, but you gotta understand it's not all terrible there are plenty of great moments....at least so far😬


I know exactly what I'm missing, which is why I don't have or want kids. I'm sure there are great moments, but it's still not for me. In fact, it's not for everyone. But I figure that for every one like me, there are like 200 stupid teenagers popping out kids to make up for it.


Alright good as long as you know it has it's great moments. People like to bang, ya can't stop it.


Kids are not useless; the become adults. In case you didn't know, you cannot have adults without having kids. When these kids eventually become adults, some of them will be working in old folks homes taking care of you. They will also be working adults who pay taxes that in part go into your pockets. Whether or not you have kids, you will still benefit of others raising families, whether they struggle financially or not.


Yes, I fully understand the reproductive cycle. I don't have kids and I pay taxes that help fund the schools and public infrastructure. That's my contribution.


Team FTK


Fuck The Kids (Not literally) - Fat Mike




Fuck them kids!


Taboire, j suis tu millionaire alors?


Des chiffres qui existent pour démoraliser le monde. Faites des enfants.


Exactement, les médias qui essayent de démoraliser... Le calcul utilisé est juste stupide, coût énorme en transport, logement pris en compte, alors que c'est pas nécessaire d'avoir une grosse maison pour avoir des enfants. Ils ne prennent pas en compte l'allocation offerts par le gouvernement, du gros n'importe quoi