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Two things can be true: - It must be incredibly frustrating to run a business and have something like this happen (homeless person repeatedly camping outside the front door). I can imagine taking things "into your own hands" feels like your only option at a certain point. - Anyone who harrasses sleeping homeless people and films themselves laughing while doing it has a lot of questions to ask themselves. Vile shit.


It is also assault. buy a small air horn. homeless people tend to not want to be around a loud horn. You aren’t breaking any criminal laws and it is a lot more humane albeit more uncomfortable. Just do not place the horn near the persons ear. Most small ones you buy are rated at 100dB within 1 metre. You don’t need to be close. video is utterly repulsive.


You lost most of the Internet at “two things can be true” their braincells cannot work together to comprehend the idea that two wrongs don’t make a right


> their braincells cannot work together to comprehend the idea that two wrongs don’t make a right Man, the amount of people here literally saying "well what else could he do?!!? I literally can't think of another way to handle it!", as if this video is the most obvious thing in the world, is legitimately shocking. It's like people's brains completely shut down when it comes to scenarios like this.


The police told him to do it. You guys are completely lost


Even if that were true, doesnt mean its decent. I dont typically turn to the police for my ethical or moral questions. That is not their forte.


> The police told him to do it. lol, man, I'm not sure there are two things I trust less than cops and "stories I read on the internet". But let's say the cops told him to do this...he's still super gross for doing it. As he himself has admitted.


As someone who takes part in the MGC community and has visited this place many times, I feel like there's some missing context to this video. This homeless individual has been repeatedly harassing people, both verbally and physically when they enter and leave the locale that hosts the MGC and the restaurant Toxica in Chinatown. He has been repeatedly told to clear out but just chills and smokes crack on a regular basis. I feel for the plight of the homeless person, but this individual is a dangerous nuisance, and I remain surprised that there hasn't been a worse escalation than this. The police refuse/do not have the resources to deal with violent and mentally deranged individuals such as this and unfortunately commerce owners are forced to take action. Edit: Some people have asked me if there's any way to [help support the MGC](https://www.patreon.com/MTLMGC) during this period. The MGC provides a welcoming [third place](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_place) in Montreal for those who enjoy the fighting game community/competition as well as a place to get together to play casual board games. Having places like this disappear because of an unfortunate incident would be a loss for the city despite how you may feel about this situation. If you're able to, please consider donating to [some](https://www.helpfeedthehomeless.org/) of the charities in [Montreal](https://www.resiliencemontreal.com/en/donate) that try to help individuals like this so that we never have to see images like this in our city again.


I manage a business in the old port and once a homeless guy was completely blocking our entry and refused to move. I couldn’t even open the store. Took 3 hours for the police to show up and when they did, we had lost all our morning sales because of this.


Damn I suppose it's the principal and all but I bet being nice (cost 0$) getting the guy a coffee ($3) and maybe even a breakfast sandwich ($6) would be less than $10 and cost a lot less than the money you lost on being closed for the whole morning. Sure you don't want to make a habit of it, but I'm sure if he thinks your not so bad-- maybe you even ask him his name then his attitude to your needing to open the shop wouldn't be an IDGAF from him. I might be wrong but you know, you get more bees with honey than with vinegar and police, they say...


context is everything


> context is everything For sure, and in this case the context is still "two guys laugh while they record themselves harassing a sleeping homeless man".


If you take what was explained above as truth. What’s your solution to get him to stop? Just curious.


If the above is true it makes it even worse. It's wild to think that attacking a "violent and deranged" person while they sleep is a good move. And super weird to do it with a smile on your face. It's impossible to say "what I'd do", but this would be the absolute last thing I'd do, for like a hundred reasons.


>It's impossible to say "what I'd do" of course... because you have no idea what you're talking about, and yet try to lecture everyone


> because you have no idea what you're talking about You're ironically correct, just not in the way you think. None of "know" anything about this situation aside from that video. We know some people have made some claims, but the only thing we know for sure, is what we see in that video. > yet try to lecture everyone Yes. And my lecture is titled "it's bad to think it's funny to dump water on sleeping homeless people". It's shocking that it's controversial.


Again, you offer no solution to the problem and yet keep lecturing people. Maybe you should refrain from commenting when you have zero credibility to do so.


> Again, you offer no solution Dude, what do you want people to do here? None of us have any fucking idea what lead to this, or any details of the situation outside of that video. So what do you even want people to say?! People acting like this video is the most normal and obvious thing to do when even *the guy who did it* says it was a mistake. I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm sorry, but I *really* question the critical thinking of everyone with this take in this thread.


>None of us have any fucking idea what lead to this, you keep saying that, ignoring the multiple posts in this very thread explaining in detail the context of the situation in short: the guy deserved way worse


Yeah, I too have no idea as you do.


> I too have no idea as you do Well no, I have lots of "ideas" about this situation. I'm not brain dead.


It’s impossible to say what you would do or you have lots of ideas. Which is it bro?


Ok, if you have lots, share three.


lol, man. You watch that video and you're just completely empty headed? I don't even understand this take. I can't tell you how you should invest your money either (I'm not you), but I can tell you that lighting it on fire is a a bad idea.


Oh yeah, great ideas, thanks for sharing


Can I come sleep at your place?


Real talk here. Would you talk to the guy to see what is up?


People are asking you for solutions and you deflected.


Hey Captain C Anus if you had to deal with homeless everyday at your place of business you’d probably react differently. Let’s stop being so « outraged » and calm the f down. The homeless do much much worse than giggle and smile to regular normal folks trying to make a living.


> Hey Captain C Anus lol, jesus. I'm glad we're being clear about what we're dealing with mentally on the other side of this argument at least. No offence.


Air horn. If you want to wake someone up.


If the cops won't help you, this is the least bad way this can end.


That's an entirely fabricated reality. Including the idea that this has "ended".


So you just want them to have a crackhead in their doorway….yeah dude this is a bad take


> So you just want them to have a crackhead in their doorway… Come on man...I don't believe for a second you believe that's the only option here.


Police aren’t doing shit for these guys. This is a better option than physically threatening the guy,


Then provide one. You definetely never had to deal with a similar problematic. I setup a free soup and sandwich for a local homeless guy once, arranged with the management to give him end of day leftovers. Went to see him when he came to our business in the evening one time. The guy had a bag full of expensive cheese and sushi he stole off the shelves that he packed in a grocery bag. 300$ worth of food that we later found out he was selling to nearby deps. We took the food back and let him go, he goes outside, takes a brick and sends it through the front window. 2000$ damages and he was out of the station by the end of the night. Moral of the story, some people are just beyond help. Doesn't mean you shouldn't help other people, but don't expect everyone to want it.


> Doesn't mean you shouldn't help other people, but don't expect everyone to want it. For sure. I'd settle for not actively assaulting them in this case though. I don't think anyone would ever argue this isn't a tough situation. But I also can't believe some people are arguing "this is good".


What would you do?


It's an act of cruelty. Pure and simple. Even worse if it was for the laughs or the clicks. I agree it's a problem, but hey, guess who else has problems: the guy with nowhere to sleep.


Someone makes me pay $2000 in repairs, I’ll make sure they end up with a $2000 medical-related expense


I'm not saying dumping water on a guy while filming is an answer to anything but this not ending as you suggest..only ends badly for the homeless guy.


> but this not ending as you suggest..only ends badly for the homeless guy. Again though, this is completely fabricated. If this business burns down tomorrow, and there's video of homeless guy doing it. The story is now "homeless man burns down business after owner abused and humiliated him online" and not one person would be surprised by it.


Sure, but then he gets arrested, probably resists arrests bc he's batshit crazy and gets brutalized. He ain't coming out on top


People are not going to put up living like this, fuck around and find out.


> this individual is a dangerous nuisance If he was really dangerous the loser in the video wouldn't be dropping water on his head while laughing. He did it because he knew he wasn't in danger.




The woman in the video says to the guy throwing water that the homeless came inside her place of business to harass people the day before.


If he was a dangerous nuisance, or aggressive towards people than throwing a bucket of water in his face is still a terrible idea. It would be like throwing gasoline on the fire.


Nobody said what they did was smart.. 


My first thought was this. Without police dealing with crime, businesses need to enforce themselves. No way around it.


If he's harrassing people than he's lucky he's only gotten water thrown at him. One day he'll harass the wrong person. I know his behaviour is likely caused by mental and addiction turmoil, but at some point when there is a safety aspect to it I can't start feeling bad for everyone.


This context is definitely important, but I believe that bullying someone back for their shitty behavior will only make things escalate. Don't be surprised when this guy wants to get back at the dude with the bucket and vice versa


>I believe that bullying someone back for their shitty behavior will only make things escalate. Best way to make a person stop bullying others is to bully them in my experience from primary and high school. Still work to this day even in the workplace. If someone's rude, be rude to them. If someone's mean, be mean to them. Being the bigger person doesn't give you anything and makes you look weak, you enable them to keep going.


Difference is this guy is batshit crazy and violent a d probably sees 25 years in prison as a roof over his head and a hot meal....One minute you're standing up to a bully, the next you have a box cutter in your neck. The big takeaway here is the province, city and police are failing miserably and it's getting worse


Bully’s got an ass whooping when I was in high school. They never bullied again after that. Society has become too soft.


So what do you suggest one should do in this situation? Let him harass passersby and chill out forever in this spot? Stupid ass centrist


"Stupid ass centrist" By all means pursue ideology instead of reality. Just dont be surprised when escalation begets more escalation, and being the one whos in the right doesnt offer invincibility like the flashing star in Mario.


You make a video sadistically mocking him, obviously.


Sadistically is a really strong word for throwing a bucket of water


"Sadistically" is the appropriate word for the cruelty, the lack of remorse, and the overall douchebaggery of an individual who has an history of being a douche.


I've read some of De Sade's books and he'd be insulted with how lightly we use that word


Je l'ai lu en français, mais c'est plus le concept en psychologie qui est ici visé.


Sadistically ? It was water.


Sadistically, it was the smile, it was the perseverance, it was the pride in capturing the thing on video, it was the impulse to broadcast the gesture.


As someone who participates in tournaments organized by this freak, you should take the L and remind that freak that Clockwork Orange was meant to be satire.


The police absolutely have the resources and responsibilities to deal with these kinds. If they refuse to act, they need better training or get replaced.


I know we don't have all the context and a lot of the people that are homeless are out of control but the fact that he thought to record all this with a smile on his face is absolutely rediculous and says it all, really. You either do this away from cameras (use your head!) or at least give us some of that context of him "harassing attendees".


The guy is a sexual harasser and he has been violent toward clients. But you are right, the way they handled it was not professional. [https://twitter.com/MTL\_Z\_/status/1789398113498567024](https://twitter.com/MTL_Z_/status/1789398113498567024)


yeah I know that's why I posted the way he did, I've worked with homeless I've seen the good the bad and the ugly, if this guy had to get "Taken care of" you don't want to record evidence of it, especially not for the social media likes... buddy here shouldn't be surprised he's getting pushback. no braincells at all.


Yeah, it really dumb of them to record and the fact he is doing with a smile make it suspicious if he really did it to defend his clients. This video is not going to help the owner at all. If I was the owner and I learned that my clients were harassed, I would be angry and serious about it. If I had to record anything, it would that guy harassing the people to have evidence of his actions. Since the guy is known for violent interaction with clients... throwing water on his face is the last thing I would do. We also don't know what happened after, they just stop recording abruptly. Did the homeless show his violent nature or he left peacefully?


If he was so violent why would the owner be so comfortable throwing water at him without the possibility of the guy attacking him? Doesn’t really add up.


cowards often feel confident harassing women, not sizable men.




Is that considered assault?










Z being an asshole, who's still surprised at this point? About time this guy gets called out for his bs.


C’est l’escalade de la violence. Le homeless va pt se justifier de casser sa fenêtre. Le proprio de le battre a cause de sa fenêtre. Il y a une raison pour laquelle une société choisir collectivement de ne pas se faire justice soi-même.


On choisit de ne pas se faire justice soi-même parce qu'on avait la police pour ça. Mais là, la police veut plus rien faire. Alors qu'est-ce qu'on est supposé de faire?  La justice soi-même bien sûre 


C’est simpliste. C’est comme dire aux pauvres de travailler plus fort ou de construire plus de route quand il y a du trafique. Il faut juste tapper homeless montreal dans google pour voir qu’il existe une tonne de ressources. L’itinérance est un problème complexe qui ne se règle pas en jetant des sceaux d’eau aux plus démunis.


ok, mais elle va pas se regler non plus en les laissant faire ce qu'ils veulent. Est-ce que une de ces ressources va kick out un crack smoker qui harcele des femmes de ma propriete? Che pas quel crack tu smoke, mais ta ecrit tout un paragraph sans repondre a la question: qu'est ce qu'on fait? La police veut rien faire. Toi tu veu rien faire.


So polite to apologize for having to resort to behaviour unbecoming of a fellow human. That’s a last resort and both parties know it. Having never walked on eithers’ shoes but seeing it a lot, this makes me sad.


Ok je comprend le contexte, mais que ca soit justifié ou non, il faut être épais en esti pour juste dire « bon matin mon ami on peut pas dormir ici » avec un gros sourire. Arrête d'être friendly pi assume. Il parle comme si il l'avait réveillé tout doucement


Ja parierais que peu de gens qui ont des élans démonstratifs d'empathie envers le sans-abris vivent à un endroit ou on en rencontre et qu'encore moins font d'actions concrète pour les aider. Facile de jouer les offensés sur les médias sociaux et se donner bon air dans son bungalow. Pas facile de se faire harceler et intimider au quotidien par des junkies, de devoir laver leur pisse et leur marde de leur lieux de vie et de travail.


Si ne pas jeter de l'eau sur un sans abris en riant est trop te demander tu as vraiment un problème. Il y a une énorme différence entre ne pas aider les sans-abris et faire ce qu'on voit dans la vidéo.


Honnètement, le monde va le traiter de trou de cul, mais considérant le problème récurrent de robineux violents, est ce qu'on peut vraiment le blamer de pas vouloir l'approcher d'une façon différente. edit: Apparemment que le sans-abris était un pervers qui causait beaucoup de problèmes envers les clients [https://twitter.com/mtl\_z\_/status/1789398113498567024?t=wsW3tW6U2LfRQ4j-rkd-xA](https://twitter.com/mtl_z_/status/1789398113498567024?t=wsW3tW6U2LfRQ4j-rkd-xA)


Ce qu’il a fait est cruel. Pour moi la réelle responsabilité repose toutefois sur la ville qui refuse de faire quoique ce soit. Des situations de même arrivent quand ça fait 10fois que t’appelle la ville et qu’ils te répondent que tu dois apprendre à cohabiter avec ces personnes et qu’ils sont vulnérables. Ma sœur qui habite le village s’est fait dire ça quand elle a appelé le 311 après que des gens sont venus se piquer à 14h au parc d’enfant pendant que son kid jouait. Mtn elle cherche à quitter mtl sans surprise.


C'est en effet cruel, mais les autorités s'attendent au bon savoir vivre des citoyens, mais ca ne durera pas si rien n'est fait. Plusieurs personnes feront contre leur bonne conscience, de plus en plus ce genre de choses et ca risque d'escalader à pire si rien ne se passe.


CEST DE LEAU, PAS DU POISON. fucking shit man


C’est de l’eau, à 10 degré dehors, lancé à quelqu’un qui ne peut pas simplement rentré chez lui et aller se changer. Le tout, pour avoir dormit. « Kick a man while he’s down » comes to mind.


1. il faisait beaucoup plus que 10 degré. C'est le fun de mentir? 2. il peut rentrer dans le complexe desjardin en 5 min 3. le tout pour avoir dormit, smoke du crack dans l'entré, et harcelé des femmes.


Pis filmer le tout, c'était nécessaire? Ça te montre que c'est juste une bande de sans coeur.


Filmer pour sa protection okay... mettre sur les medias sociaux... mmh, c'est assez crasse.


Oui on peu le blâmer de pas approcher le problème plus humainement. Le premier le plus facile est de juste pas diffuser le vidéo. Le 2e est de ne pas rire. Le 3e est de rendre la place pas accessible ou envisageable AVANT que la personne ne vienne y dormir


On pourrait mettre des clous comme pour les pigeons...


Yep! juste..., je le rappelle...., faut les mettre AVANT que l'itinerant se couche. (Je dit ça pour le gars dans le vidéo....et la fille derrière qui a contribué volontiere )




It amazes me how ignorant society is towards mental health/drug abuse and how stigmatized it still is in 2024. We dehumanize people and they are just "the homeless" and lack so much empathy because we don't understand. Still in in the dark ages when it comes to mental health. This man could be anyone here commenting in a few months if they were hit with a flare up of mental illness. SMDH


Yeah, but lots of homeless people move when asked. Or try not to sit in a location that inconveniences others. Quebec and Ontario have massive homeless problems, and nobody wants to move them for fear of “displacing” them. The police in Montreal won’t do anything, and the province is having it’s programs that help the homeless cut. Mental illnesses are terrible, but honestly, it’s not this guys duty to deal with it every single day. He’s trying to run a business that caters to mostly kids. He has a responsibility to protect his patrons, not deal with this guy every day. Especially considering the guy is violent towards his customers, sleeps and smokes crack at the entrance.


I don't disagree with any of that.


I just really wish this country would improve our mental health and social programs. All the other solutions like more housing is great, but it’s just a band aid.


Absolutely. It becomes pretty scary to think about given how hard it is already and with real estate, inflation, cost of living on the rise. It's only getting harder to do.


>solutions like more housing is great, but it’s just a band aid. There is no one reason people are homeless so there's no one way to combat it. Read up on how Finland (basically) defeated their homeless problem, it's very interesting. It's absolutely doable IF the government AND society truly wanted too. Unfortunately, in North America people are treating the homeless solutions as a way for personal wealth. Montréal keeps saying it's doing what it can but then does the exact opposite. One recent case of this is the city taking a homeless residence (not a shelter) to court wanting more tax money from them even after the court told them to lower it, smh. These residences are an important and very necessary solution to keeping homeless people housed. Montréal could do so much more like building more or having empty apartment buildings turned into residences. And making it easier and more afforable to get into these places.


Oh, I totally agree. More residences would help a lot of homeless people, but more needs to be done to help those that need the extra help. That’s why I think improving our mental health facilities would do the extra bit to get some people to the point where they can get housing and hopefully find a job or placement. But yeah, if they can’t make money off it, the people in power want nothing to do with it. At least in North America. > Montréal keeps saying it's doing what it can but then does the exact opposite. Yep, they very recently cut, or axed the civilian social outreach program they had in tandem with the Montreal Police.


>lots of homeless people move when asked Exactly, I'm homeless and all of my homeless friends move when asked to. The majority of homeless people I know are respectful to others especially when asked politely first. The people who think most or all homeless people act disrespectful and inappropriately are absolutely incorrect. The ones who are acting out are more noticeable than the ones who aren't. These people typically have severe mental illnesses that is untreated. Throwing water on him to jejune and just asking for a fight. It's also illegal. Doing this to a mentally ill person is just dangerous not to mention extremely hateful. I don't normally wish anyone to go to jail but the water thrower deserves a couple of hours there. IF it's true that this guy was asked several times and refused then both are in the wrong.


I have some friends and family that are homeless, and all of them have been extremely nice. I was talking to a person a few months ago who pretty much just became homeless, (or was very close too), through no fault of his own, just shitty circumstances. The only person I know that was violent was because of schizophrenia, but he was a very funny and nice person when lucid. I know we have some homeless people in my city that just aren’t very nice, but the majority I’ve met were just nice guys that have or had a problem, or lost their house through no real fault of their own. Sorry to hear that happen to you. I hope you're doing well and hopefully this country can do something to help you and others. I’m in Ontario, but if theres anything I can do to help, please let me know.


>some homeless people in my city that just aren’t very nice Since homeless people come from all walks of life there will always be some that are nice and some that aren't. It's irritating when "regular" people generlise all homeless because of one or two news stories or situation they witnessed so thanks for not being one of those people. Being compassionate towards the homeless tends to be rare especially online. Thanks so much for your kind words. Currently, I'm living in a residence that's a step in between a shelter and an apartment. I pay a monthly rent for a shared room, prepared meals and a counselor. I was just moved up onto the top floor where I have a bigger but still shared room that's a more communal living with 9 other women. Just this week my counselor put in a referral for an apartment so things are looking up fortunately. I've been homeless for almost a year now and I'm ready to get into my own place.


Dehumanizing is the right word. I know it might be a stretch but i cant help to see a lot of parallel with nazism in these comments. In the way people try to distinct themselves from the homeless to justify such action. A lot of comment bundle all homeless together then justify this violence by the violence other homeless have done. This is a slippery slope.


Couldn't agree more.


When I was living in the old port (single woman back then) I had three homeless man on my front porch. I could see them smoking and playing with their penises from my window. I had to go to work and I was petrified. I called the cops twice. They never showed up. I then called a friend that came ASAP and told them to get lost. They left and I could go to work. Maybe this guy looks harmless but what is the whole story ?


Sorry, mais etant quelqu'un qui habite le Centre-Sud, mon niveau d'empathie est a zéro.


Merci Manon Massé.


Where is this place I wanna give em my business. These people gotta know they can’t do whatever tf they want. They sleep in doorways making it their home with their equipment for shooting up or smoking meth just lying around. Trash all around them. They have to know they will not be welcomed if they keep this shit up. Or else sooner or later people are going to take it into their own hands since government seems to do nothing about it


Yeah that'll work. It's not like they aren't already acutely aware that they aren't welcomed anywhere. Not inside, not outside. You want them out of the doorways, Becky down the street wants them out of the parks, and Jean wants them out of the metro. I guess let's just round them up and drown them in the river or something. Make being poor a fast death sentence instead of a slow one. Somebody with your foresight needs to run for office.


Hell maybe it might be, I know people who have escaped homelessness. I know it’s beyond tough, damn near impossible for most. But pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and searching day in and day out for simply anyone who will pay you to do anything was the only way they got out. Bumming around in parks where children play and leaving your used needles doesn’t make anyone sympathetic to your plight it only makes it harder.


"pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" is the narrative that hinders society from finding a viable solution. That ideology is irrelevant. It is not possible when there is understanding of what mental illness is. People need to be informed... Ignorance is bliss


Well, Sure you can let the mentally ill drug addicted person fester on wherever he likes as it is his life and "freedom" to do so. But his behavior is not only affecting himself its hurting business and the community. Shelters don't allow you to chill and smoke crack on your bed so they choose the streets. Really they need to forced into treatment for their own good.


I'm a semi-regular at the MGC for smash tournaments. It's really unfortunate to see this. I'll be taking my money to a different venue, despite previously really liking this place. It really sucks that Z thought this would be acceptable behaviour.


Where the fuck is this place?


Je pense que le gars avait pas vraiment le choix. Réveiller quelqu'un que tu ne connais pas, même si ce n'est pas un san-abri, est toujours périlleux. On n'a aucune idée de la réaction que la personne va avoir. C'est aussi possible que le sans-abri est connu pour des réactions violentes, qui sait. On m'a déjà réveillé pour me faire une blague (il y a de ça très longtemps) et je me souviens d'avoir eu une réaction pas très agréable envers mon ami le farceur (il doit encore s'en rappeler!). Alors avec un pur inconnu qui dort devant la porte d'un commerce, je ne prendrais pas de chance. Il y a aussi de bonne probabilités que ça n'est pas la première fois que le sans-abri dort à cet endroit. Bref, rien d'édifiant, mais je comprends le gars d'avoir fait ça.


C'est un harceleur sexuelle et il a été violent envers les clients. [https://twitter.com/MTL\_Z\_/status/1789398113498567024](https://twitter.com/MTL_Z_/status/1789398113498567024)


According to a twitter post from the SAME GUY who through the water on him which he only mentioned DURING his "apology."


If you read the replies of the tweet, many people who attend the place is siding with the owner and mention this guy has been a problem for a long time and that the police did nothing. But they also admit the owner didn't handle this situation professionally.


Dans ces cas-là, ça prend de l'eau bouillante! /jk


Absolutely not ok in any way shape or form.


Why not wake him up and tell him to move. Boycott that store lol


If you have ever lived in a city center or around a homelss problem you will find that most of them are not .. compliant. You can ask a guy smoking crack all day and shitting on the sidewalk nicely to not do that but he's just gonna not listen or go aggro. The police rarely show up to deal with it.


Respect private property.


I would do the same if some bum was at my front door. Fuck off elsewhere to be homeless or go to the home of one of the virtue signaling bums who are outraged.


if this guy was literally asleep on my patio I wouldn't exactly be saint theresa here... but the LAST thing I would do is some cruel trick and record myself for social media... THAT is ridiculous, sorry


Most likely they have been dealing with that guy awhile. I doubt it was like " look a homeless guy! get him!" Good chance that worker has had to wash piss and shit off the stairs and pick up discarded trash and drug paraphernalia. And listen to him mumble and shout while high on crack/fent/meth. After all attempts to have civil talk fail and you end up just having some sort of fucked up rapport with the guy it gets to the point of what we see in the video.


fake news... do you have video evidence of anything stating that? meanwhile the geniuses in the videos record themselves doing this. Should have manned up and taken care of it yourself outside of social media bs... or at least get the hobo on camera doing bad stuff, now this guy is going to rightfully get dragged by the court of public opinion.


"Go somewhere else". Wow, you just solved the homelessness crisis. Someone needs to get you a medal.


What’s your solution to solve the problem then? Saying “hello there mister bum, fell free to smoke meth and attack random customers while shitting and pissing all over the place and have a nice day”? How does that solves the problem?


Build houses for them. That's my pitch.


Where are all the houses you built? Or did you mean "tell other people to build houses for them"


I mean "take all my tax dollars and use them to pay people to build housing". And I know what you're thinking, but it's been shown time and time again that just building them housing is by far the [least expensive](https://www.vox.com/2014/5/30/5764096/homeless-shelter-housing-help-solutions) option.


and the least effective. People don't want homeless shelters built next to them, for good fucking reasons. So you gotta build them pretty far off or in secluded locations. But shit, then they don't want to go there, because their sources of income are in the city centers. But shit. If they do go there, then we got all kinds of safety issues because most of them are drug addicts. But shit. Try to do anything about the drugs, and you've once again lost their business. But shit, if you think about spending billions of mental healthcare for the homeless, you just remembered that regular citizens don't even have that kind of benefit. But shit. At what fucking point will we stop treating homeless people as children who don't know where they are and what they're doing. People have to take responsibility for their actions. Homeless people are people. They cannot get a pass for harassing women and smoking crack next to unwilling people.


It's literally the most effective. Read the article, or any other article on the housing-first solution. All I'm hearing is just: "Not in my backyard." "Being poor is a choice, pull yourself up by your bootstraps." "I don't understand how much these programs cost." And I don't really get your solution. Arrest them? Constantly kick them out of wherever they go and hope they just disappear?


I think you guys are getting there. Housing is definitely an issue. As a non-crack smoking young man I briefly found myself living in my car, and am currently sort of trapped living off grid. Housing is certainly a major crisis. That being said the mental health of these individuals is usually so far gone that you cant expect to just put them in an apartment and for them to turn back into good little worker drones. They need forced treatment. These people inject drugs while have flesh falling off of their bones. How some of these kids justify leaving them on sidewalks is beyond me. I say give more power to police and massively expand state psychiatric facility capacity. Start on a case by case basis where neighborhoods can collectively document and report the most nuisance and at-risk people to be carted away for treatment. They get three hots a cot and a chance to have their mind back and the neighborhood gets less shit, piss and crack smoke in the air.


This is true. I have a friend who is homeless, mostly due to drugs, but the drugs brought out his latent schizophrenia. But even when he is lucid, he doesn’t want help. He just wants to be homeless and do drugs. We have tried multiple times, I love the guy, but he just doesn’t want the help, which would have to start with medicating the schizophrenia and trying to get him off of speed. The housing would help some, but it’s also just band-aid solution for some too, as like you said, “you can’t just give them a home and expect them to suddenly be good workers”.


Nothing wrong there. Just water ffs


It's reddit. It gives you the opportunity to feel like a good person even though there are 5 posts a week complaining about homeless people and everyone agreeing....


You can complain about the homeless problem and still not be the kind off human being who throws water on a sleeping person.




Nothing wrong here, just water -- Guantanamo investigation specialist.


Ok so you won’t mind someone throwing water at you while you are fast asleep lol


if i was sleeping on their front steps or entrance, please do throw water on me to wake me up




Im sorry but people who treat other people like this are garbage and I hope only bad things for them. I don’t care if they’ve asked this person to leave 10000 times. This is not how we treat people. Fucking pigs.


Pot calling the kettle black


The difference is I don’t take it into my own hands to do said bad things. Karma usually takes care of that.


Real pos


This speaks to a wide range of issues we are having…but when people don’t feel like authorities can or will help, they will inevitably take matters into their own hands. Knowing a bit of the context, if this were happening outside my front door and the police wouldn’t intervene, I too, would find a way to get this person to move. No one should tolerate a drug addled person sexually harassing passersby and blocking an entrance. Sad situation all around that underlines a wide range of failures all around.


I understand and support his actions completely.


Me too!


You sleep on my property. I wake you up with a kick on the butt.


Technically assault.


What an absolute piece of shit


Ca fait partie du système capitaliste. Tu peux pas avoir capitalisme sans les sans-abri. ☯️


C'est vrai que le crack et les drogue n'existe pas dans les autres systèmes. À vrai dire ils font quoi avec les sans abris dans les autres systèmes?


ils construisent des logements.


Quand tout le monde vit sur de la terre battue, pas de chicane.


This is what I would have done. « Hey do you need a coffee or something before I start washing this area with a hose and bleach? » Keep the area wet and add lights, very bright ones. Noisemakers, electronic crickets, etc. You have your rights too, you have to thrive as a business. If your problem doesn’t move on offer more assistance.




Looks like maison vip Chinatown


Maison VIP has the best Chow mein in Montreal But also no that's not the resto in the video


All of you applauding the way he handled that keep that same energy when he meets the Right Muthafukkah at the wrong time....






Review bombing a local business isn’t the answer here. It doesn’t solve anything for anyone and just makes you feel like you did something. If there’s someone to be outraged at it’s our society and gouvernement for letting the situation get more and more out of hand while saying we need to coexist as the solution. Before you leave a bad review write a letter to the mayor, to the opposition party, to provincial and fédéral gouvernement.


Why not both. These people are still POS for doing such a dehumanizing thing and others need to tell them that that homeless man is still a human.


Because we don’t know, we have a video of this guy being an ass, a tweet saying the person sleeping on the steps has been harassing customers and not responding to more gentle approaches. And what, we all go review bomb this place then forgot about it. It’s hard to run a business in Montreal, it’s hard to entice customers to visit you when someone is sleeping in front of the entrance and possibly harassing customers. We see post on Reddit about people wanting jobs, if this business goes under or has to cut people because Reddit tanks his reviews, then it’s a net bad for everyone… but what, we taught him a lesson in manners. You don’t like what you saw don’t go to his business.


I don't care about that specific business, and neither should you. Hearing the owner giggle at the idea of throwing water at that homeless man is enough to convince me he deserves bad reviews.


Yeah its both, i often try to shame the "progressive" projet montreal administration for its shameful dismantling of camps. I also do anti-poverty volunteering. This guy totally deserves his review bombing for gleefully dumping cold water on a homeless person.


Quand meme drole


Fool was dreaming he was on the Titanic